1,175 research outputs found

    Glueball calculations in large-N_c gauge theory

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    We use the light-front Hamiltonian of transverse lattice gauge theory to compute from first principles the glueball spectrum and light-front wavefunctions in the leading order of the 1/N_c colour expansion. We find 0^{++}, 2^{++}, and 1^{+-} glueballs having masses consistent with N_c=3 data available from Euclidean lattice path integral methods. The wavefunctions exhibit a light-front constituent gluon structure.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, uses macro boxedeps.tex, minor corrections in revised versio

    The Influence of Higher Fock States in Light-Cone Gauge Theories

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    In the light-cone Fock state expansion of gauge theories, the influence of non-valence states may be significant in precision non-perturbative calculations. In two-dimensional gauge theories, it is shown how these states modify the behaviour of the light-cone wavefunction in significant ways relative to endemic choices of variational ansatz. Similar effects in four-dimensional gauge theories are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTE

    Transverse Lattice Approach to Light-Front Hamiltonian QCD

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    We describe a non-perturbative procedure for solving from first principles the light-front Hamiltonian problem of SU(N) pure gauge theory in D spacetime dimensions (D>2), based on enforcing Lorentz covariance of observables. A transverse lattice regulator and colour-dielectric link fields are employed, together with an associated effective potential. We argue that the light-front vacuum is necessarily trivial for large enough lattice spacing, and clarify why this leads to an Eguchi-Kawai dimensional reduction of observables to 1+1-dimensions in the infinite N limit. The procedure is then tested by explicit calculations for 2+1-dimensional SU(infinity) gauge theory, within a first approximation to the lattice effective potential. We identify a scaling trajectory which produces Lorentz covariant behaviour for the lightest glueballs. The predicted masses, in units of the measured string tension, are in agreement with recent results from conventional Euclidean lattice simulations. In addition, we obtain the potential between heavy sources and the structure of the glueballs from their light-front wavefunctions. Finally, we briefly discuss the extension of these calculations to 3+1-dimensions.Comment: 55 pages, uses macro boxedeps.tex, minor corrections in revised versio

    String Spectrum of 1+1-Dimensional Large N QCD with Adjoint Matter

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    We propose gauging matrix models of string theory to eliminate unwanted non-singlet states. To this end we perform a discretised light-cone quantisation of large N gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions, with scalar or fermionic matter fields transforming in the adjoint representation of SU(N). The entire spectrum consists of bosonic and fermionic closed-string excitations, which are free as N tends to infinity. We analyze the general features of such bound states as a function of the cut-off and the gauge coupling, obtaining good convergence for the case of adjoint fermions. We discuss possible extensions of the model and the search for new non-critical string theories.Comment: 20 pages (7 figures available from authors as postscipt files), PUPT-134

    Colour-Dielectric Gauge Theory on a Transverse Lattice

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    We investigate in some detail consequences of the effective colour-dielectric formulation of lattice gauge theory using the light-cone Hamiltonian formalism with a transverse lattice. As a quantitative test of this approach, we have performed extensive analytic and numerical calculations for 2+1-dimensional pure gauge theory in the large N limit. Because of Eguchi-Kawai reduction, one effectively studies a 1+1-dimensional gauge theory coupled to matter in the adjoint representation. We study the structure of coupling constant space for our effective potential by comparing with the physical results available from conventional Euclidean lattice Monte Carlo simulations of this system. In particular, we calculate and measure the scaling behaviour of the entire low-lying glueball spectrum, glueball wavefunctions, string tension, asymptotic density of states, and deconfining temperature. We employ a new hybrid DLCQ/wavefunction basis in our calculations of the light-cone Hamiltonian matrix elements, along with extrapolation in Tamm-Dancoff truncation, significantly reducing numerical errors. Finally we discuss, in light of our results, what further measurements and calculations could be made in order to systematically remove lattice spacing dependence from our effective potential a priori.Comment: 48 pages, Latex, uses macro boxedeps.tex, minor errors corrected in revised versio

