9 research outputs found


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    the article analyzes the improvement of operational processes by ensuring the safety of work in production. The problem raised in the research: how to ensure work safety by improving the company's operational processes in production? The object of work is the possibilities of improving operational processes by ensuring work safety. The aim of the work is to analyze the possibilities of improving operational processes by ensuring work safety in production. Job objectives: to analyze the possibilities of improving operational processes by ensuring work safety from a theoretical aspect; to investigate the possibilities of improving operational processes by ensuring work safety in the production company; prepare a plan for the improvement of operational processes by ensuring work safety in production. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature and other informational sources; data collection and systematization method; descriptive analysis method used to report research data; the summarization method is used to evaluate the results of the analysis; the research uses data analysis and observation method.After conducting the research and analyzing the measures applied in the operational processes, ensuring the safety of work in production, a plan for improving the operational processes was prepared and presented, which offers specific measures for increasing the efficiency of the processes and reducing the risk of accidents. The measures implementation plan is designed to solve existing problems in the company's operational processes, offering recommendations on how to reduce or completely eliminate accidents by ensuring work safety. The proposed plan will help minimize the risk of accidents at work by ensuring work safety in operational processes. The created plan for improving operational processes with measures by ensuring work safety and reducing the risk of accidents at work is universal and can be applied in other manufacturing companies that seek to improve operational processes by ensuring work safety

    Darbo rinkos segmentacija : teorinis aspektas

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    Segmentation of labour markets has been attracting researchers' interest from the 19th century to the present day. The article aims to reveal the essence of labour market segmentation and its main characteristics, to review development of labour market segmentation theory and to highlight the modern approach to labour market segmentation. The main priority of segmentation theory is that labour market is split into certain segments which are being formed by economic, political and social forces; it also points out segmentation reasons and differences in characteristics of individual labour market participants. Labour segmentation models define employees as labour groups or market segments. Research methods used are based on systemic and logical analysis of works done by both Lithuanian and foreign researcher

    Model of microeconomic and macroeconomic factors impacting employment

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    The identification and classification of employment impacting microeconomic and macroeconomic factors and developing their theoretical model are the two most important questions to be answered in this research. The scientific literature analysis conducted to solve the problem allowed for the motivation of the problem question stating that interaction research of economic factors and employment are relevant among Lithuanian and foreign researchers. Recently, the analysis of employment increasingly emphasizes the factors which affect the employment opportunities of the individual segments of the labour market. Scientists analyse different aspects of factors that have an effect on employment, i.e., to distinguish various employment leading to economic factors. [...] The originality of the research is based on a detailed classification of employment impacting microeconomic and macroeconomic factors. The research results in presenting the theoretical model of the impact of microeconomic and macroeconomic factors on employment. Research objects – microeconomic and macroeconomic factors impacting employment. Research goal – to form a model of employment impacting microeconomic and macroeconomic factors. Objectives: to reveal employment and its factor interaction; to perform a classification of factors impacting employment; to form a model of employment impacting microeconomic and macroeconomic factors.Research method: systemic and logical analysis, conducted by both Lithuanian and foreign researchers. After an analysis of scientific literature, we can identify such basic groups of microeconomic and macroeconomic factors influencing employment which are suitable for analyzing employment: microeconomic factors (human factors, technical and technological factors) and macroeconomic factors (general economic factors, migration factors). The model of microeconomic and macroeconomic factors impacting employment can be applied to the exploration of different microeconomic and macroeconomic factors' influence on the different person groups in the labour market

    Implementation of sustainable development goals in Lithuania: the context of poverty reduction

