68 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Beberapa Metode Pembuatan Metil Ester Dalam Analisa Asam Lemak Dari Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco)

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    PERBANDINGAN BEBERAPA METODE PEMBUATAN METIL ESTER DALAM ANALISA ASAM LEMAK DARI VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) Julius Pontoh1) dan Lita Makasoe1) 1)Program Studi Kimia FMIPA Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115; e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRAK Transesterifikasi merupakan metode awal dalam analisa asam asam lemak dalan minyak dengan teknik kromatografi gas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari efisiensi diantara berbagai metode transesterifikasi dalam analisa asam asam lemak dalam minyak kelapa murni. Metode yang dipelajari meliputi transesterifikasi asam dan basa menurut Christie (1993), transesterifikasi asam dan basa menurut Laureles, at al. (2002) dan trasesterifikasi menurut IUPAC (1997). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa diantara metode yang dipelajari hanya memberikan sedikit perbedaan waktu retensi dari asam asam lemak dengan berbagai erlakuan metode transesterifikasi. Metode IUPAC (1997) memberikan luas puncak yang lebih besar dari anatara metode yang dipelajari. Transesterifikasi basa dengan metode Christie (1992) memberikan persentasi luas area tertinggi untuk asam laurat, diikuti dengan transesterifikasi asam dengan metode Laureles, et al., 2002), tetapi untuk persentasi luas puncak dari asam kaprilat dan kaprat metode IUPAC (1997) menghasilkan persentasi luas luncak yang lebih besar. Dengan demikian, untuk analisa asam asam lemak dalam VCO, metode IUPAC (1997) adalah yang terbaik. Kata kunci: metil ester, VCO COMPARISON OF SOME METHODS IN MAKING METHYL ESTER OF FATTY ACID ANALYSIS FROM VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) ABSTRACT Transeterification is always the first step in analysis of fatty acid using gas chromatographic method. The goal of this research is to study the efisiency of the derivative methods for fatty acid analysis. The methods to be studied including acid and base transesterification (Christie, 1993), acid and base transesterification (Laureles, et al., 2002) and esterification (IUPAC, 1997). The results show that among the methods there are only slightly different in retention time. The IUPAC (1997) method showed higher peak area among the methods tested. The base transeterification by Christie (1993) produce the highest percentage peak area for the lauric acid followed by acid tranesterification by Laureles, et al. (2002). But for caprylic and capric acids, the esterification by IUPAC (1997) produce higher percentage of peak areas. Therefore, for the purpose of VCO\u27s fatty acid analysis, the IUPAC method should be the choice

    Perbaikan Proses Pembuatan Gula Merah Aren Di Pabrik Gula Aren Masarang Tomohon

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    Pabrik gula aren Masarang Tomohon saat ini memiliki masalah rendahnya efisiensi produksi akibat pembentukan bongkahan gula selama tahap akhir pemprosesan gula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi gula di pabrik dengan penekanan pada sorpsi air oleh gula dan pada penghancuran bongkahan gula selama produksi serbuk gula aren (gula semut). Umur simpan gula merah aren diestimasi dengan kurva isoterm absorpsi menggunakan rumus Labuza. Penghancuran gula dilakukan mula-mula melalui penentuan jenis gilingan, diikuti dengan membuat desain gilingan dan membangun konstruksi gilingan. Perhitungan umur simpan gula menghasilkan angka 6,4 tahun umur simpan. Konstruksi gilingan gula dibuat didasarkan pada gilingan martil (hammer mill) dengan kapasitas untuk mengurangi sisa produk hingga 1,28 persen.The Masarang Palm Sugar Factory in Tomohon is currently facing to the problems of the low efficiency production due to the crumble formation during the last step of sugar processing and the question of the shelf life of the product. Therefore the goal of this research is to improve the palm sugar processing at the factory by focusing to the understanding the water sorption by the sugar and to break down the sugar crumbles during the brown sugar powder production. The shelf life of the brown palm sugar was estimated by the isotherm absorption curve followed by application of Labuza formula. The sugar milling was processed by firstly determined the milling type, followed by designing the mill and then constructed it. The calculation of shelf life of the sugar product was found as 6.4 years. The sugar milling was constructed based on the hammer mill with the capacity to reduce the crumbles as low as 1.28 percent


