39 research outputs found
Microstructure-based numerical modeling method for effective permittivity of ceramic/polymer composites
Effective permittivity was modeled and measured for composites that consist of up to 35vol% of titanium dioxide powder dispersed in a continuous epoxy matrix. The study demonstrates a method that enables fast and accurate numerical modeling of the effective permittivity values of ceramic/polymer composites. The model requires electrostatic Monte Carlo simulations, where randomly oriented homogeneous prism-shaped inclusions occupy random positions in the background phase. The computation cost of solving the electrostatic problem by a finite-element code is decreased by the use of an averaging method where the same simulated sample is solved three times with orthogonal field directions. This helps to minimize the artificial anisotropy that results from the pseudorandomness inherent in the limited computational domains. All the required parameters for numerical simulations are calculated from the lattice structure of titanium dioxide. The results show a very good agreement between the measured and numerically calculated effective permittivities. When the prisms are approximated by oblate spheroids with the corresponding axial ratio, a fairly good prediction for the effective permittivity of the mixture can be achieved with the use of an advanced analytical mixing formula.Peer reviewe
The European pulp and paper industry in transition to a bio-economy : A Delphi study
The current challenge facing the European pulp and paper industry is how to materialize the transformation to a bio-economy, as well as to realize the necessary new green innovations. The risks, costs and constraints of doing business will increase, thereby further intensifying competition, but at the same time new business opportunities will open up. This study adopts a three-round dissensus-based Delphi approach in order to explore our key research question of how the pulp and paper industry may change strategically, and what is the potential for value creation in the year 2030. According to our expert panel, the main drivers of competitiveness in 2030 will include energy and material efficiency, sustainability, as well as new innovations in products to serve customer needs better. According to the projected 2030 scenario, the pulp and paper industry will produce more diversified products, focus on higher value-added, and aim at consumer segments with higher environmental awareness. On average, 40 percent of the turnover will according to the panel come froth genuinely new products. Strategic cross-sectorial partnerships will have a key role in making this big leap, while simultaneously acknowledging the changing needs of sustainability-conscious customers and other stakeholders. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe
Suomen biodiversiteettistrategian ja toimintaohjelman 2012â2020 toteutuksen ja vaikutusten arviointi
Raportti arvioi Suomen kansallisen biodiversiteettistrategian ja toimintaohjelman (2012â2020) tavoitteiden ja toimenpiteiden toteutumista sektorivastuuperiaatteella sekĂ€ toimenpiteiden vaikuttavuutta luonnon monimuotoisuuteen. LisĂ€ksi kuvataan Suomen luonnon nykytilaa sekĂ€ siihen vaikuttavia muutostekijöitĂ€ ja paineita.
Suomen biodiversiteettistrategia ja sitÀ toteuttava toimintaohjelma vastaavat Biologista monimuotoisuutta koskevan YK:n yleissopimuksen (CBD) Aichi-tavoitteisiin pysÀyttÀÀ luonnon monimuotoisuuden heikkeneminen vuoteen 2020 mennessÀ. TutkijaryhmÀ arvioi, ettÀ biodiversiteetin valtavirtaistaminen on edennyt hyvin eri hallinnonaloilla ja ettÀ yksityinen ja kolmas sektori voisivat toimia toimintapolitiikan tukena. Vaikka tiedolliset ja rakenteelliset puitteet monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseksi on muodostettu, toteutetut toimenpiteet eivÀt ole olleet riittÀvÀn tehokkaita luonnon köyhtymisen pysÀyttÀmiseksi.
Luontoon kohdistuvien paineiden minimoimiseksi on vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€töntĂ€ toteuttaa sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti oikeudenmukainen, koko yhteiskuntaa lĂ€pĂ€isevĂ€ ekologinen siirtymĂ€ luonnon monimuotoisuuden huomioivaan kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen yhteiskuntaan. EsitĂ€mme suosituksia seuraavaan Suomen luonnon monimuotoisuuden toimintaohjelmaan (2021â2030), jossa tulee huomioida kansainvĂ€lisen biodiversiteettisopimuksen Post-2020 tavoitteet sekĂ€ EU:n uusi biodiversiteettistrategia 2030.TĂ€mĂ€ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisĂ€llöstĂ€ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikĂ€ tekstisisĂ€ltö vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ edusta valtioneuvoston nĂ€kemystĂ€
Multifunctional forests and their risks under climate change
Finnish forests are facing challenges from climate change and increasing natural disturbances while demands for the provisioning of diverse ecosystem services should be ensured. Resilient, multifunctional forests are therefore needed for the future. Future multipurpose forests and their disturbance risk in the changing climate (FOSTER) -project investigated the impacts of climate change and natural disturbance agents on forests as well as the synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services under multiple alternative forest management scenarios.
We found significant impacts of disturbances and climate change on forests. Impacts of disturbance agents, such as wind, spruce bark beetle, and ungulate browsers, are likely to increase in the future. Impacts of deer species (whitetail deer, roe deer) with expanding distribution ranges and increasing populations may have unexpected impacts on forest ecosystems. Climate change interacts with disturbances and exacerbates disturbance effects, specifically in the case of bark beetles. FOSTER also explored the potential effects of micro-climate on forest disturbances and how to take them into account in modelling. Using a multi-model approach, various forest management and land-use scenarios were simulated for both smaller landscapes (long-term simulations including climate change and disturbances) and larger regions (short-term, current climate simulations). The simulation results indicate that mitigation management can increase carbon storage and support biodiversity but carry higher disturbance risks and considerably reduce harvested volumes. Conversely, adaptation-focused management was less beneficial for carbon storage but yielded higher harvests. The adaptation scenarios aimed to reduce disturbance risks were effective in reducing bark beetle risk under climate change.
The FOSTER project has brought together forests disturbance, climate change and forest management expertise and applied complex modelling approaches to understand the future of Finnish forests. The results show that impacts of changing climate and disturbances may be substantial. Thus, the future forest management should include actions to not only mitigate climate change, but also prepare for adaption to the dramatic changes it may bring in order to ensure resilient ecosystem-provisioning in the future
The role of dynamic capabilities in developing innovation-related capabilities
The purpose of this study is to explore the role dynamic capabilities have in the development of innovation-related operational capabilities. As dynamic capabilities by nature are processes and practices that advocate change, we aim to uncover the actual practices through which change strategies are implemented. Our research includes a single case study from the publishing industry. Building on a data set of interviews and secondary data we track down the development of the capabilities over the time period of five years. The results of the study imply that dynamic capabilities act as a catalyst and spark off the mechanisms of operational capability development. Our study demonstrates how different types of dynamic capabilities (sensing, seizing and reconfiguring) all have an impact of the development of market and technological capabilities. </jats:p
To be able to utilise opportunities in a radically changing business environment, various organisations are transforming their practices towards open innovation processes. Openness does not, however, mean any kind of looseness in innovation management but calls for coordination and facilitation. The challenge for the management in the open innovation process is to find out the appropriate methods and practices for the utilisation of external knowledge resources. One of the first attempts, this study brings two widely utilised innovation management methods â scenarios and the group decision support system (GDSS) â to the open innovation context and suggests guidelines for the management of the open innovation process in an inter-organisational context.Open innovation, innovation process, scenario method, GDSS