109,108 research outputs found

    Review of: Catherine Manton, Fed Up: Women and Food in America

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    A review of the book Fed Up: Women and Food in America by Catherine Manton (Bergin & Garvey 1999). Bibliography, index, notes. ISBN 0-89789-448-0 [184 pp. $55.00. Cloth, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881]

    A city invests in its future

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    Events occurring during the past four years which led to the City of Burbank's decision to acquire an energy source adequate for the city's present and future power requirements are discussed. The community reaction to this unprecedented move is also covered. Burbank's long-range plans for the development of geothermal energy are outlined as well as the challenges which confront a public utility in implementing its projected goals. There are several advantages accurring to the city which in the opinion of the Burbank City Council and the administration justify this venture. The need for a cooperative climate which will enable all electrical utilities to better meet their obligations to the public, which is their prime responsibility before all other considerations, is analyzed

    A split finite element algorithm for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations

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    An accurate and efficient numerical solution algorithm is established for solution of the high Reynolds number limit of the Navier-Stokes equations governing the multidimensional flow of a compressible essentially inviscid fluid. Finite element interpolation theory is used within a dissipative formulation established using Galerkin criteria within the Method of Weighted Residuals. An implicit iterative solution algorithm is developed, employing tensor product bases within a fractional steps integration procedure, that significantly enhances solution economy concurrent with sharply reduced computer hardware demands. The algorithm is evaluated for resolution of steep field gradients and coarse grid accuracy using both linear and quadratic tensor product interpolation bases. Numerical solutions for linear and nonlinear, one, two and three dimensional examples confirm and extend the linearized theoretical analyses, and results are compared to competitive finite difference derived algorithms

    Developments and trends in three-dimensional mesh generation

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    An intense research effort over the last few years has produced several competing and apparently diverse methods for generating meshes. Recent progress is reviewed and the central themes are emphasized which form a solid foundation for future developments in mesh generation

    Ground exposure of composite materials for helicopters

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    Residual strength results are presented on four composite material systems that were exposed for three years at locations on the North American Continent. The exposure locations are near the areas where Bell Model 206L Helicopters, that are in a NSA/U.S. Army sponsored flight service program, are flying in daily commercial service. The composite systems are: (1) Kevlar-49 fabric/F-185 epoxy; (2) Kevlar-49 fabric/LRF-277 epoxy; (3) Kevlar-49 fabric/CE-306 epoxy; and (4) T-300 Graphite/E-788 epoxy. All material systems exhibited good strength retention in compression and short beam shear. The Kevlar-49/LRF-277 epoxy retained 88 to 93 percent of the baseline strength while the other material systems exceeded 95 percent of baseline strength. Residual tensile strength of all materials did not show a significant reduction. The available moisture absorption data is also presented

    Analysis of boundary conditions for SSME subsonic internal viscous flow analysis

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    A study was completed of mathematically proper boundary conditions for unique numerical solution of internal, viscous, subsonic flows in the space shuttle main engine. The study has concentrated on well posed considerations, with emphasis on computational efficiency and numerically stable boundary condition statements. The method of implementing the established boundary conditions is applicable to a wide variety of finite difference and finite element codes, as demonstrated

    Evaluation of Composite Components on the Bell 206L and Sikorsky S-76 Helicopters

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    Progress on two programs to evaluate structural composite parts in flight service on Bell 206L and Sikorsky S-76 commercial helicopters is described. Forty ship sets of composite parts that include the litter door, baggage door, forward fairing, and vertical fin were installed on Bell Model 206L helicopters that are operating in widely different climates. Part installation started in 1981 and selected parts are being removed and tested at prescribed intervals over a 10 yr evaluation. Four horizontal stabilizers and eleven tail rotor spars that are production parts on the S-76 helicopter are being tested after prescribed periods of service to determine the effects of the operating environment on their performance. Concurrent with the flight evaluation, materials used to fabricate the parts are being exposed in ground racks and tested at specified intervals to determine the effects of outdoor environments. Results achieved from 123,000 hrs of accumulated service on the Bell 206L parts and 53,000 hrs on the Sikorsky S-76 parts are reported. Seventy-eight Bell 206L parts were removed and tested statically. Results of 7 yrs of ground exposure of materials used to make the Bell 206L parts are presented