578 research outputs found

    The Joint Archives Quarterly, Volume 03.02: Summer 1991

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    Demographic Responses To Famines In South Asia

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    Summary This article examines demographic responses to major famines in the Indian subcontinent, including the Bengal famine of 1943–44, the Bangladesh famine of 1974–75 and food crises in Bihar and Maharashtra. It argues that while a decline in conceptions (and, subsequently, births) is a prompt and virtually universal response to famine situations, the relationship of a rise in death rates to circumstances of famine is both much more complex and less certain. Increases in mortality due to famine ? when they occur ? are conditioned not just by food problems, but also by an array of factors such as current patterns of disease, migration, relief and rainfall. Knowledge about the normal prevailing seasonal distribution of mortality is especially helpful in anticipating when famine death rates may rise. Relatedly, information about malaria and rainfall regimes can also be particularly important. The article also addresses famine mortality differentials according to their patterns by age and sex. Study of neglected historical data sources underscores the complexity and interrelated nature of the main elements ? fertility, mortality and migration ? of famine demography. Resumé Les Résponses Démographiques A La Famine En Asie Du Sud Le présent article examine les réponses démographiques face aux famines majeures qui se sont déclarées dans le sous?continent indien, y compris la famine de 1943–44 au Bengale; la famine de 1974–75 au Bangladesh; et les crises d'approvisionnement alimentaire dans les états du Bihar et du Maharashtra. L'auteur estime que, si une diminution dans le taux de conceptions (et, par la suite, de naissances) est une réponse rapide et pratiquement universelle aux cas de famine, le rapport entre les augmentations dans le taux de mortalité et ces cas de famine est un phénomène à la fois bien plus complexe ? et beaucoup moins certain. Les augmentations dans le taux de mortalité dues à la famine, lorsque celle?ci se déclare, ont pour préconditions non seulement les problèmes de l'alimentation mais aussi, tout un éventail d'autres facteurs tels que les mouvements dans les taux de maladie; la migration; la lutte contre la famine; et la hauteur des précipitations. Une connaissance de la distribution saisonnière normale ? pour la period sous considération ? des taux de mortalité est surtout utile si l'on veut essayer d'anticiper à quel stade les taux de mortalité dûs à la famine seront susceptibles de s'élever. Parallèlement, les renseignements concernant le paludisme et les pronostics de hauteur des précipitations seront éventuellement tout aussi importantes. Le présent article s'adresse également aux différentiels de mortalité par la famine en termes de leurs tranches d'age et en termes des genres. Une étude des sources négligées de données historiques sert à souligner la complexité et l'interdépendance des principaux éléments de la démographie de la famine: la fertilité, la mortalité et la migration. Resumen Respuestas Demográficas Al Problema Del Hambre En Asia Del Sur Este artículo examina las respuestas demográficas a las peores situaciones de hambre en el sub?continente indio, incluyendo la crisis de Bengal en 1943–1944, la de Bangladesh en 1974–1975, y otras crisis de alimentos en Bihar y Maharashtra. Se argumenta que si bien la declinación en cincepciones (y, subsecuentemente, nacimientos) es una respuesta immediata y vitualmente universal a las situaciones de hambre, la relación entre el aumento de tasas de mortalidad y las circunstancias de hambre es a la vez mucho más compleja y mucho menos segura. El incremento en la mortalidad como consecuencia del hambre ? cuando ocurre ? está condicionado no sólo por problemas de alimentos, sino también por una serir de factores como los patrones de enfermedad, migración, ayuda externa y cantidad de illuvia. El conocimiento de la distribución predominante de la mortalidad de acuerdo a la época del año ayuda especialmente para anticipar el momento en que las tasas de mortalidad por hambre pueden aumentar. En conexión con ésto último, la información sobre malaria y regímenes de cantidad de lluvia puede ser también particularmente importante. El artículo también explora las diferenciales en la mortalidad por hambre de acuerdo a la edad y al sexo. El estudio de fuentes de datos históricamente relegados subraya la complejidad y naturaleza interrelacionada de los prioncipales elementos de la demografía del hambre: fertilidad, mortalidad y migración

    Optimum anatomic socket position and sizing for the direct anterior approach: impingement and instability

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    © 2019 A comprehensive strategy is important for ensuring reproducible and safe acetabular component sizing and positioning. Presented here is our approach for anatomic acetabular component positioning in direct anterior total hip arthroplasty. This strategy has evolved with our understanding of the ramifications of socket sizing and positioning on instability and impingement. Data collected by a single surgeon (J.A.R.) between 2009 and 2011 influenced our current paradigm. We compare the sizing and positioning parameters of the anterior and posterior approach, thus demonstrating how the 2 are different. By highlighting these differences, we hope to provide a clear, defined approach to acetabular placement and sizing for direct anterior-approach total hip arthroplasty

