151 research outputs found

    Physical parameters of three field RR Lyrae stars

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    This work was partially supported by DGAPA–Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico through project IN104612.Stromgren uvby - beta photometry of the stars classified as RR Lyrae stars RU Piscium, SS Piscium and TU Ursae Majoris has been used to estimate their iron abundance, temperature, gravity and absolute magnitude. The stability of the pulsating period is discussed. The nature of SS Psc as a RRc or a HADS is addressed. The reddening of each star is estimated from the Stromgren colour indices and reddening sky maps. The results of three approaches to the determination of [Fe/H], T-eff and log(g) are discussed: Fourier light curve decomposition, the Preston Delta S index and the theoretical grids on the (b - y)(o) - c(10) plane.Peer reviewe

    Many new variable stars discovered in the core of the globular cluster NGC 6715 (M 54) with EMCCD observations

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    Context. We show the benefits of using electron-multiplying CCDs and the shift-and-add technique as a tool to minimise the effects of atmospheric turbulence, such as blending between stars in crowded fields, and to avoid saturated stars in the fields observed. We intend to complete, or improve on, the census of the variable star population in globular cluster NGC 6715. Aims. Our aim is to obtain high-precision time-series photometry of the very crowded central region of this stellar system via the collection of better angular resolution images than has been previously achieved with conventional CCDs on ground-based telescopes. Methods. Observations were carried out using the Danish 1.54-m telescope at the ESO La Silla observatory in Chile. The telescope is equipped with an electron-multiplying CCD that enables short-exposure-time images to be obtained (ten images per second) that were stacked using the shift-and-add technique to produce the normal-exposure-time images (minutes). The high precision photometry was performed via difference image analysis employing the DanDIA pipeline. We attempted automatic detection of variable stars in the field. Results. We statistically analysed the light curves of 1405 stars in the crowded central region of NGC 6715 to automatically identify the variable stars present in this cluster. We found light curves for 17 previously known variable stars near the edges of our reference image (16 RR Lyrae and 1 semi-regular) and we discovered 67 new variables (30 RR Lyrae, 21 irregular (long-period type), 3 semi-regular, 1 W Virginis, 1 eclipsing binary, and 11 unclassified). Photometric measurements for these stars are available in electronic form through the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre

    Variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 7492. New discoveries and physical parameters determination

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    We have performed a photometric V, R, I CCD time-series analysis with a baseline of ~8 years of the outer-halo globular cluster NGC 7492 with the aim of searching for new variables and using these (and the previously known variables) to determine the physical parameters of interest for the cluster (e.g. metallicity, absolute magnitude of the horizontal branch, distance, etc.). We use difference image analysis (DIA) to extract precise light curves in the relatively crowded star field, especially towards the densely populated central region. Several approaches are used for variability detection that recover the known variables and lead to new discoveries. We determine the physical parameters of the only RR0 star using light curve Fourier decomposition analysis. We find one new long period variable and two SX Phe stars in the blue straggler region. We also present one candidate SX Phe star which requires follow-up observations. Assuming that the SX Phe stars are cluster members and using the period-luminosity relation for these stars, we estimate their distances as ~25.2+-1.8 and 26.8+-1.8 kpc, and identify their possible modes of oscillation. We refine the periods of the two RR Lyrae stars in our field of view. We find that the RR1 star V2 is undergoing a period change and possibly exhibits the Blazhko effect. Fourier decomposition of the light curve of the RR0 star V1 allows us to estimate the metallicity [Fe/H]_ZW-1.68+-0.10 or [Fe/H]_UVES-1.64+-0.13, log-luminosity ~1.76+-0.02, absolute magnitude ~0.38+-0.04 mag, and true distance modulus of ~16.93+-0.04 mag, which is equivalent to a distance of ~24.3+-0.5 kpc. All of these values are consistent with previous estimates in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Constraining the parameters of globular cluster NGC 1904 from its variable star population

