8 research outputs found

    Species abundances per site

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    This data file contains abundances for all pollinator species at each sampling site used in response diversity analyses

    seed set data

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    This file contains seed set data (mean number of seeds produced per flower) for each plant sampled

    Pollinator trait values

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    This file contains trait values for pollinator species used in functional redundancy analyses

    response diversity

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    Data for species abundances proportion agriculture for each study sit

    pollen deposition data

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    This file contains pollinator visitation rate and pollen deposition data

    Supplementary Information from Exotic species enhance response diversity to land-use change but modify functional composition

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    Contains Table S1. List of species that were included in functional redundancy and response diversity analyses. Figure S1 The relationship between pollinator abundance and the proportion of agriculture, comparing bees vs flies and native vs exotic species