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    THE EFFECT OF USING SWEET POTATO LEAVES (VINES) IN RATIONS ON DIGESTIBILITY FAT AND CRUDE FIBER IN PIGS. Pig livestock is one of the commodities that has great potential to be developed because it has beneficial properties, namely the ability of pigs to convert food ingredients more efficiently. A study has been carried out to determine the effect of using sweet potato leaves (vines) in rations on digestibility fat and crude fiber in pigs. This research was conducted for 50 days, from June 20 to August 9, 2017. This study used 5 (five) castrated male pigs from crosses of Duroc X Spotted Poland China around 3.5-4.0 months old, 30 kg initial weight: The treatment ration formulated as follows: R0 = 100% Basic Ration + 0% Leaves and Stems of Sweet Potatoes R1 = 92.5% Basic Ration + 7.5% Sweet Potato Flour and Stems R2 = 85% Basic Ration + 15% Sweet Potato Leaf and Stem Flour R3 = 77.5% Basic Ration + 22.5% Leaf and Stem Flour Sweet Potato R4 = 70% Basic Ration + 30% Leaf Flour and Sweet Potato Flour. Parameters observed were fat and crude fiber digestibility. The use of sweet potato leaves and stems flour did not have significant effect (P> 0.05) on the digestibility value of crude fiber and fat. The use of sweet potato leaves and stems gave significantly different effects (P <0.05) on the digestibility value of crude fiber and fat or at least one different pair. It can be concluded that the leaves and stems of sweet potatoes (vines) can be used up to 30% in the ration of castrated male pigs. without negative effects on fat digestibility and crude fiber ration. Keywords: sweet potato leaves, digestibility, pi

    Analysis of Internal Control of Fixed Assets in PT. Lumbung Berkat Indonesia

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    The presence of an internal control system of fixed assets that will assist management in supervising, monitors costs incurred when fixed assets are acquired until property, plant, and equipment are released. Adding or extending the useful life of fixed assets and assisting in increasing the operational contribution and productive capacity of the company\u27s fixed assets maintain security, check the accuracy and correctness of data from the company\u27s fixed assets. This study aims to determine the implementation of the structure of Internal Controls of Fixed Assets conducted in PT Lumbung Berkat Indonesia which is a type of construction company. The analysis method used is descriptive method. Data type is qualitative data with secondary data source. The result of the research shows that internal control in PT Lumbung Berkat Indonesia has not been effective yet. This is seen from the lack of separation of duties and responsibilities between the finance and accounting departments, the absence of an audit committee, never conducting tests and measurements on fixed assets. Any decision relating to fixed assets shall first be authorized by the President Director, but the company never conducts physical property checks and matching with fixed assets records. There is also no expenditure on capital and revenues. Depreciation method used is straight line depreciation and implemented continuously every year. However, the list of fixed assets of the company has not been up to date since the company only attaches fixed assets in the form of buildings and vehicles in the project (excluding vehicles and inventory in the office)


