59 research outputs found


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    A lot of industrial use water in their process to support their operational. One of the systems that use a lot of water in a textile industry is the cooling water system. In this system, water is taken from water source (etc: deep well). The water is then flown into a condenser that is connected with a chiller and is used as a media to decrease the temperature of the production machine, room, and all the equipment that is used in the industry. There is two kind of Cooling water system: 1.) Once through system, which a cooling system that runs water through the system once, then the water discarded. 2.) Recirculation system, which is a cooling system that circulates water so it will be reused. The advantage of once through system is that the system can run well cause the quality of the water can be maintained. But the disadvantage is the use of water will be very big or will be squandered. On the contrary using the recirculation system can save more water. This study will evaluate the efficiency of water using in the open recirculation cooling water system. The statistic test result taken from three units of the textile industry, shows that the changes of the debit are comparable to the changes of concentration and the changes of the temperature (∆T) from the water bait hardness and the blow down water. To reach an optimal level of the temperature in the cooling system can be done by adjusting the water bait debit and the blow down. To establish the optimization in the blow down can be done by analyzing the regression and the correlation between debit cycles and the temperature changing (∆T). The graph shows that debit cycles will be optimal when the temperature changing (∆T) is optimal too, that is when the ∆T=5°C. The evaluation of the efficiency is done by comparing the amount of water that is been use between the once through system and the open recirculation system in the optimum level. Without counting the debit, we can also count the efficient by using the optimality of the system. In the once through system the cycles is considered as 1 (one), cause there is no cycles in this system. The optimal cycles in cooling system in Weaving unit, the Spinning unit and the Diesel unit is 2,6; 2,5; and 2,5. Because of that the calculation of the efficient evaluation of the water using in the cooling system of PT. X in the Diesel and Spinning unit is 60% and in the Weaving unit is 62%. (key words : cycles, debit, hardness, delta T, efficiency

    pengaruh latihan squat dan walking lunges terhadap kekuatan tendangan depan atlet pencak silat MA MA'ARIF Udanawu Blitar

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    Pencak silat merupakan olahraga prestasi yang dilakukan oleh dua orang saling berhadapan saling adu serang pukulan, bantingna, guntingan dan tendangan menggunakan teknik yang benar. Tercpainya prestasi dalam pencak silat membutuhkan beberapa faktor yaitu fisik, tehnik, taktik dan mental sesoranng pesilat. Dalam penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar peningkatan kekuatan tendangan depan atlet pencak silat menggunakan metode latihan squat dan walking lunges.   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh latihan squat dan walking lunges terhadap kekuatan tendangan depan atlet pencak silat MA MAARIF. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif eksperimen. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 20 atlet pencak silat MA MAARIF  dan terbagi menjadi 2kelompok.   Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 minggu dengan frekuensi 3 haei dalam semingu. Hasl penelitian ini menggunakan spss 22.0 dengan hasil Sig. (2-tailed) 0,00<0,005 ada pada latihan squat dan Sig. (2-tailed) 0,00<0,05 pad latihan walking lunges. Peningkatan presentase pad kelompok squat dari pretest ke posttest adalah 12,5% dan peningkatan prersentase kelompok walking lunges dari pretest ke posttest adalah 11,9%. Dari kesimpulan diatas menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatan kekuatan tendangan depan, dan latihan squat lebih baik dalam meningkatkan kekuatn tendangan depan atlet pencak silat MA MAARIF UDANAWU BLITAR.   Kata kunci: pencak silat, squat, walking lunges, kekuatan tendangan depa


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    East Semarang District deals with a very serious problem for flood and robs threat. Rob is caused by high tide in the sea, while flooding caused by heavy rainfall. Banger River conveys run off flow from East Semarang District to the sea. Banger Polder System comprises dike surrounding Banger Polder and also dam aimed to protect it from rob attack, pump Station to control the water level, and retention pond used also as fishpond. To maintain urban polder management and flood protection system, society participation is highly. The purpose of this research was to determine the willingness and capability of communities to pay the operational and maintenance of polder system. Research focused on Banger Polder Area located at 10 Sub Districts in East Semarang District with the scope of discussion is to assess the society willingness-capability to pay the operational and maintenance of polder system. Primary data were collected by Contingent Valuation (CV) sample survey method using closed ended referendum elicitation format (Bidding game format), or closed questions by providing an alternative of answers choice. Society willingness in funding the operational and maintenance of polder can be determined by maximal costs that have been paid by society required to cope with flood and inundation problem in Semarang District. Society capability in funding polder operational and maintenance can be showed as a relation between total income and maximal capability of society in funding polder operational and maintenance. Result of data analysis showed that 87% society is categorized as capable society, and 12.67% society is incapable in funding polder operational maintenance. Result of data analysis showed that 81.33% society having the willingness, and 18.67% as the rest in paying the operational and maintenance of polder. Percentage of society which has the willingness and capability is approximately 72%. Income, building and land asset were used as decision variable in estimating participatory rates, fair, equitable, and independent which is expected to be sustained.Keywords: Social willingness, social capability, polder operational and maintenance costs

    Pengaplikasian Model Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Secara Kontektual pada Mata Pelajaran IPS

