81 research outputs found

    Gród w Ostrowitem (Napolu) na ziemi chełmińskiej – od centrum opolnego do włości rycerskiej

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    The Ostrowite settlement complex consists of: stronghold (site 1) – known from written sources stronghold in Ostrowite (castrum Ostrowith), two extensive settlements, inhumation burial ground and several smaller settlement points located along the north shore of Lake Oszczywilk and subglacial tunnel valleys stretching west towards Kowalewo and south-east – towards Golub nad Drwęcą. The name of stronghold was mentioned in longer version of the privilege of Lonyz (version A from about 1240). In older literature on this subject wrote Godfryd Ossowski (1878), Abraham Lissauer (1887), Władysław Łęga (1930). Excavations, conducted in 1976, 1989, 1990–1994, covered all the most important parts of the settlement complex. The results of this work became the subject of a separate publication (Bojarski 2012). Development of strong settlement structures at Lake Oszczywilk coincided with the time of disintegration of mesoregion community situated at the Struga Rychnowska River around the stronghold in Gronowo playing role of a central place. Its dynamic development was supported by both advantageous location – large patches of fertile soil, surrounded by less fertile outwash plains and podzolic soils covered with broad zones of forests, constituting natural settlement barriers, as well as communication conditions, including the vicinity of the Drwęca River. This river from the very beginning of the early Middle Ages was a ‘transmission belt’ along which the population inhabiting areas on both its banks migrated. The settlement centre in the area of today’s Napole/Ostrowite played an important role in the exchange realized along the east-west line (trade route connecting Pomerania with Rus’ through Mazovia and Chełmno Land) and north-south (Kuyavia with Old Prussia). It was favoured by advantageous location at natural waterways linked directly to the Drwęca River (the Struga Młyńska River and the Ruziec River) and facilitating the connection between Chełmno Land and Dobrzyń Land. The boundaries of the subsequent Ostrowite/Golub centre clearly distinguish against the background of settlement map of south-east part of Chełmno Land and adjacent northern part of Dobrzyń Land. Aperceptible centre, consisting initially of a large settlement and then a stronghold (formed in the second half of the 10th century) as well as related settlements, creating a real core of a microregion type community, was surrounded in various periods by more than 10 (from 13 to 20) settlement points situated between the centre and the periphery. In tribal times they formed a territorial unit of opole type, while in younger stages of the early Middle Ages a stronghold district in the administration system of Piast state. The surface of this unit – the property of the bishopric of Włocławek known from later written sources, named by Jan Powierski Ostrowite-Golub estate – was about 140–160 km2, which corresponds to the size of 1000 łan, stated in a document from 1276. The boundaries of the Ostrowite estate, and yet the most intensively exploited by this community territory, are defined very clearly by areas devoid of settlement, visible at a distance of 4–6 km from the centre located at Lake Oszczywilk, as well as in the forest zone, still preserved along the Drwęca River and the Struga Rychnowska valleys. In addition, the boundaries symbolically are hiding places of hoards from Golub, Kowalewo, and Rychnowo, which fit in zones separating the neighbouring settlement units. The end of this structure was formation at its outskirts of two military and administrative centres of the Teutonic Knights state – in Kowalewo and Golub, which after 1293 took over the functions of the former stronghold in Ostrowite.Struktury osadnicze wykształcone na początku wczesnego średniowiecza nad jeziorem Oszczywilk stanowiły aż do końca XIII wieku ważne centrum wspólnoty sąsiedzko-terytorialnej. Rozwojowi tej jednostki osadniczej, której głównym ogniwem stał się powstały w 2. połowie X wieku gród, sprzyjało strategiczne położenie na pograniczu głównych prowincji historyczno-geograficznych oraz bliskość ważnych szlaków komunikacyjnych, w tym Drwęcy. Ewolucja tego zespołu przebiegała od niewielkiego skupiska mikroregionalnego przez czoło opolne, do centrum administracyjnego i gospodarczego państwowego, a w końcu biskupiego, w ramach klucza ostrowicko-golubskiego, wreszcie siedziby rycerskiej

