3 research outputs found

    Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer

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    Quantum theory dictates that upon weakening the two-body interaction in a three-body system, an infinite number of three-body bound states of a huge spatial extent emerge just before these three-body states become unbound. Three helium atoms have been predicted to form a molecular system that manifests this peculiarity under natural conditions without artificial tuning of the attraction between particles by an external field. Here we report experimental observation of this long predicted but experimentally elusive Efimov state of 4^{4}He3_{3} by means of Coulomb explosion imaging. We show spatial images of an Efimov state, confirming the predicted size and a typical structure where two atoms are close to each other while the third is far away

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy of school refusal: School phobia and school anxiety

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    Die Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlungsansätze nicht dissozialer Schulverweigerung (Schulphobie und Schulangst) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Einleitend wird der Problembereich definiert sowie der Stand des Wissens zu Prävalenz, Verlauf und Risikofaktoren dargestellt. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit stellt die psychotherapeutische Behandlung von Schulphobie und Schulangst dar. Neben allgemeinen Behandlungsprinzipien wird auf die wichtigsten verhaltenstherapeutischen Techniken sowie auf kognitivverhaltenstherapeutische Behandlungsprogramme eingegangen. Es folgt eine ausführliche Beschreibung des Stands der Wirksamkeitsforschung. Schließlich wird praxisnah der Ablauf der Diagnostik, Therapieplanung und -durchführung dargestellt.(DIPF/Orig.)The study provides an overview of current cognitive-behavioral interventions to treat school-refusal in children and adolescents. First of all we define the problem area and describe the standard of knowledge about prevalence, course and risk factors. The main focus of our work is presented by psychotherapeutic treatments of school phobia and school anxiety. Apart from general treatment principles we give a survey of the most important behavioral therapeutic as well as cognitive-behavioral therapeutic treatments. In addition, we provide a detailed description of current research about efficacy. After all we characterize diagnostic, treatment planning and implementation.(DIPF/Orig.