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    In learning activities, there are various kinds of main variables that are interconnected, including curriculum, educators / teachers, the learning process, students. Judging from this, the teacher is required to be able to use various kinds of learning examples so that students can carry out learning activities properly. This is because students are not only objects but also as subjects in teaching and learning activities. Students must be prepared from the start to be able to interact with their environment, so that various types of learning methods can be used by the educator. One example of innovative learning is an example of a contextual teaching and learning model. The contextual teaching and learning model is a perception that supports educators to link teaching material modules using a concrete global context & encourages students to create interactions between insights & their application into their activities. In essence, an understanding of the Teaching Method of Basic Conception of Social Sciences which is imaginative, constantly innovates, and also requires evaluation. Student learning assessment is a factor that needs to be considered in order to determine the achievement of indicators and learning objectives, especially the evaluation of the cognitive domain, which requires students to understand, know, apply, analyze, synthesize. Constraints in the learning process, students only know & understand, but students cannot describe the material in detail

    Literature Study of Understanding the Physical Concepts of Straight Motion Materials Using the Gasing Method

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    Not all physics concepts must be understood and mastered by deriving formulas through differential or integral techniques. Mechanics, for example, can be understood with simple logic without formulas, variables, and numbers. The fun method, or known as the GASING method, is a science learning method that has been offered by Yohanes Surya since 1996. This method offers fun learning activities for students. This research is a literature review of several books and research articles related to learning physics science using top methods. It turns out that with the spinning method, the concepts of velocity and acceleration in straight motion material can be understood easily and can solve some physics problems about straight motion without complicated physics formulas. All these physics problems are solved by simple logic and expressed in words

    MA’RIFATI `L-ISLĀMI WA `L-ĪMĀN: Suntingan Teks, Analisis Struktur, dan Fungsi

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    Penelitian ini berjudul, “Ma’rifati `l-Islāmi wa `l-Īmān: Suntingan Teks, Analisis Struktur, dan Fungsi”. Teks MAW merupakan naskah Melayu, yaitu naskah yang ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf Arab Melayu dan berbahasa Melayu. Teks MAW merupakan karya sastra yang berbentuk sastra kitab karena isinya mengenai ajaran agama Islam yaitu fikih dan tauhid. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana suntingan teks MAW?, (2) Bagaimanakah struktur sastra kitab pada teks MAW?, (3) Bagaimana fungsi dari teks MAW? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menyediakan suntingan teks MAW yang baik dan benar , baik dalam arti mudah dibaca karena telah ditransliterasikan dari huruf Arab Malayu ke huruf Latin, benar maksudnya isi teks dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah karena apabila terdapat suatu kesalahan sudah dilakukan perbaikan berdasarkan sumber yang jelas, (2) Mendeskripsikan struktur penyajian teks, gaya penyajian, pusat penyajian, dan gaya bahasa teks MAW, (3) Mengungkapkan fungsi teks MAW. Metode suntingan teks yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode edisi kritik atau edisi standar. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis data adalah metode deskriptif, yaitu memberikan uraian dan penjelasan serta memaparkan apa yang menjadi pokok persoalan. Berdasakan penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal. Pertama, dalam penyuntingan terhadap teks MAW ditemukan kesalahan salin tulis, yaitu 19 lakuna, 25 adisi, 17 subtitusi, 13 digtografi, 2 afearesis, dan 17 apokope. Kedua, struktur penyajian teks MAW menggunakan struktur sastra kitab yang terdiri atas struktur penyajian, gaya penyajian, pusat penyajian, dan gaya bahasa. Struktur penyajian terdiri atas isi, pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup. Gaya penyajian tek MAW menggunakan gaya penyajian interlinier, yaitu uraian dalam teks MAW yang menggunakan bahasa Arab diikuti dengan terjemahan dalam bahasa Melayu. Pusat penyajian teks MAW menggunakan metode orang ketiga. Teks MAW memiliki empat buah gaya bahasa, yaitu (1) kosa kata yang terdiri atas kosa kata Arab yang sudah diserap ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, (2) ungkapan-ungkapan khusus, (3) sintaksis yang terdapat dalam teks MAW adalah penggunan kata dan serta maka untuk mengawali kalimat, (4) sarana retorika terdiri atas gaya penguraian, penguatan, polisindenton, pertentangan, penyimpulan, repetisi tautotes dan repetisi anafora.Ketiga, fungsi karya sastra kitab yang ditemukan dari teks MAW adalah sebagai penanaman ajaran dan akidah Islam. Teks MAW memberikan ajaran mengenai fikih dan tauhid

    Development of Online Science Teaching Instrument Based on Scientific Approach Using PhET Simulation to Improve Learning Outcomes at Elementary School

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    The research aims to develop online science teaching instruments based on a scientific approach using a proper PhET simulation to improve learning outcomes for elementary school students. The developed equipment is the lesson plan, students’ activity sheet, learning materials, and assessment sheet of learning outcomes. The research plan is designed in One Group Pre-Test- Post-Test Design. The population in this study is all students of the fifth grade of State Elementary School Jagir I academic year 2019/2020. The results showed that there is a significant improvement in the results of online science studying through a scientific approach with the PhET simulation media. N-Gain value of class A is of 0.76 and class B is 0.70 with high criteria. The hypothesized test results showed no significant difference between class A and class B, student learning outcomes in the psychomotor area values class A in 80 when the average value of class B is 77.08, the learning results in affective domain values in class A is 80.00 in average and in class B is 80.31 with the 100% passing rate of the affective domain