11 research outputs found

    Anticoccidial Vaccination Is Associated with Improved Intestinal Health in Organic Chickens

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    Simple Summary In recent years, the number of organic chicken farms has increased. Chickens can be infected by single-cell parasites, coccidia, which cause lesions in the lining of the intestine leading to poor growth and sometimes death (coccidiosis). This infection can also lead to overgrowth in the intestine of a bacterium, Clostridium perfringens, that may cause further damage (necrotic enteritis). Prevention is often achieved by adding substances in the feed that will slow down the development of parasites and bacteria, but this is not allowed in organic farming. The aim of this study was to investigate if vaccination against coccidia can prevent these diseases in organic chickens. Vaccinated chickens developed milder gut lesions, had fewer and less damaging C. perfringens, and had similar or higher body weight compared to unvaccinated chickens six weeks after vaccination. No deaths from coccidiosis or necrotic enteritis occurred among vaccinated chickens while some unvaccinated chickens died from these diseases. We conclude that vaccination against coccidia benefits organic chickens. This study provides knowledge supporting further development of the organic chicken industry. The results are also of relevance to the management of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis in conventional broilers. Eimeria spp. and Clostridium perfringens (CP) are pathogens associated with coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis (NE) in broiler chickens. In this study we evaluated the effect of anticoccidial vaccination on intestinal health in clinically healthy organic Ross 308 chickens. On each of two farms, one unvaccinated flock (A1 and B1) was compared to one vaccinated flock (A2 and B2) until ten weeks of age (WOA). Faecal oocysts were counted weekly, and species were identified by PCR (ITS-1 gene). Lesion scoring, CP quantification and PCR targeting the CP NetB toxin gene were performed at three, four, and six WOA and chickens were weighed. Necropsies were performed on randomly selected chickens to identify coccidiosis/NE. Oocyst shedding peaked at three WOA in all flocks. Later oocyst shedding (E. tenella/E. maxima) in unvaccinated flocks at 5-7 WOA coincided with coccidiosis/NE. Although results differed somewhat between farms, vaccination was associated with lower intestinal lesion scores, reduced caecal CP counts, lower proportions of netB-positive CP, lower body weight at three-four WOA, and similar or slightly increased body weight at six WOA. In conclusion, the intestinal health of organic broilers can benefit from anticoccidial vaccination when oocyst exposure levels are high

    Core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) confirms systemic spread of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) in broilers with cellulitis

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    Broiler cellulitis has emerged as an important cause of economic losses for farmers and slaughter plants from carcass condemnation at processing. Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) has been identified as the main causative agent. The aim was to characterize E. coli isolated from cellulitis and organs in broilers at slaughter by whole genome sequencing analysis to study if systemic spread could be confirmed. Isolates were collected postmortem from 101 carcasses condemned due to dermatitis/cellulitis from five commercial farms and six flocks. Forty-six isolates were characterised to determine serotypes, sequence types and virulence-associated genes. Analysis by cgMLST was performed to study the genetic similarity between isolates from the same broiler, among birds from the same flock and between flocks. Escherichia coli was isolated from 90% of birds from subcutaneous samples. In 20 broilers, E. coli was isolated from organs in pure culture or mixed with sparse growth of other bacteria. In eight of these, there were post-mortem findings suggestive of systemic bacterial spread. The majority of the isolates from the same bird and flock belonged to the same serotype and sequence type and were genetically indistinguishable, but differed when compared between flocks. Common APEC virulence genes, i.e. chuA, fyuA, hlyF, iroN, irp2, iss, ompT, sitA, TerC, TraT, were present in > 87% of the isolates. We conclude that evidence of systemic spread of E. coli from cellulitis was present in some birds at time of slaughter but cannot be reliably detected at meat inspection

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI H5Nx, Clade in Poultry and Wild Birds in Sweden: Synopsis of the 2020-2021 Season

