52 research outputs found

    Modeling the biomechanics of fetal movements

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    Fetal movements in the uterus are a natural part of development and are known to play an important role in normal musculoskeletal development. However, very little is known about the biomechanical stimuli that arise during movements in utero, despite these stimuli being crucial to normal bone and joint formation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to create a series of computational steps by which the forces generated during a kick in utero could be predicted from clinically observed fetal movements using novel cine-MRI data of three fetuses, aged 20–22 weeks. A custom tracking software was designed to characterize the movements of joints in utero, and average uterus deflection of 6.95±0.41 mm due to kicking was calculated. These observed displacements provided boundary conditions for a finite element model of the uterine environment, predicting an average reaction force of 0.52±0.15 N generated by a kick against the uterine wall. Finally, these data were applied as inputs for a musculoskeletal model of a fetal kick, resulting in predicted maximum forces in the muscles surrounding the hip joint of approximately 8 N, while higher maximum forces of approximately 21 N were predicted for the muscles surrounding the knee joint. This study provides a novel insight into the closed mechanical environment of the uterus, with an innovative method allowing elucidation of the biomechanical interaction of the developing fetus with its surroundings

    European Society of Biomechanics S.M. Perren Award 2018: Altered biomechanical stimulation of the developing hip joint in presence of hip dysplasia risk factors

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    Fetal kicking and movements generate biomechanical stimulation in the fetal skeleton, which is important for prenatal musculoskeletal development, particularly joint shape. Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is the most common joint shape abnormality at birth, with many risk factors for the condition being associated with restricted fetal movement. In this study, we investigate the biomechanics of fetal movements in such situations, namely fetal breech position, oligohydramnios and primiparity (firstborn pregnancy). We also investigate twin pregnancies, which are not at greater risk of DDH incidence, despite the more restricted intra-uterine environment. We track fetal movements for each of these situations using cine-MRI technology, quantify the kick and muscle forces, and characterise the resulting stress and strain in the hip joint, testing the hypothesis that altered biomechanical stimuli may explain the link between certain intra-uterine conditions and risk of DDH. Kick force, stress and strain were found to be significantly lower in cases of breech position and oligohydramnios. Similarly, firstborn fetuses were found to generate significantly lower kick forces than non-firstborns. Interestingly, no significant difference was observed in twins compared to singletons. This research represents the first evidence of a link between the biomechanics of fetal movements and the risk of DDH, potentially informing the development of future preventative measures and enhanced diagnosis. Our results emphasise the importance of ultrasound screening for breech position and oligohydramnios, particularly later in pregnancy, and suggest that earlier intervention to correct breech position through external cephalic version could reduce the risk of hip dysplasia

    Numerical Modeling of Evanescent-Wave Atom Optics

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    We numerically solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for a two-level atom interacting with an evanescent light field. The atom may be reflected or diffracted. Using the experimental parameter values we quantitatively model the evanescent field dopplerons (velocity-tuned resonances) observed by Stenlake et al. [Phys. Rev. A 49, 16 (1994)]. Besides successfully modeling the experiment, our approach provides complementary insights to the usual solution of the time-independent Schrodinger equation. We neglect spontaneous emission

    Systematic evaluation of velocity-selective arterial spin labeling settings for placental perfusion measurement

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    Purpose: Placental function is key for successful human pregnancies. Perfusion may be a sensitive marker for the in vivo assessment of placental function. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI enables noninvasive measurement of tissue perfusion and it was recently suggested that ASL with velocity-selective (VS) labeling could be advantageous in the placenta. We systematically evaluated essential VS-ASL sequence parameters to determine optimal settings for efficient placental perfusion measurements.Methods: Eleven pregnant women were scanned at 3T using VS-ASL with 2D multislice echo planar imaging (EPI)-readout. One reference VS-ASL scan was acquired in all subjects; within subgroups the following parameters were systematically varied: cutoff velocity, velocity encoding direction, and inflow time. Visual evaluation and region of interest analyses were performed to compare perfusion signal differences between acquisitions.Results: In all subjects, a perfusion pattern with clear hyperintense focal regions was observed. Perfusion signal decreased with inflow time and cutoff velocity. Subject-specific dependence on velocity encoding direction was observed. High temporal signal-to-noise ratios with high contrast on the perfusion images between the hyperintense regions and placental tissue were seen at similar to 1.6 cm/s cutoff velocity and similar to 1000 ms inflow time. Evaluation of measurements at multiple inflow times revealed differences in blood flow dynamics between placental regions.Conclusion: Placental perfusion measurements are feasible at 3T using VS-ASL with 2D multislice EPI-readout. A clear dependence of perfusion signal on VS labeling parameters and inflow time was demonstrated. Whereas multiple parameter combinations may advance the interpretation of placental circulation dynamics, this study provides a basis to select an effective set of parameters for the observation of placenta perfusion natural history and its potential pathological changes.Cardiovascular Aspects of Radiolog

