13 research outputs found

    IntĂ©gritĂ© des habitats benthiques du plateau continental face aux perturbations physiques naturelles et aux arts trainants : quelles mĂ©thodes d’observations ? Comment suivre le retour vers un bon Ă©tat Ă©cologique ?

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    In 2008, the European Union drew up the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) with the aim of achieving Good Environmental Status of marine waters. By linking the changes observed to the pressures experienced, this directive is defined as a tool designed to better control environmental degradation factors and to assess their implications. Several descriptors are defined within the framework of MSFD, in particular descriptors 1 relating to the biological diversity of the seabed and 6 relating to the integrity of the seabed (i.e. the quality of its structures and functions). As dragging (trawling and dredging) is the main source of disturbance of continental shelf seabed, it is essential to study its impact. However, its effects depend on several criteria such as the type of gear used, the spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort, the targeted habitats and the degree of natural disturbance existing in the area. The general objective of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of trawling activities in various hydrodynamic and sedimentary contexts and design a generalized assessment framework. Four zones were considered: the southern North Sea, the English Channel, the Gulf of Lion and the eastern part of Corsica. To monitor the impact of anthropogenic pressure on an ecosystem, it is necessary to determine which indicators and which sampling methods are the most appropriate. The comparison of fifteen indices and three sampling methods showed that sampling of the benthic megafauna with scientific trawls was particularly effective for monitoring the trawling impact on benthic communities and that video imaging could be a relatively interesting non-destructive alternative method for coarse bottoms. Indices based on species sensitivity to trawling, appeared to be the most relevant for monitoring the effect of trawling on benthic communities. A conceptual approach to detect effect thresholds and impacts was developed and, as a result, the ecological status of the four study areas could be determined and mapped.The evaluation of the effect of abrasion and various environmental parameters on these indices highlighted that the main factors structuring the benthic communities are not the same in all study areas. It is mainly physical processes (tide, swell...) which structure the benthic communities in the English Channel whereas it is mainly parameters linked to species growth (availability of food, temperature...) which influence the distribution and composition of Mediterranean benthic communities. Abrasion has also emerged as a structuring factor of these benthic communities. One of the previously selected indices was able, in areas where abrasion significantly influences the indices, to differentiate environmental effects from the effects of trawling.L’Union EuropĂ©enne a Ă©laborĂ©, en 2008, la Directive Cadre StratĂ©gie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM) dans le but d’atteindre le Bon Etat Ecologique des eaux marines. En reliant les changements observĂ©s aux pressions subies, cette directive se dĂ©finit comme un outil destinĂ© Ă  mieux contrĂŽler les facteurs de dĂ©gradation du milieu et Ă  en tirer les consĂ©quences. Plusieurs descripteurs sont dĂ©finis dans le cadre de la DCSMM et notamment les descripteurs 1, portant sur la diversitĂ© biologique des fonds marins et 6, portant sur l’intĂ©gritĂ© des fonds (c’est-Ă -dire sur la qualitĂ© de leurs structures et de leurs fonctions). La pĂȘche aux arts traĂźnants (chalut et drague) Ă©tant la principale source de perturbation des fonds du plateau continental, Ă©tudier son impact est indispensable. Cependant, ses effets sont dĂ©pendants de plusieurs critĂšres comme le type d’engin utilisĂ©, la distribution spatiale et temporelle de l’effort de pĂȘche, les habitats ciblĂ©s et le degrĂ© de perturbation naturelle existant dans la zone. Ainsi, l’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette thĂšse est d’évaluer l’impact des activitĂ©s de pĂȘche aux arts trainants dans des contextes hydrodynamiques et sĂ©dimentaires variĂ©s. Quatre zones ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©es : le sud de la mer du Nord, la Manche, le Golfe du Lion et la partie est de la Corse. Pour suivre l’impact d’une pression anthropique sur un Ă©cosystĂšme, il est nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©terminer les indicateurs et la mĂ©thode d’échantillonnage la plus appropriĂ©e. La comparaison d’une quinzaine d’indices et de trois mĂ©thodes d’échantillonnage a montrĂ© que l’échantillonnage de la mĂ©gafaune benthique au chalut scientifique Ă©tait particuliĂšrement efficace pour suivre l'impact des arts traĂźnants sur les communautĂ©s benthiques et que l’imagerie vidĂ©o pouvait-ĂȘtre une mĂ©thode alternative non destructive relativement intĂ©ressante pour les fonds grossiers. Les indices basĂ©s sur la sensibilitĂ© des espĂšces au chalutage, dĂ©terminĂ©e Ă  l’aide de leurs traits biologiques, sont apparus comme les plus pertinents pour suivre l’effet des arts traĂźnants sur les communautĂ©s benthiques. L’utilisation de ces indicateurs a Ă©galement permis de proposer un cadre conceptuel d’effet, de dĂ©terminer des seuils d’impact et de cartographier l’état Ă©cologique des habitats benthiques dans les quatre zones Ă©tudiĂ©es.L’évaluation combinĂ©e de l’effet de l’abrasion et de diffĂ©rents paramĂštres environnementaux sur ces indices a permis de mettre en avant que les principaux facteurs structurant les communautĂ©s benthiques ne sont pas les mĂȘmes dans les zones Ă©tudiĂ©es. En effet, ce sont majoritairement les processus physiques (marĂ©e, houle...) qui structurent les communautĂ©s benthiques en Manche alors que ce sont majoritairement des paramĂštres en lien avec la croissance des espĂšces (disponibilitĂ© en nourriture, tempĂ©rature
) qui influent sur la distribution et la composition des communautĂ©s benthiques mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. L’abrasion est Ă©galement apparue comme un facteur structurant ces communautĂ©s benthiques et un des indices prĂ©cĂ©demment sĂ©lectionnĂ© a permis de diffĂ©rencier les effets de l’environnement des effets du chalutage dans les zones oĂč l’abrasion influent significativement sur les indices

