92 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is a large country and is rich in natural resources potential. Indonesiagreatness characterized by the extent of the area, population and strategic location inthe middle of the equator. While the rich natural resources of Indonesia arecharacterized by the potential of the land, sea and air is very large. But it isrecognized that the greatness and richness of Indonesia have not been managedproperly so as not maximized to improve the welfare of society. The most importantpart of the greatness of Indonesia is the number of the younger generation or thegeneration of productive gold (golden generation) are quite high. It is estimated thatthe demographic bonus (demographic devided) in 2010-2035 the number ofgeneration of gold is much higher than the number of elderly and children, which isabout 100 million people. However, this generation can also be a disaster (ademographic disaster) if not qualified.Golden generation should be prepared fromnow through education. In addition to establishing the competence of knowledge(cognitive) and skills (psychomotor), it is also very important balance by buildingcharacter (affective). Education today can not answer fully the efforts to form agolden generation for so many challenges and obstacles, such as juveniledelinquency, drugs, promiscuity, and so forth. In the future It needs to be improvedcharacter development (character building) at all levels of education to preparegenerations of gold (E) nergik, (M) ultitalenta, (A) ktif and (S) pritual. Thiscommitment needs to be agreed upon by the government, private and public. The aimis to commemorate 100 years of the age of independence of the Republic of Indonesiaor Indonesian gold by 2045


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    ABSTRACTTo illustrate the implementation of educational models of characters in high schools City Batusangkar, educational model of right character is designed and is applied to students in high schools. A modelof Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is developed by applying  Analisys, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) model. The development of character education model will be able to provide the benefits of theoretical and practical benefits. It is intended to provide input in the educational unit to provide guidance or as models in the implementation of character education in high schools, because so far there is no model-based character education values Tau joNan Ampek. It can provide input to the teacher in providing the materials with respect to character education based on the values of Tau Jo Nan Ampek  to the high schoolslearners. It can also provide feedback on the learner in applying the attitudes and behavior of character, especially the values of  Tau Jo Nan Ampek. It can, then,  provide feedback to parents in the synergy of character education that has  been underway at the schools with character education in the household and in society, and to give input to the Government of Tanah Datar ,in particular, and the Government of West Sumatra Province, in general,  in implementing character education based on values Tau Jo Nan Ampek to support the application of Indigenous philosophy “AdatBasandiSyarak, SyarakBasandiKitabullah" (ABS-SBK)

    A Study of Noise Pollution in Zarqa and Irbid, Jordan

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    Zarqa and Irbid, Jordan are two of the most populated cities. They are environmentally noise polluted due to the rapid and widespread introduction of mechanical methods for production of goods and equipment and for their transportation. L10, L50, L90 and LAeq noise levels were measured during the day time and night time to assess and evaluate the noise levels from mosques, schools, celebration halls, streets, construction and building works, industrial areas and commercial areas. This -coupled with a social survey- were conducted in the two cities to understand the physiological and psychological effect of noise on people, and to study the extent of annoyance on people. There is a significant correlation between the measured statistical noise levels L10, L50 and L90 and equivalent continuous noise level LAeq, and this correlation differs from Zarqa to Irbid due to the differences in noise levels that can be explained by the differences in the nature of traffic in these cities. The results of the investigation showed that the measured noise levels from all the selected sources were high during the day time and night time, and the noise problem is not only limited to day time, but continues in night time in these cities, and a sound at night may be more annoying than that heard during the day. And these noise levels were higher than those set by Jordanian limits during day time and night time. Also, the results indicated that Zarqa city is somehow noisier than Irbid city during both the day time and night time hours. The results of the social survey revealed that the exposure to high noise levels will affect the people in terms of annoyance depending mainly on the individuals, sleep disturbances, effect on the ability to work, loss of concentration, and will affect the health and cause hearing problems. Also, the results indicated that the gender type, age, educational level and employment state are directly related to their annoyance level and awareness about the noise problems

    Utilization of Cement Incorporated with Water Treatment Sludge

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    This study investigated the use of water treatment sludge to replace cement in the production of paving tiles for external use. The study utilized sludge-cement replacement percentages of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. Produced tiles were tested for water absorption and breaking (bending) strength. Leaching of sludge metals from tiles was assessed using TCLP. The study showed that all produced tiles exhibited a water absorption ratio of around 10%. The study concluded that produced tiles, except for 50% sludge-cement replacement, comply with the breaking strength requirements of 2.8 MPa for tiles for external use. The TCLP results indicated that metal leaching from tiles is negligible

    Start-up of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation ( Anammox ) from Conventional Return Activated Sludge in Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor for Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater

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    A bench-scale up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was applied to start-up the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) process from conventional return activated sludge. The reactor was operated for approximately 170 days and was fed synthetic wastewater containing mainly nitrite (NO2 ) − and ammonium (NH4 ) + as main substrates. After 106 days of operation, the first evidence of Anammox activity was detected in the reactor by simultaneous consumption of − 2 NO and + 4 NH coupled to the production of nitrate (NO3 ) − . The start-up period of the Anammox UASB reactor was within 4.5 months. During the course of the start-up period, three distinct stages were distinguished: cell lysis, Anammox cultivation and finally the appearance and enrichment of Anammox bacteria. On the basis of the results, it seems that the successful cultivation of Anammox bacteria in this study was probably due to the capacity of UASB reactor in retaining Anammox biomass and the inherent properties of the activated sludge

    Energy Consumption and Environmental Impacts of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Systems

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    Urban transport in most cities around the world is developing in an unsustainable fashion. This study examines if Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a promising transit option for cities looking to reduce their transportation-related emissions. The twenty case studies investigated in this research are from fifteen cities in Europe. The energy consumption and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by these operating transit systems are calculated. The BRT trips are converted into equivalent passenger car trips and their corresponding emissions are estimated using data collected over ten years. Finally, the two emission results are compared to highlight the environmental benefits of adopting the bus transit system over the use of private cars. The research concluded that the use of BRT systems resulted in significant reductions in CO2 emissions in all cities

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tongkol Jagung pada Pakan Dedak Padi terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan Sapi Potong.

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tersebut tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap pertambahan berat badan sapi potong. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertambahan berat badan sapi potong yang mendapatkanpakan tongkol jagung dengan level 25 % tidak berbeda nyata dengan pakan dedak padi 100 %. Hal ini berarti bahwa, ada kemungkinan pakan dedak padi bisa digantikan oleh pakan tongkol jagung


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