120 research outputs found

    Prednisolone Neuroprotective Therapy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    134 patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) (aging 47ā€“75 years) were treated in therapy procedure with parabulbar injections of Methylprednisolone Acetate and Prednisolone Acetate. In the first group of patients with AMD (n=71 patients) were treated with Methylprednisolone acetate, and second group (n=63 patients) with Prednisolone acetate. Each patient was given doses of 60 mg, through two weeks, l0 mg every second day. It\u27s estimated in all patients ameliorate in macular threshold, so that it\u27s in the group with Methylprednisolone treatment, ameliorate effect begins after first week, than in second group, treated with Prednisolone, initial ameliorate effect is after second week. Complete effect in both groups is after 2 months. It can be concluded that the treatment of AMD with glucocorticoids has the ameliorate effect in vision loss and it is decided that earlier effect in the group treated with Methylprednisolone, is probably of higher affinity for glucocorticoid receptors

    Experimental models of kidney transplantation: Possibilities to explore new approaches

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    DanaÅ”nja klinička praksa, ali i istraživanja, temelje se na alo(homo)transplantaciji. Najzastupljeniji organ po broju u transplantacijskoj medicini svakako je bubreg. Transplantacija bubrega uvriježen je, najbolji i najekonomičniji način liječenja kronične renalne insuficijencije. Animalni modeli nužni su za istraživanja na području transplantacije organa. NajčeŔće koriÅ”tena životinja u istraživanju transplantacije bubrega je Å”takor. U modernim istraživanjima transplantacije bubrega uvriježila su se dva dobro poznata animalna modela: Å”takorski model kronične renalne insuficijencije i Å”takorski model transplantacije bubrega. Za rad i vrÅ”enje operacija na eksperimentalnim životinjama istraživač mora posjedovati međunarodni certifikat. Uzgoj, postupci eutanazije, poslijeoperacijske analgezije, razmnožavanja, držanja životinja (nastambe, temperatura, hrana), kao i odlaganja životinjskih leÅ”eva i tkiva su visoko standardizirani. Većina danaÅ”njih istraživanja, kao i onih koja će se odvijati tijekom sljedećih nekoliko godina, usmjerena su k rjeÅ”avanju problema oÅ”tećenja bubrežnog parenhima transplantata uzrokovanog toplom i hladnom ishemijom. S ciljem izbjegavanja biopsije transplantiranog bubrega istraživanja su i bit će usmjerena k razvoju metoda kontrastnog ultrazvuka u ranoj detekciji reakcije odbacivanja ili k određivanju serumskog markera za akutno odbacivanje transplantiranog bubrega. Također, sve vrste istraživanja bavit će se uzgojem vijabilnih organa za transplantaciju iz matičnih stanica. Iz svega navedenog jasno je kako će različiti animalni modeli transplantacije bubrega imati važnu ulogu u budućim istraživanjima s ciljem povećanja broja transplantacija, kao i produljenja preživljenja transplantiranog organa.Todayā€™s clinical practice and research are based on alo- (homo) transplantation. The most common organ used in transplant medicine is certainly the kidney. Kidney transplantation is ingrained, the best and most economical way to treat chronic renal failure. Animal models are necessary for research in the field of organ transplantation. The most commonly used animal in the study of kidney transplantation is a rat. In modern studies of kidney transplantation, we have two well-known animal models: the rat model of chronic renal failure and the rat model of kidney transplantation. To operate on experimental animalā€™s researcher must possess an international certificate. Growing, euthanasia procedures, postoperative analgesia, breeding, animal housing (temperature, food, etc.), as well as the disposal of animal carcasses and tissues are highly standardized. Most of the current researches, as well as those that will take place over the next few years have in focus the damage caused by warm and cold ischemia. To avoid the biopsy of the transplanted kidney studies will be directed towards the development of noninvasive methods for early detection of transplant rejection such as contrast ultrasound or serum markers of acute rejection of the transplanted kidney. In addition, all kinds of investigations will address the cultivation of viable organs for transplantation using stem cells. In conclusion it is clear that different animal models of kidney transplantation will play an important role in future researches in order to increase the number of transplants as well as the prolongation of the survival of transplanted organs

    Prostate inflammation/ Infections of the Urinary Tract

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    Infekcije urotrakta najčeŔće su bolničke infekcije, a druge su po učestalosti u izvanbolničkoj sredini. Radi boljeg pristupa liječenju i evaluaciji djelotvornosti antimikrobnih lijekova infekcije urotrakta dijele se u pet skupina: akutne nekomplicirane infekcije donjeg dijela mokraćnog sustava u žena koje nisu trudnice, akutni nekomplicirani pijelonefritis, komplicirane infekcije urotrakta uključujući i sve infekcije urotrakta u muÅ”karaca, asimptomatska bakteriurija te rekurentne infekcije urotrakta. Infekcije mokraćnog sustava mogu uzrokovati bakterije, virusi, gljive ili paraziti. NajčeŔći put ulaska je kroz vanjsko uŔće mokraćne cijevi. NajčeŔći uzročnik je E. coli, a u patogenezi je važno formiranje biofilma. Ponavljane uroinfekcije u žena i uroinfekti u muÅ”karaca zahtijevaju kliničku, uroloÅ”ku obradu. Najbolje je ciljano liječenje antibiotikom prema antibiogramu u dovoljnoj dozi i dovoljno dugo.Urinary tract infections are the most common nosocomial infections, immediately after respiratory infections. In order to achieve better treatment and evaluation of antimicrobial agents, urinary tract infections are divided into five groups. Urinary tract infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. The most common route of entry is through the external meatus of the urethra. The most common agent is E. coli. The biofilm formation is important in the pathogenesis of urinary tract infections. Both repeated urinary tract infections in women and first infections in men require urological examination and evaluation. The best treatment option are targeted antibiotics in sufficient doses and over a sufficiently long period of time