    Suivi de la biodiversitĂ© par vidĂ©o sous-marine : analyse d’images et analyse des donnĂ©es recueillies dans la zone de KonĂ©, Province Nord de Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie

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    This study describes my work within the AMBIO project at the IFREMER center of Noumea. The aim of this study is to analyze and to treat underwater video to make a short ecological report of KonĂ© lagoon. After an explanation of the video technics used (STAVIRO) and of the pictures analyze protocols, you will find a description of the working area. Next, this report presents ecological status of this place.Ce rapport prĂ©sente mon travail au sein de l’équipe du projet AMBO de l’IFREMER NoumĂ©a. Il a pour objet l’analyse et le traitement des donnĂ©es vidĂ©os collectĂ©es dans le lagon de KonĂ© (Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie) en 2013 dans le but d’effectuer une courte Ă©tude de l’état Ă©cologique de la zone. AprĂšs une prĂ©sentation de la technique vidĂ©o utilisĂ©e (Stations VidĂ©os Rotatives) et des protocoles d’analyse des images, une description de la zone Ă©tudiĂ©e est rĂ©alisĂ©e. Dans un second temps, ce rapport de stage comporte les diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats sur l’état Ă©cologique du site d’étude

    Integrity of continental shelf benthic habitats with regards to natural physical and bottom fishing gear disturbances : which methods of observation ? How to monitor the return to good environmental status ?

