1,468 research outputs found

    Four Blue Beads from Gardom's Edge

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    Four blue glass beads from the prehistoric site of Gardom’s Edge, in the upland area of the Peak District in Britain, were analyzed to determine their composition, date, and origin. The simple annular beads were of unknown date, although they were recovered from contexts that were either Bronze Age or Iron Age in date. The compositions of the beads are relatively unusual. They were manufactured with mineral alkalis, but they contained extremely low concentrations of impurities and were colored with copper. Comparison with other recently analyzed glasses shows (rare) parallels in Europe of Iron Age date, but not in the eastern Mediterranean (Egypt, Near East), which suggests an origin somewhere in the west. This is an extraordinary find in a marginal area, which suggests far-reaching trade and exchange networks

    Uniqueness of Ground States for Short-Range Spin Glasses in the Half-Plane

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    We consider the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass model on the half-plane Z×Z+Z \times Z^+ with zero external field and a wide range of choices, including mean zero Gaussian, for the common distribution of the collection J of i.i.d. nearest neighbor couplings. The infinite-volume joint distribution K(J,α)K(J,\alpha) of couplings J and ground state pairs α\alpha with periodic (respectively, free) boundary conditions in the horizontal (respectively, vertical) coordinate is shown to exist without need for subsequence limits. Our main result is that for almost every J, the conditional distribution K(αJ)K(\alpha|J) is supported on a single ground state pair.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Re-used Roman rubbish: a thousand years of recycling glass

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    The suitability of glass for re-melting and recycling was widely exploited in the past. This paper reviews the evidence, particularly for the 1st millennium AD, using examples from Western Europe. For much of this period glass was produced on a large-scale at a relatively small number of specialised glassmaking sites, which supplied numerous dispersed workshops where glass was modified and shaped. This is only part of the picture however, because the glassmakers, glassworkers and consumers were also linked by a complex, interdependent cycle of supply, use, discard, salvage and re-use, making recycling an essential part of interpreting archaeological glass

    Mountain maidens and cowgirls: Exercise, athleticism, and ideological constraints for several Scott heroines

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    This chapter addresses the way Scott presents competence in space-conquering activities in three heroines across his career: from Ellen Douglas rowing in The Lady of the Lake, Jeanie Deans walking in The Heart of Mid-Lothian, and Anne of Geierstein mountaineering. Scott converts them into activities for the specular gaze of the reader. The Lady of the Lake provides Scott's first athletic heroine, but also hedging devices to reassure his readers that the piquant spectacle she offers can be an image of desirable femininity. Ellen's powers are assimilated to a mixture of classical and romance models suggesting the otherworldly, as a mode of containing the implications of female bodily competence. Once there, Ellen, the 'mountain-maiden' still holds the secret of the path that leads to what Scott's note calls a 'place of retreat for the hour of necessity' but what the poem, calls a 'rustic bower' and 'an enchanted hall'


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    Abstrak: Tingkat kesadaran masyarakat dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan masih dalam kategori rendah. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap masalah ini. Himbauan pemerintah untuk disiplin menerapkan protokol kesehatan harus didukung dengan sosialisasi dan edukasi yang intensif. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat Kampung Yobeh, Distrik Sentani, Kabupaten Jayapura, Provinsi Papua. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan memperkuat pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pentingnya membudayakan 4M; mengenakan masker, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak dan menghindari kerumunan. Output kegiatan tersebut, pemerintah kampung merasa terbantukan dalam memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat untuk mencegah munculnya klaster baru Covid-19. Usai mengikuti kegiatan para peserta berkomiten untuk konsisten membudayakan prilaku hidup sehat sebagai bentuk upaya menjaga diri, keluarga dan orang sekitar.Abstract: Public awareness in implementing health protocols is still low. One of the contributing factors is the lack of public awareness on this problem. Appeal from the government for discipline in implementing health protocols must be supported by intensive socialization and education. This project target is the people of Yobeh Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province. The purpose of implementing this project is to increase awareness and strengthen public understanding of the importance of cultivating 4 habits; wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance and avoid crowds. The output of this project is that the village administration feels helped in providing education to the community to prevent the emergence of a new Covid-19 cluster. After participating on these project, the participants are expected to be committed to consistently cultivating healthy living habits as an effort to protect themselves, their families and those people around them

    A prova de exercício cárdio-pulmonar e o prognóstico cirúrgico do cancro do pulmão