    Badania nad morfologią i stylistyką wczesnośredniowiecznych naczyń ceramicznych z Napola na ziemi chełmińskiej

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    Vessel ceramics belongs undoubtedly to the group of the most important movable sources obtained during excavation research. Studies on detailed early mediaeval pottery production should be regarded as essential part of past reconstruction process. Wide range of archaeological studies on settlements and grads carried out in Chełmno-Dobrzyń Lake District for over 20 years have substantially contributed to collecting source base concerning pottery. This source category elaboration constitutes one of the most significant tasks fulfilled by the Department of Archaeology of the Early Middle Ages of NCU in Toruń. The necessity of conducting complex analysis of pottery ceramics focused researchers’ attention on absolute need of taking up studies on working out efficient analytic tool. These works started in mid 80’s of 20th century and led to creating, commonly accepted, program of describing the most significant technical-morphological features of vessel ceramics, modified and expanded in the course of further studies. Its first visible effect was the schedule of ceramics’ analysis from the lower Drwęca basin published by W. Chudziak (1991), which became the grounds for the project of early and late mediaeval vessels’ description from Chełmno Land, prepared in the beginning of the 90’s of the last century, modified by D. Poliński (1996). After next changes it was applied for elaboration of collections of vessels originating from the studies conducted within the „Adalbertus” research program (Chudziak, Poliński, Moszczyński 1997, pp. 83–95). Usefulness of this form in multi-aspect vessel ceramics’ analysis was confirmed in the following years, when it became a convenient tool for pottery description in objects obtained during rescue excavation studies in the sites placed on future motorway A1 situating. It enabled efficient ceramic material elaboration as well as obtaining the results easy to compare and draw general conclusions. As a result of many years’ work the scheme of technical-morphological features of ceramic vessels’ description was created finally, which is a flexible tool and the elements included enable, without its integrity damage, to make slight changes, which in turn ease elaborating of various technically and stylistically ceramics of early and late phases of early Middle Ages. It has been in use for some years in analyses of ceramics collection from Kałdus, counting several hundred thousand items (Błędowski 2004; Chudziak 2003) as well as numerous other sites, which material has been prepared for publication. This project has been also adopted in other centers beyond Toruń University (compare: Grążawski 2002; Trzeciecka, Trzeciecki 2002, pp. 99–134; Trzeciecki 2002, pp. 111–180). As the major mean of work the scheme was used in elaborating nearly 30 thousand item collection of ceramics originating from the studies carried out in the years 1991–1994 in Napole, kujawsko-pomorskie province (Bojarski 2006). The settlement complex studied by the Institute of Archaeology of NCU, consisting of a grad and two quasi -opened settlements delivered the vessel collection dating from 2nd half of 7th century until the beginning of 13th century. The ceramics originating from Napolski micro-region was regarded as a collection fully representative for the whole early mediaeval pottery manufacturing requiring, therefore comprehensive elaboration. The article above contains the presentation of the first part of vessel ceramics’ analysis, consisting of the description of physical pottery features, including technical- technological characteristics (techniques of manufacturing, kind of mass used, pottery recipe and conditions of baking), but also the ones concerning pottery stylistic- morphological features (multistage classification of dish forms, ordination of outlets and bottoms, ornamentation motifs and complete decorative systems). The complete material, without any division it into separate sites or collections, was subjected to analysis recognizing the technique of vessels’ manufacturing with distinguishing five technical groups (hand-made vessels, through partially wheel-thrown ones up to completely wheel-thrown objects) as a crucial criterion. The results obtained became the base for further concluding on the subject of transformations observed in pottery manufacturing and defining chronological-spatial bonds of Napole ceramics as well as its periodization. Considerations on the subject compose the grounds for separate author’s publication (in preparing).W artykule omówiono metody badań wczesnośredniowiecznych naczyń ceramicznych na przykładzie materiałów pochodzących z badań prowadzonych w Napolu w latach 1991–1994. Zaprezentowano schemat klasyfikacji technologiczno-morfologicznej. Przedstawiono ogólne wnioski wynikające z analizy zbioru naczyń pozyskanych z trzech stanowisk w Napolu – grodziska i dwóch osad otwartych, datowanych od 2. połowy VII do początku XIII wieku