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    L’Union EuropĂ©enne a Ă©laborĂ©, en 2008, la Directive Cadre StratĂ©gie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM) dans le but d’atteindre le Bon Etat Ecologique des eaux marines. En reliant les changements observĂ©s aux pressions subies, cette directive se dĂ©finit comme un outil destinĂ© Ă  mieux contrĂŽler les facteurs de dĂ©gradation du milieu et Ă  en tirer les consĂ©quences. Plusieurs descripteurs sont dĂ©finis dans le cadre de la DCSMM et notamment les descripteurs 1, portant sur la diversitĂ© biologique des fonds marins et 6, portant sur l’intĂ©gritĂ© des fonds (c’est-Ă -dire sur la qualitĂ© de leurs structures et de leurs fonctions). La pĂȘche aux arts traĂźnants (chalut et drague) Ă©tant la principale source de perturbation des fonds du plateau continental, Ă©tudier son impact est indispensable. Cependant, ses effets sont dĂ©pendants de plusieurs critĂšres comme le type d’engin utilisĂ©, la distribution spatiale et temporelle de l’effort de pĂȘche, les habitats ciblĂ©s et le degrĂ© de perturbation naturelle existant dans la zone. Ainsi, l’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette thĂšse est d’évaluer l’impact des activitĂ©s de pĂȘche aux arts trainants dans des contextes hydrodynamiques et sĂ©dimentaires variĂ©s. Quatre zones ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©es : le sud de la mer du Nord, la Manche, le Golfe du Lion et la partie est de la Corse. Pour suivre l’impact d’une pression anthropique sur un Ă©cosystĂšme, il est nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©terminer les indicateurs et la mĂ©thode d’échantillonnage la plus appropriĂ©e. La comparaison d’une quinzaine d’indices et de trois mĂ©thodes d’échantillonnage a montrĂ© que l’échantillonnage de la mĂ©gafaune benthique au chalut scientifique Ă©tait particuliĂšrement efficace pour suivre l'impact des arts traĂźnants sur les communautĂ©s benthiques et que l’imagerie vidĂ©o pouvait-ĂȘtre une mĂ©thode alternative non destructive relativement intĂ©ressante pour les fonds grossiers. Les indices basĂ©s sur la sensibilitĂ© des espĂšces au chalutage, dĂ©terminĂ©e Ă  l’aide de leurs traits biologiques, sont apparus comme les plus pertinents pour suivre l’effet des arts traĂźnants sur les communautĂ©s benthiques. L’utilisation de ces indicateurs a Ă©galement permis de proposer un cadre conceptuel d’effet, de dĂ©terminer des seuils d’impact et de cartographier l’état Ă©cologique des habitats benthiques dans les quatre zones Ă©tudiĂ©es.L’évaluation combinĂ©e de l’effet de l’abrasion et de diffĂ©rents paramĂštres environnementaux sur ces indices a permis de mettre en avant que les principaux facteurs structurant les communautĂ©s benthiques ne sont pas les mĂȘmes dans les zones Ă©tudiĂ©es. En effet, ce sont majoritairement les processus physiques (marĂ©e, houle...) qui structurent les communautĂ©s benthiques en Manche alors que ce sont majoritairement des paramĂštres en lien avec la croissance des espĂšces (disponibilitĂ© en nourriture, tempĂ©rature
) qui influent sur la distribution et la composition des communautĂ©s benthiques mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. L’abrasion est Ă©galement apparue comme un facteur structurant ces communautĂ©s benthiques et un des indices prĂ©cĂ©demment sĂ©lectionnĂ© a permis de diffĂ©rencier les effets de l’environnement des effets du chalutage dans les zones oĂč l’abrasion influent significativement sur les indices.In 2008, the European Union drew up the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) with the aim of achieving Good Environmental Status of marine waters. By linking the changes observed to the pressures experienced, this directive is defined as a tool designed to better control environmental degradation factors and to assess their implications. Several descriptors are defined within the framework of MSFD, in particular descriptors 1 relating to the biological diversity of the seabed and 6 relating to the integrity of the seabed (i.e. the quality of its structures and functions). As dragging (trawling and dredging) is the main source of disturbance of continental shelf seabed, it is essential to study its impact. However, its effects depend on several criteria such as the type of gear used, the spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort, the targeted habitats and the degree of natural disturbance existing in the area. The general objective of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of trawling activities in various hydrodynamic and sedimentary contexts and design a generalized assessment framework. Four zones were considered: the southern North Sea, the English Channel, the Gulf of Lion and the eastern part of Corsica. To monitor the impact of anthropogenic pressure on an ecosystem, it is necessary to determine which indicators and which sampling methods are the most appropriate. The comparison of fifteen indices and three sampling methods showed that sampling of the benthic megafauna with scientific trawls was particularly effective for monitoring the trawling impact on benthic communities and that video imaging could be a relatively interesting non-destructive alternative method for coarse bottoms. Indices based on species sensitivity to trawling, appeared to be the most relevant for monitoring the effect of trawling on benthic communities. A conceptual approach to detect effect thresholds and impacts was developed and, as a result, the ecological status of the four study areas could be determined and mapped.The evaluation of the effect of abrasion and various environmental parameters on these indices highlighted that the main factors structuring the benthic communities are not the same in all study areas. It is mainly physical processes (tide, swell...) which structure the benthic communities in the English Channel whereas it is mainly parameters linked to species growth (availability of food, temperature...) which influence the distribution and composition of Mediterranean benthic communities. Abrasion has also emerged as a structuring factor of these benthic communities. One of the previously selected indices was able, in areas where abrasion significantly influences the indices, to differentiate environmental effects from the effects of trawling