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    Simple Summary Highly pathogenic avian influenza is a virus-induced contagious disease that has killed a large number of poultry and wild birds in Europe in the recent decade and is an increasing problem worldwide. In the winter of 2020-2021, Sweden experienced its worst period to date when the disease was diagnosed on 15 commercial poultry farms and over 2.2 million birds died or were euthanised. The disease was also diagnosed in 130 wild birds and nine flocks of hobby, game or zoo birds between 1 October 2020 and 30 September 2021. The aim of this article was to describe the influenza situation in Sweden during this period and to add to the knowledge related to the alarming situation with highly pathogenic influenza in birds. The disease caused animal suffering and death in wild and domestic birds and incurred high costs due to losses and extensive measures to stop spread. The outbreak investigations, where contacts were traced and virus strains were compared, concluded that the virus was brought to poultry farms by wild birds in most cases. More research is needed to obtain knowledge on risk factors, biosecurity, and wild bird presence on poultry farms to prevent future disease outbreaks. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI, Gs/Gd lineage) was introduced to Europe in 2005 and has since caused numerous outbreaks in birds. The 2020-2021 season was the hitherto most devastating when considering bird numbers and duration in Europe. Surveillance data, virologic results and epidemiologic investigations from the 2020-2021 outbreaks in Sweden were analysed. Subtypes H5N8 and H5N5 were detected on 24 farms with poultry or other captive birds. In wild birds, subtypes H5N8, H5N5, H5N1, H5N4, H5Nx were detected in 130 out of 811 sampled birds. There was a spatiotemporal association between cases in wild birds and poultry. Based on phylogeny and epidemiology, most of the introductions of HPAI to commercial poultry were likely a result of indirect contact with wild birds. A definite route of introduction to poultry could not be established although some biosecurity breaches were observed. No spread between farms was identified but airborne spread between flocks on the same farm was suspected. Our findings exemplify the challenges posed by the continuously changing influenza viruses that seem to adapt to a broader species spectrum. This points to the importance of wild bird surveillance, compliance to biosecurity, and identification of risk factors for introduction on poultry farms

    Questionnaire study suggests grave consequences of infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious coryza and mycoplasmosis in small chicken flocks

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    BackgroundA growing number of people in western countries keep small chicken flocks. In Sweden, respiratory disease is a common necropsy finding in chickens from such flocks. A respiratory real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) panel was applied to detect infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), Avibacterium paragallinarum (A. paragallinarum) and Mycoplasma gallisepticum (M. gallisepticum) in chickens from small flocks which underwent necropsy in 2017-2019 and had respiratory lesions. Owners (N = 100) of PCR-positive flocks were invited to reply to a web-based questionnaire about husbandry, outbreak characteristics and management.ResultsResponse rate was 61.0%. The flocks were from 18 out of Sweden's 21 counties indicating that respiratory infections in small chicken flocks are geographically widespread in Sweden. Among participating flocks, 77.0% were coinfected by 2-3 pathogens; 91.8% tested positive for A. paragallinarum, 57.4% for M. gallisepticum and 50.8% for ILTV. Larger flock size and mixed-species flock structure were associated with PCR detection of M. gallisepticum (P = 0.00 and P = 0.02, respectively). Up to 50% mortality was reported by 63.9% of respondents. Euthanasia of some chickens was carried out in 86.9% of the flocks as a result of the outbreaks. Full clinical recovery was reported by 39.3% of owners suggesting chronic infection is a major challenge in infected flocks. Live birds had been introduced in many flocks prior to outbreaks, which suggested these as an important source of infection. Following the outbreaks, 36.1% replaced their flocks with new birds and 9.8% ceased keeping chickens.ConclusionsThis study highlights the severity of respiratory outbreaks in small non-commercial chicken flocks and points to the need for more research and veterinary assistance to prevent and manage respiratory infections in small chicken flocks

    Make or break : Factors in communication and teamwork that affects patient safety

