12 research outputs found

    Agro-morphological and quality attributes of Moroccan carob

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    In Morocco, the carob tree is currently enjoying renewed interest with the introduction of a local development strategy based on the development of this resource. Sixty accessions of carob fruits from four regions in northern and southern Morocco are studied for phenotypic and physico-chemical criteria of pods. The phenotypic characterization of the fruits showed that the Chaouen region (north) is characterized by long (13.3 cm), wide (2.02 cm), thick (0.72 cm) and heavy (13.0 g) pods, a high pulp weight (10.8 g) and the lowest seed yield. The southern regions (Beni Mellal and Tafraout) are characterized by relatively short pods with high seed yield. The physico-chemical analysis of the pulp showed a significant variation between the studied regions, ranging from 35.3 to 51.5 % for total sugars, 5.3 to 11.3 % for polyphenols and 11.1 to 14.2 % for total fibers. The three minerals investigated (Fe, Ca, Mg) were detected in all carob samples, mainly in Tafraout, and their contents vary from one region to another.  Keywords: Morocco, Ceratonia siliqua L, pod, morphological characterization, chemical features, pul

    Moroccan carob pulp in food product: Formulation and consumer test

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    La possibilitĂ© d'utiliser la caroube comme une source de nourriture dans un "contexte marocain" n’a Ă©tĂ© que peu Ă©tudiĂ©e. Dans ce travail, la poudre de pulpe caroube, Ă  haute valeur nutritionnelle, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e dans la formulation de trois produits alimentaires pour l’enrichissement nutritionnel du pain, du cake et des flocons. La pulpe de caroube Ă©tait moulue en farine et utilisĂ©e comme ingrĂ©dient dans le pain (5; 10 et 12,5 %), le gâteau (20,5; 35 et 50 %) et les flocons Ă  50 %. Soixante-seize consommateurs ayant une reprĂ©sentativitĂ© par sexe ont donnĂ© leur degrĂ© de satisfaction pour l’acceptabilitĂ© globale et le goĂ»t pour les trois nouveaux produits. L’acceptabilitĂ© globale a Ă©tĂ© approuvĂ©e par 85%, 92% et 50% des consommateurs respectivement pour le pain, les gâteaux et les flocons tandis que le goĂ»t a Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©ciĂ© par 76%, 90% et 55% des consommateurs. La poudre de caroube pourrait ĂŞtre utilisĂ©es comme ingrĂ©dient Ă  valeur santĂ© pour d’autres prĂ©parations alimentaires, contribuant ainsi Ă  amĂ©liorer la chaĂ®ne de valeur de la caroube. Mots clĂ©: Poudre de pulpe caroube, nutrition, formulation, aliment, test consommateurThe possibility of using carob as a food source in a "Moroccan context" has been little studied. In this work, carob pulp powder was used in three food products formulations for nutritional enrichment of bread, cake and flakes. Carob pulp was ground into flour and used as ingredient in bread (5, 10 and 12.5%), cake (20.5, 35 and 50%) and flakes at 50%. Seventy six consumers with representative gender-age have given their degree of satisfaction for the overall acceptability and taste for the three new products. Overall acceptability was approved by 85%, 92% and 50% of the consumers respectively for bread, cake and flakes while the taste was appreciated by 76%, 90% and 55% of the consumers. Carob powder could be used as a healthy ingredient for other food preparations, thus contributing to improve the carob value chain. Keywords: carob pulp powder, nutrition, formulation, food product, consumer tes

    Effect of flour particle size on beta-glucan and polyphenol content of three Moroccan oat varieties

