17 research outputs found

    Architecture as Political Expression/ the Expression of national identity in embassy buildings; Berlin experience

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    We should never leave behind the fact that after the “Wall” went down in Berlin, it became a location with various judgments and possibilities in the sphere of design and architecture, especially in the architecture of diplomacy which had and still has a chance to clearly symbolize the particular nation. What could be noticed in this particular work is the fact of a group of nations being able to adapt to openness and contemporary concepts, concretely, what the world/ earth needs for the moment and the way others try to show their power by building fortresses (this might not even be considered power, but the way to be protected from others). It seems to be unfortunate that architecture will always be in the dilemma of what can be done and what should be done. As a result, the analysis of the study object shows the representation of a State, Country or Region in an architectural context, however, it can be noticed that they all go in different directions or better say, try to express different understanding of how should they be represented in this particular environment and what is for them (the Nation) of a greater importance

    Arkitektura si shprehje politike/ Pasqyrimi i identitetit kombëtar në ndërtesat e ambasadave/ Përvoja e Berlinit

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    Nuk duhet anashkaluar fakti se pas rĂ«nies sĂ« “Murit tĂ« Berlinit”, ai u bĂ« njĂ« lokacion me kritika tĂ« ndryshme dhe me serĂ« mundĂ«sish nĂ« fushĂ«n e dizajnit dhe arkitekturĂ«s, kryesisht nĂ« arkitekturĂ«n diplomatike e cila pati dhe akoma do tĂ« ketĂ« njĂ« mundĂ«si pĂ«r tĂ« simbolizuar qartĂ« secilin komb. Ajo çka mund tĂ« dallohet nĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« kĂ«tij studimi Ă«shtĂ« fakti se njĂ« grup i kombeve janĂ« nĂ« gjendje tĂ« pĂ«rshtaten me qasjet dhe konceptet bashkĂ«kohore, mĂ« konkretisht çfarĂ« ka nevojĂ« bota/toka pĂ«r momentin dhe mĂ«nyrĂ«n se si tĂ« tjerĂ«t e tregojnĂ« fuqinĂ« e tyre me anĂ« tĂ« ndĂ«rtimit tĂ« kĂ«tyre fortifikimeve (kjo e fundit nuk mund as tĂ« quhet fuqi, por mĂ«nyrĂ« pĂ«r t’u mbrojtur nga tĂ« tjerĂ«t). PĂ«r fat tĂ« keq duket se arkitektura do tĂ« gjendet gjithmonĂ« nĂ« dilemĂ«n se çfarĂ« bĂ«het dhe çfarĂ« do tĂ« mund tĂ« bĂ«hej. Si rezultat, analiza e objekteve tĂ« studimit tregon pĂ«rfaqĂ«simin e njĂ« shteti, vendi apo rajoni nĂ« kontekstin e arkitekturĂ«s, megjithatĂ« mund tĂ« dallohet se kĂ«to struktura shkojnĂ« nĂ« drejtime tĂ« ndryshme ose mĂ« mirĂ« tĂ« themi, mundohen tĂ« shprehin botĂ«kuptime tĂ« ndryshme se si duhet tĂ« pĂ«rfaqĂ«sohen konkretisht nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« mjedis dhe çfarĂ« pĂ«rbĂ«n (Kombi) interes mĂ« tĂ« madh pĂ«r ta

    Një vështrim në arkitekturën e gjelbër/ ekologjike dhe ndërtimi natyror

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    ËshtĂ« njĂ« nismĂ« e vĂ«shtrimit i cili pĂ«rfshinĂ« mendimin e korrigjuar nĂ« lidhje me marrĂ«dhĂ«nien nĂ« mes tĂ« ndĂ«rtimit dhe mjedisit, zbulimin e formave dhe pĂ«rmbajtjeve tĂ« reja, si dhe pohimin se arti i ndĂ«rtimit Ă«shtĂ« nĂ« njĂ« fazĂ« tĂ« re e cila padyshim do tĂ« ndryshoj mĂ«nyrĂ«n tonĂ« tĂ« jetesĂ«s, gjithmonĂ« nĂ« pĂ«rputhshmĂ«ri me gjuhĂ«n e natyrĂ«s

    An insight into Green/ Ecological Architecture and Natural building

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    It is the beginning of a view which incorporates an improved mindset regarding the relationship between construction and environment, the discovery of new forms and contents, as well as the claim that the art of construction is at a new phase which will without doubt change our lifestyle, always in accordance with the spirit of nature

    Architectural interpretation of the national and university library in Prishtina; the influence in its surroundings

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    In Kosovo, originality often meant leftovers inherited from other cultures during centuries of invasion and dominance under the Ottoman Empire. Considering the multinational and multicultural character of Kosovan society and its diversity of religions, Roman Catholic and Orthodox religious buildings cannot be disregarded either. The respect for tradition and the existing environment, including architecture are details to be considered. In this context, the National and University Library could and should be considered a valuable example for the years of general transformation in Prishtina and in all of Kosovo. Even with all the contemporary way of thinking, the traditions, the religion and other regional aspects were not entirely disregarded, especially in the case of the Library building

    Architecture as Political Expression/ the Expression of national identity in embassy buildings; Berlin experience

