56 research outputs found

    Efficiency of the SQUID Ratchet Driven by External Current

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    We study theoretically the efficiency of an asymmetric superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) which is constructed as a loop with three capacitively and resistively shunted Josephson junctions. Two junctions are placed in series in one arm and the remaining one is located in the other arm. The SQUID is threaded by an external magnetic flux and driven by an external current of both constant (dc) and time periodic (ac) components. This system acts as a nonequilibrium ratchet for the dc voltage across the SQUID with the external current as a source of energy. We analyze the power delivered by the external current and find that it strongly depends on thermal noise and the external magnetic flux. We explore a space of the system parameters to reveal a set for which the SQUID efficiency is globally maximal. We detect the intriguing feature of the thermal noise enhanced efficiency and show how the efficiency of the device can be tuned by tailoring the external magnetic flux.Comment: accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic

    Absolute negative mobility induced by white Poissonian noise

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    We research the transport properties of inertial Brownian particles which move in a symmetric periodic potential and are subjected to both a symmetric, unbiased time-periodic external force and biased Poissonian white shot noise (of non-zero average F) being composed of a random sequence of delta-shaped pulses with random amplitudes. Upon varying the parameters of white shot-noise one conveniently can manipulate the transport direction and the overall nonlinear response behavior. Within tailored parameter regimes, we find that the response is opposite to the applied average bias F of such white shot noise. This very transport characteristics thus mimics a nonlinear Absolute Negative Mobility (ANM) regime. Moreover, such white shot noise driven ANM is robust with respect to statistics of the shot noise spikes. Our findings can be checked and corroborated experimentally by use of a setup that consists of a single resistively and capacitively shunted Josephson junction device.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; accepted in J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. (2013

    Coexistence of absolute negative mobility and anomalous diffusion

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    Using extensive numerical studies we demonstrate that absolute negative mobility of a Brownian particle (i.e. the net motion into the direction opposite to a constant biasing force acting around zero bias) does coexist with anomalous diffusion. The latter is characterized in terms of a nonlinear scaling with time of the mean-square deviation of the particle position. Such anomalous diffusion covers "coherent" motion (i.e. the position dynamics x(t) approaches in evolving time a constant dispersion), ballistic diffusion, subdiffusion, superdiffusion and hyperdiffusion. In providing evidence for this coexistence we consider a paradigmatic model of an inertial Brownian particle moving in a one-dimensional symmetric periodic potential being driven by both an unbiased time-periodic force and a constant bias. This very setup allows for various sorts of different physical realizations

    Energy of a free Brownian particle coupled to thermal vacuum

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    Experimentalists have come to temperatures very close to absolute zero at which physics that was once ordinary becomes extraordinary. In such a regime quantum effects and fluctuations start to play a dominant role. In this context we study the simplest open quantum system, namely, a free quantum Brownian particle coupled to thermal vacuum, i.e. thermostat in the limiting case of absolute zero temperature. We analyze the average energy E=E(c)E=E(c) of the particle from a weak to strong interaction strength cc between the particle and thermal vacuum. The impact of various dissipation mechanisms is considered. In the weak coupling regime the energy tends to zero as E(c)cln(1/c)E(c) \sim c\, \ln{(1/c)} while in the strong coupling regime it diverges to infinity as E(c)cE(c) \sim \sqrt{c}. We demonstrate it for selected examples of the dissipation mechanisms defined by the memory kernel γ(t)\gamma(t) of the Generalized Langevin Equation. We reveal how at a fixed value of cc the energy E(c)E(c) depends on the dissipation model: one has to compare values of the derivative γ(t)\gamma'(t) of the dissipation function γ(t)\gamma(t) at time t=0t=0 or at the memory time t=τct=\tau_c which characterizes the degree of non-Markovianity of the Brownian particle dynamics. The impact of low temperature is also presented.Comment: In press in Scientific Reports (2021

    Many faces of nonequilibrium: anomalous transport phenomena in driven periodic systems

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    We consider a generic system operating under non-equilibrium conditions. Explicitly, we consider an inertial classical Brownian particle dwelling a periodic structure with a spatially broken reflection symmetry. The particle is coupled to a bath at the temperature TT and is driven by an unbiased time-periodic force. In the asymptotic long time regime the particle operates as a Brownian motor exhibiting finite directed transport although no net biasing force acts on the system. Here we review and interpret in further detail recent own research on the peculiar transport behaviour for this setup. The main focus is put on those different emerging Brownian diffusion anomalies. Particularly, within the transient, time-dependent domain the particle is able to exhibit anomalous diffusive motion which eventually crosses over into normal diffusion only in the asymptotic long-time limit. In the latter limit this normal diffusion coefficient may even show a non-monotonic temperature dependence, meaning that it is not monotonically increasing with increasing temperature, but may exhibit instead an extended, intermediate minimum before growing again with increasing temperature.Comment: in press in the special issue of Acta Physica Polonica