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    Food industries have been increasingly interested in oat grain thanks to its bioactive compounds with confirmed functional properties. This study aims to explore the effect of oat flour particle size of 425 µm, 560 µm, 670 µm, 1000 µm, whole flour and bran on beta-glucan and polyphenol content. The six flour fractions from three Moroccan oat varieties, of which one is naked grain, were investigated. The three oat varieties have beta-glucan contents respectively of 4.08 %, 3.42 % and 2.49 % and polyphenols contents of 351.0, 360.7 and 560.1 µg EAG/g. Results showed high contents of these two compounds in the bran fraction and the fraction with a particle size smaller than 1000 µm and greater than 670 µm. The beta-glucan content showed the largest variation, from 6 % in both fractions to 1.3 % in the fraction with particles smaller than 425µm. Mastering the process of oat flour fractionation could generate quality dense oat fractions adapted to the manufacturers' requirements and investigating other fractionation protocols is highly recommended.  Keywords: oat, fractionation, particle size, beta-glucan, polyphenol

    Phytochemical Profiling and Untargeted Metabolite Fingerprinting of the MEDWHEALTH Wheat, Barley and Lentil Wholemeal Flours

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    An important research target is improving the health benefits of traditional Mediterranean, durum wheat-based foods using innovative raw materials. In this study, we characterised wholemeal flours obtained from a traditional durum wheat cv. Svevo, two innovative durum wheat varieties (Svevo-High Amylose and Faridur), the naked barley cv. Chifaa and the elite lentil line 6002/ILWL118/1-1, evaluating them for targeted phytochemicals, untargeted metabolomics fingerprints and antioxidant capacity. To this aim, individual phenolic acids, flavonoids, tocochromanols and carotenoids were identified and quantified through HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant capacities of both the extracts and whole meals were detected by ABTS assays. An untargeted metabolomics fingerprinting of the samples was conducted through NMR spectroscopy. Results showed that the innovative materials improved phytochemical profiles and antioxidant capacity compared to Svevo. In particular, Svevo-HA and Faridur had higher contents of ferulic and sinapic acids, β-tocotrienol and lutein. Moreover, Chifaa is a rich source of phenolic acids, β-tocopherols, lutein and zeaxanthin whereas lentil of flavonoids (i.e., catechin and procyanidin B2). The NMR profiles of Svevo-HA and Faridur showed a significant reduction of sugar content, malate and tryptophan compared to that of Svevo. Finally, substantial differences characterized the lentil profiles, especially for citrate, trigonelline and phenolic resonances of secondary metabolites, such as catechin-like compounds. Overall, these results support the potential of the above innovative materials to renew the health value of traditional Mediterranean durum wheat-based products

    ORGE : un modèle de résilience exceptionnelle face aux enjeux du changement climatique

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    L'orge (Hordeum vulgare L.) est connue comme une culture céréalière très résiliente et dotée d'une adaptabilité exceptionnelle à un large éventail de conditions environnementales, ce qui en fait un modèle de résilience dans le contexte du changement climatique. Cet article explore les différents mécanismes qui contribuent à la résilience de l'orge, notamment sa diversité génétique, ses adaptations physiologiques et ses pratiques agronomiques. Les implications de la résilience de l'orge pour l'agriculture durable et la sécurité alimentaire dans le contexte du changement climatique sont également examinées. En tirant parti de ses attributs uniques, l’orge a un grand potentiel pour relever les défis liés au changement climatique et promouvoir la durabilité agricole

    Global diversity in barley landraces

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    Twenty genic- and genomic SSR markers were used to study genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of barley from 29 countries through analysis of 304 worldwide cultivated barley landraces. Out of them, 19 loci were highly polymorphic in the material studied. Based on Nei-distance matrix, Principal Component Analysis (PCoA) and cluster analysis using UPGMA associated with AMOVA the data revealed countries’ grouping within regions. Three distinct germplasm pools were identified in the landraces. The first of these was from Eastern Africa (Eritrea and Ethiopia) and South America (Ecuador, Peru and Chile) suggesting that barley introduced to South America might have originated specifically from East Africa or that they share a common genetic basis for adaptation. The second was the Caucasus (Armenia and Georgia) and the third included the remaining regions of Central Asia, Near East, Northern Africa and Eastern Asia. Genetic diversity of barley subspecies (H.vulgare, H.distichum, H.spontaneum and H.agriocrithon) also discriminates them into three groups: cultivated barleys (H.vulgare and H.distichum), subspecies H.spontaneum and subspecies H.agriocrithon. These data demonstrate that H. agriocrithon and H. spontaneum might be distinct and do not support a hybrid origin for H. agriocrithon to be further investigated on the basis of more intense sampling of the wild relative H. spontaneum and H.agriocrithon

