678 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Utility of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised in Two Samples of Survivors of War

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    The study aimed at examining the diagnostic utility of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) as a screening tool for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in survivors of war. The IES-R was completed by two independent samples that had survived the war in the Balkans: a sample of randomly selected people who had stayed in the area of former conflict (n = 3,313) and a sample of refugees to Western European countries (n = 854). PTSD was diagnosed using the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Prevalence of PTSD was 20.1% in the Balkan sample and 33.1% in the refugee sample. Results revealed that when considering a minimum value of specificity of 0.80, the optimally sensitive cut-off score for screening for PTSD in the Balkan sample was 34. In both the Balkan sample and the refugee sample, this cut-off score provided good values on sensitivity (0.86 and 0.89, respectively) and overall efficiency (0.81 and 0.79, respectively). Further, the kappa coefficients for sensitivity for the cut-off of 34 were 0.80 in both samples. Findings of this study support the clinical utility of the IES-R as a screening tool for PTSD in large-scale research studies and intervention studies if structured diagnostic interviews are regarded as too labor-intensive and too costly

    Initiation of Psychotropic Medication after Partner Bereavement: A Matched Cohort Study

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    Background Recent changes to diagnostic criteria for depression in DSM-5 remove the bereavement exclusion, allowing earlier diagnosis following bereavement. Evaluation of the potential effect of this change requires an understanding of existing psychotropic medication prescribing by non-specialists after bereavement. Aims To describe initiation of psychotropic medication in the first year after partner bereavement. Methods In a UK primary care database, we identified 21,122 individuals aged 60 and over with partner bereavement and no psychotropic drug use in the previous year. Prescribing (anxiolytic/hypnotic, antidepressant, antipsychotic) after bereavement was compared to age, sex and practice matched controls. Results The risks of receiving a new psychotropic prescription within two and twelve months of bereavement were 9.5% (95% CI 9.1 to 9.9%) and 17.9% (17.3 to 18.4%) respectively; an excess risk of initiation in the first year of 12.4% compared to non-bereaved controls. Anxiolytic/hypnotic and antidepressant initiation rates were highest in the first two months. In this period, the hazard ratio for initiation of anxiolytics/hypnotics was 16.7 (95% CI 14.7 to 18.9) and for antidepressants was 5.6 (4.7 to 6.7) compared to non-bereaved controls. 13.3% of those started on anxiolytics/hypnotics within two months continued to receive this drug class at one year. The marked variation in background family practice prescribing of anxiolytics/hypnotics was the strongest determinant of their initiation in the first two months after bereavement. Conclusion Almost one in five older people received a new psychotropic drug prescription in the year after bereavement. The early increase and trend in antidepressant use after bereavement suggests some clinicians did not adhere to the bereavement exclusion, with implications for its recent removal in DSM-5. Family practice variation in use of anxiolytics/hypnotics suggests uncertainty over their role in bereavement with the potential for inappropriate long term use

    Clinical and Genetic Evaluation of People with or at Risk of Hereditary ATTR Amyloidosis: An Expert Opinion and Consensus on Best Practice in Ireland and the UK

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    Hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (hATTR) is challenging to diagnose early owing to the heterogeneity of clinical presentation, which differs according to the TTR gene variant and its penetrance in each individual. The TTR variants seen most frequently in the UK and Ireland (T80A, V142I and V50M) differ to those commonly occurring in other geographic locations and warrant a specific consideration for diagnosis and genetic testing. In addition, recent availability of treatment for this condition has reinforced the need for a more consistent approach to the management of patients, including access to specialist services, genetic testing and counselling, and clinical investigation for families living in the UK and Ireland. A multidisciplinary panel of experts from the UK and Ireland was convened to identify the current challenges, provide recommendations, and develop a consensus for the diagnosis and screening of people with, or at risk of, hATTR. Over a series of meetings, experts shared their current practices and drafted, refined and approved a consensus statement. This consensus statement provides recommendations for three different groups: (1) people with symptoms raising a possibility of hATTR amyloidosis; (2) people with biopsy-confirmed hATTR amyloidosis; and (3) people without symptoms who may have hATTR amyloidosis (i.e. relatives of people with identified TTR variants). For each group, recommendations are made for the required steps for the diagnosis and follow-up of symptomatic patients, and for guidance on the specialist support for counselling and pre-symptomatic genetic testing of at-risk individuals. This guidance is intended to be practical and based on available evidence. The aim is for regional amyloid specialist centres to provide timely diagnosis, clinical screening, and treatment for individuals and their families with hATTR amyloidosis

    A Model-Based Analysis of Chemical and Temporal Patterns of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Male Drosophila melanogaster

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    Drosophila Cuticular Hydrocarbons (CH) influence courtship behaviour, mating, aggregation, oviposition, and resistance to desiccation. We measured levels of 24 different CH compounds of individual male D. melanogaster hourly under a variety of environmental (LD/DD) conditions. Using a model-based analysis of CH variation, we developed an improved normalization method for CH data, and show that CH compounds have reproducible cyclic within-day temporal patterns of expression which differ between LD and DD conditions. Multivariate clustering of expression patterns identified 5 clusters of co-expressed compounds with common chemical characteristics. Turnover rate estimates suggest CH production may be a significant metabolic cost. Male cuticular hydrocarbon expression is a dynamic trait influenced by light and time of day; since abundant hydrocarbons affect male sexual behavior, males may present different pheromonal profiles at different times and under different conditions

    A rare exception to Haldane's rule: are X chromosomes key to hybrid incompatibilities?

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    This work was funded by NERC (NE/G014906/1, NE/L011255/1, NE/I027800/1). Additional funding from the Orthopterists’ Society to PM is also gratefully acknowledged.The prevalence of Haldane’s rule suggests that sex chromosomes commonly have a key role in reproductive barriers and speciation. However, the majority of research on Haldane’s rule has been conducted in species with conventional sex determination systems (XY and ZW) and exceptions to the rule have been understudied. Here we test the role of X-linked incompatibilities in a rare exception to Haldane’s rule for female sterility in field cricket sister species (Teleogryllus oceanicus and T. commodus). Both have an XO sex determination system. Using three generations of crosses, we introgressed X chromosomes from each species onto different, mixed genomic backgrounds to test predictions about the fertility and viability of each cross type. We predicted that females with two different species X chromosomes would suffer reduced fertility and viability compared with females with two parental X chromosomes. However, we found no strong support for such X-linked incompatibilities. Our results preclude X–X incompatibilities and instead support an interchromosomal epistatic basis to hybrid female sterility. We discuss the broader implications of these findings, principally whether deviations from Haldane’s rule might be more prevalent in species without dimorphic sex chromosomes.PostprintPeer reviewe
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