14,457 research outputs found

    McGovern, International Trade Regulation

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    International Trade Regulation is a work with many strengths and few weaknesses. One could nitpick about certain aspects of its organization, but basically the organization is sufficiently logical overall that the book could be read cover to cover and be a coherent introduction to the subject of international trade regulation for a novice in the field. At the same time, within each section, the exposition of the basic international rules, followed by a discussion of the related United States and EEC rules, works well

    Dispute Settlement in Gatt

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    This Article describes briefly the way in which the system now operates and the major complaints that have been lodged against it

    Is subjective social status a more important determinant of health than objective social status? Evidence from a prospective observational study of Scottish men

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    Both subjective and objective measures of lower social position have been shown to be associated with poorer health. A psychosocial, as opposed to material, aetiology of health inequalities predicts that subjective social status should be a stronger determinant of health than objective social position. In a workplace based prospective study of 5232 Scottish men recruited in the early 1970s and followed up for 25 years we examined the association between objective and subjective indices of social position, perceived psychological stress, cardiovascular disease risk factors and subsequent health. Lower social position, whether indexed by more objective or more subjective measures, was consistently associated with an adverse profile of established disease risk factors. Perceived stress showed the opposite association. The main subjective social position measure used was based on individual perceptions of workplace status (as well as their actual occupation, men were asked whether they saw themselves as “employees”, “foremen”, or “managers”). Compared to foremen, employees had a small and imprecisely estimated increased risk of all cause mortality, whereas managers had a more marked decreased risk. The strongest predictors of increased mortality were father's manual as opposed to non-manual occupation; lack of car access and shorter stature, (an indicator of material deprivation in childhood). In the fully adjusted analyses, perceived work-place status was only weakly associated with mortality. In this population it appears that objective material circumstances, particularly in early life, are a more important determinant of health than perceptions of relative status. Conversely, higher perceived stress was not associated with poorer health, presumably because, in this population, higher stress was not associated with material disadvantage. Together these findings suggest that, rather than targeting perceptions of disadvantage and associated negative emotions, interventions to reduce health inequalities should aim to reduce objective material disadvantage, particularly that experienced in early life

    Why will rat's go where rats will not

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    Experimental evidence indicates that regular plurals are nearly always omitted from English compounds (e.g., rats-eater) while irregular plurals may be included within these structures (e.g., mice-chaser). This phenomenon is considered to be good evidence to support the dual mechanism model of morphological processing (Pinker & Prince, 1992). However, evidence from neural net modelling has shown that a single route associative memory based account might provide an equally, if not more, valid explanation of the compounding phenomenon

    Plural morphology in compounding is not good evidence to support the dual mechanism model

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    The compounding phenomena is considered to be good evidence to support the dual mechanism model of morphological processing (Pinker & Prince, 1992). However evidence from initial neural net modeling has shown that a single route associative memory based account might provide an equally, if not more valid explanation of the treatment of plurals in compounds. Further neural net modeling and empirical work is proposed to test this single route accoun

    Individual employment histories and subsequent cause specific hospital admissions and mortality: a prospective study of a cohort of male and female workers with 21 years follow up

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    It is a widely held view that the labour market is demanding increased levels of flexibility, and that this is causing greater psychosocial stress among employees.1 Such stress may affect health, either through neuroendocrine pathways, or through increases in behaviours linked with poor health.2 Previously we presented evidence linking an unstable employment history, as measured by a greater number of job changes and shorter duration of current job, with a greater prevalence of smoking and greater alcohol consumption, in male and female workers.3 4 Despite this, we did not observe clear detrimental effects of such instability on health related physiological measures (body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol, and lung function), nor on current cardiovascular health (electrocardiogram determined ischaemia and reported symptoms of angina). Finding work is easier for healthy persons, and those persons who need to find work repeatedly will be particularly likely to drop out of the workforce if their health deteriorates. Consequently, an occupational cohort, upon which our previous work was based, is least likely to include people of poor health with an unstable work history. If such people are underrepresented, attempts to determine the association between health and individual work histories will mislead. This study links the same cohort to information on the hospitalisations and deaths experienced over a 21 year follow up period. While those people whose health deteriorated before the enrolment of this cohort must remain poorly represented, these prospective data permit unbiased observation of those cases who experienced ill health subsequently, whether or not this resulted in an exit from the workforce. We hypothesise that an employment history characterised by frequent job changes, whatever the motivation for those changes, will require the person to be more focused on work, and less focused on maintaining personal health, with consequent poorer health for such people

    Quantitative image mean squared displacement (iMSD) analysis of the dynamics of profilin 1 at the membrane of live cells.

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    Image mean square displacement analysis (iMSD) is a method allowing the mapping of diffusion dynamics of molecules in living cells. However, it can also be used to obtain quantitative information on the diffusion processes of fluorescently labelled molecules and how their diffusion dynamics change when the cell environment is modified. In this paper, we describe the use of iMSD to obtain quantitative data of the diffusion dynamics of a small cytoskeletal protein, profilin 1 (pfn1), at the membrane of live cells and how its diffusion is perturbed when the cells are treated with Cytochalasin D and/or the interactions of pfn1 are modified when its actin and polyphosphoinositide binding sites are mutated (pfn1-R88A). Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy images, we obtained data on isotropic and confined diffusion coefficients, the proportion of cell areas where isotropic diffusion is the major diffusion mode compared to the confined diffusion mode, the size of the confinement zones and the size of the domains of dynamic partitioning of pfn1. Using these quantitative data, we could demonstrate a decreased isotropic diffusion coefficient for the cells treated with Cytochalasin D and for the pfn1-R88A mutant. We could also see changes in the modes of diffusion between the different conditions and changes in the size of the zones of pfn1 confinements for the pfn1 treated with Cytochalasin D. All of this information was acquired in only a few minutes of imaging per cell and without the need to record thousands of single molecule trajectories


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    Davey (1968 in press) emends the species Gonyaulacysta orthoceras Eisenack and also transfers it to the genus Cribroperidinium Neale and Sarjeant. By emending Eisenack's species the specimens described by Sarjeant (1966) as G. orthoceras, from the Lower Cretaceous of England, must now be excluded from this species. Hence, a new species is here erected to accommodate them

    The Future of Online Legal Journalism: The Courts Speak Only Through Their Opinions?

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    Some dinoflagellate cysts from the upper Cretaceous of northern Natal, South africa

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    Main articleFossil dinoflagellate cysts are for the first time described from South Africa and occur in sediments of Campanian, Maastrichtian and possibly Danian age. The sedimentary samples are from a borehole in northern Natal. The systematic section includes the erection of seven new species; these constitute only a few of the many species found in the assemblages.Non
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