1,377 research outputs found

    Presence of Adult Companion Goats Favors the Rumen Microbial and Functional Development in Artificially Reared Kids

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    Newborn dairy ruminants are usually separated from their dams after birth and fed on milk replacer. This lack of contact with adult animals may hinder the rumen microbiological and physiological development. This study evaluates the effects of rearing newborn goat kids in contact with adult companions on the rumen development. Thirty-two newborn goat kids were randomly allocated to two experimental groups which were reared either in the absence (CTL) or in the presence of non-lactating adult goats (CMP) and weaned at 7 weeks of age. Blood and rumen samples were taken at 5, 7, and 9 weeks of age to evaluate blood metabolites and rumen microbial fermentation. Next-generation sequencing was carried out on rumen samples collected at 7 weeks of age. Results showed that CTL kids lacked rumen protozoa, whereas CMP kids had an abundant and complex protozoal community as well as higher methanogen abundance which positively correlated with the body weight and blood beta-hydroxybutyrate as indicators of the physiological development. CMP kids also had a more diverse bacterial community (+132 ASVs) and a different structure of the bacterial and methanogen communities than CTL kids. The core rumen bacterial community in CMP animals had 53 more ASVs than that of CTL animals. Furthermore, the number of ASVs shared with the adult companions was over 4-fold higher in CMP kids than in CTL kids. Greater levels of early rumen colonizers Proteobacteria and Spirochaetes were found in CTL kids, while CMP kids had higher levels of Bacteroidetes and other less abundant taxa (Veillonellaceae, Cyanobacteria, and Selenomonas). These findings suggest that the presence of adult companions facilitated the rumen microbial development prior to weaning. This accelerated microbial development had no effect on the animal growth, but CMP animals presented higher rumen pH and butyrate (+45%) and ammonia concentrations than CTL kids, suggesting higher fibrolytic and proteolytic activities. CMP kids also had higher blood beta-hydroxybutyrate (+79%) and lower blood glucose concentrations (-23%) at weaning, indicating an earlier metabolic development which could favor the transition from pre-ruminant to ruminant after the weaning process. Further research is needed to determine the effects of this intervention in more challenging farm conditions

    Sensory function in cluster headache: an observational study comparing the symptomatic and asymptomatic sides

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    Background: Based on inconsistent sensory alterations demonstrated in cluster headache (CH), the aim of this study was to determine whether patients with CH develop sensory changes in the symptomatic side compared to the asymptomatic side. Methods: Quantitative sensory testing (QST), including pressure pain threshold (PPT), tactile detection threshold (TDT), prick detection threshold (PDT), and two-point detection threshold (2PDT), was evaluated in 16 patients (seven women; age 41.9±6.8 years) with CH. Test sites included the rst, second, and third divisions of the trigeminal nerve, cervical spine, and thenar eminence in the symptomatic and asymptomatic sides. Results: The symptomatic side, compared to the asymptomatic side, presented signi cantly decreased PPT in the rst (P=0.011; 423.81±174.05 kPa vs 480.13±214.99 kPa) and second (P=0.023; 288.88±140.80 kPa vs 326.38±137.33 kPa) divisions of the trigeminal nerve, significantly increased TDT in the first (P=0.002; 2.44±0.40 vs 1.74±0.24) and second (P=0.016; 1.92±0.34 vs 1.67±0.09) divisions, and increased 2PDT in the rst division (P=0.004; 18.13±4.70 mm vs 15.0±4.92 mm) and neck (P=0.007; 45.31±20.65 mm vs 38.44±16.10 mm). Conclusion: These results support the prior evidence suggesting a specific pattern of alteration of sensory function with alterations in the symptomatic side compared to the asymp- tomatic side

    Analytical and clinical evaluation of DiaSorin Liaison® Calprotectin fecal assay adapted for serum samples

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    Background Calprotectin is a calcium-binding protein that can be measured in serum, plasma, and feces. Increased serum and plasma calprotectin concentrations have been found in chronic inflammatory rheumatic disorders. An analytical and clinical evaluation of the DiaSorin Liaison (R) fecal Calprotectin assay using LIAISON (R) XL was performed. Methods The protocol included an analytical and clinical evaluation in which imprecision, the linearity of dilution, differences between serum and plasma samples and method comparison with CalproLab (TM) ELISA kit were assessed. Serum calprotectin concentrations in active (n = 26) and remission (n = 23) rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were compared. Results The intra-day and inter-day analytical imprecision CVs ranged from 2.9% to 4.0% and 2.7% to 10.4%, respectively. Correlation between measured and expected values was high (R > 0.99), indicating good linearity. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed that serum and plasma matched samples presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) being the highest concentrations of calprotectin observed in serum samples. Deming regression equation was as follows: Diasorin calprotectin (mu g/ml) = -0.32 (95% CI: -0.65 - -0.05) +1.58 (95% CI: 1.42-1.79).* Calprolab calprotectin (mu g/ml). Significantly higher serum calprotectin levels were found in RA patients with active disease when compared to patients with low disease activity or in clinical remission (mean +/- SD) [(3.35 mu g/ml +/- 1.55) vs. (1.63 mu g/ml +/- 0.52), p < 0.001] and these levels correlated well with all disease activity indices. Conclusions The DiaSorin Liaison (R) fecal Calprotectin assay adapted for serum samples showed adequate technical performances and the clinical performances were similar to other assays

