48 research outputs found

    Monocular microsaccades are visual-task related

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    During visual fixation, we constantly move our eyes. These microscopic eye movements are composed of tremor, drift, and microsaccades. Early studies concluded that microsaccades, like larger saccades, are binocular and conjugate, as expected from Hering's law of equal innervation. Here, we document the existence of monocular microsaccades during both fixation and a discrimination task, reporting the location of the gap in a foveal, low-contrast letter C. Monocular microsaccades differ in frequency, amplitude, and peak velocity from binocular microsaccades. Our analyses show that these differences are robust to different velocity and duration criteria that have been used previously to identify microsaccades. Also, the frequency of monocular microsaccades differs systematically according to the task: monocular microsaccades occur more frequently during fixation than discrimination, the opposite of their binocular equivalents. However, during discrimination, monocular microsaccades occur more often around the discrimination threshold, particularly for each subject's dominant eye and in case of successful discrimination. We suggest that monocular microsaccades play a functional role in the production of fine corrections of eye position and vergence during demanding visual tasks

    Foveal contour interaction on the edge: Response to 'Letter-to-the-Editor' by Drs. Coates and Levi

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    Recently, we reported that, when considered as a function of the edge-to-edge target-toflanker separation in min arc, the spatial extent of foveal contour interaction is the same for high and low contrast acuity targets. This result resolved an apparent discrepancy in the literature, which suggested that foveal contour interaction was absent or reduced for low contrast targets. In commenting on our results, Drs. Coates and Levi suggest a two-mechanism model for foveal crowding that depends on the center-to-center separation between the acuity target and flanking stimuli, and is based in part on a reanalysis of data from our recent work and a number of other studies. In our reply, we show that the spatial extent of foveal contour interaction for both high and low contrast targets is essentially unchanged by the width of the flanking targets when the target-to-flanker separation is depicted in terms of edge-to-edge separation, but varies systematically when depicted in terms of center-to-center separation. We therefore conclude that for foveal contour interaction in the range of a few min arc, edge-to-edge target-to-flanker separation is the more appropriate metric

    Contour interaction for foveal acuity targets at different luminances

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    Single-letter visual acuity is impaired by nearby flanking stimuli, a phenomenon known as contour interaction. We showed previously that when foveal acuity is degraded by a reduction of letter contrast, both the magnitude and angular spatial extent of foveal contour interaction remain unchanged. In this study, we asked whether contour interaction also remains unchanged when foveal visual acuity is degraded by a reduction of the target’s background luminance. Percent correct letter identification was measured for isolated, near-threshold black Sloan letters and for letters surrounded by 4 flanking bars in 10 normal observers, 5 at Anglia Ruskin University, UK (ARU) and 5 at Palacky University, Czech Republic (PU). A stepwise reduction in the background luminance over 3 log units resulted in an approximately threefold increase in the near-threshold letter size. At each background luminance, black flanking bars with a width equal to 1 letter stroke were presented at separations between approximately 0.45 and 4.5 min arc (ARU) or 0.32 and 3.2 min arc (PU). The results indicate that the angular extent of contour interaction remains unchanged at approximately 4 min arc at all background luminances. On the other hand, the magnitude of contour interaction decreases systematically as luminance is reduced, from approximately a 50% reduction to a 30% reduction in percent correct. The constant angular extent and decreasing magnitude of contour interaction with a reduction of background luminance suggest foveal contour interaction is mediated by luminance-dependent lateral inhibition within a fixed angular region

    Safe administration of etoposide phosphate after hypersensitivity reaction to intravenous etoposide

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    Etoposide is commonly used in a variety of malignancies. A well known but rare toxicity are hypersensitivity reactions, usually manifested by chest discomfort, dyspnoea, bronchospasm and hypotension. We report the details of a patient who developed hypersensitivity reactions to intravenous etoposide, but subsequently tolerated the administration of intravenous etoposide phosphate with no sequalae