    Molecular Phylogeny of the Small Ermine Moth Genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) in the Palaearctic

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    The small ermine moth genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) contains 76 species that are specialist feeders on hosts from Celastraceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and several other plant families. The genus is a model for studies in the evolution of phytophagous insects and their host-plant associations. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny to provide a solid framework for these studies, and to obtain insight into the history of host-plant use and the biogeography of the genus.DNA sequences from an internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-1) and from the 16S rDNA (16S) and cytochrome oxidase (COII) mitochondrial genes were collected from 20-23 (depending on gene) species and two outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Palaearctic members of this genus. Sequences were analysed using three different phylogenetic methods (parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian inference).Roughly the same patterns are retrieved irrespective of the method used, and they are similar among the three genes. Monophyly is well supported for a clade consisting of the Japanese (but not the Dutch) population of Yponomeuta sedellus and Y. yanagawanus, a Y. kanaiellus-polystictus clade, and a Rosaceae-feeding, western Palaearctic clade (Y. cagnagellus-irrorellus clade). Within these clades, relationships are less well supported, and the patterns between the different gene trees are not so similar. The position of the remaining taxa is also variable among the gene trees and rather weakly supported. The phylogenetic information was used to elucidate patterns of biogeography and resource use. In the Palaearctic, the genus most likely originated in the Far East, feeding on Celastraceae, dispersing to the West concomitant with a shift to Rosaceae and further to Salicaceae. The association of Y. cagnagellus with Euonymus europaeus (Celastraceae), however, is a reversal. The only oligophagous species, Y. padellus, belongs to the derived western Palaearctic clade, evidence that specialisation is reversible

    Attitudes of US medical trainees towards neurology education: "Neurophobia" - a global issue

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several studies in the United Kingdom and Asia have suggested that medical students and residents have particular difficulty in diagnosing and managing patients with neurological problems. Little recent information is available for US trainees. We examined whether students and residents at a US university have difficulty in dealing with patients with neurological problems, identified the perceived sources of these difficulties and provide suggestions for the development of an effective educational experience in neurology.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A questionnaire was administered to third and fourth year medical students at a US school of medicine and to residents of an internal medicine residency program affiliated with that school. Perceived difficulties with eight medical specialties, including neurology, were examined. Methods considered to be most useful for learning medicine were documented. Reasons why neurology is perceived as difficult and ways to improve neurological teaching were assessed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>152 surveys were completed. Participation rates varied, with medical students having higher response rates (> 50%) than medical residents (27%-48%). Respondents felt that neurology was the medical specialty they had least knowledge in (p < 0.001) and was most difficult (p < 0.001). Trainees also felt they had the least confidence when dealing with patients with neurological complaints (p < 0.001). Residents felt more competent in neurology than students (p < 0.001). The paramount reasons for perceived difficulties with neurology were the complexity of neuroanatomy, limited patient exposure and insufficient teaching. Transition from pre-clinical to clinical medicine led to a doubling of "poor" ratings for neurological teaching. Over 80% of the respondents felt that neurology teaching could be improved through greater exposure to patients and more bedside tutorials.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Medical students and residents at this US medical university found neurology difficult. Although this is consistent with prior reports from Europe and Asia, studies in other universities are needed to confirm generalizability of these findings. The optimal opportunity for improvement is during the transition from preclinical to clinical years. Enhanced integration of basic neurosciences and clinical neurology with emphasis on increased bedside tutorials and patient exposure should improve teaching. Studies are needed to quantify the effect of these interventions on confidence of trainees when dealing with patients presenting with neurological complaints.</p

    Створення та діяльність УПА в період Другої світової війни в світлі північноамериканської історіографії

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    У статті здійснено комплексний аналіз північноамериканської історіографії діяльності УПА. Виходячи з методологічних підходів, дослідницьких технік та світоглядних позицій було виокремлено три групи північноамериканських дослідників: емігрантську, діаспорну та американську. Автор зосереджується на детальному аналізі часу створення і чисельності УПА та Волинській трагедії.The article is dedicated to the complex analysis of the North-American historiography of the UPA activity. According to methodological approaches, investigation technique, and world outlook of the authors, the three groups of North-American researchers were singled out: the emigrant, the diaspora and the American one. The author analyzes in detailed the time of creation and number of the UPA troops as well as the Volynian tragedy