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas darnaus vystymosi tikslų įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: skurdo mažinimo kontekstas. Tyrime keliama problema: kokie skurdo mažinimo pokyčiai, siekiant įgyvendinti Darnaus vystymosi kovos su skurdu tikslą Lietuvoje? Darbo objektas. Darnaus vystymosi kovos su skurdu tikslo įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti darnaus vystymosi tikslų įgyvendinimą Lietuvoje skurdo mažinimo kontekste. Tikslui pasiekti keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) atlikti darnaus vystymosi tikslų įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje skurdo mažinimo kontekste teorinę analizę; 2) išanalizuoti pagrindinių darnaus vystymosi 1-ojo tikslo kovos su skurdu statistinių rodiklių pokyčius Lietuvoje 2010-2020 m. laikotarpiu. Tyrimo metodai: atliekama mokslinės ir kitų literatūros šaltinių analizė, atliekant statistinių rodiklių analizę, darbe naudojami Statistikos departamento prie LR Vyriausybės 2010–2020 m. duomenys, statistinių rodiklių pokyčiams įvertinti apskaičiuojami tų rodiklių procentiniai pokyčiai, duomenys grupuojami ir lyginami, duomenys vaizduojami grafiškai. Analizuojant darnaus vystymosi tikslų įgyvendinimą, ypač kovos su skurdu mažinimą, matyti, kad skurdas vis dar išlieka viena sudėtingesnių sprendžiamų socialinių problemų Lietuvoje. Skurdo problema yra viena iš Vyriausybės prioritetinių uždavinių ir Darnaus vystymosi darbotvarkėje iki 2030 metų numatytų tikslų, kur kovai su skurdu suteiktas pirmas prioritetinis tikslas. Šiame tyrime siekiama problemą pažinti ir analizuoti akademiniu lygiu. Atlikus tyrimą, nustatyta, kad didėjant BVP šalyje analizuojamu laikotarpiu, mažėjo absoliutaus skurdo lygis Lietuvoje bei skurdo rizikoje ar socialinėje atskirtyje gyvenančių visų amžiaus grupių vyrų, moterų ir vaikų gyventojų dalis Lietuvoje. Pastebima, kad daugiausiai didėjo ir valdžios sektoriaus išlaidos būtiniausioms socialinės apsaugos paslaugoms analizuojamu laikotarpiu lyginant su valdžios sektoriaus būtiniausiomis išlaidomis švietimui ar sveikatos apsaugai. Sėkmingai įgyvendinamas darnaus vystymosi tikslas Lietuvoje prisideda prie Darbotvarkės 2030 įgyvendinimo pasaulyje. Raktiniai žodžiai: darnus vystymasis, darnaus vystymosi tikslai, skurdo mažinimas.The article analyzes the implementation of sustainable development goals in Lithuania: the context of poverty reduction. The problem raised in the study: what are the changes in poverty reduction in the implementation of the first goal of sustainable development, Combating poverty in Lithuania? Subject of work: implementation of sustainable development goals in Lithuania in the context of poverty reduction. The aim of the work: to analyze the implementation of sustainable development goals in Lithuania in the context of poverty reduction. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to perform a theoretical analysis of the implementation of sustainable development goals in Lithuania in the context of poverty reduction; 2) to analyze the changes in the statistical indicators of the fight against poverty of the 1st goal of sustainable development in Lithuania in 2010-2020. period. Research methods: the analysis of scientific and other literary sources is carried out, the analysis of statistical indicators is carried out, the statistics of the Department of Statistics under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania for 2010-2020 are used in the work. data, to evaluate changes in statistical indicators, percentage changes in those indicators are calculated, data are grouped and compared, data are represented graphically. Sustainable development poses important challenges not only to the world, but also to the socio-economic development of Lithuania, where such important problems as cyclicality of economic development, aging society, changes in the demographic structure, income and gender inequality and others are observed. Analyzing the implementation of the goals of sustainable development, especially the reduction of the fight against poverty, it can be seen that poverty still remains one of the more complex social problems to be solved in Lithuania. Although there is a lot of talk about the problem of poverty in the public sphere, it is one of the Government's priority tasks and the goals set in the Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030, where the fight against poverty is given the first priority goal, but the solution to any problem requires its knowledge, analysis, and the disclosure of the causal factors in an academic level. After conducting the research, it was found that as the GDP in the country increased during the analyzed period, the level of absolute poverty in Lithuania and the share of the population of men, women and children of all age groups living at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Lithuania decreased. It is noticeable that the government sector's expenses for the most necessary social security services increased the most during the analyzed period, compared to the government sector's necessary expenses for education or health care. Therefore, it is very important to successfully implement the 1st goal of sustainable development in Lithuania, which provides for the elimination of all forms of poverty in the country, thereby contributing to the implementation of Agenda 2030 in the world. Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable development goals, poverty reduction

    Interneto, kaip šiuolaikinės reklamos komunikacijos priemonės, plėtros galimybės

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    Today we can clearly state that fast development of the Internet opens up marketing opportunities for business. The Internet single-sidedly conquers an increasingly larger segment in businesses' marketing programmes. This is understandable, as more and more marketing executives have convinced themselves that the Internet, as an advertising communication channel, is able to put business advertising projects into practice more cheaply and efficiently. Therefore, most often advertising on the Internet becomes the means of communication of such projects. Most writers admit that it is those businesses using the Internet present themselves to the surrounding world as contemporary ones, perceiving the tendencies of the world economy and moving step in step with time

