517 research outputs found

    Parenting in times of war: A meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of war-exposure, parenting, and child adjustment

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    This mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis sheds more light on the role parenting practices play in children’s adjustment after war exposure. Specifically, we quantitatively examined how war exposure shapes parenting behavior, and whether parenting behavior explains some of the well-known associations between war exposure and children’s adjustment. In addition, we meta-synthesized the qualitative evidence answering when and why parenting practices might change for war-affected families. We searched nine electronic databases and contacted experts in the field for relevant studies published until March 2018, identifying 4,147 unique publications that were further screened by title and abstract, resulting in 158 publications being fully screened. By running a meta-analytic structural equation model (MASEM) with 38 quantitative studies (N = 54,372, Mage = 12.00, SDage = 3.54), we found that war-exposed parents showed less warmth and more harshness towards their children, which partly mediated the association between war exposure and child adjustment, i.e., more post-traumatic stress symptoms, depression and anxiety, social problems, externalizing behavior, and lower positive outcomes. War exposure was not associated with parents’ exercise of behavioral control. Through meta-synthesizing ten qualitative studies (N = 1,042, age range = 0-18), we found that the nature of war-related trauma affected parenting differently. That is, parents showed harshness, hostility, inconsistency and less warmth in highly dangerous settings, and more warmth and overprotection when only living under threat. We conclude that it is not only how much but also what families have seen that shape parenting in times of war

    Meta‐analytic structural equation modeling made easy: A tutorial and web application for one‐stage MASEM

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    Meta‐analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) refers to fitting structural equation models (SEMs) (such as path models or factor models) to meta‐analytic data. Currently, fitting MASEMs may be challenging for researchers that are not accustomed to working with R software and packages. Therefore, we developed webMASEM; a web application for MASEM. This app implements the one‐stage MASEM approach, and allows users to apply MASEM in a user‐friendly way. The aim of this article is to provide a tutorial on one‐stage MASEM and a practical guide to webMASEM. We will pay specific attention to how the data should be structured and prepared for webMASEM, because mistakes in this step may lead to faulty results without receiving an error message. The use of webMASEM is illustrated with an analysis of a meta‐analytic path model in which the path coefficients are moderated by a study‐level variable, a meta‐analytic factor model in which the factor loadings are moderated by a study‐level variable, and a meta‐analytic panel model in which the effects are moderated by a study‐level variable. All used datafiles and R scripts are available online

    A microscopic model for Josephson currents

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    A microscopic model of a Josephson junction between two superconducting plates is proposed and analysed. For this model, the nonequilibrium steady state of the total system is explicitly constructed and its properties are analysed. In particular, the Josephson current is rigorously computed as a function of the phase difference of the two plates and the typical properties of the Josephson current are recovered

    Основні етапи та особливості правового регулювання фінансування будівництва залізниць на території України в другій половині ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст.

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    Досліджуються питання розвитку та вдосконалення залізничного транспорту України, який постає у державі як одна з ланок поліпшення соціально-економічного життя суспільства. Розкриваються проблеми нормативно-правового регулювання виникнення залізничного транспорту в Україні.Рассматриваются вопросы развития и усовершенствования железнодорожного транспорта Украины, который является для государства звеном улучшения социально-экономической жизни общества. Раскрываются проблемы нормативно-правового регулирования возникновения железнодорожного транспорта в Украине.The guestions of development and improvement of the Ukrainian railvay transport which is consideret to be as one of the directions of making better social-economic life of society are investigated. The problems of normative\loyal regulating of the appearing of railwaj transport in Ukraine (the second half of the nineteenth century)

    Berry phase manipulation in ultrathin SrRuO3_3 films

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    A notion of the Berry phase is a powerful means to unravel the non-trivial role of topology in various novel phenomena observed in chiral magnetic materials and structures. A celebrated example is the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE) driven by the non-vanishing Berry phase in the momentum space. As the AHE is highly dependent on details of the band structure near the Fermi edge, the Berry phase and AHE can be altered in thin films whose chemical potential is tunable by dimensionality and disorder. Here, we demonstrate that in ultrathin SrRuO3_3 films the Berry phase can be effectively manipulated by the effects of disorder on the intrinsic Berry phase contribution to the AHE, which is corroborated by our numerically exact calculations. In addition, our findings provide ample experimental evidence for the superficial nature of the topological Hall effect attribution to the protected spin texture and instead lend strong support to the multi-channel AHE scenario in ultrathin SrRuO3_3