    Disentangling trawling impact from natural variability on benthic communities

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    Various environmental parameters such as temperature, depth and currents influence the composition and distribution of benthic assemblages. However, the impact of trawling on benthic communities depends on their species composition since not all benthic species are equally sensitive to trawling. Moreover, trawling can have effects on benthic species similar to some natural disturbances, such as a local increase in turbidity. Thus, species adapted to these natural disturbances may be resistant to a certain level of trawling. This study evaluates the joint influence of environmental parameters and trawling pressure on four functional sensitivity indices in three environmentally contrasted areas: the English Channel, the Gulf of Lion and the eastern coast of Corsica, the two latter being located in the Mediterranean Sea. The different environmental parameters influencing the behaviour of these indices were identified in each of the study areas. These parameters were divided into two groups according to the type of influence they have on the benthic community. The first group of variables, used for modeling “Scope for Growth” (SfG), relates to the resilience of species, while the second, “Disturbance” (Dist), concerns their resistance to physical impacts. This work highlighted that the distribution of benthic species in the English Channel is mainly linked to physical disturbances and therefore to their resistance, whereas it is mainly parameters linked to the resilience of communities that influence the distribution of benthic fauna in the Mediterranean. The effect of abrasion could be distinguished from the natural environmental disturbances in the English Channel and Gulf of Lion where trawling was found to have a significant effect on functional sensitivity indices. The composition and distribution of benthic communities in Corsica, did not seem to be influenced by trawling pressure

    Detecting adverse effect on seabed integrity. Part 2: How much of seabed habitats are left in good environmental status by fisheries?

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    By relating observed changes to the pressures suffered, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive intends to better control the factors of environmental degradation and to manage their consequences in European waters. Several descriptors are defined within the framework of the MFSD and in particular descriptor 1 relating to the biological diversity of the seabed and descriptor 6 relating to the seabed integrity (i.e. the quality of their structures and functions). For each descriptor, indicators and threshold values must be defined and a novel conceptual approach to define and detect seabed integrity thresholds is proposed here. Bottom trawling being the main source of shelf continental disturbance, it is important to evaluate its impact on benthic habitat. The goal of this study is to propose a methodology to determine “Good Ecological Status” threshold values for each habitat type present in three contrasted MFSD sub-region (North Sea, English Channel and Mediterranean Sea). Trawling impacts are dependent of the spatial and temporal distribution of the fishing effort, fishing gears, intensity of natural disturbances and habitat types. Benthic community structures present in these areas were studied using by-catch non-commercial benthic invertebrates data collected during French scientific bottom trawl surveys. Swept area ratios derived from VMS data were used to quantify the intensity of fishery induced abrasion on the seabed. A modeling approach was used to determine abrasion threshold values on each EUNIS level 4 habitat. The values, beyond which trawling has an adverse effect on benthic communities, have been determined for each habitat. This made it possible to assess and map the ecological status of each of the habitats and to determine the percentage of each habitat impacted by trawling. The method proposed here to evaluate the impact of trawling on benthic communities highlighted that the vast majority of the investigated sub-regions were adversely impacted or lost as a result of seabed impacting trawling

    Detecting adverse effect on seabed integrity. Part 1: Generic sensitivity indices to measure the effect of trawling on benthic mega-epifauna

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    The benthic fauna of European continental shelves is a severely impacted community, mostly due to intense bottom trawling activity. Trawling effect may be dependent on the spatial and temporal distribution of abrasion, the habitat type including natural perturbation intensity and the fishing gear used. Nonetheless, there is an urgent need to identify or develop indices likely to measure the effect of trawling. For this purpose benthic fauna by-catch monitored in scientific trawl surveys carried out in all European waters in the frame of the Common Fishery Policy Data Collection Multiannual Program may be used. Benthic invertebrates data used in this study were collected during scientific bottom trawl surveys covering the English Channel, the North Sea and the North-West Mediterranean. Swept area ratios derived from VMS data were used to quantify the intensity of fishery induced abrasion on the seabed. Fifteen indices were investigated: taxonomic diversity metrics, functional diversity indices and functional indices, the two later based on sensitivity traits to physical abrasion. Their properties, such as their capacity to detect trawling effect, their statistical behavior or their ability to inform on community structure, were investigated. Among them, fours indices specific to fishery effect detection based on biological traits appeared to be the best performing benthic indices regarding these requirements: Trawling Disturbance Index (TDI), modified-Trawling Disturbance Index (mTDI), partial-Trawling Disturbance Index (pTDI), modified sensitivity index (mT). Maps of the distribution pattern of seabed sensitivity captured through each of these four indices were produced. This work has highlighted the need to use specific indices to monitor the effect of trawling on benthic communities but also that the use of different indices may be necessary to carry out this monitoring in all European waters.