    Labiausiai pažeidžiamų darbo rinkos segmentų analizė Lietuvos ekonomikos raidos laikotarpiu

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    Paper analyzes the most vulnerable segments of the labour market with particular emphasis on situation of youth, women, long-term unemployed and pre-retirement age people in the labour market during the period of economic development in Lithuania in 2002-2010. The scientific problem of this research can be formulated by raising the issue as follows: how does the economic development in Lithuania influences the most vulnerable labour market segments? To tackle the problem, scientific literature analysis, statistical clustering and comparison, and correlation and regression analysis methods are used. Statistical relations between country's overall level of employment and the number of unemployed among the most vulnerable segments of the labour market shows that the growth of the employment rate has a strong statistical tendency to decrease the number of unemployed among the most vulnerable segments of the labour market. Analogous analysis of the data revealed that when the unemployment rate increases, the unemployment rate of the most vulnerable segments of the labour market also increases. The research results show that the changes of employment and unemployment rate of the most vulnerable segments of the labour market in the country can be predicted with high reliability. This discloses the potential of practical applicability of the model. In order to monitor the employment of the most vulnerable segments of the labour market, there is a need to analyze constantly the impact of economic changes on the employment of these segments

    Emigracijos prielaidų įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtrai Lietuvoje

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    Free movement of work force, although somewhat limited during transitional periods, provided freedom to choose both a place for work and living not only in the home country but also in the whole of the European Union. Increasing work force demand due to economic growth and aging of the local labour force in Western European countries promotes labour mobility. With regards to a considerably lower employment level, differences in income, career opportunities and migration, this context of technological and global market growth is characterized by a clear growth of labour force movement, as the main manufacturing and service factor. Soon after integration large numbers of Lithuanian citizens in their turn used these opportunities

    Lithuanian business taxes analysis

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    Straipsnyje gilinamasi į Lietuvos verslo mokesčių pokyčius 2015-2019 m. laikotarpiu. Tikslas – išanalizuoti Lietuvos verslo mokesčius. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė, duomenų lyginimas ir grupavimas. Tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad pagrindiniai Lietuvos įmonių mokami mokesčiai yra pelno mokestis, pridėtinės vertės mokestis, gyventojų pajamų mokestis, nekilnojamojo turto ir žemės mokestis bei akcizai. Atlikta Lietuvos verslo mokesčių pokyčių analizė 2015-2019 m. laikotarpiu atskleidė, kad analizuojamu laikotarpiu matomos visų iš verslo surenkamų mokesčių didėjimo tendencijos Lietuvoje. Kaip rodo analizės duomenys, Lietuvoje analizuojamu laikotarpiu daugiausiai sumokėta pridėtinės vertės mokesčio, šiek tiek mažiau pelno mokesčio ir akcizų, o mažiausiai – nekilnojamo turto ir žemės mokesčio 2015-2019 m. laikotarpiu. Atlikta analizė atskleidė, kad sumokėtas gyventojų pajamų mokestis analizuojamu laikotarpiu iš kitų analizuotų mokesčių išsiskyrė tuo, kad nuo 2015 m. iki 2019 m. stebimos ženklios didėjimo tendencijos, t. y. padidėjo 139,40 proc. Tyrime analizuoti Lietuvos verslo mokesčių pokyčiai ir gauti rezultatai yra reikšmingi kaip finansinių išteklių formavimo šaltinis šalyje. Pagrindinės sąvokos: mokesčiai, pridėtinės vertės mokestis, gyventojų pajamų mokestis, pelno mokestis, akcizai, nekilnojamojo turto ir žemės mokestis.The article delves into the changes in Lithuanian business taxes of the 2015-2019 period. The aim is to analyze Lithuanian business taxes. Research methods were: scientific literature analysis, statistical data analysis, comparison, and data grouping. The survey data show that the most taxes paid by Lithuanian companies are profit, VAT, real estate and land taxes, and excise duties. A complete analysis of changes in Lithuanian business taxes in 2015-2019 revealed that in the analyzed period time the tendencies of increase of all taxes collected from business in Lithuania are visible. According to the data, in the analyzed period in Lithuania, the highest number of taxes were paid for value-added, slightly less - corporate income and excise duties, and the lowest number of taxes during the period time in 2015-2019 were paid for real estate and land. The changes in Lithuanian business taxes analyzed in the study and the results obtained are significant as a source of financial resources in the country. Keywords: taxes, value-added tax, income tax, excise duties, real estate, and land tax