    L’orge alimentaire en Afrique du nord : Etat des connaissances et opportunités de développement

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    North Africa is facing multiple challenges that threaten food security of their main staple food such as cereals. Being the old basic food cereal of North African countries, barley has shown its prominence for areas with limited resources, for the nutritional security and for the prevention of the century’s diet-related diseases. Based on literature data (from 1921 to 2020) and FAO statistical data (from 1961 to 2019), it was shown that barley is the ancient staple cereal of the North African population and its importance for resource-limited regions. This paper is a detailed analysis about the evolution of food barley in North African countries for the last six decades, focusing on how the trends of different barley elements have been changed and the current opportunities of this resilient crop to be part of the production system and the healthy diet of the North African future generations.L'Afrique du Nord est confrontée à de multiples défis qui menacent la sécurité alimentaire de leurs principales denrées de base telles que les céréales. Étant l'ancienne céréale alimentaire de base des pays d'Afrique du Nord, l'orge a montré sa proéminence dans les zones aux ressources limitées, pour la sécurité nutritionnelle et pour la prévention des maladies liées à l'alimentation du siècle. En se basant sur les données de la littérature (de 1921 à 2020) et sur les données statistiques de la FAO (de 1961 à 2019) on a montré que l'orge constituait l'ancienne céréale de base de la population de l'Afrique du Nord ainsi que son importance pour les régions aux ressources limitées. Cet article est une analyse détaillée de l'évolution de l'orge alimentaire dans les pays d'Afrique du Nord au cours des six dernières décennies, en se concentrant sur la façon dont les tendances des différents éléments de l'orge ont été modifiées et les opportunités actuelles de cette culture résiliente pour faire partie du système de production et du régime alimentaire sain des générations futures d'Afrique du Nord

    Molecular genetic diversity of ICARDA’s worldwide barley landrace collection

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    The use of barley grain as a whole grain food or food ingredient through the development of various products from improved varieties has increased sharply in developed countries and is linked to health claims. Barley landraces are preferred for making traditional dishes and are conserved in genebanks worldwide. International barley landraces from the collection at ICARDA were assessed for food quality traits and the genetic diversity was investigated using twenty genic- and genomic SSR markers. SNP in several candidate genes for these traits were also assessed. This molecular analysis of food quality traits should allow accelerated use of the germplasm in barley landraces in the development of superior barley varieties for human food use

    Evaluation of a Set of Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum Accessions for β-Glucans and Microelement Contents

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    Barley is one of the oldest domesticated crops in the world and is mainly used for feed and malt and to a lesser extent as food. The use of barley as food is a tradition in communities in some countries of North Africa, Europe, and Asia. However, due to the health-promoting properties of barley grain, there is an increasing interest in such use. The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has a global mandate for barley improvement and holds rich in-trust collections of cultivated and wild Hordeum species. The present study aims to evaluate 117 accessions of Hordeum spontaneum for their contents of β-glucan and microelements for breeding new varieties with enhanced nutritional value. The bulked seed accessions of Hordeum spontaneum were grown over two seasons, and the single plant derived seeds from these accessions were compared to 36 elite lines and varieties of cultivated barley in the second season in Morocco. The results showed large differences in β-glucan and microelements in both the bulk and the single plant seed accessions. The contents of β-glucans ranged from 1.44 to 11.3% in the Hordeum spontaneum accessions and from 1.62 to 7.81% in the cultivated barley lines. Large variations were found for the microelements content, but no differences were noticed between the wild and the cultivated species. However, some accessions of Hordeum spontaneum had higher combined contents of Iron, Zinc, and Selenium. Such accessions are used in interspecific crosses to develop biofortified barley germplasm and varieties