    Gród w Ostrowitem (Napolu) na ziemi chełmińskiej – od centrum opolnego do włości rycerskiej

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    Struktury osadnicze wykształcone na początku wczesnego średniowiecza nad jeziorem Oszczywilk stanowiły aż do końca XIII wieku ważne centrum wspólnoty sąsiedzko-terytorialnej. Rozwojowi tej jednostki osadniczej, której głównym ogniwem stał się powstały w 2. połowie X wieku gród, sprzyjało strategiczne położenie na pograniczu głównych prowincji historyczno-geograficznych oraz bliskość ważnych szlaków komunikacyjnych, w tym Drwęcy. Ewolucja tego zespołu przebiegała od niewielkiego skupiska mikroregionalnego przez czoło opolne, do centrum administracyjnego i gospodarczego państwowego, a w końcu biskupiego, w ramach klucza ostrowicko-golubskiego, wreszcie siedziby rycerskiej.The Ostrowite settlement complex consists of: stronghold (site 1) – known from written sources stronghold in Ostrowite ( castrum Ostrowith ), two extensive settlements, inhumation burial ground and several smaller settlement points located along the north shore of Lake Oszczywilk and subglacial tunnel valleys stretching west towards Kowalewo and south-east – towards Golub nad Drwęcą. The name of stronghold was mentioned in longer version of the privilege of Lonyz (version A from about 1240). In older literature on this subject wrote Godfryd Ossowski (1878), Abraham Lissauer (1887), Władysław Łęga (1930). Excavations, conducted in 1976, 1989, 1990–1994, covered all the most important parts of the settlement complex. The results of this work became the subject of a separate publication (Bojarski 2012). Development of strong settlement structures at Lake Oszczywilk coincided with the time of disintegration of mesoregion community situated at the Struga Rychnowska River around the stronghold in Gronowo playing role of a central place. Its dynamic development was supported by both advantageous location – large patches of fertile soil, surrounded by less fertile outwash plains and podzolic soils covered with broad zones of forests, constituting natural settlement barriers, as well as communication conditions, including the vicinity of the Drwęca River. This river from the very beginning of the early Middle Ages was a ‘transmission belt’ along which the population inhabiting areas on both its banks migrated. The settlement centre in the area of today’s Napole/Ostrowite played an important role in the exchange realized along the east-west line (trade route connecting Pomerania with Rus’ through Mazovia and Chełmno Land) and north-south (Kuyavia with Old Prussia). It was favoured by advantageous location at natural waterways linked directly to the Drwęca River (the Struga Młyńska River and the Ruziec River) and facilitating the connection between Chełmno Land and Dobrzyń Land. The boundaries of the subsequent Ostrowite/Golub centre clearly distinguish against the background of settlement map of south-east part of Chełmno Land and adjacent northern part of Dobrzyń Land. Aperceptible centre, consisting initially of a large settlement and then a stronghold (formed in the second half of the 10th century) as well as related settlements, creating a real core of a microregion type community, was surrounded in various periods by more than 10 (from 13 to 20) settlement points situated between the centre and the periphery. In tribal times they formed a territorial unit of opole type, while in younger stages of the early Middle Ages a stronghold district in the administration system of Piast state. The surface of this unit – the property of the bishopric of Włocławek known from later written sources, named by Jan Powierski Ostrowite-Golub estate – was about 140–160 km2, which corresponds to the size of 1000 łan, stated in a document from 1276. The boundaries of the Ostrowite estate, and yet the most intensively exploited by this community territory, are defined very clearly by areas devoid of settlement, visible at a distance of 4–6 km from the centre located at Lake Oszczywilk, as well as in the forest zone, still preserved along the Drwęca River and the Struga Rychnowska valleys. In addition, the boundaries symbolically are hiding places of hoards from Golub, Kowalewo, and Rychnowo, which fit in zones separating the neighbouring settlement units. The end of this structure was formation at its outskirts of two military and administrative centres of the Teutonic Knights state – in Kowalewo and Golub, which after 1293 took over the functions of the former stronghold in Ostrowite