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    We should never leave behind the fact that after the “Wall” went down in Berlin, it became a location with various judgments and possibilities in the sphere of design and architecture, especially in the architecture of diplomacy which had and still has a chance to clearly symbolize the particular nation. What could be noticed in this particular work is the fact of a group of nations being able to adapt to openness and contemporary concepts, concretely, what the world/ earth needs for the moment and the way others try to show their power by building fortresses (this might not even be considered power, but the way to be protected from others). It seems to be unfortunate that architecture will always be in the dilemma of what can be done and what should be done. As a result, the analysis of the study object shows the representation of a State, Country or Region in an architectural context, however, it can be noticed that they all go in different directions or better say, try to express different understanding of how should they be represented in this particular environment and what is for them (the Nation) of a greater importance

    The use of specific principles and guidelines for effective and efficient restoration of cultural heritage buildings; case study Jashar Pasha Mosque in Prishtina

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    The aim of this paper is to review and emphasize the development of using the comprehensive guidelines for the latest restoration of cultural heritage buildings, in this particular case the Jashar Pasha Mosque in Prishtina, Kosovo. The importance of using specific guidelines for the restoration plans will encourage all responsible bodies to think more in a structural way as far as historical sites and architectural heritage is concerned. This includes the need to assess more profoundly the necessity of using restoration and conservation guidelines towards more successful management of projects of this nature, ensuring the effective and efficient safeguarding of cultural heritage in Kosovo, in general

    Exploring the urban and Spatial portrait of Kosovo through the concepts of ‘networks, borders and differences’

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    To understand Kosovo today, its urbanization trends and forms, it is necessary to know the historical geography of this territory and the state of art of remnants that shape its cultural (urban/rural) and natural landscape. Mapping and interpreting of these places opens the opportunity to understand the transitional nature of Kosovo’s urban reality today, and to inspire the comprehension of its future development within the European context. This will reveal the temporal and spatial consistency of Kosovo’s urban form and its consolidated geography. This logically leads to a brief history of the territory and a better understanding of modern-day Kosovo’s urban and spatial planning and future endeavors in the same context leading at the same time towards the processes of regional interaction or heterogeneity

    Architectural drawing as a medium of communication, education and interaction with the community; case study Prishtina, Kosovo

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    This study aims at revealing the power of architectural representation through drawing on community engagement and development during the design process. Considering the drawings as a medium for obtaining knowledge and using them as a means of communication, for the generation and development of designs together with the community, the idea behind was to understand if the representation and communication approach can trigger the community participation, engagement and education on understanding and creating their future city. For the accomplishment of this research the mixed methodology was used, quantitative methods with tools such as questionnaires and mental maps, whilst qualitative method employed interviews, empirical studies and observation on the ground. The use of a certain architectural representation as a communication means, that could be attractive and well understood by the community, can encourage public engagement, discussion and generation of ideas, by this ensuring their collaboration during the planning and design process, as active participants and well-informed citizens

    Hinter der nationalen IdentitÀt- politische und soziale AktivitÀt mittels Architektur - liberaler Sozialismus im Kosovo

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    Zusammenfassung in deutscher SpracheAbweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDie 1970er und den frĂŒhen 1980er Jahren im Kosovo sind nicht ausreichend erforscht, aber eine wichtige Periode, die eine liberalen Absatz der Entwicklung auf der Region darstellt, die wiederum in allen Lebensbereichen, einschließlich Architektur, zum Ausdruck kam, zumal als integraler Bestandteil eines Gesellschaft und ihre Fortschritte funktioniert hat. Dieser Fortschritt wurde auf der anderen Seite "unterstĂŒtzt" aus der Tendenz, irgendwie die bestehende architektonische Umgebung und die gesamte IdentitĂ€t der Region zu ĂŒberwĂ€ltigen. Der Fortschritt / Entwicklung kann und sollte begrĂŒĂŸt werden, und im Fall des oben genannten Zeitraums, in der Tat wurde angenommen, soweit die Tendenz betrifft. Trotzdem, bei der Zeit, dieser Fortschritt erreichte eine konkrete Phase, wobei eine Reihe von GebĂ€uden als wichtig bezeichnet wurden, die waren schon materialisiert, was auch zeigte dass es eine Absicht gab, die frĂŒheren und "original" örtliche Vorkommen zu ersetzen. Daher das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, insbesondere durch die Architektur dieser Jahre zu gehen, und diese bestimmten Zeitraum im Kosovo, einschließlich der historischen Interpretation und konkrete Fallbeispiele von architektonischen Werken, die von diesem nach vorne laufenden Absicht gefĂŒhrt wurde. Im Falle des Kosovo, der Begriff "liberal" könnte sowohl in der negativen auch in positiven Sinn verstanden werden. Aus politischer Sicht es ist deutlich, dass es negative Absichten die "Regel" zu stĂ€rken, aber aus der Design-Perspektive diese Absicht könnte sehr gut als positiv betrachtet werden in einer Art und Weise.The 1970s and the early 1980s in Kosovo are an insufficiently explored but important period. They represent a more liberal approach toward the development of the region. This in turn was expressed in all spheres of life, including architecture, which functioned as an integral part of a society and its progress. On the other hand, this progress was 'supported' by the intention to somehow overpower the existing architectural environment and the overall identity of the region. Progress and development can and should always be welcomed. In far as the above period is concerned, this was indeed the main intention. However, by the time this progress reached a concrete stage in which a number of buildings considered important were erected, the intention also became evident to have previous and -original- spatial manifestations replaced. Therefore, this study has the particular purpose to review the architecture of those years and that specific period in Kosovo, including the historical interpretation and specific case studies of architectural works that were the result of those intentions.16