552 research outputs found

    Spin injection from perpendicular magnetized ferromagnetic δ\delta-MnGa into (Al,Ga)As heterostructures

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    Electrical spin injection from ferromagnetic δ\delta-MnGa into an (Al,Ga)As p-i-n light emitting diode (LED) is demonstrated. The δ\delta-MnGa layers show strong perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy, enabling detection of spin injection at remanence without an applied magnetic field. The bias and temperature dependence of the spin injection are found to be qualitatively similar to Fe-based spin LED devices. A Hanle effect is observed and demonstrates complete depolarization of spins in the semiconductor in a transverse magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Kinematics and Physical Conditions pf the Ionized Gas in Markarian 509. II. STIS Echelle Observations

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    We present observations of the UV absorption lines in the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509, obtained with the medium resolution (lambda/Delta-lambda ~ 40,000) echelle gratings of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectra reveal the presence of eight kinematic components of absorption in Ly-alpha, C IV, and N V, at radial velocities of -422, -328, -259, -62, -22, +34, +124, and +210 km s^-1 with respect to an emission-line redshift of z = 0.03440, seven of which were detected in an earlier Far Ultraviolet Spectrographic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum. The component at -22 km s^-1 also shows absorption by Si IV. The covering factor and velocity width of the Si IV lines were lower than those of the higher ionization lines for this component, which is evidence for two separate absorbers at this velocity. We have calculated photoionization models to match the UV column densities in each of these components. Using the predicted O VI column densities, we were able to match the O VI profiles observed in the FUSE spectrum. Based on our results, none of the UV absorbers can produce the X-ray absorption seen in simultaneous Chandra observations; therefore, there must be more highly ionized gas in the radial velocity ranges covered by the UV absorbers.Comment: 30 pages, three figures (Figure 1 is in color). Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the rate of black hole binary mergers in galactic nuclei due to dynamical hardening

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    We assess the contribution of dynamical hardening by direct three-body scattering interactions to the rate of stellar-mass black hole binary (BHB) mergers in galactic nuclei. We derive an analytic model for the single-binary encounter rate in a nucleus with spherical and disk components hosting a super-massive black hole (SMBH). We determine the total number of encounters NGWN_{\rm GW} needed to harden a BHB to the point that inspiral due to gravitational wave emission occurs before the next three-body scattering event. This is done independently for both the spherical and disk components. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we refine our calculations for NGWN_{\rm GW} to include gravitational wave emission between scattering events. For astrophysically plausible models we find that typically NGWN_{\rm GW} \lesssim 10. We find two separate regimes for the efficient dynamical hardening of BHBs: (1) spherical star clusters with high central densities, low velocity dispersions and no significant Keplerian component; and (2) migration traps in disks around SMBHs lacking any significant spherical stellar component in the vicinity of the migration trap, which is expected due to effective orbital inclination reduction of any spherical population by the disk. We also find a weak correlation between the ratio of the second-order velocity moment to velocity dispersion in galactic nuclei and the rate of BHB mergers, where this ratio is a proxy for the ratio between the rotation- and dispersion-supported components. Because disks enforce planar interactions that are efficient in hardening BHBs, particularly in migration traps, they have high merger rates that can contribute significantly to the rate of BHB mergers detected by the advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Orbital Migration of Interacting Stellar Mass Black Holes in Disks around Supermassive Black Holes

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    The merger rate of stellar-mass black hole binaries (sBHBs) inferred by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) suggests the need for an efficient source of sBHB formation. Active galactic nucleus (AGN) disks are a promising location for the formation of these sBHBs, as well as binaries of other compact objects, because of powerful torques exerted by the gas disk. These gas torques cause orbiting compact objects to migrate towards regions in the disk where inward and outward torques cancel, known as migration traps. We simulate the migration of stellar mass black holes in an example of a model AGN disk, using an augmented N-body code that includes analytic approximations to migration torques, stochastic gravitational forces exerted by turbulent density fluctuations in the disk, and inclination and eccentricity dampening produced by passages through the gas disk, in addition to the standard gravitational forces between objects. We find that sBHBs form rapidly in our model disk as stellar-mass black holes migrate towards the migration trap. These sBHBs are likely to subsequently merge on short time-scales. The process continues, leading to the build-up of a population of over-massive stellar-mass black holes. The formation of sBHBs in AGN disks could contribute significantly to the sBHB merger rate inferred by LIGO.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Tracing a Disk Wind in NGC 3516

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    X-ray spectra of AGN often contain signatures indicative of absorption in multiple layers of gas whose ionization-state and covering fraction may vary with time. It has been unclear to date how much of the observed X-ray spectral and timing behavior in AGN can be attributed to variations in absorption, versus variations in the strengths of emission or reflection components. Diagnostics of the inner regions of AGN cannot be reliably performed until the origin of observed effects is understood. We investigate the role of the X-ray absorbers in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516. Time-averaged and flux-selected spectroscopy is used to examine the behavior of NGC 3516 observed in Chandra HETG and XMM data from Oct 2006. New H-like and He-like emission and absorption features discovered in the Fe K regime reveal a previously unknown zone of circumnuclear gas in NGC 3516 with log xi ~ 4.3 and column density 1E23 cm^-2. A lower-ionization layer with log xi ~2 and of similar column density is confirmed from previous observations, this layer has a covering fraction around 50%, and changes in covering provide a simple explanation of a deep dip in the light curve that we interpret as an eclipse of the continuum due to passage of a cloud across the sight line within half a day. These inner zones of absorbing gas are detected to have outflow velocities in the range 1000-2000 km/s, this, and constraints on radial location are consistent with an origin as part of a disk wind in NGC 3516.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&A Feb 26 2008 Version 2: Figs 1 & 2 were corrected for a problem with ACIS section of the data. Little impact on text of the pape

    Ram-pressure stripping of a kicked Hill sphere:Prompt electromagnetic emission from the merger of stellar mass black holes in an AGN accretion disk

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    Accretion disks around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are promising sites for stellar mass black hole (BH) mergers due to mass segregation and merger acceleration by disk gas torques. Here we show that a gravitational-wave (GW) kick at BH merger causes ram-pressure stripping of gas within the BH Hill sphere. If R_H ≥ H, the disk height, an off-center UV flare at a_(BH) ~ 10³ r_g, emerges within t_(UV) ~ O(2 days)(a_(BH)/10³ r_g)(M_(SMBH)/10⁸ M_⊙)(v_(kick)/10² km s⁻¹) postmerger and lasts O(R_H/v_(kick)) ~ O(5t_(UV)). The flare emerges with luminosity O(10⁴² erg s⁻¹(t_(UV)/2 days)⁻¹(M_(Hill)/1M_⊙)(v_(kick)/10² km s⁻¹)². Active galactic nucleus optical/UV photometry is altered and asymmetric broad emission line profiles can develop after weeks. If R_H 50M_⊙