    Badania nad morfologią i stylistyką wczesnośredniowiecznych naczyń ceramicznych z Napola na ziemi chełmińskiej

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    Vessel ceramics belongs undoubtedly to the group of the most important movable sources obtained during excavation research. Studies on detailed early mediaeval pottery production should be regarded as essential part of past reconstruction process. Wide range of archaeological studies on settlements and grads carried out in Chełmno-Dobrzyń Lake District for over 20 years have substantially contributed to collecting source base concerning pottery. This source category elaboration constitutes one of the most significant tasks fulfilled by the Department of Archaeology of the Early Middle Ages of NCU in Toruń.The necessity of conducting complex analysis of pottery ceramics focused researchers’ attention on absolute need of taking up studies on working out efficient analytic tool. These works started in mid 80’s of 20th century and led to creating, commonly accepted, program of describing the most significant technical-morphological features of vessel ceramics, modified and expanded in the course of further studies. Its first visible effect was the schedule of ceramics’ analysis from the lower Drwęca basin published by W. Chudziak (1991), which became the grounds for the project of early and late mediaeval vessels’ description from Chełmno Land, prepared in the beginning of the 90’s of the last century, modified by D. Poliński (1996). After next changes it was applied for elaboration of collections of vessels originating from the studies conducted within the „Adalbertus” research program (Chudziak, Poliński, Moszczyński 1997, pp. 83–95). Usefulness of this form in multi-aspect vessel ceramics’ analysis was confirmed in the following years, when it became a convenient tool for pottery description in objects obtained during rescue excavation studies in the sites placed on future motorway A1 situating. It enabled efficient ceramic material elaboration as well as obtaining the results easy to compare and draw general conclusions. As a result of many years’ work the scheme of technical-morphological features of ceramic vessels’ description was created finally, which is a flexible tool and the elements included enable, without its integrity damage, to make slight changes, which in turn ease elaborating of various technically and stylistically ceramics of early and late phases of early Middle Ages. It has been in use for some years in analyses of ceramics collection from Kałdus, counting several hundred thousand items (Błędowski 2004; Chudziak 2003) as well as numerous other sites, which material has been prepared for publication. This project has been also adopted in other centers beyond Toruń University (compare: Grążawski 2002; Trzeciecka, Trzeciecki 2002, pp. 99–134; Trzeciecki 2002, pp. 111–180).As the major mean of work the scheme was used in elaborating nearly 30 thousand item collection of ceramics originating from the studies carried out in the years 1991–1994 in Napole, kujawsko-pomorskie province (Bojarski 2006). The settlement complex studied by the Institute of Archaeology of NCU, consisting of a grad and two quasi-opened settlements delivered the vessel collection dating from 2nd half of 7th century until the beginning of 13th century. The ceramics originating from Napolski micro-region was regarded as a collection fully representative for the whole early mediaeval pottery manufacturing requiring, therefore comprehensive elaboration.The article above contains the presentation of the first part of vessel ceramics’ analysis, consisting of the description of physical pottery features, including technical- technological characteristics (techniques of manufacturing, kind of mass used, pottery recipe and conditions of baking), but also the ones concerning pottery stylistic- morphological features (multistage classification of dish forms, ordination of outlets and bottoms, ornamentation motifs and complete decorative systems). The complete material, without any division it into separate sites or collections, was subjected to analysis recognizing the technique of vessels’ manufacturing with distinguishing five technical groups (hand-made vessels, through partially wheel-thrown ones up to completely wheel-thrown objects) as a crucial criterion. The results obtained became the base for further concluding on the subject of transformations observed in pottery manufacturing and defining chronological-spatial bonds of Napole ceramics as well as its periodization. Considerations on the subject compose the grounds for separate author’s publication (in preparing).W artykule omówiono metody badań wczesnośredniowiecznych naczyń ceramicznych na przykładzie materiałów pochodzących z badań prowadzonych w Napolu w latach 1991–1994. Zaprezentowano schemat klasyfikacji technologiczno-morfologicznej. Przedstawiono ogólne wnioski wynikające z analizy zbioru naczyń pozyskanych z trzech stanowisk w Napolu – grodziska i dwóch osad otwartych, datowanych od 2. połowy VII do początku XIII wieku

