1,287 research outputs found


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    In the US and Europe many clusters initiatives have recently been launched. National and regional governments have been defining and implementing clusters policies and programmes with the aim to identifying, launching and finally consolidating international competitive clusters in their respective territories. In this context, The Ministry of Industry Commerce and Tourism of the Spanish Government have been implementing a cluster policy since 2007 known as the AEIs Programme. This Programme has been implemented in two stages. The first one has been the financing of the elaboration of Strategic Plans for cluster proposals selected by the Ministry in a competitive process. The second has been the financing of the constituting and launching of cluster associations and collaborative projects among members at national and European level. On completion of the first three years of the project, an evaluation has been carried out. Of the 142 proposals received by the Ministry, 101 clusters have been selected and constituted as AEIs (clusters associations supported by specific financial frameworks). These AEIs represent 2,268 firms and 493 institutions (universities, R&D centres, public bodies etc.). These organizations account for a total of 450,734 workers, making up 2.4% of the total Spanish employment figure. This total rises to 6.5% if the indirect effects on the entire value chain are considered. The Ministry has financed these AEIs to the tune of € 9 million, a small amount considering the huge knock-on effect of these clusters achieved over the last three years. This knock-on effect has attracted finance from other sources of more than €243 million; €196 million dedicated to collaborative R&D+i projects. The evaluation has also gathered data from cluster initiative managers and regional cluster policy managers about the about initiatives at regional level. This evaluation has documented the necessities of these clusters and the opportunities arising from the AEIs Programme. As a result of this assessment, the evaluation also proposes new lines to be developed in the following stages of the Programme.

    Development of Evaluation Systems – Evaluation Capacity Building in the Framework of the New Challenges of EU Structural Policy

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    The paper presents the changing role of evaluation for public policies and the increasing importance of comprehensive evaluation systems for more effective and learning public institutions. In this context, evaluation systems are becoming an essential element of governance and democratic processes. Within the framework of the current EU Structural Policy and its new challenges (enlargement, new priorities, regional policy paradigm), the creation and the development of evaluation capacities and comprehensive evaluation systems becomes increasingly an instrument for organizational learning and policy improvement. In this context, the development of evaluation systems is not only fundamental for the new member states, but also for countries with a poor evaluation culture or a fragmented evaluation system. However, evaluation still lacks the necessary resources and infrastructure to become an accepted and integrated governance tool, despite the growth of the European Evaluation Community and the take-off of several National Evaluation Societies in the past years. Unexploited potentials exist on the supply side (evaluators, skills, training, dialogue), but also on the demand side (commissioning, data monitoring, use of evaluations) of the evaluation system. Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB), as an approach for the development of evaluation systems, is the integrated and planned development of skills, resources and infrastructures and the intentional shift towards an evaluation culture in an organization, department or government. Nonetheless, getting to grips with the institutionalisation of the discipline of evaluation and the building of an ongoing evaluation capacity turns out to be extremely difficult: Which are concrete measures of ECB? Who is responsible for the measures, for the implementation? What are the target groups? When has the ECB been successful? are only some of the questions that come up.

    Las estrategias regionales de innovación y especialización inteligentes (RIS3), nueva etapa de la política regional europea en el apoyo a la innovación empresarial

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    Las Estrategias Regionales de innovación y Especialización Inteligente (RIS3) son el instrumento que la Comisión Europea quiere utilizar para que las políticas y medidas apoyadas por los Fondos Estructurales repercutan en una mayor capacidad para generar competitividad en las empresas de las regiones asistidas. Las RIS3 parten de la idea de que cada región debe seleccionar un número limitado de áreas de actividad o de conocimiento en las que la región puede ser realmente competitiva en el marco de una economía cada vez más globalizada. Para que las RIS3 sean realmente eficaces se deben definir en un proceso de participación colectiva, en particular por parte de las empresas. Y deben asegurar sistemas de monitorización y seguimiento que permitan su adecuación regular a los cambios que con el tiempo se irán produciendo en el entorno regional e internacional

    Sobre transnacionales y agricultura

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    Las Empresas europeas frente al Mercado Unico.

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    Sustainable Equilibrium Index (SEI): A Measure to Analyze the Systemic Dependences in Territorial Development

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    Regional prosperity not only depends on economic issues but also in social and environmental aspects. Achieving a sustainable growth path in the long term implies “coherence” in the advancement of these three dimensions (avoiding potential imbalances threatening that path). Here the notion of “sustainable” competitiveness arises. In this context, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate, through a quantitative methodology, that the coherence of economic, social and environmental dimensions is in fact at the core of regional prosperity and regional gap. To do so, the paper analyses the systemic interdependencies between these three fields using a quantitative methodological approach: the Sustainable Equilibrium Index (SEI). The results include the overall estimates for the SEI in each Spanish region as well as a detailed decomposition of the index by economic, social and environmental fields. Finally, recommendations are made to consider SEI as a metric for the upcoming RIS3 strategies

    Abdomen Agudo, presentación de un caso clínico de Linfoma de Burkitt que se comportó como una apendicitis aguda

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    The present work introduces the clinical evolution and outcome of a patient who was treated in a private Hospital in Quito, with diagnosis of Primary Burkitt´s Lymhoma of the appendix. The clinical presentation began with gastrointestinal symptoms that suggested an acute abdomen, and later simulated an acute appendicitis...El presente trabajo, presenta la evolución y desenlace de un paciente tratado en un hospital privado de la ciudad de Quito, con diagnóstico de linfoma apendicular tipo Burkitt. El cual se presentó con sintomatología gastrointestinal con un cuadro de abdomen agudo, que rápidamente simuló un cuadro apendicular..

    La política comercial y la protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual colombiana en los tratados de libre comercio con Canadá y Estados Unidos, (2011-2016).

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    El presente proyecto de investigación de tipo explicativo identificará las políticas comerciales de derechos de propiedad intelectual implementadas por el Estado colombiano en los Acuerdos de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio (ADPIC), de Tratados de Libre Comercio de segunda generación (TLC´s), los OMC Plus y los ADPIC Plus, en el TLC de Colombia Canadá (COL-CA) para develar cómo afecta la economía nacional. Por tanto, busca desarrollar un sustrato teórico, permitiendo generar impactos en la economía local a partir de una mejor política comercial llevada a cabo; entendiendo que esta solo tendría lugar incorporando un carácter conocedor a fondo de las dinámicas relacionadas al comportamiento de Colombia en este tema. Tendrá una permanente discusión en torno al qué y el cómo de dichas afectaciones. Es por lo anterior que se avanza hacia una sociedad del conocimiento de dimensiones globales, con la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico como punta de lanza, dejando en segundo plano la industrialización o los recursos geográficos como condicionantes del comercio y, por ende, del crecimiento y desarrollo económico. Se recogerá información desde libros, artículos científicos en revistas especializadas, así como de textos de las organizaciones internacionales estudiosas del tema de propiedad intelectual. Además, se afirmará lo planteado con datos proporcionados por instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales locales y extranjeras que clarifican los resultados en los años en los que estos acuerdos han tenido vigencia

    Utililzación de anestesia general en cesáreas de mujeres con parálisis cerebral: descripción de dos casos

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    SummaryTwo pregnant women with cerebral palsy were scheduled for cesarean section. Curvature of the spine and mental retardation make regional anestesia technically very difficult, so general anestesia was selected. Propofol were intravenouslsy administered for induction and isoflurane for maintenance. In both cases, healthy babies were delivered with good Apgar score and without maternal and neonatal complications

    Justificación jurídica de la institucionalización de las relaciones públicas

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, leída en 1977.Fac. de DerechoTRUEProQuestpu