7,637 research outputs found

    Improved method for aerodynamic analysis of wing-body-tail configurations in subsonic and supersonic flow

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    Method permits analysis of noncircular bodies and calculation of wing-body interference effects in presence of body closure, two features not previously available. In addition, use of vortex distribution, having linear variation in streamwise direction, results in improved chordwise pressure distributions on wing and tail surfaces

    Acoustic and aerodynamic performance of a variable-pitch 1.83-meter-(6-ft) diameter 1.20-pressure-ratio fan stage (QF-9)

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    Far field noise data and related aerodynamic performance are presented for a variable pitch fan stage having characteristics suitable for low noise, STOL engine application. However, no acoustic suppression material was used in the flow passages. The fan was externally driven by an electric motor. Tests were made at several forward thrust rotor blade pitch angles and one for reverse thrust. Fan speed was varied from 60 to 120 percent of takeoff (design) speed, and exhaust nozzles having areas 92 to 105 percent of design were tested. The fan noise level was at a minimum at the design rotor blade pitch angles of 64 deg for takeoff thrust and at 57 deg for approach (50 percent takeoff thrust). Perceived noise along a 152.4-m sideline reached 100.1 PNdb for the takeoff (design) configuration for a stage pressure ratio of 1.17 and thrust of 57,600 N. For reverse thrust the PNL values were 4 to 5 PNdb above the takeoff values at comparable fan speeds

    Low flight speed acoustic results for a supersonic inlet with auxiliary inlet doors

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    A model supersonic inlet with auxiliary inlet doors and bounday layer bleeds was acoustically tested in simulated low speed flight up to Mach 0.2 in the NASA Lewis 9x15 Anechoic Wind Tunnel and statically in the NASA Lewis Anechoic Chamber. A JT8D refan model was used as the noise source. Data were also taken for a CTOL inlet and for an annular inlet with simulated centerbody support struts. Inlet operation with open auxiliary doors increased the blade passage tone by about 10 dB relative to the closed door configuration although noise radiation was primarily through the main inlet rather than the doors. Numerous strong spikes in the noise spectra were associated with the bleed system, and were strongly affected by the centerbody location. The supersonic inlet appeared to suppress multiple pure tone (MPT) generation at the fan source. Inlet length and the presence of support struts were shown not to cause this MPT suppression

    Effects of installation caused flow distortion on noise from a fan designed for turbofan engines

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    Far-field noise measurements were taken for three different installations of essentially the same fan. The installation with the most uniform inlet flow resulted in fan-blade-passage tone sound pressure levels more than 10 dB lower than the installation with more nonuniform inflow. Perceived noise levels were computed for the various installations and compared. Some measurements of inlet flow distortion were made and used in a blade-passage noise generation theory to predict the effects of distortion on noise. Good agreement was obtained between the prediction and the measured effect. Possible origins of the distortion were identified by observation of tuft action in the vicinity of the inlet

    The tail of the Jurassic fish Leedsichthys problematicus (Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii) collected by Alfred Nicholson Leeds - an example of the importance of historical records in palaeontology

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    The specimen of the tail of <i>Leedsichthys problematicus</i>, now in The Natural History Museum, London, was one of the most spectacular fossil vertebrates from the Oxford Clay Formation of Peterborough, but as an isolated find it shares no bones in common with the holotype of the genus and species. However, a letter from Alfred Nicholson Leeds and related documents cast valuable new light on the excavation of the tail, indicating that it was discovered with cranial bones, gill-rakers, and two pectoral fins, thereby including elements that can potentially be compared with those of the holotype. The documents also clearly indicate that The Natural History Museum's specimen is not part of the same individual as any other numbered specimen of <i>Leedsichthys</i> as had been speculated on other occasions. The maximum size of the animal represented by The Natural History Museum's specimen was possibly around 9 metres, considerably less than previous estimates of up to 27.6 metres for <i>Leedsichthys</i>. Historical documentary evidence should therefore be rigorously checked both when studying historical specimens in science, and in preparing text for museum display labels

    Sensitivity of shelf sea marine ecosystems to temporal resolution of meteorological forcing

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    Phytoplankton phenology and the length of the growing season have implications that cascade through trophic levels and ultimately impact the global carbon flux to the seafloor. Coupled hydrodynamic‐ecosystem models must accurately predict timing and duration of phytoplankton blooms in order to predict the impact of environmental change on ecosystem dynamics. Meteorological conditions, such as solar irradiance, air temperature and wind‐speed are known to strongly impact the timing of phytoplankton blooms. Here, we investigate the impact of degrading the temporal resolution of meteorological forcing (wind, surface pressure, air and dew point temperatures) from 1‐24 hours using a 1D coupled hydrodynamic‐ecosystem model at two contrasting shelf‐sea sites: one coastal intermediately stratified site (L4) and one offshore site with constant summer stratification (CCS). Higher temporal resolutions of meteorological forcing resulted in greater wind stress acting on the sea surface increasing water column turbulent kinetic energy. Consequently, the water column was stratified for a smaller proportion of the year producing a delayed onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom by up to 6 days, often earlier cessation of the autumn bloom, and shortened growing season of up to 23 days. Despite opposing trends in gross primary production between sites, a weakened microbial loop occurred with higher meteorological resolution due to reduced dissolved organic carbon production by phytoplankton caused by differences in resource limitation: light at CCS and nitrate at L4. Caution should be taken when comparing model runs with differing meteorological forcing resolutions. Recalibration of hydrodynamic‐ecosystem models may be required if meteorological resolution is upgraded