    Early medieval fortified settlements of the Pomeranian-Kuyavia limesis – archaeology and conservation issues

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    The text discusses three different cases of rescue research carried out in recent years by the Institute of Archaeology the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń on fortified settlements in Bydgoszcz-Stare Miasto, Pawłówek and Bydgoszcz-Fordon (historic Wyszogród), in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship. These settlements played an important role in the early Middle Ages as centres of exchange and defence of the Greater Poland-Kuyavia borderland. Together with their immediate settlement base, they were subject to destruction processes to varying degrees. These destructions were the result of natural and human activities. The progressive degradation required wide-ranging archaeological investigations to be carried out on these sites and appropriate legal, administrative and conservation measures to be taken in order to secure the remaining relics

    Chełmno i Toruń. Początki miast na ziemi chełmińskiej

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    The starting point for a discussion on the origins of towns in Chełmno Land is the content of the incorporation document issued in 1233 for Chełmno and Toruń – called the Chełmno privilege – which become the source of the law system for the towns. The origins of both centres, however, were different and resulted from different settlement, cultural and economic conditions. This paper discusses relations between newly incorporated towns (Chełmno and Toruń) and pre-corporation forms of settlement of early medieval traditions (Kałdus – Starogród and Stary Toruń – Toruń). An attempt was undertaken to answer the question as to whether the incorporation decisions made by the Teutonic Knights a few years after arriving at the Kuyavian-Chełmno border, took into account – both in the case of Chełmno and Toruń – similar socio-economic, demographic and settlement conditions; or whether we are dealing here with different models for the creation of the aforementioned urban centres. Was the basis of incorporation in both cases a prior settlement structure, or were there substantial differences between them in this regard? Therefore, the results of previous archaeological excavations conducted in Chełmno and Toruń were compared, including the available written sources. Taking into account the facts concerning the origins of these centres, especially their pre-incorporation stage, it was found that more favourable development conditions occurred near today’s Kałdus (pre-incorporation Chełmno). A castellany existed in Chełmno, the capital of the region, with the name recorded in written sources (Culmen). There was a well-developed settlement background too, as confirmed by discoveries of large craft and trade settlements and extensive cemeteries related to them. In contrast to Chełmno, the name of Toruń was not recorded in written sources older than the time of the town’s incorporation. In this area, there are no developed settlement structures, except for several points. This indicates that the town incorporated by the Teutonic Knights was founded on a so-called greenfield sites, in the vicinity of an early medieval settlement located on the Vistula River crossing (Stary Toruń), then translocated to the present site and situated at the back of a small border fortress (Postolsko – at pre-Teutonic Knights stronghold). The common elements of the first two incorporations are political and communication conditions; both Chełmno and Toruń were located on Chełmno Land’s border, at major crossings, and along overland and water long-range trade routes at the entrance to Chełmno Land from the Kuyavia and Pomerania (theory of gateway centres). Both Teutonic Knights’ towns belonged to a network of centres later included to the Hanseatic League. Despite a common document, their hierarchy was strictly defined. Even in a document from 1251, the master one, the capital role of Chełmno was highlighted, which probably corresponded to the historical tradition and the special position of this centre, from which Chełmno Land took its name.Podsumowanie wiedzy i badań nad początkami Chełmna i Torunia z uwzględnieniem opracowań historycznych oraz najnowszych wyników badań archeologicznych. Omówienie warunków powstania tych ośrodków, czynników kształtowania sieci osadniczej w najbliższym otoczeniu, podkreślenie rangi tradycji miejsca. Wskazanie różnic i podobieństw w funkcjonowaniu Chełmna i Torunia – ważnych elementów struktur osadniczych oraz punktów węzłowych połączeń komunikacyjnych we wczesnym średniowieczu