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    PatientsÀkerhet och arbetet för att hindra uppkomsten av vÄrdskador Àr ett högaktuellt omrÄde. Problemet med undvikbara vÄrdskador Àr omfattande och i Sverige uppges vÄrdskador orsaka 630 000 extra vÄrddygn pÄ ett Är, vilket medför bÄde ett mÀnskligt lidande men ocksÄ ekonomiska konsekvenser för samhÀllet. Antalet patienter som skadas av vÄrden Àr ett direkt mÄtt pÄ patientsÀkerheten. Brister i kommunikation och teamarbete Àr en betydande orsak till att vÄrdskador uppstÄr. Syftet med studien, som utfördes som en litteraturöversikt, var att belysa faktorer som kunde pÄverka kommunikationen och teamarbetet i hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden samt vilken betydelse dessa hade för patientsÀkerheten. Femton vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades och resultatet visar att kommunikation och teamarbete pÄverkas av faktorer sÄsom tillÄtande klimat, arbetsmiljö, organisation och ledarskap samt utbildning i kommunikation och teamarbete. Kunskap och fÀrdigheter inom kommunikation och teamarbete ansÄgs vara lika viktigt som den kliniska kompetensen men har hittills inte prioriterats i tillrÀcklig utstrÀckning. Detta visar pÄ ett ökat behov av utbildning för att pÄ sÄ vis kunna förbÀttra förutsÀttningarna för att utöva en patientsÀker vÄrd.Patient safety and the task of preventing the occurrence of adverse events is a highly current issue. The problem with adverse events is extensive and in Sweden, adverse events are causing 630 000 additional days of health care each year resulting in human suffering as well as financial consequences for the society. The number of patients harmed due to hospital-acquired conditions is a direct measurement of patient safety.  Inadequate communication and teamwork is a significant reason for the occurrence of adverse events. The purpose of this study, performed as a literary survey, was to illustrate factors that could influence the communication and teamwork in the health care setting and the significance this had for patient safety. Fifteen scientific articles were analyzed and the results showed that communication and teamwork were influenced by a number of factors such as permitting climate, work environment, organization and leadership, and education in communication and teamwork. Knowledge and skills in communication and teamwork is just as important as the clinical skills but has, as of yet, not been prioritized enough which indicates that there is an increased need for education and training in order to improve the conditions for a safe practice in patient care

    A follow-up on the Swedish roundworm control program: strengths and weaknesses

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    Poultry roundworms have re-emerged in laying hens in many European countries due to the increase in noncaged housing. This is worrying because, at high parasite loads, Ascaridia galli can impact birds' welfare, health, and productivity. Worm control is therefore an important aspect of the successful management of the egg production industry. In 2009, the Swedish Egg Association initiated a voluntary control program to tackle the problem and reduce the appearance of worms in table eggs by encouraging producers to submit fecal samples for analysis. Since the start of the program, its data have never been thoroughly explored. Moreover, after more than a decade of challenges, our understanding of how egg producers perceive worm infection is still inadequate. This study was therefore designed to address these issues. The research data in the present study are drawn from 2 sources. First, through the control program and second, through an online survey. We have summarized the control program's achievements and discussed its findings and limitations. Although this work contributes to existing knowledge of roundworm control in laying hens in general, it also identifies gaps in knowledge. In conclusion, the control program can be improved by incorporating more strategic sampling and utilizing well-suited diagnostic tools for better assessment of infection status. It is equally important to educate producers on anthelmintics (AH) use and the development of resistance