    Human Leptospirosis Caused by a New, Antigenically Unique Leptospira Associated with a Rattus Species Reservoir in the Peruvian Amazon

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    As part of a prospective study of leptospirosis and biodiversity of Leptospira in the Peruvian Amazon, a new Leptospira species was isolated from humans with acute febrile illness. Field trapping identified this leptospire in peridomestic rats (Rattus norvegicus, six isolates; R. rattus, two isolates) obtained in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the Iquitos region. Novelty of this species was proven by serological typing, 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and DNA-DNA hybridization analysis. We have named this species “Leptospira licerasiae” serovar Varillal, and have determined that it is phylogenetically related to, but genetically distinct from, other intermediate Leptospira such as L. fainei and L. inadai. The type strain is serovar Varillal strain VAR 010T, which has been deposited into internationally accessible culture collections. By microscopic agglutination test, “Leptospira licerasiae” serovar Varillal was antigenically distinct from all known serogroups of Leptospira except for low level cross-reaction with rabbit anti–L. fainei serovar Hurstbridge at a titer of 1∶100. LipL32, although not detectable by PCR, was detectable in “Leptospira licerasiae” serovar Varillal by both Southern blot hybridization and Western immunoblot, although on immunoblot, the predicted protein was significantly smaller (27 kDa) than that of L. interrogans and L. kirschneri (32 kDa). Isolation was rare from humans (2/45 Leptospira isolates from 881 febrile patients sampled), but high titers of MAT antibodies against “Leptospira licerasiae” serovar Varillal were common (30%) among patients fulfilling serological criteria for acute leptospirosis in the Iquitos region, and uncommon (7%) elsewhere in Peru. This new leptospiral species reflects Amazonian biodiversity and has evolved to become an important cause of leptospirosis in the Peruvian Amazon

    Efectos inmediatos de la fibrolisis diacutánea en deportistas con dolor anterior en la rodilla

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    Introducción: el dolor anterior en la rodilla es un síntoma frecuente entre los deportistas. Puede tener múltiples causas incluido un desequilibrio muscular que puede determinar mal alineamiento o mayor presión femoropatelar. En la práctica clínica, se ha observado que la fibrolisis diacutánea proporciona buenos resultados en el tratamiento de estos pacientes. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar sus efectos sobre la distancia femoropatelar y sobre el dolor percibido en flexión de rodilla, en deportistas afectados de dolor anterior de rodilla. Material y método: estudio de intervención no controlado no aleatorizado, en deportistas con dolor anterior de la rodilla relacionado con la actividad deportiva. Se realizó una sesión de fibrolisis diacutánea y se evaluó, antes y después de la sesión, la distancia femoropatelar medida con ecografía y la intensidad de dolor (EVA) percibida en apoyo monopodal en posición de 90º de flexión de rodilla. Resultados: la media de edad de los participantes era 25,6 años (DE 6,36), 4 eran mujeres y 6 hombres. La intensidad de dolor (EVA) se redujo de 2,90 a 0,93 (p < 0,01). La distancia femoropatelar se incrementó significativamente en las tres referencias medidas: en el centro de la tróclea de 0,42 a 0,50 cm (p < 0,03), en la tróclea lateral de 0,22 a 0,31 cm (p < 0,02), y en la tróclea medial de 0,18 a 0,28 cm (p < 0,02). Discusión y conclusión: en la muestra de estudio, una sesión de fibrolisis diacutánea ha podido influir en la disminución de la intensidad del dolor y en el incremento de la distancia femoropatelar, lo que podría implicar una disminución de estrés sobre el cartílago probablemente por un mecanismo similar a los estiramientos musculares. La inmediatez de efectos observados aconseja utilizar fibrolisis diacutánea como coadyuvante del tratamiento conservador de estos pacientes

    Imprisonment and internment: Comparing penal facilities North and South

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    Recent references to the ‘warehouse prison’ in the United States and the prisión-depósito in Latin America seem to indicate that penal confinement in the western hemisphere has converged on a similar model. However, this article suggests otherwise. It contrasts penal facilities in North America and Latin America in terms of six interrelated aspects: regimentation; surveillance; isolation; supervision; accountability; and formalization. Quantitatively, control in North American penal facilities is assiduous (unceasing, persistent and intrusive), while in Latin America it is perfunctory (sporadic, indifferent and cursory). Qualitatively, North American penal facilities produce imprisonment (which enacts penal intervention through confinement), while in Latin America they produce internment (which enacts penal intervention through release). Closely entwined with this qualitative difference are distinct practices of judicial involvement in sentencing and penal supervision. Those practices, and the cultural and political factors that underpin them, represent an interesting starting point for the explanation of the contrasting nature of imprisonment and internment