63 research outputs found

    Approccio plurilingue dall’Europa per l’Europa. Focus sull’apporto dell’Italia

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    This article presents a critical reflection and a synthesis on the links between European policies aimed at promoting plurilinguism and the Intercomprehension approach, 25 years after its first appearance in the languages teaching environment. In particular, it focuses on Italy’s role in different Intercomprehension projects that have emerged and on how Italy promotes this new approach. The European Union set a target whereby all European citizens should speak two foreign languages in addition to mother tongues. This poses the challenge of which languages to choose both within European Institutions and within the educational systems. Moreover it leads to reconsider the place traditionally assigned to English. This European target remains far from being achieved, as demonstrated by the Eurobarometro polls. Against this background, the Intercomprehension solution still offers a credible option that could be extremely powerful if it were to be rigorously applied on a large scale, as we try to demonstrate. In fact, this approach respects the variety of languages and cultures by considering them within their linguistic families. It is a simple, time-effective and flexible approach for multiple audiences. An examination of the case of Italy allows one to observe how a new dynamic can emerge by participating in several European projects and how it is possible to slowly start thinking about a set of different actions that would help achieve the objective of European plurilinguism

    La reconnaissance de mots isolĂ©s Ă  l’oral: expĂ©rience en miroir entre français et italien

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    This article will present the results of two related experiments, whose aim is to evaluate the degree of spontaneous listening Intercomprehension (IC) between French and Italian, as far as lexis is concerned, and to see if the success and the difficulties encountered are symmetrical or not, depending on the language, whether French or Italian. First of all, a group of Italian people, who have never studied French, was invited to listen to a set of French words and asked to associate them spontaneously to the corresponding Italian words. At a later stage, the same words in Italian were presented to a group of French people, who did not know Italian, and who, in contrast, were asked to associate a French word to each Italian word heard. The results of this observation were interpreted in the light of the models of listening comprehension, thus showing that an area of substantial transparency effectively exists in two similar percentages, although these are slightly lower for francophones. Moreover, evidence shows that in both cases adults are better at ease in performing this task than teenagers. However, transparency is not always symmetrical if according to the direction of the pairings, and a maximum gap between transparency and opacity from one language to the other occurs in some words

    Les erreurs en production orale relevant du systĂšme phonologique. De la nature de l’erreur Ă  sa remĂ©diation.

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    Sur l’ensemble des erreurs qui peuvent affecter une production orale en FLE et qu’une grille d’analyse cherche Ă  systĂ©matiser, l’article vise Ă  catĂ©goriser et illustrer les erreurs de prononciation d’étudiants italiens en français langue Ă©trangĂšre et Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir sur les techniques pĂ©dagogiques de remĂ©diation que l’enseignant peut mettre en Ɠuvre. Il dĂ©fend l’idĂ©e d’un lien fort entre production orale et activitĂ©s d’écoute

    L'évaluation sommative/certificative en intercompréhension réceptive de l'oral

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    In light of a general reflection on the criteria for an assessment process, we will focus on the evaluation of plurilingual competencies in Intercomprehension and, in particular, on oral listening skills, by observing best practices in unilingual official certifications, and by taking an approach that goes from the general to the particular. We will reflect on the concrete tools for measuring this hability, by discussing the choices of the CINCO and EVAL-IC projects – the first European project to tackle the question of evaluation under all its angles – with the goal of defining the contours of an assessment method taking into account the plurality of its possible forms

    Storia, strategie e sfide di una disciplina in espansione

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    The book opens with an introductory essay by Bonvino and Jamet describing the state of the research and teaching methodology in the framework of IC. This contribution aims at describing the principles of the discipline, through a brief review of its epistemological foundations, its history and linguistic grounding. It also proposes a classification of teaching techniques and tools used in IC, and outlines possible developments of theoretical and applied research in this area

    Un Référentiel de compétences de communication plurilingue en intercompréhension (REFIC)

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    Il Quadro di riferimento per le Competenze di Comunicazione Plurilingue in Intercomprensione costituisce una guida per la programmazione di percorsi di apprendimento e per la valutazione di competenze di comunicazione in intercomprensione. i descrittori riguardano i saperi, i saper fare, le strategie e gli atteggiamenti piĂč efficaci che un formatore in intercomprensione desidera sviluppare in un pubblico di apprendenti

    Eff ectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in response to an outbreak: a case-cohort study

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    Background Oral cholera vaccines represent a new eff ective tool to fi ght cholera and are licensed as two-dose regimens with 2–4 weeks between doses. Evidence from previous studies suggests that a single dose of oral cholera vaccine might provide substantial direct protection against cholera. During a cholera outbreak in May, 2015, in Juba, South Sudan, the Ministry of Health, MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres, and partners engaged in the fi rst fi eld deployment of a single dose of oral cholera vaccine to enhance the outbreak response. We did a vaccine eff ectiveness study in conjunction with this large public health intervention. Methods We did a case-cohort study, combining information on the vaccination status and disease outcomes from a random cohort recruited from throughout the city of Juba with that from all the cases detected. Eligible cases were those aged 1 year or older on the fi rst day of the vaccination campaign who sought care for diarrhoea at all three cholera treatment centres and seven rehydration posts throughout Juba. Confi rmed cases were suspected cases who tested positive to PCR for Vibrio cholerae O1. We estimated the short-term protection (direct and indirect) conferred by one dose of cholera vaccine (Shanchol, Shantha Biotechnics, Hyderabad, India). Findings Between Aug 9, 2015, and Sept 29, 2015, we enrolled 87 individuals with suspected cholera, and an 898-person cohort from throughout Juba. Of the 87 individuals with suspected cholera, 34 were classifi ed as cholera positive, 52 as cholera negative, and one had indeterminate results. Of the 858 cohort members who completed a follow-up visit, none developed clinical cholera during follow-up. The unadjusted single-dose vaccine eff ectiveness was 80·2% (95% CI 61·5–100·0) and after adjusting for potential confounders was 87·3% (70·2–100·0). Interpretation One dose of Shanchol was eff ective in preventing medically attended cholera in this study. These results support the use of a single-dose strategy in outbreaks in similar epidemiological settings