    Chełmno i Toruń. Początki miast na ziemi chełmińskiej

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    The starting point for a discussion on the origins of towns in Chełmno Land is the content of the incorporation document issued in 1233 for Chełmno and Toruń – called the Chełmno privilege – which become the source of the law system for the towns. The origins of both centres, however, were different and resulted from different settlement, cultural and economic conditions. This paper discusses relations between newly incorporated towns (Chełmno and Toruń) and pre-corporation forms of settlement of early medieval traditions (Kałdus – Starogród and Stary Toruń – Toruń). An attempt was undertaken to answer the question as to whether the incorporation decisions made by the Teutonic Knights a few years after arriving at the Kuyavian-Chełmno border, took into account – both in the case of Chełmno and Toruń – similar socio-economic, demographic and settlement conditions; or whether we are dealing here with different models for the creation of the aforementioned urban centres. Was the basis of incorporation in both cases a prior settlement structure, or were there substantial differences between them in this regard? Therefore, the results of previous archaeological excavations conducted in Chełmno and Toruń were compared, including the available written sources. Taking into account the facts concerning the origins of these centres, especially their pre-incorporation stage, it was found that more favourable development conditions occurred near today’s Kałdus (pre-incorporation Chełmno). A castellany existed in Chełmno, the capital of the region, with the name recorded in written sources (Culmen). There was a well-developed settlement background too, as confirmed by discoveries of large craft and trade settlements and extensive cemeteries related to them. In contrast to Chełmno, the name of Toruń was not recorded in written sources older than the time of the town’s incorporation. In this area, there are no developed settlement structures, except for several points. This indicates that the town incorporated by the Teutonic Knights was founded on a so-called greenfield sites, in the vicinity of an early medieval settlement located on the Vistula River crossing (Stary Toruń), then translocated to the present site and situated at the back of a small border fortress (Postolsko – at pre-Teutonic Knights stronghold). The common elements of the first two incorporations are political and communication conditions; both Chełmno and Toruń were located on Chełmno Land’s border, at major crossings, and along overland and water long-range trade routes at the entrance to Chełmno Land from the Kuyavia and Pomerania (theory of gateway centres). Both Teutonic Knights’ towns belonged to a network of centres later included to the Hanseatic League. Despite a common document, their hierarchy was strictly defined. Even in a document from 1251, the master one, the capital role of Chełmno was highlighted, which probably corresponded to the historical tradition and the special position of this centre, from which Chełmno Land took its name.Podsumowanie wiedzy i badań nad początkami Chełmna i Torunia z uwzględnieniem opracowań historycznych oraz najnowszych wyników badań archeologicznych. Omówienie warunków powstania tych ośrodków, czynników kształtowania sieci osadniczej w najbliższym otoczeniu, podkreślenie rangi tradycji miejsca. Wskazanie różnic i podobieństw w funkcjonowaniu Chełmna i Torunia – ważnych elementów struktur osadniczych oraz punktów węzłowych połączeń komunikacyjnych we wczesnym średniowieczu