12 research outputs found

    The Spirit Of BESTCARE Commpassion, Commitment, and Communication

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    Kanker  merupakan  salah  satu  penyebab  kematian  tertinggi  dan  menjadi masalah kesehatan  di dunia  maupun  di  Indonesia.  Penyakit  kanker  payudara menduduki  peringkat  teratas. Kanker  payudara  merupakan penyakit yang paling ditakuti wanita karena penyakit ini tidak dapat disembuhkan apabila  sudah  memasuki  stadium  lanjut.  Namun,  kebanyakan  penderita  datang pada  stadium  lanjut  (Stadium  III  dan  IV)  sehingga  hampir  setengah  dari  angka kejadian kanker payudara berakhir dengan kematian.World Health Organization (2013) menyatakan bahwa insiden penderita kanker payudara  pada  tahun  2012  sebanyak  1,7  juta  wanita.  Pada  tahun  2013 ditemukan  2.240 kasus baru  dan setiap tahun jumlah  penderita kanker payudara bertambah 7 juta orang, jika tidak segera dikendalikan WHO memperkirakan pada tahun 2030 rata-rata penderita kanker di dunia akan naik sebesar 300% dan 70% penyumbangnya  adalah  negara  berkembang  termasuk  Indonesia.  Menurut Kemenkes  RI  (2015),  prevalensi  kanker  payudara  di  Indonesia  mencapai  0,5% dari  1000  perempuan


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    Latar Belakang: Penyakit ginjal kronis adalah situasi klinis yang ditandai dengan terjadinya penurunan fungsi ginjal yang ireversibel. Kondisi ini membutuhkan terapi hemodialysis, kepatuhan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang dapat terjadi pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa. Ketidakpatuhan dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan terapi sehingga motivasi sangat berpengaruh dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional, teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 69 responden. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan modifikasi kuesioner ESRD-AQ dan kuesioner motivasi, kemudian dilakukan analisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil: hasil uji Chi-Square diperoleh hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi dengan kepatuhan dengan nilai p value 0,0001 (p value<0,05). Simpulan: Ada korelasi antara motivasi dengan kepatuhan pada pasien hemodialisa. 


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    Pendahuluan: Prevalensi penderita kanker di Indonesia tahun 2018 mencapai 1,8 jiwa per 1000 penduduk dan diperkirakan akan terus meningkat dengan perubahan gaya hidup dan polusi yang terjadi. Masalah yang sering terjadi pada pasien kanker adalah malnutrisi yang salah satunya ditandai dengan menurunnya kadar haemoglobin (Hb). Dari 30 pasien yang dirawat di RSI Sultan Agung, 21 diantaranya mengalami anemia. Tujuan: Pemberdayaan pasien dan keluarga dalam meningkatkan asupan nutrisi untuk meningkatkan kadar Hb dengan konsumsi jus buah bit. Metode: Demonstrasi dan praktik pembuatan jus bit. Kelompok sasaran berjumlah 26 orang yang merupakan keluarga pendamping pasien kanker di RSI Sultan Agung. Hasi : Keluarga mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan sebanyak 70%, dan mampu mempraktekkan cara membuat jus buah bit. Diskusi: Pemberdayaan pasien dalam peningkatan nutrisi efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan keluarga khususnya untuk usaha peningkatan kadar Hb.       

    Correlation Between Blood Glucose Control And Decrease Of Peripheral Vascularization In Diabetes Mellitus Patient

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. Chronic complications of DM affect coronary circulation, peripheral vascularization, and blood vessels of the brain. Decrease in peripheral vascularization increases the risk of tissue ischemia and weakens functional status, therefore it is necessary to control blood glucose levels. Islam teaches to its believers to control their diet, where diet is one of the four pillars of diabetes management. Methodology: this is analytic descriptive research with cross sectional methods in 67 respondents taken by consecutive sampling technique. Results: There was a significant correlation within blood glucose control and decreased peripheral vascularization in DM patients (p-value 0.010). Discussion: need further research regarding nursing intervention to control blood glucose

    Establishing A “Merdeka” (Independent, Education, Support, and Consistent) Community Group That During Covid-19 Independent Isolation

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    The spread of Covid-19 has spread throughout the world in such a short time that the World Health Organization (WHO) designated Covid-19 as a pandemic on March 12, 2020. Until now, the mortality and morbidity rates are increasing along with the new variant of the Covid-19 virus. The symptoms shown by Covid-19 patients also vary from not feeling any symptoms, fever, cough, runny nose, anosmia or loss of sense of smell and taste, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting to shortness of breath. Covid-19 is classified into 3 categories, namely mild, moderate and severe. Patients with mild and moderate symptoms will be treated at home and undergo self-isolation. For most people, self-isolation is an unpleasant thing, feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, and also negative stigma from society for themselves and their families, if the patient feels the symptoms are quite severe, the patient feels confused about where to ask, what to do to get rid of the problem. reduce the symptoms. The formation of the community group "MERDEKA" has the enthusiasm to provide assistance to people who are undergoing independent isolation due to Covid 19. The results of its implementation are that people who undergo self-isolation have increased knowledge about Covid 19 as many as 71 people (88%), doing breathing exercises and proning potition skills regularly. 72 people (90%), are able to carry out daily activities independently while undergoing independent isolation as many as 72 people (90%), 100% get full support from family, relatives, friends, and closest people and consistently carry out activities The recommended checklist is 75 people (93%) while undergoing self-isolation. It is hoped that this activity can be developed into an application that can help the community, especially in the health sector and be able to contribute to the development of telemedicine in Indonesi

    Pendampingan Program Farkom (Farmakology and Complementary Therapy) Untuk Pasien dan Keluarga Penderita Kanker Payudara