    Ateliers Didactique et Recherches - Fédération Alliances Françaises d'Italie et DoRiF Università - N.2 - La didactique de l'erreur

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    RĂ©sumĂ© tirĂ© de l'introduction rĂ©digĂ©e par Danielle Londei, Micaela Rossi : RĂ©flexions sur le parcours intellectuel face Ă  une problĂ©matique pĂ©dagogique. La pĂ©dagogie de l’erreur Dans ce deuxiĂšme volet des « Ateliers Didactique et Recherche », rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de formation des enseignants de français langue Ă©trangĂšre, en collaboration avec la FĂ©dĂ©ration des Alliances Françaises en Italie, nous affrontons un thĂšme important et dĂ©licat Ă  la fois, celui de la pĂ©dagogie de l’erreur en classe de langue. Ce thĂšme se situe au cƓur mĂȘme de l’enseignement/apprentissage/Ă©valuation : il prĂ©suppose une approche mĂ©thodologique bien dĂ©terminĂ©e et partagĂ©e dans le processus mis en place. De plus cette question a un impact puissant auprĂšs des enseignants qui doivent l’introduire dans leur systĂšme d’évaluation de la progression d’enseignement/apprentissage, car elle reprĂ©sente une sorte de boussole de la direction Ă  suivre, Ă  rectifier au moment voulu. En outre, cette question est Ă©galement ressentie comme Ă©tant vitale auprĂšs des destinataires, les Ă©lĂšves, car au final ce sera Ă  cette Ă©chelle que seront jugĂ©s les rĂ©sultats obtenus par le groupe et par chacun. Enfin, cette question d’ordre pĂ©dagogique et didactique comporte une dimension subjective qui influence profondĂ©ment le rapport entre les acteurs impliquĂ©s ; elle peut crĂ©er un lien harmonieux ou conflictuel selon la perception vĂ©cue de la part des diffĂ©rents acteurs et donc elle dĂ©termine une dimension dramatique dans l’interaction de la classe. Au fond, cette mise en place de la pĂ©dagogie de l’erreur se prĂ©sente comme un lieu thĂ©Ăątral (voir Ă  ce propos les travaux d’Irvin Goffman), social et culturel. Les protagonistes jouent chacun un rĂŽle prĂ©dĂ©terminĂ©, l’intrigue se dĂ©veloppe le long du parcours didactique classique choisi (enseignement/apprentissage/Ă©valuation) et dĂ©bouche sur un final, Ă  savoir la qualitĂ© des rĂ©sultats obtenus dont dĂ©pend le succĂšs ou l’échec de cette dramaturgie. C’est sans doute pour cela que cette problĂ©matique est abordĂ©e avec dĂ©termination mais aussi avec inquiĂ©tude car tout se joue et se mesure sur ces paramĂštres. MĂȘme si de nos jours, nous affrontons cet aspect de la didactique avec circonspection, nous le vivons de maniĂšre plus dĂ©tendue que par le passĂ© du fait mĂȘme que la « faute » a Ă©tĂ© remplacĂ©e par l’« erreur », cette question a Ă©tĂ© en partie dĂ©pressurisĂ©e et donc vĂ©cue avec une tension mineure. Toutefois, elle demeure centrale dans le processus d’enseignement/apprentissage, Ă  l’oral comme Ă  l’écrit : elle requiert une correcte prise de conscience formative et une acquisition mĂ©thodologique compĂ©tente de la part de l’enseignant qui, Ă  son tour, sera le vecteur et le mĂ©diateur pour affronter cette problĂ©matique en classe de langue. Dans ce numĂ©ro sont regroupĂ©s les interventions des 4 formateurs ainsi que les textes de Giuseppe Martoccia, l'introduction de Danielle Londei et Micaela Rossi, une bibliographie et les tĂ©moignages des enseignants ayant participĂ© Ă  la formation

    Ripensare l’approccio comunicativo alla luce dell’intercomprensione

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    Negli anni ˈ70 quando emergeva l’approccio comunicativo nell’insegnamento delle lingue, nella scia dei lavori del Consiglio d’Europa, non si poteva prevedere il qualificativo di «tradizionale» trenta anni dopo. I metodi comunicativi sono evoluti, sono sfociati nell’approccio azionale valorizzato dal Quadro Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue, ma continuano a basarsi su una progressione che riguarda le quattro abilitĂ  scritte e orali, ricettive e produttive, sviluppate in parallelo. L’approccio d’intercomprensione ribalta il modo di vedere la progressione tra le competenze, istaurando il principio di competenze separate e privilegiando solo quelle ricettive. Tale scelta obbliga in un primo momento a ripensare l’ordine rispettivo delle abilitĂ  scritte e orali nell’ambito di corsi plurilingui d’intercomprensione, e in un secondo momento l’ordine di apprendimento tra competenze ricettive e competenze produttive se l’approccio d’intercomprensione viene integrato all’interno di un approccio comunicativo. Questo contributo propone quindi una riflessione metodologica sull’inserimento dell’approccio d’intercomprensione all’interno di corsi di lingua d’impronta comunicativa “tradizionali”