    Assessing the impact of trawling on benthic megafauna: comparative study of video surveys vs. scientific trawling

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    Most studies about benthic community use small-scale sampling methods focused on the infauna such as grabs or box-corers. The benthic data collected by scientific trawl surveys in all European waters, in the frame of the Common Fishery Policy Data Collection Multiannual Program, can be used to study the impact of large-scale fisheries such as trawling. However, the catchability of trawls is very dependent on the nature of the seabed as well as resulting ground-gear adaptations. Due to its non-destructive nature and its ability to focus on benthic macro-epifauna, towed video sampling appears to be a good alternative to monitor the impact of trawling on benthic communities. In the present work, we studied the influence of fishery induced seabed abrasion and video characteristics on nine indices, which can be used to monitor the effect of trawling on benthic communities, was studied. Among them, three indices specific to fishery effect detection based on biological traits appeared to be the best performing benthic indices with video data: modified-Trawling Disturbance Index, partial-Trawling Disturbance Index, and modified sensitivity index. The effectiveness of these indices to monitor the effect of trawling was evaluated and compared between trawl and video sampling. This work has highlighted that video sampling could be a good alternative, or at least a complementary method, to scientific trawling to monitor the effect of trawling on benthic communities in European waters

    Avantages et inconvénients de la stéréo vidéo : applicabilité au protocole pour STAVIRO

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    La stĂ©rĂ©o vidĂ©o repose sur l’utilisation synchronisĂ©e de 2 camĂ©ras permettant de produire une image en 3 dimensions. Elle permet par triangulation d’obtenir une estimation prĂ©cise de la taille de chaque individu et de mesurer les distances. En 2007 en Nouvelle CalĂ©donie l’ IFREMER a dĂ©veloppĂ© des systĂšmes mono-vidĂ©o autonomes et rotatifs (STAVIRO et MICADO). La camĂ©ra est dĂ©ployĂ©e 12 minutes depuis un bateau sans immersion de plongeurs, le temps d’effectuer 3 rotations complĂštes. L’objectif de l’étude est de rĂ©aliser un bilan comparatif entre l’utilisation d’un systĂšme STAVIRO classique et l’utilisation d’un systĂšme Ă©quipĂ© en stĂ©rĂ©o vidĂ©o. 59 stations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es entre le 2 et le 13 juin 2014 dans le lagon sud ouest de la Nouvelle CalĂ©donie

    Patch reef: a functional hotspot of tropical fishes

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    In days of increasingly threatened marine tropical ecosystems, it is important to improve knowledge on understudied but taxonomically rich habitats. If fish assemblages from barrier and fringing reefs are generally well studied, patch reefs are much less known. The objective of the present study (part of the EPICURE project) was to better understand taxonomic and functional specificity of patch reefs fish assemblages compared to the well-studied subtidal reef flat and outer slope habitats. Unbaited rotating video systems (STAVIRO) were used to quantify fish abundance on two sitesfrom the northern Mozambic channel (Mayotte Iris bank and Geyser bank). Taxonomic and functional diversity metrics were used to compare assemblages among habitats. None of the species diversity indices considered (Species richness, Shannon, Simpson and Pielou indices) showed significant differences among habitats, while most of functional richness indices showed differences (richness, specialization and originality). Overall, assemblages from patch reefs have more specialist and functionally original species than subtidal reef flat and outer slope. This work showed original assemblages on patch reefs and suggest that these habitats could be of particular interest for further investigation.