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    Breast cancer patients need to get palliative care to improve their quality of life. Family existence becomes an important role for breast cancer sufferers to fulfill physical and psychological health. Palliative care can be given to patients in the form of complementary and pharmacological therapy (FARKOM). FARKOM's community service program aims to improve family knowledge and abilities in the care of family members with breast cancer and support for taking medication control. The target of this community service activity is to involve five families with breast cancer members in the Bandarharjo Village. The methods of this activity include lectures on the Farkom program (Pharmacology and complementary therapy), demonstrations of progressive muscle relaxation techniques and how to make beetroot juice, simulations by grouping participants according to family members and practicing, then monitoring and evaluating related to the Farkom program. Based on the pre-test and post-test results after being given treatment, there was an increase in the percentage value, namely a 25% increase in progressive muscle relaxation exercises, herbal juice production increased 30% and monitor filling schedule for taking medication increased 30%. Thus, this mentoring activity can be said to be successful because it can increase the knowledge and ability of participants in participating in community service activities

    Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Kanker Payudara Melalui Program BESTCARE (Breast Cancer Wound and Palliative Care)

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    The incidence of breast cancer increase every year, if didn’t controlled by the WHO estimates that there will be an increase of 30% and 70% in 2030. The patients often experience are complex problems such as the lack of self-confidence, pain in wounds and aesthetic problems. Postoperative patients or chemotherapy need proper care in order to achieve a good quality of life. The BESTCARE program aims to improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients through activities that can be carried out by cadres and patients. The methods was lectures, demonstrations and practices. While the media used are lectures, demonstrations, practices and wound care. The material presented includes the incidence of breast cancer, understanding, risk factors, conscious examination steps, wound care with modern dressing. Results: The team succeeded in forming a cancer care health, knowledge and understanding of the cadre of mam health increased from 50% to 85%, health cadres were able to make conscious movements from before 55% to 90%, an increase in the number of visits, decreased pain scale and wound care progress with modern dressing. Conclusion: The program of activities carried out by the Bestcare team was able to be carried out properly and as expected improving  the quality of life in palliative patients both  in the clinic or home visit

    Caring of Acute Deterioration Patient in Term of Leadership Ability Among Nurses at Selected Islamic Hospital

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    Patients with acute illness always seek for help and put their trust in the professionals caring for them. Nurses as first responder of acute patient deterioration in should treat the patients within the golden hour of emergency care. Nurses in medicalsurgical ward need to be ready as a team leader for every condition of patient with risk of acute deterioration. The goal for this study was to determine the leadership ability among nurses in caring of acute deterioration patient at medical surgical wards. Descriptive quantitative design was used for this study. It was conducted in Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital at Semarang City Indonesia. A total of 79 respondents involved using purposive sampling technique. Majority of the nurses or 50.6% were have high level of leadership ability caring of acute deterioration patient. Basic Life Support certification and involved in emergency episode were significant predictors of nurses leadership ability. Although nurses felt highly level of leadership ablities, development and improvement is needed to gain the advance or very high competency of caring acute deterioration in medical surgical wards. Furthur research need to be conducted to seek the effectivity of advance training in caring acute deterioration patient.  Keywords: Leadership Ability, Acute Deterioration Patient, Nurs

    Persepsi pasien Diabetes Melitus tentang home care dalam perawatan berkelanjutan di RSU. Kota Semarang

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    Penyakit Diabetes Melitus yang disebut sebagai “lifelong disease” dengan segala komplikasinya memerlukan perawatan seumur hidup. Pada tahun 2006, Indonesia menempati urutan ke-4 terbesar dalam jumlah penderita Diabetes Melitus di dunia yaitu 14 juta orang. Home care sangat dibutuhkan bagi pasien yang menemui kesulitan dalam manajemen diabetiknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan indepth interview dan pendekatan fenomenologis, dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi persepsi penderita Diabetes Melitus tentang home care. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RSU. Kota Semarang terhadap 5 orang pasien dengan Diabetes Melitus

    Perceived Stigma, Psychological Response, and Nurse Coping In The Covid-19 Pandemic In Indonesia

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    Nurses are at the forefront of being directly involved in the care of Covid-19 patients. This can put nurses in a difficult position, especially if they had lack support from the surrounding environment. The society’s negative stigma towards nurses can trigger psychological problems for them. Good coping is needed to maintain the work performance of nurses. This study aims to identify the perceived stigma, psychological response, and coping of nurses involved in caring for Covid-19 patients in Indonesia. This research was a cross-sectional study based on an electronic survey. The number of respondents was 509 nurses who came from all regions in Indonesia on 11-20 April 2020. Respondents were nurses who handled Covid-19 patients directly. The data were collected using a modified questionnaire the Berger stigma scale, DASS and Brief of Cope with a total of 27 questions. The questionnaires used have been proven valid and reliable after being tested on 30 nurses treating Covid-19 patients with a Cronbach Alpha value as follows: modified Berger Stigma Scale 0.952; modified DASS 0.928; and modified Brief of Cope 0.753. Most respondents were 26-35 years old (52.1%), female (61.5%), and worked in government-owned hospitals (48.3%). 231 respondents were stigmatized (45.4%), 274 respondents were depressed (46.2%) and 209 respondents experienced stress (41.1%). The majority of respondents chose problem focused coping (65.8%). This study shows that some respondents feel they were stigmatized by society, but they have good coping (problem focused coping) to reduce their mental burden. Negative stigma against nurses is often difficult to avoid. Support from family and colleagues was something that can ease the mental burden of nurses. Support from the government was needed to educate the public so that it does not give negative stigma to nurses and other health workers