Our Experiences in Treatment of Prostate Carcinoma in Patients over the Age of 70


The goal of our study was to present our long-standing experience of the treatment of prostate carcinoma in patients over the age of 70. During the 20 years period (from 1991 to 2010) we diagnosed the prostate carcinoma in 1998 patients. More than 58% of the patients were over 70 years old. The most frequent symptoms of the prostate carcinoma were frequent urination and backache. At the first examination 36% of the patients had both prostate lobes involved, and 27% of them had metastases. The most frequent ones (26%) were those in the bone system (pelvis and spine), while in only 1% metastases were found in solid organs (lungs and liver). According to the TNM classification, T1 and T2 were diagnosed in 818 (71%) patients. Histopathological examination discovered Gleason score 2 in 70% of patients and Gleason score 3 in 24% of them. Most often the combination of castration and antiandrogen therapy (in 68% of the patients) and the combination of castration and Estracyt therapy (in 19% of the patients) were applied. In conclusion, intensified efforts should be made in promoting preventive urological examinations because of the great number of patients (27%) with metastases at the first examination

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