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    Resumo: Os autores procuram dar mais um contributo para a avaliação pré-operatória dos doentes com carcinoma de não pequenas células que vão ser sujeitos a cirurgia de ressecção pulmonar.Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo onde foi avaliado o resultado da cirurgia em termos de complicações ocorridas nos 30 dias a seguir à operação. Os autores definiram cada uma das complicações (óbito, enfarte do miocárdio, insuficiências respiratória, cardíaca e renal, embolia pulmonar, pneumonia e septicemia) e ainda analisaram 3 dessas complicações em separado (óbito, enfarte do miocárdio e insuficiência respiratória), as quais designaram por âfraco resultadoâ.Antes da cirurgia, foram avaliados 99 doentes (34 pneumectomias, 56 lobectomias, 6 bilobectomias e 3 ressecções atípicas) com espirometria (FEV1 em litros) e consumo de oxigénio no exercício máximo (VO2peak). Só 26 doentes tinham valores funcionais considerados borderline (FEV1 < 1,5 litros para lobectomia e < 2,0 litros para pneumectomia). Nos resultados apresentados observámos os seguintes valores médios: FEV1=2,06 litros; FEV1=80,4% do valor teórico; VO2peak=18,8 ml/kg/min ou 88,3% do valor teórico. Só existiram 4 óbitos (4%) e 21 doentes tiveram uma ou mais das complicações referenciadas.Os autores não encontraram relação significativa entre as complicações pós-operatórias e o FEV1 em litros. Verificaram ainda que o VO2peak em percentagem do valor teórico previa melhor um âfraco resultadoâ do que o mesmo parâmetro em valor absoluto.Em relação aos óbitos, um dos doentes tinha sido submetido a quimioterapia, o que dificultou a avaliação do desfecho. Nos restantes 3 óbitos, todos os doentes tinham um VO2peak < 62% do valor teórico. Dois dos 3 doentes com VO2peak < 50% tiveram um âfraco resultadoâ. Com VO2peak > 75% só 3 em 20 doentes é que tiveram um âfraco resultadoâ.Apesar de reconhecerem a necessidade de mais e maiores estudos, os autores concluem que VO2peak é importante para prever complicações como óbito, enfarte do miocárdio ou insuficiência respiratória, principalmente se é referido em percentagem do valor teórico. O limite âseguroâ situar-se-ia entre 50 e 60% do valor previsto

    Nonlinear atom optics and bright gap soliton generation in finite optical lattices

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    We theoretically investigate the transmission dynamics of coherent matter wave pulses across finite optical lattices in both the linear and the nonlinear regimes. The shape and the intensity of the transmitted pulse are found to strongly depend on the parameters of the incident pulse, in particular its velocity and density: a clear physical picture for the main features observed in the numerical simulations is given in terms of the atomic band dispersion in the periodic potential of the optical lattice. Signatures of nonlinear effects due the atom-atom interaction are discussed in detail, such as atom optical limiting and atom optical bistability. For positive scattering lengths, matter waves propagating close to the top of the valence band are shown to be subject to modulational instability. A new scheme for the experimental generation of narrow bright gap solitons from a wide Bose-Einstein condensate is proposed: the modulational instability is seeded in a controlled way starting from the strongly modulated density profile of a standing matter wave and the solitonic nature of the generated pulses is checked from their shape and their collisional properties

    Discrete Symmetries and Generalized Fields of Dyons

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    We have studied the different symmetric properties of the generalized Maxwell's - Dirac equation along with their quantum properties. Applying the parity (\mathcal{P}), time reversal (\mathcal{T}), charge conjugation (\mathcal{C}) and their combined effect like parity time reversal (\mathcal{PT}), charge conjugation and parity (\mathcal{CP}) and \mathcal{CP}T transformations to varius equations of generalized fields of dyons, it is shown that the corresponding dynamical quantities and equations of dyons are invariant under these discrete symmetries. Abstract Key words- parity, time reversal, charge-conjugation, dyons Abstract PACS No.- 14.80 Hv

    Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI): a manifesto

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    Although we have involved animals in machine and computer interactions for a long time, their perspective has seldom driven the design of interactive technology meant for them and animal-computer interaction is yet to enter mainstream user-computer interaction research. This lack of animal perspective can have negative effects on animal users and on the purposes for which animal technology is developed. Not only could an Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) agenda mitigate those effects, it could also yield multiple benefits, by enhancing our inter-species relationships with the animals we live or work with, leading to further insights into animal cognition, rendering conservation efforts more effective, improving the economical and ethical sustainability of food production, expanding the horizon of user-computer interaction research altogether and benefiting different groups of human users too. Advances in both our understanding of animal cognition and computing technology make the development of ACI as a discipline both possible and timely, while pressing environmental, economic and cultural changes make it desirable. But what exactly is ACI about and how could we develop such a discipline? This Manifesto describes the scientific aims, methodological approach and ethical principles of ACI and proposes a research agenda for its systematic development