    Foveal contour interaction for low contrast acuity targets

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    Previous investigators reported the impairment of foveal visual acuity by nearby flanking targets (contour interaction) is reduced or eliminated when acuity is measured using low contrast targets. Unlike earlier studies, we compared contour interaction for high and low contrast acuity targets using flankers at fixed angular separations, rather than at specific multiples of the acuity target’s stroke width. Percent correct letter identification was determined in 4 adult observers for computer generated, high and low contrast dark Sloan letters surrounded by 4 equal contrast flanking bars. Two low contrast targets were selected to reduce each observer’s visual acuity by 0.2 and 0.4 logMAR. The crowding functions measured for high and low contrast letters are very similar when percent correct letter identification is plotted against the flanker separation in min arc. These results indicate that contour interaction of foveal acuity targets occurs within a fixed angular zone of a few min arc, regardless of the size or contrast of the acuity target

    Randomised controlled single-blind study of conventional versus depot mydriatic drug delivery prior to cataract surgery

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    BACKGROUND: A prerequisite for safe cataract surgery is an adequately dilated pupil. The authors conducted a trial to assess the efficacy (in terms of pupil diameter) of a depot method of pre-operative pupil dilatation, as compared with repeated instillations of drops (which is time-consuming for the nursing staff and uncomfortable for the patient). METHODS: A prospective randomised masked trial was conducted comprising 130 patients with no significant ocular history undergoing elective clear corneal phacoemulsification. 65 patients had mydriatic drops (Tropicamide 1%, Phenylephrine 2.5%, Diclofenac sodium 0.1%) instilled prior to surgery, 65 had a wick soaked in the same drop mixture placed in the inferior fornix. Horizontal pupil diameters were recorded on a millimetre scale immediately prior to surgery. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in pupil size between the two groups (p = 0.255, Student's t-test). CONCLUSION: There was no significant difference between the mydriasis obtained with the depot system compared with conventional drop application. Use of a depot mydriatic delivery system appears to be a safe and efficient method of drug delivery. TRIAL REGISTRATION: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register ISRCTN7804776

    A clinical test for visual crowding

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    Crowding is a major limitation of visual perception. Because of crowding, a simple object, like a letter, can only be recognized if clutter is a certain critical spacing away. Crowding is only weakly associated with acuity. The critical spacing of crowding is lowest in the normal fovea, and grows with increasing eccentricity in peripheral vision. Foveal crowding is more prominent in certain patient groups, including those with strabismic amblyopia and apperceptive agnosia. Crowding may lessen with age during childhood as reading speed increases. The range of crowding predicts much of the slowness of reading in children with developmental dyslexia. There is tantalizing evidence suggesting that the critical spacing of crowding indicates neural density (participating neurons per square deg) in the visual cortex. Thus, for basic and applied reasons, it would be very interesting to measure foveal crowding clinically in children and adults with normal and impaired vision, and to track the development of crowding during childhood. While many labs routinely measure peripheral crowding as part of their basic research in visual perception, current tests are not well suited to routine clinical testing because they take too much time, require good fixation, and are mostly not applicable to foveal vision. Here we report a new test for clinical measurement of crowding in the fovea. It is quick and accurate, works well with children and adults, and we expect it to work well with dementia patients as well. The task is to identify a numerical digit, 1-9, using a new “Pelli” font that is identifiable at tiny width (0.02 deg, about 1 minarc, in normal adult fovea). This allows quick measurement of the very small (0.05 deg) critical spacing in the normal adult fovea, as well as with other groups that have higher critical spacing. Preliminary results from healthy adults and children are presented

    Perception of Relative Depth Interval: Systematic Biases in Perceived Depth

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    Given an estimate of the binocular disparity between a pair of points and an estimate of the viewing distance, or knowledge of eye position, it should be possible to obtain an estimate of their depth separation. Here we show that, when points are arranged in different vertical geometric configurations across two intervals, many observers find this task difficult. Those who can do the task tend to perceive the depth interval in one configuration as very different from depth in the other configuration. We explore two plausible explanations for this effect. The first is the tilt of the empirical vertical horopter: Points perceived along an apparently vertical line correspond to a physical line of points tilted backwards in space. Second, the eyes can rotate in response to a particular stimulus. Without compensation for this rotation, biases in depth perception would result. We measured cyclovergence indirectly, using a standard psychophysical task, while observers viewed our depth configuration. Biases predicted from error due either to cyclovergence or to the tilted vertical horopter were not consistent with the depth configuration results. Our data suggest that, even for the simplest scenes, we do not have ready access to metric depth from binocular disparity.</jats:p