    Mesons on a transverse lattice

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    The meson eigenstates of the light-cone Hamiltonian in a coarse transverse lattice gauge theory are investigated. Building upon previous work in pure gauge theory, the Hamiltonian and its Fock space are expanded in powers of dynamical fields. In the leading approximation, the couplings appearing in the Hamiltonian are renormalised by demanding restoration of space-time symmetries broken by the cut-off. Additional requirements from chiral symmetry are discussed and difficulties in imposing them from first principles in the leading approximation are noted. A phenomenological calculation is then performed, in which chiral symmetry in spontaneously broken form is modelled by imposing the physical pion-rho mass splitting as a constraint. The light-cone wavefunctions of the resulting Hamiltonian are used to compute decay constants, form factors and quark momentum and spin distributions for the pion and rho mesons. Extensions beyond leading order, and the implications for first principles calculations, are briefly discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Fermions on the light front transverse lattice

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    We address the problems of fermions in light front QCD on a transverse lattice. We propose and numerically investigate different approaches of formulating fermions on the light front transverse lattice. In one approach we use forward and backward derivatives. There is no fermion doubling and the helicity flip term proportional to the fermion mass in the full light front QCD becomes an irrelevant term in the free field limit. In the second approach with symmetric derivative (which has been employed previously in the literature), doublers appear and their occurrence is due to the decoupling of even and odd lattice sites. We study their removal from the spectrum in two ways namely, light front staggered formulation and the Wilson fermion formulation. The numerical calculations in free field limit are carried out with both fixed and periodic boundary conditions on the transverse lattice and finite volume effects are studied. We find that an even-odd helicity flip symmetry on the light front transverse lattice is relevant for fermion doubling.Comment: 7 figures, revtex

    One-dimensional classical adjoint SU(2) Coulomb Gas

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    The equation of state of a one-dimensional classical nonrelativistic Coulomb gas of particles in the adjoint representation of SU(2) is given. The problem is solved both with and without sources in the fundamental representation at either end of the system. The gas exhibits confining properties at low densities and temperatures and deconfinement in the limit of high densities and temperatures. However, there is no phase transition to a regime where the string tension vanishes identically; true deconfinement only happens for infinite densities and temperatures. In the low density, low temperature limit, a new type of collective behavior is observed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Alcohol-Preferring Rats Show Goal Oriented Behaviour to Food Incentives but Are Neither Sign-Trackers Nor Impulsive.

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    Drug addiction is often associated with impulsivity and altered behavioural responses to both primary and conditioned rewards. Here we investigated whether selectively bred alcohol-preferring (P) and alcohol-nonpreferring (NP) rats show differential levels of impulsivity and conditioned behavioural responses to food incentives. P and NP rats were assessed for impulsivity in the 5-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT), a widely used translational task in humans and other animals, as well as Pavlovian conditioned approach to measure sign- and goal-tracking behaviour. Drug-naĂŻve P and NP rats showed similar levels of impulsivity on the 5-CSRTT, assessed by the number of premature, anticipatory responses, even when the waiting interval to respond was increased. However, unlike NP rats, P rats were faster to enter the food magazine and spent more time in this area. In addition, P rats showed higher levels of goal-tracking responses than NP rats, as measured by the number of magazine nose-pokes during the presentation of a food conditioned stimulus. By contrast, NP showed higher levels of sign-tracking behaviour than P rats. Following a 4-week exposure to intermittent alcohol we confirmed that P rats had a marked preference for, and consumed more alcohol than, NP rats, but were not more impulsive when re-tested in the 5-CSRTT. These findings indicate that high alcohol preferring and drinking P rats are neither intrinsically impulsive nor do they exhibit impulsivity after exposure to alcohol. However, P rats do show increased goal-directed behaviour to food incentives and this may be associated with their strong preference for alcohol.There are errors in the Funding section. The correct funding information is as follows: The present study was funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council Programme (MRC Ref: G1002231 awarded to BJE, JWD, TWR, Wellcome Trust Ref: 093875/Z/10/Z), and the R24 Alcohol Research Resource Award grant (R24 AA015512) from NIAAA. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLoS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.013101
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