1,138 research outputs found

    Microscopic mass formulae

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    By assuming the existence of a pseudopotential smooth enough to do Hartree-Fock variations and good enough to describe nuclear structure, we construct mass formulae that rely on general scaling arguments and on a schematic reading of shell model calculations. Fits to 1751 known binding energies for N,Z≄8\geq 8 lead to RMS errors of 614 keV with 14 parameters and 388 keV with 28 parameters. The latter is easily reduced to a 20 parameter form at 423 keV.Comment: 6 pages, REVTEX dialec

    Mirror displacement energies and neutron skins

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    A gross estimate of the neutron skin [0.80(5)(N−Z)/A(N-Z)/A fm] is extracted from experimental proton radii, represented by a four parameter fit, and observed mirror displacement energies (CDE). The calculation of the latter relies on an accurately derived Coulomb energy and smooth averages of the charge symmetry breaking potentials constrained to state of the art values. The only free parameter is the neutron skin itself. The Nolen Schiffer anomaly is reduced to small deviations (rms=127 keV) that exhibit a secular trend. It is argued that with state of the art shell model calculations the anomaly should disappear. Highly accurate fits to proton radii emerge as a fringe benefit.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures, superseeds first part of nucl-th/0104048 Present is new extended version: 5 pages 4 figures. Explains more clearly the achievements of the previous on

    Coulomb displacement energies, energy differenced and neutron skins

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    A Fock space representation of the monopole part of the Coulomb potential is presented. Quantum effects show through a small orbital term in l(l+1)l(l+1). Once it is averaged out, the classical electrostatic energy emerges as an essentially exact expression, which makes it possible to eliminate the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly, and to estimate neutron skins and the evolution of radii along yrast states of mirror nuclei. The energy differences of the latter are quantitatively reproduced by the monopole term and a schematic multipole one.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    L1-determined ideals in group algebras of exponential Lie groups

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    A locally compact group GG is said to be ∗\ast-regular if the natural map \Psi:\Prim C^\ast(G)\to\Prim_{\ast} L^1(G) is a homeomorphism with respect to the Jacobson topologies on the primitive ideal spaces \Prim C^\ast(G) and \Prim_{\ast} L^1(G). In 1980 J. Boidol characterized the ∗\ast-regular ones among all exponential Lie groups by a purely algebraic condition. In this article we introduce the notion of L1L^1-determined ideals in order to discuss the weaker property of primitive ∗\ast-regularity. We give two sufficient criteria for closed ideals II of C∗(G)C^\ast(G) to be L1L^1-determined. Herefrom we deduce a strategy to prove that a given exponential Lie group is primitive ∗\ast-regular. The author proved in his thesis that all exponential Lie groups of dimension ≀7\le 7 have this property. So far no counter-example is known. Here we discuss the example G=B5G=B_5, the only critical one in dimension ≀5\le 5

    Garvey-Kelson Relations for Nuclear Charge Radii

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    The Garvey-Kelson relations (GKRs) are algebraic expressions originally developed to predict nuclear masses. In this letter we show that the GKRs provide a fruitful framework for the prediction of other physical observables that also display a slowly-varying dynamics. Based on this concept, we extend the GKRs to the study of nuclear charge radii. The GKRs are tested on 455 out of the approximately 800 nuclei whose charge radius is experimentally known. We find a rms deviation between the GK predictions and the experimental values of only 0.01 fm. This should be contrasted against some of the most successful microscopic models that yield rms deviations almost three times as large. Predictions - with reliable uncertainties - are provided for 116 nuclei whose charge radius is presently unknown.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    Quantization of Wilson loops in Wess-Zumino-Witten models

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    We describe a non-perturbative quantization of classical Wilson loops in the WZW model. The quantized Wilson loop is an operator acting on the Hilbert space of closed strings and commuting either with the full Kac-Moody chiral algebra or with one of its subalgebras. We prove that under open/closed string duality, it is dual to a boundary perturbation of the open string theory. As an application, we show that such operators are useful tools for identifying fixed points of the boundary renormalization group flow.Comment: 24 pages. Version published in JHE

    Three-body monopole corrections to the realistic interactions

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    It is shown that a very simple three-body monopole term can solve practically all the spectroscopic problems--in the pp, sdsd and pfpf shells--that were hitherto assumed to need drastic revisions of the realistic potentials.Comment: 4 pages, 5figure

    Happiness on Tap: Piped Water Adoption in Urban Morocco

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    We study the demand for household water connections in urban Morocco, and the effect of such connections on household welfare. In the northern city of Tangiers, among homeowners without a private connection to the city’s water grid, a random subset was offered a simplified procedure to purchase a household connection on credit (at a zero percent interest rate). Take-up was high, at 69%. Because all households in our sample had access to the water grid through free public taps (often located fairly close to their homes), household connections did not lead to any improvement in the quality of the water households consumed; and despite significant increase in the quantity of water consumed, we find no change in the incidence of waterborne illnesses. Nevertheless, we find that households are willing to pay a substantial amount of money to have a private tap at home. Being connected generates important time gains, which are used for leisure and social activities, rather than productive activities. Because water is often a source of tension between households, household connections improve social integration and reduce conflict. Overall, within 6 months, self-reported well-being improved substantially among households in the treatment group, despite the financial cost of the connection. Our results suggest that facilitating access to credit for households to finance lump sum quality-of-life investments can significantly increase welfare, even if those investments do not result in income or health gains

    Microscopic calculation of proton capture reactions in mass 60-80 region and its astrophysical implications

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    Microscopic optical potentials obtained by folding the DDM3Y interaction with the densities from Relativistic Mean Field approach have been utilized to evaluate S-factors of low-energy (p,Îł)(p,\gamma) reactions in mass 60-80 region and to compare with experiments. The Lagrangian density FSU Gold has been employed. Astrophysical rates for important proton capture reactions have been calculated to study the behaviour of rapid proton nucleosynthesis for waiting point nuclei with mass less than A=80