    Ascaridia galli - An old problem that requires new solutions

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    Reports of Ascaridia galli in laying hens in Europe have increased since the ban on conventional battery cages in 2012. As this parasite is transmitted directly via the faecal-oral route by parasite eggs containing a larva, it is reasonable to assume that the escalating problem is related to the increased exposure now occurring in modern welfare-friendly cage-free housing systems. On many farms, A. galli reappears in subsequent flocks, even though the birds have no access to the outdoors, biosecurity is high and empty houses are cleaned and disinfected during downtime. Since the egg production cycle lasts only & AP;80 weeks and recombinant antigen production for helminth vaccines has not yet been solved, the development of a vaccine seems to be an unrealistic option. Therefore, disrupting the life cycle of the parasite by other means, including the strategic use of dewormers, appears to be the key to controlling infection. Of concern is that only one class of anthelmintics is licenced for poultry in Europe and that are usually administered indiscriminately through the birds' drinking water and often too late when the parasite is already established. If current calendar-based parasite control strategies are not changed, there is a risk that resistance to anthelmintics may develop, as has already been demonstrated with nematodes in livestock. We insist that treatments can be more effective and the risk of developing drug resistance can be mitigated if we invest in a better understanding of A. galli responses to more prudent and judicious use of anthelmintics. This review identifies knowledge gaps and highlights aspects of sustainable parasite control that require further research to support commercial egg producers

    A novel duplex ddPCR assay for detection and differential diagnosis of Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum eggs from chickens feces

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    Since the EU ban on battery cages, many studies have listed Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum as the most common roundworms in the European laying hen population. A complicating factor is that the eggs of these parasites are almost identical. Thus, lack of molecular diagnostic approaches has driven epidemiological studies to take on necropsy for species discrimination, which is labor and cost intensive. Here, we describe a novel diagnostic tool based on droplet digital PCR for simultaneous identification and absolute quantification of the eggs of both of these ascarids in chickens' droppings using two different genus-specific primer-probe sets targeting the second internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-2) in the nuclear ribosomal (rRNA) gene array. No cross-reaction was observed when different combinations of DNA and species-specific primers and probes were tested. The lowest obtained frequency threshold for the detection of H. gallinarum in the presence of a constant A. galli DNA concentration was determined to be 0.8 %. After validation, we used the assay to analyze field samples collected from several Swedish laying hen farms. Out of 134 samples, 86 (64 %) were positive for A. galli while 11 (8.3 %) samples were positive for H. gallinarum. These samples were initially analyzed with flotation technique for detection of ascarid eggs. The results of the Cohen's kappa indicated substantial agreement (85.8 %) between the two tests. In conclusion, we have validated a novel molecular-based diagnostic tool for quantification and differentiation between intestinal parasites of major importance in chickens with high precision. Although this study focuses on identification of parasites of laying hens, the findings may well have a bearing on all types of chicken production systems. The present study lays the groundwork for future research into epidemiology of these two important chicken parasite species