    Prostate Volume and Urinary Discomforts in Elderly

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    Occasional doubts about the real effect of the prostate volume on the urinary discomforts that elderly have been experiencing required additional assessment of these parameters. The aim of this study was to re-evaluate relationship between the urinary discomforts of the elderly and the prostate volume in comparison with age. Results of the group of 79 patients observed within one-year period were analyzed. In assessing their urinary discomforts the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) was calculated, the ultrasound prostate volumetry was performed, and both of these parameters where compared with age. Statistical analysis of the results confi rmed signifi cant positive correlation between the prostate volume and age, positive correlation between IPSS and age, as well as between prostate volume and IPSS

    Derivations and substitutions of urinary tract

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    U 19. stoljeću učinjen je prvi pokuÅ”aj supstitucije mokraćnog mjehura kada je kapacitet mokraćnog mjehura povećan uporabom rektuma. Nakon toga je bio niz pokuÅ”aja uporabe i tankog i debelog crijeva u istu svrhu, a najbolji rezultati dobiveni su uporabom ileuma. U osnovi se koriÅ”tenje crijevnog segmenta unutar uropoetskog sustava može podijeliti na derivacije (ili diverzije) i supstitucije. Derivacije podrazumijevaju napuÅ”tanje dijela uropoetskog sustava uz njegovo zavrÅ”avanje na nefizioloÅ”kim otvorima. Dijele se na privremene i trajne. Supstitucije označavaju zamjenu dijela uropoetskog sustava s crijevnim segmentom. U ovom preglednom radu prikazat ćemo najznačajnije činjenice u vezi s urinarnim derivacijama i supstitucijama.The first attempt to made substitution of the one part of urinary system was made in the 19th century when the rectum was used to increase capacity of urinary bladder. After that a numerous procedures using a part of colon and small bowel was used in the urinary system and the best result was made with using ileum. The using a part of intestinum in the urinary system can be divided on urinary diversion and substitution. Urinary diversion was characterized with abandoning of part of urinary system and its finishing in the unnatural orificies. It can be divided as temporary and permanent diversion. Substitution mean replacement of part of urinary system with part of intestinum. In this review article we will present the most important facts about urinary derivations and substitutions

    Our Experiences in Treatment of Prostate Carcinoma in Patients over the Age of 70

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    The goal of our study was to present our long-standing experience of the treatment of prostate carcinoma in patients over the age of 70. During the 20 years period (from 1991 to 2010) we diagnosed the prostate carcinoma in 1998 patients. More than 58% of the patients were over 70 years old. The most frequent symptoms of the prostate carcinoma were frequent urination and backache. At the first examination 36% of the patients had both prostate lobes involved, and 27% of them had metastases. The most frequent ones (26%) were those in the bone system (pelvis and spine), while in only 1% metastases were found in solid organs (lungs and liver). According to the TNM classification, T1 and T2 were diagnosed in 818 (71%) patients. Histopathological examination discovered Gleason score 2 in 70% of patients and Gleason score 3 in 24% of them. Most often the combination of castration and antiandrogen therapy (in 68% of the patients) and the combination of castration and Estracyt therapy (in 19% of the patients) were applied. In conclusion, intensified efforts should be made in promoting preventive urological examinations because of the great number of patients (27%) with metastases at the first examination

    Surgical Technique in the Rat Model of Kidney Transplantation

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    Today successful kidney transplantation procedures, techniques and immunosupression protocols are a consequence of extensive research on animal models. During every transplantation surgery there are two crucial points for the success of the entire procedure: vascular (arterial end venous) and ureteral or ureterovesical anastomosis. Renal artery and vein of the donor kidney can be anastomosed end-to-side to the abdominal aorta and vena cava of the recipient (heterotopic transplantation), or end-to-end to the remains of renal artery and vain of the recipient (orthotopic transplantation) after nepherctomy. The ureter can be anastomosed also end-to-en or we can connect it directly to the urinary bladder (ureterocystoneostomy). The aim of this study was to elucidate which technique has better results according to: animal survival, reperfusion and perfusion of the transplanted kidney, elimination of the urine from the transplanted kidney and procedure costs. The study included 240 (120 donors and 120 recipients) male Wistar rats (3 months old; weight 250ā€“300 g Our results are clearly showing that the end-to-end vascular anastomosis, and Paquins ureterovesical anastomosis have better results in transplanted rat kidneys survival and urine drainage compared to end-to-side vascular anastomosis and end-to-end ureteral anastomosis. Based on our experience we can conclude that described methods of end-to-end vascular anastomosis and Paquins ureterovesical anastomosis are less technically demanding and have a shorter learning curve. Therefore, we can recommend the use of described methods in kidney transplantation related researches
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