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    We present the analysis of 11 nights of V and I time-series observations of the globular cluster NGC 1904 (M 79). Using this we searched for variable stars in this cluster and attempted to refine the periods of known variables, making use of a time baseline spanning almost 8 years. We use our data to derive the metallicity and distance of NGC 1904. We used difference imaging to reduce our data to obtain high-precision light curves of variable stars. We then estimated the cluster parameters by performing a Fourier decomposition of the light curves of RR Lyrae stars for which a good period estimate was possible. We also derive an estimate for the age of the cluster by fitting theoretical isochrones to our colour-magnitude diagram (CMD). Out of 13 stars previously classified as variables, we confirm that 10 are bona fide variables. We cannot detect variability in one other within the precision of our data, while there are two which are saturated in our data frames, but we do not find sufficient evidence in the literature to confirm their variability. We also detect a new RR Lyrae variable, giving a total number of confirmed variable stars in NGC 1904 of 11. Using the Fourier parameters, we find a cluster metallicity [Fe/H]_ZW=-1.63 +- 0.14, or [Fe/H]_UVES=-1.57 \pm 0.18, and a distance of 13.3 +- 0.4 kpc (using RR0 variables) or 12.9 kpc (using the one RR1 variable in our sample for which Fourier decomposition was possible).Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    CCD time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6981: variable star census and physical parameter estimates

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    ABSTRACT We present the results from 10 nights of observations of the globular cluster NGC 6981 (M72) in the V, R and I Johnson wavebands. We employed the technique of difference image analysis to perform precision differential photometry on the time-series images, which enabled us to carry out a census of the understudied variable star population of the cluster. We show that 20 suspected variables in the literature are actually non-variable, and we confirm the variable nature of another 29 variables while refining their ephemerides. We also detect 11 new RR Lyrae variables and three new SX Phe variables, bringing the total confirmed variable star count in NGC 6981 to 43. We performed Fourier decomposition of the light curves for a subset of RR Lyrae stars and used the Fourier parameters to estimate the fundamental physical parameters of the stars using relations available in the literature. Mean values of these physical parameters have allowed us to estimate the physical parameters of the parent cluster. We I N T RO D U C T I O N The study of Galactic globular clusters is important for many reasons. These stellar systems represent some of the oldest, and consequently metal poor, stellar populations in the Galaxy, and their scrutiny allows us to glean information regarding the formation and early evolution of the Galaxy. The spatial distribution of the clusters reveals a different aspect of the Galactic structure than other stars in the Galaxy, and their orbits and tidal tails provide constraints on the Galactic potential. Of course, what we learn about globular clusters in our own Galaxy is also applicable to other galaxies as well. Globular clusters are also believed to be a close approximation to a stellar laboratory since a cluster's members were formed at the same time from the same primordial material with the same composition, leading to a homogeneity of certain properties within each E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] (DMB); [email protected] (RFJ); [email protected] (SG); armando@astroscu. unam.mx (AAF) cluster, but with differences in these properties between clusters. Although this paradigm is being challenged by the recent discovery in some globular clusters of multimodal main sequences and subgiant branches (Piotto 2009, and references therein), indicating the existence of multiple stellar populations, most globular clusters do not exhibit such obvious deviations from a simple stellar population and the paradigm still holds. There are ∼150 globular clusters in our Galaxy for which their fundamental properties, such as metallicity, distance, age and kinematics, have been estimated by various methods (Harris 1993). One independent method for estimating at least some of these quantities is by studying the population of RR Lyrae variable stars present in most clusters. This method uses the fact that the light-curve morphology of RR Lyrae stars is connected with their fundamental stellar parameters, and consequently quantities such as metallicity, absolute magnitude and effective temperature may be calculated from the fit parameters of the Fourier decomposition of their light curves using empirical, semi-empirical or theoretical relations published in recent year

    RR Lyrae mode switching in globular cluster M 68 (NGC 4590)

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    D.M.B. acknowledges NPRP grant # X-019-1-006 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). A.A.F. acknowledges the support of DGAPA-UNAM through project IN106615-17.We build on our detailed analysis of time-series observations of the globular cluster M 68 to investigate the irregular pulsational behaviour of four of the RR Lyrae stars in this cluster. M 68 is one of only two globular clusters in which mode switching of RR Lyrae stars has previously been reported. We discuss one additional case, as well as a case of irregular behaviour, and we briefly revisit the two previously reported cases with a homogeneous analysis. We find that in 2013, V45 was pulsating in the first-overtone mode alone, despite being previously reported as a double-mode (fundamental and first overtone) pulsator in 1994, and that the amplitude of the fundamental mode in V7 is increasing with time. We also suggest that V21 might not have switched pulsation modes as previously reported, although the first overtone seems to be becoming less dominant. Finally, our analysis of available archival data confirms that V33 lost a pulsation mode between 1950 and 1986.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Variable stars in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6401