    Rapport de l’atelier – rencontre sur les pĂȘcheries artisanales des Outre-mer intertropicaux. 5-6 dĂ©cembre 2022

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    In the French Overseas, small-scale fishing represents a major part of the sector, with a vital role for the economy, employment and food security of local populations. However scientific knowledge and monitoring remains patchy. Involved in several research projects on this issue, Ifremer organised an exchange workshop to share recent scientific advances with stakeholders in the sector and to discuss together the issues of sustainability of fishing in these territories. The event was held on 5 and 6 December 2022, at the headquarters of the ComitĂ© National des PĂȘches et des Elevages Marins (CNPMEM) in Paris. This meeting was organised within the framework of Ifremer's Overseas Action Plan (PAOM) 2021-2025, but also in the context of the FAO's "International Year of Small-scale Fisheries and Aquaculture" (IYAFA). More than 80 participants met on 5 and 6 December, a majority in presence, others participating remotely. The objective of the workshop was to share the progress and results obtained by the research, and to discuss the future challenges and future needs for collaboration in the French overseas territories. The proposed approach is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the sciences of sustainability of fisheries socio-ecosystems. In this sense, the aim is to better integrate the ecological, economic and social dimensions of the knowledge on the systems studied and to better consider the needs of stakeholders in order to co-construct future perspectives and projects. The workshop addressed socio-economic and governance issues as well as biological issues related to exploited resources and environmental dimensions. Various topics were discussed, including the major figures for fishing in the French Overseas Territories, economic trajectories in a context of major disturbances, socio-demographic profiles and working conditions, interactions with other fisheries, and the consideration of climate change and the state of essential habitats in the assessment of fisheries resources.  Dans les Outre-mer français, la pĂȘche artisanale reprĂ©sente une part majeure du secteur, avec un rĂŽle capital pour l’économie, l’emploi et la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire des populations locales. Mais les connaissances scientifiques restent encore parcellaires. ImpliquĂ© dans plusieurs projets de recherche sur cette question, l’Ifremer a organisĂ© une atelier d’échanges pour partager avec les acteurs de la filiĂšre les avancĂ©es scientifiques obtenues et discuter ensemble des enjeux de durabilitĂ© de la pĂȘche dans ces territoires. L’évĂ©nement s’est tenu les 5 et 6 dĂ©cembre 2022, au siĂšge du ComitĂ© National des PĂȘches et des Elevages Marins (CNPMEM) Ă  Paris. Cette rencontre a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ©e dans le cadre du Plan d'Action Outre-mer (PAOM) 2021-2025 de l’Ifremer, mais Ă©galement dans le contexte de "l’AnnĂ©e internationale de la pĂȘche artisanale et de l'aquaculture" de la FAO (en anglais IYAFA). Plus de 80 participants se sont ainsi rĂ©unis les 5 et 6 dĂ©cembre, la majoritĂ© se retrouvant en prĂ©sentiel, d'autres participant Ă  distance. L'objectif de l'atelier a Ă©tĂ© de partager les avancĂ©es et rĂ©sultats obtenus par la recherche, et de discuter des enjeux d'avenir et futurs besoins de collaborations dans les Outre-mer français. La dĂ©marche proposĂ©e s’inscrit dans le cadre des objectifs du dĂ©veloppement durable (ODD) et des sciences de la durabilitĂ© des socio-Ă©cosystĂšmes halieutiques. En ce sens, il s’agit d’une part de mieux intĂ©grer les dimensions Ă©cologiques, Ă©conomiques et sociales des systĂšmes Ă©tudiĂ©s et d’autre part de mieux considĂ©rer les besoins des acteurs de maniĂšre Ă  co-construire perspectives et projets futurs. L’atelier a abordĂ© aussi bien les enjeux socio-Ă©conomiques et de gouvernance, que les enjeux biologiques, ou ceux liĂ©s aux ressources exploitĂ©es et aux dimensions environnementales. DiffĂ©rentes thĂ©matiques ont Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©es autour des grands chiffres de la pĂȘche dans les Outre-mer français, des trajectoires Ă©conomiques dans un contexte de fortes perturbations, des profils socio-dĂ©mographiques et des conditions de travail dans ce secteur, des interactions avec les autres pĂȘcheries, ou encore de la prise en compte du changement climatique et de l'Ă©tat des habitats essentiels dans l'Ă©valuation des ressources halieutiques