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    ABSTRACTGlorybower (Clerodendron squamatum Vahl.) have been empirically used to treat fevers, fractures, and swelling-reduction. Glorybower leaves contain flavonoids and alkaloids which can be potential as antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the drying method in determining the levels of flavonoids in glorybower leaves (Clerodendron squamatum Vahl.). Extraction of leaves using the maceration method. Determination of flavonoid content was using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method with the principle of AlCl3. From the results obtained, the samples that had the highest to lowest flavonoid content were fresh samples which were 12 mg/ g extracts, 40oC samples were 7,8 mg/ g extract, air-dried samples were 7,2 mg / g extracts and 60oC samples which were 6,2 mg/ g extracts. Data analysis using one-way ANOVA method and the results obtained are Fcount = 9,709661639 and Ftable = 4,066180551. From these results, it can be concluded that Fcount is greater than Ftable. So that it can be seen that there is a significant influence between the existing drying methods. Keywords: Clerodendron squamatum Vahl, Drying Method, Extraction, Flavonoids, UV  Vis Spectrophotometer ABSTRAKSesewanua (Clerodendron squamatum Vahl.) secara empiris telah digunakan untuk mengobati demam, patah tulang, dan penurun bengkak. Daun sesewanua mengandung flavonoid dan alkaloid yang dapat berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pengeringan dalam penetapan kadar flavonoid pada daun sesewanua (Clerodendron squamatum Vahl.). Ekstraksi daun sesewanua menggunakan metode maserasi. Penetapan kadar flavonoid menggunakan metode Spektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan prinsip AlCl3. Dari hasil yang didapatkan, sampel yang memiliki kadar flavonoid tertinggi sampai terendah adalah sampel segar yaitu 12 mg/g ekstrak, sampel 40oC yaitu 7,8 mg/g ekstrak, sampel keringanginkan yaitu 7,2 mg/g ekstrak, dan sampel 60oC yaitu 6,2 mg/g ekstrak. Analisis data menggunakan metode anova satu jalur dan didapatkan hasil yaitu F hitung= 9,709661639 serta F tabel =4,066180551. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa F hitung lebih besar dari pada F tabel. Sehingga dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi pengaruh yang cukup signifikan antara metode pengeringan yang ada. Kata Kunci: Clerodendron squamatum Vahl., Metode Pengeringan, Ekstraksi, Flavonoid, Spektrofotometer UV-Vi

    Dampak Pembangunan PLTU Terhadap Perubahan Mata Pencarian Masyarakat Desa Binjeita II Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Kebutuhan listrik nasional terus meningkat, Kementerian ESDM memproyeksikan konsumsi listrik nasional tahun 2020 mencapai 1.142 kWh/kapita. Pemerintah melalui PLN mengeksplorasi sumber daya angin, sumber daya air dan gas bumi serta batu bara. Kebutuhan listrik juga dialami Propinsi Sulawesi Utara dan Gorontalo. Pembangunan PLTU di Desa Binjeitan II Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara Propinsui Sulawesi Utara berkapasitas 2×50 MW untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik wilayah Sulawesi Utara dan Gorontalo melalui sisi garduk induk Boroko. Pembangunan PLTU ini masih dalam tahapan penyelesaian.        Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Deskripsi Kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Sebagai bahan pendalaman penelitian menggunakan Teori Perubahan Sosial Evolusioner (Teori Tiga Tahap Perkenmbangan)Auguste Comte di antaranya: 1. Tahap Teologis (theological stage). 2. Tahap Metafisik (methaphysical stage). 3. Tahap Positif atau Ilmiah (positive stage).Hasil penelitian menemukan masyarakat Desa Binjeita II profesi petani 110 orang dan nelayan 35 orang. Semenjak pembangunan PLTU 60 orang petani atau 66% dan 18 nelayan atau 58% beralih profesi sebagai karyawan PLTU. Pembangunan PLTU berjalan beriringan dengan dampak positif juga dampak negative. Dampak positif berupa terjadi pembauran lintas agama dan budaya, perubahan etos kerja, masyarakat lebih terbuka, semangat kerja berkualitas, desa terang terus sehingga permudah control social. Dari aspek ekonomi di mana sebagian masyarakat alih profesi sebagai karyawan PLTU dengan gaji kisaran Rp.3.000.000 – Rp.4.500.000/bulan, bertumbuh usaha mikro seperti warung makan, kios, kos-kosan, dll. Namun beriringan dengan dampak negative berupa kesehatan lingkugan terganggu dengan bertebaran debu, bising, becek dan banjir kala hujan deras, ikan semakin langka serta kebun kurang penggarap. Kata Kunci: PLTU, Kontrol Sosial, Perubahan Ekonomi