    UtsÀttning av djur för jakt och fiske

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    SLUs vetenskapliga rĂ„d för djurskydd har fĂ„tt i uppdrag av Jordbruksverket att sammanstĂ€lla aktuell forskning kring utsĂ€ttning av djur för jakt och fiske samt att belysa eventuella kunskapsluckor pĂ„ omrĂ„det. Uppdraget omfattar grĂ€sand, rapphöna, fasan och laxfiskar. Bruket att föda upp fĂ„glar och fiskar för utsĂ€ttning i syfte att gynna jakt och fiske ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts inte sĂ€llan av etiska skĂ€l, men den diskussionen ligger utanför fokus för denna rapport. UtsĂ€ttning av fĂ„gel och fisk Ă€r en antropogen verksamhet som, till skillnad frĂ„n mĂ„nga andra typer av mĂ€nsklig pĂ„verkan, syftar till att gynna arterna i frĂ„ga. Det kan handla om naturvĂ„rdsinsatser, att Ă„terinföra försvunna arter eller att pĂ„ andra sĂ€tt berika ekosystemet, inte sĂ€llan med ökade möjligheter till jakt eller fiske som slutĂ€ndamĂ„l. Ofta förbereds och Ă„tföljs utsĂ€ttningar av habitatförbĂ€ttrande Ă„tgĂ€rder som inte endast gynnar de utsatta individerna och deras artfrĂ€nder, utan Ă€ven har positiva konsekvenser för biologisk mĂ„ngfald och ekosystemet i stort. I utarbetandet av regelverket knutet till utsĂ€ttning av fĂ„gel och fisk Ă€r det viktigt att Ă€ven beakta de positiva föresatserna och de konsekvenser som verksamheten kan medföra. Annars riskerar man att engagemang och incitament förloras, till men för biologisk mĂ„ngfald och en rik och levande landsbygd.FĂ„gel Uppfödning av vilda fĂ„glar för utsĂ€ttning bedrivs för jaktĂ€ndamĂ„l och hundtrĂ€ning samt för att förstĂ€rka befintliga, vilda populationer. Omfattningen av den svenska uppfödningen Ă€r inte kĂ€nd. DjurhĂ„llningen i vilthĂ€gn Ă€r till stora delar oreglerad i lagstiftningen. Branschen har dĂ€remot utformat egna riktlinjer som ger vĂ€gledning avseende vissa delar av uppfödningen, men det Ă€r oklart i vilken omfattning dessa följs. Det finns en avsevĂ€rd variation mellan anlĂ€ggningar och mellan fĂ„gelarter vad gĂ€ller skötsel och miljö, t.ex. utformning av voljĂ€rer, grad av miljöberikning samt hur lĂ€nge fĂ„glarna stödutfodras efter utsĂ€ttning. Vissa anlĂ€ggningar driver integrerad verksamhet som innefattar alla steg i uppfödningen, det vill sĂ€ga hĂ„llning av avelsfĂ„glar för Ă€ggproduktion, klĂ€ckeriverksamhet, uppfödning och utsĂ€ttning. Andra anlĂ€ggningar Ă€r specialiserade pĂ„ enskilda steg i processen (ej integrerad verksamhet). Det finns Ă€ven djurhĂ„llare som enbart köper in fĂ„glar för direkt utsĂ€ttning i egna marker. Majoriteten av avelsfĂ„glarna Ă€r uppfödda i hĂ€gn, men infĂ„ngning av viltlevande fasan förekommer. GrĂ€sĂ€nder som anvĂ€nds i avel hĂ„lls i grupp i anslutning till en damm. Efter en sĂ€song brukar vanligen avelsdjuren slĂ€ppas fria. De nyklĂ€ckta Ă€llingarna och kycklingarna föds upp i flock inomhus med tillskottsvĂ€rme den första tiden och tillvĂ€njs sedan successivt till utevistelse. Ålder vid utsĂ€ttning varierar beroende pĂ„ art. UtsĂ€ttning sker i mindre grupper eller i sĂ€rskilda utsĂ€ttningshĂ€gn. Efter utsĂ€ttning utfodras fĂ„glarna under en tid. Forskning om effekten av olika inhysnings- och skötselmetoder pĂ„ djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden hos fĂ„glar i hĂ€gn Ă€r mycket begrĂ€nsad. I viss mĂ„n kan den kunskap som finns om andra fjĂ€derfĂ€n appliceras pĂ„ viltfĂ„gel men domesticerade fĂ„glar kan vara bĂ€ttre anpassade till dessa djurhĂ„llningssystem. Hos vilda fĂ„glar kan en ökad djurtĂ€thet medföra stress, traumatiska skador samt spridning av olika infektiösa sjukdomar. Riktlinjer för gruppstorlek och belĂ€ggningsgrad under uppfödning av kycklingar och Ă€llingar saknas i svensk lagstiftning.Branschen har utformat en rekommendation om mĂ„tt för och utformning av burar och voljĂ€rer, men RĂ„det saknar information om i vilken grad dessa tillĂ€mpas. InfĂ„ngning och acklimatisering till fĂ„ngenskap anses generellt orsaka avsevĂ€rd fysiologisk stress hos vilda fĂ„glar. I en rapport frĂ„n Storbritannien anses fjĂ€derplockning och kannibalism vara de viktigaste vĂ€lfĂ€rdsproblemen. Dessa beteenden förebyggs med hjĂ€lp av mekaniska hinder sĂ„som nĂ€bbringar, nĂ€bbhĂ€ttor eller nĂ€bbkorgar. Detta förhindrar endast utförandet av oönskade beteenden, men löser inte orsaken till att beteendena uppstĂ„r. Det Ă€r inte dokumenterat vilka av dessa hjĂ€lpmedel som anvĂ€nds i Sverige och i vilken omfattning, eller hur de pĂ„verkar fĂ„glarnas vĂ€lfĂ€rd.. Risken för fjĂ€derplockning och kannibalism kan pĂ„verkas av belĂ€ggningsgrad, hygien, foder, tillgĂ„ng till miljöberikning och av skötselrutiner. Insynsskydd mellan voljĂ€rerna kan vara fördelaktigt. Det finns kunskapsbrister avseende hĂ€lsolĂ€get bland sĂ„vĂ€l avelsfĂ„glar som kycklingar och Ă€llingar hos svenskuppfödda viltfĂ„glar eftersom forskning saknas och laboratorieundersökningar av flockar med sjukdomssymtom eller ökad dödlighet endast utförs i begrĂ€nsad omfattning. För att minska risken för smitta Ă€r en god hygien i klĂ€ckare och uppfödningshus viktigt. Djuren behöver tillrĂ€ckligt mĂ„nga foder- och vattenplatser, samt tillgĂ„ng till grus och sandbad. Det Ă€r viktigt att fĂ„glarna hanteras med omsorg under infĂ„ngande och transport. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktigt att djuren Ă€r i god kondition vid utsĂ€ttningen, att de stödutfodras och har tillgĂ„ng till dricksvatten. UtsĂ€ttningen bör ske vid god vĂ€derlek och i en för arten lĂ€mplig biotop. Internationell forskning visar att överlevnaden efter utsĂ€ttning Ă€r lĂ€gre hos utsatta fĂ„glar Ă€n hos viltklĂ€ckta fĂ„glar. Vanliga dödsorsaker Ă€r predation och jakt. Oavsiktlig selektion i vilthĂ€gnen kan pĂ„ sikt leda till att den genetiska sammansĂ€ttningen, de fysiologiska egenskaperna och beteendet förĂ€ndras Ă€ven i den vilda populationen. Selektionen kan bl.a. innebĂ€ra att temperamentet förĂ€ndras (djuren blir mindre skygga) sĂ„ att risken att dödas av predatorer ökar. Änder kan fĂ„ en förĂ€ndrad nĂ€bb vilket kan ge sĂ€mre förmĂ„ga till fodersök. De kan Ă€ven fĂ„ ett förĂ€ndrat migrationsbeteende, vilket kan ha betydelse för överlevnaden. Ett annat omrĂ„de dĂ€r det saknas kunskap Ă€r eventuella risker i samband med utsĂ€ttning av viltfĂ„gel avseende effekter pĂ„ miljön, till exempel ökad tillförsel av nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen i vattendrag och sjöar dĂ€r Ă€nder slĂ€pps ut samt risker för spridning av smittĂ€mnen i miljön.Fisk Uppfödning av fisk sker i slutna eller öppna system. Odlad fisk föds upp i fĂ„ngenskap för livsmedelsproduktion eller för utsĂ€ttning. UtsĂ€ttning av laxfiskar i Sverige Ă€r till största delen s.k. kompensationsutsĂ€ttningar, d.v.s. utsĂ€ttning av fisk i vatten vars naturligt reproducerande