    Motion-Compensation Techniques in Neonatal and Fetal MR Imaging

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    Fetal and neonatal MR imaging is increasingly used as a complementary diagnostic tool to sonography. MR imaging is an ideal technique for imaging fetuses and neonates because of the absence of ionizing radiation, the superior contrast of soft tissues compared with sonography, the availability of different contrast options, and the increased FOV. Motion in the normally mobile fetus and the unsettled, sleeping, or sedated neonate during a long acquisition will decrease image quality in the form of motion artifacts, hamper image interpretation, and often necessitate a repeat MR imaging to establish a diagnosis. This article reviews current techniques of motion compensation in fetal and neonatal MR imaging, including the following: 1) motion-prevention strategies (such as adequate patient preparation, patient coaching, and sedation, when required), 2) motion-artifacts minimization methods (such as fast imaging protocols, data undersampling, and motion-resistant sequences), and 3) motion-detection/correction schemes (such as navigators and self-navigated sequences, external motion-tracking devices, and postprocessing approaches) and their application in fetal and neonatal brain MR imaging. Additionally some background on the repertoire of motion of the fetal and neonatal patient and the resulting artifacts will be presented, as well as insights into future developments and emerging techniques of motion compensation

    Prediction of specific absorption rate in mother and fetus associated with MRI examinations during pregnancy

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    There is uncertainty regarding the risk posed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations to pregnant patients. The most frequently used methods, such as single-shot fast spin echo (ssFSE), often require operation at the specific absorption rate (SAR) limits imposed by safety guidelines. With the introduction of higher-field systems, such limits will be even more significant for fetal imaging. An electromagnetic solver based on the time domain finite integration technique (FIT) was used to predict SAR in an anatomically realistic model of a pregnant patient (28 weeks' gestation) associated with the radiofrequency (RF) fields from birdcage body coils typical of 1.5 T and 3 T MRI systems (i.e., operating at approximately 64 and 127 MHz, respectively). The results suggest that 1) the highest local SAR is in the mother, with the fetus being exposed to a peak of approximately 40-60% of that value at 64 MHz, increasing to approximately 50-70% at 127 MHz; 2) compliance with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines requires control of SAR values averaged over 1 g or 10 g of tissue, respectively; and 3) compliance with Medical Device Agency (MDA) guidelines requires control of the maximum SAR(10g) within the fetus

    Temperature dependent behavior of ultrasound contrast agents

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    Recent interest in ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) as tools for quantitative imaging and therapy has increased the need for accurate characterization. Laboratory investigations are frequently undertaken in a water bath at room temperature; however, implications for in vivo applications are not presented. Acoustic investigation of a bulk suspension of SonoVue (Bracco Research, Geneva, Switzerland) was made in a water bath at temperatures of 20–45 °C. UCA characteristics were significantly affected by temperature, particularly between 20 and 40 °C, leading to an increase in attenuation from 1.7–2.5 dB, respectively (p = 0.002) and a 2-dB increase in scattered signal over the same range (p = 0.05) at an insonation pressure of 100 kPa. Optical data supported the hypothesis that a temperature-mediated increase in diameter was the dominant cause, and revealed a decrease in bubble stability. In conclusion, measurements made at room temperature require careful interpretation with regard to behavior in vivo

    Evaluation of the stability of the proton chemical shifts of some metabolites other than water during thermal cycling of normal human muscle tissue

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    MR temperature measurements made by the chemical-shift-of-water technique in peripheral muscle of volunteers have produced larger-than-expected coefficients of change and shown significant hysteresis effects as the temperature was cycled, although these effects were not reproduced in the present study. Previous work has suggested that susceptibility effects could be a contributor to the behavior of the chemical shift data. Here, we use proton spectroscopy of muscle in conjunction with temperature cycling to evaluate the relative shifts of the water peak and those of creatine, choline, and lipids. These latter are considered not to have significant temperature coefficients of chemical shift. The results show that these lines remain very stable as the temperature is cycled, suggesting that susceptibility effects are not present in this study. The method offers the possibility that the lines can be used as frequency references if there are any questions about the stability of other moieties
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