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    We present a study of variable stars in globular cluster NGC 6401. The cluster is only 5.3º away from the Galactic centre and suffers from strong differential reddening. The photometric precision afforded us by difference image analysis resulted in improved sensitivity to variability in formerly inaccessible interior regions of the cluster. We find 23 RRab and 11 RRc stars within one cluster radius (2.4'), for which we provide coordinates, finder-charts and time-series photometry. Through Fourier decomposition of the RR Lyrae star light curves we derive a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]UVES = -1.13 ± 0.06 ([Fe/H]ZW = -1.25 ± 0.06), and a distance of d ≈ 6.35 ± 0.81 kpc. Using the RR Lyrae population, we also determine that NGC 6401 is an Oosterhoff type I cluster.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Rome/rea : three-year, tri-color timeseries photometry of the Galactic Bulge

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    Funding: YT acknowledges the support of DFG priority program SPP 1992 “Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets” (TS 356/3-1). JW acknowledges the support of DFG priority program SPP 1992 "Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets" (WA 1047/11-1). SM and WZ were partly supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12133005). RFJ acknowledges support for this project provided by ANID’s Millennium Science Initiative through grant ICN12_009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), and by ANID’s Basal project FB210003.The ROME/REA (Robotic Observations of Microlensing Events/Reactive Event Assessment) Survey was a Key Project at Las Cumbres Observatory (hereafter LCO) which continuously monitored 20 selected fields (3.76 sq.deg.) in the Galactic Bulge throughout their seasonal visibility window over a three-year period, between March 2017 and March 2020. Observations were made in three optical passbands(SDSS−g′, −r′, −i′), and LCO’s multi-site telescope network enabled the survey to achieve a typical cadence of ∼10 hrs in i′ and ∼15 hrs in g′ and r′. In addition, intervals of higher cadence (<1 hr) data were obtained during monitoring of key microlensing events within the fields. This paper describes the Difference Image Analysis data reduction pipeline developed to process these data, and the process for combining the photometry from LCO’s three observing sites in the Southern Hemisphere. The full timeseries photometry for all ∼8 million stars, down to a limiting magnitude of i ∼ 18 mag is provided in the data release accompanying this paper, and samples of the data are presented for exemplar microlensing events, illustrating how the tri-band data are used to derive constraints on the microlensing source star parameters, a necessary step in determining the physical properties of the lensing object. The timeseries data also enables a wealth of additional science, for example in characterizing long-time scale stellar variability, and a few examples of the data for known variables are presented.Peer reviewe

    The unusually large population of Blazhko variables in the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53)

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    We report the discovery of amplitude and phase modulations typical of the Blazhko effect in 22 RRc and 9 RRab type RR Lyrae stars in NGC 5024 (M53). This brings the confirmed Blazhko variables in this cluster to 23 RRc and 11 RRab, that represent 66% and 37% of the total population of RRc and RRab stars in the cluster respectively, making NGC 5024 the globular cluster with the largest presently known population of Blazhko RRc stars. We place a lower limit on the overall incidence rate of the Blazhko effect among the RR Lyrae population in this cluster of 52%. New data have allowed us to refine the pulsation periods. The limitations imposed by the time span and sampling of our data prevents reliable estimations of the modulation periods. The amplitudes of the modulations range between 0.02 and 0.39 mag. The RRab and RRc are neatly separated in the CMD, and the RRc Blazhko variables are on averge redder than their stable couterparts; these two facts may support the hypothesis that the HB evolution in this cluster is towards the red and that the Blazhko modulations in the RRc stars are connected with the pulsation mode switch.Comment: ACCEPTED IN MNRAS 14 pages, 9 figures and 6 table