fiskbestĂ„nd pĂ„verkas negativt av vattenkraftsexploatörer, vilket regleras i vattendomar för respektive vattendrag och exploatör. Det förekommer Ă€ven att vilda fiskar fĂ„ngas och flyttas mellan olika vattensystem. För stödutsĂ€ttningar och Ă„terintroduktioner (i vatten dĂ€r fisken försvunnit) i syfte att frĂ€mja sport- och fritidsfiske krĂ€vs tillstĂ„nd. UtsĂ€ttning sker vanligen av icke könsmogen fisk, d.v.s. yngel eller smolt, men inom sportfisket kan Ă€ven utsĂ€ttning av vuxna fiskar vara aktuellt. Vid uppfödningsformen ”sea-ranched” fĂ„ngas vilda fiskar som mjölkas pĂ„ Ă€gg och spermier, varefter befruktning och vidare uppfödning sker i fĂ„ngenskap. Uppfödningen sker vanligen i öppna system (kassar) och utsĂ€ttning sker vanligen tidigt i livscykeln (som smolt) i form av kompensationsutsĂ€ttningar, stödutsĂ€ttningar och Ă„terintroduktioner. Fiskarna kan utsĂ€ttas för stress i samband med infĂ„ngande, transport och utsĂ€ttning. För trĂ„nga miljöer och dĂ„ligt anpassade vattenförhĂ„llanden ger en sĂ€mre djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd. Samtidigt Ă€r fiskarna skyddade frĂ„n predation och födobrist under uppfödningen. Yngel Ă€r mer kĂ€nsliga Ă€n Ă€ldre fiskar för förĂ€ndringar i vattenmiljön. Hantering och transport initierar vanligen en kraftig stressrespons hos laxfiskar men en variation mellan arter kan förekomma. SyresĂ€ttning, vattentemperatur och vattenkemi har stor betydelse, speciellt i slutna system, och en hög grad av transportstress ökar dödligheten efter utsĂ€ttning. En period av 2–5 dygns svĂ€lt före transport förbĂ€ttrar förhĂ„llandena under transporten. HĂ„vning bör i möjligaste mĂ„n undvikas och risken för frysskador vid kall vĂ€derlek bör beaktas. Jordbruksverkets föreskrifter om djurhĂ€lsokrav för djur och produkter frĂ„n vattenbruk innehĂ„ller bestĂ€mmelser om förflyttning och transport, och efterlevnaden har stor betydelse för djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden. Bedövningsmedel eller lugnande medel i lĂ„g dos kan mildra fysiologisk stress under transport men det Ă€r oklart hur fisken pĂ„verkas efter utsĂ€ttning. Vattentemperaturen under transport bör hĂ„llas under 10°C, gĂ€rna mellan 1 och 5°C. Förflyttning av laxfiskar mellan olika temperaturer fĂ„r inte ske utan en lĂ„ngsam tillvĂ€njning. Vid lĂ€ngre transporter kan en salthalt pĂ„ 0,5–1,0 % natriumklorid förbĂ€ttra vĂ€lfĂ€rden. En god syresĂ€ttning mĂ„ste sĂ€kerstĂ€llas och en lĂ„g ljusintensitet Ă€r fördelaktigt. DjurvĂ€lfĂ€rden vid utsĂ€ttning pĂ„verkas av fiskarnas möjlighet att anpassa sig till miljön pĂ„ utsĂ€ttningsplatsen och deras genetiska predisposition för att leva vilt. Genpoolen hos vilda populationer kan pĂ„verkas om utsatta individer reproducerar sig med vilda artfrĂ€nder, men det finns fĂ„ vetenskapliga belĂ€gg för detta. UtsĂ€ttning kan ske antingen genom s.k. ”hard release” dĂ€r fisken flyttas frĂ„n uppfödningen och slĂ€pps direkt i den nya miljön, eller s.k. ”soft release” dĂ€r fisken fĂ„r möjlighet att gradvis anpassa sig till den nya miljön. Det senare kan t.ex. ske i ett inhĂ€gnat omrĂ„de i skyddad miljö under 5–7 dagar, vilket minskar stressen, skyddar frĂ„n predation och födobrist, sĂ€krar tillgĂ„ngen till föda och ger en högre överlevnad. Vid utsĂ€ttning av befruktade Ă€gg pĂ„verkas ynglen av miljön pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt som vilda yngel