408 research outputs found

    Catalog of the Galactic population of X-ray pulsars in High-mass X-ray binary systems

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    A catalog of the Galactic population of X-ray pulsars in high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) systems is presented. It contains information about 82 confirmed sources: 18 persistent and 64 transient pulsars. Their basic parameters include spin period, spin evolution with global and local spin-up/spin-down and duration, orbital period, X-ray luminosity, magnetic field strength measured by cyclotron line analysis, distance, spectral and luminosity class, observable parameters of massive companions, which are shown in the tables provided, with corresponding references. Candidates of the HMXB pulsars are also listed for further careful consideration.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Регресивна модель впливу проектних рішень на енергоефективність будівлі

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    Currently, the regulatory (compulsory) method of normalization in construction is used in Ukraine. Its essence lies in the elemental description of the construction object, according to which alternative design solutions are offered. In other words, building codes are transformed into rigid instructions. The parametric method of rationing involves the establishment of functional requirements, parameters, in particular, the energy efficiency parameters of individual structural solutions of a building. From many possible alternatives, the designer chooses the most effective solution, for example, on the criterion of energy efficiency. The parametric rationing method is based on a hierarchy of goals and objectives and is more progressive.The purpose of the article is to substantiate the influence of engineering and design decisions on the energy efficiency of residential buildings by the method of correlation-regression analysis.Using the methods of correlation (stochastic) analysis and the corresponding software product of the MS Excel environment, a regression model (equation) of dependence of the energy efficiency level of a residential building (B) on a set of engineering and technical design solutions was created. Specific energy consumption (ER) indicators for 27 projects of 4 - 9 storey residential buildings were considered as baseline data. The design solutions for each project were considered in the following areas: exterior wall and door structures, attic ceilings, translucent enclosure structures. of the given equation is only 11.6%, the coefficients of elasticity for each factor are calculated.The regression equation obtained and the coefficients of regression and elasticity derived therefrom can be used in parametric normalization and in parametric pricing. Knowing the quantitative impact of each individual factor X and their totality on the resultant exponentials - the level of energy consumption B, one can purposefully focus on one or another factor. That is, to have a hierarchical, parametric series of influence of different design decisions on the energy efficiency index of a building.Наразі в Україні застосовується розпорядчий (примусовий) метод нормування в будівництві. Сутність його полягає в по-елементному описі будівельного об'єкта, відповідно до якого пропонуються безальтернативні проектно-конструкторські рішення. Іншими словами, будівельні норми перетворюються в жорстку інструкцію. Параметричний метод нормування передбачає встановлення функціональних вимог, параметрів, зокрема параметрів енергоефективності окремих конструктивних рішень будівлі. Проектувальник з багатьох можливих альтернатив обирає найефективніше рішення, наприклад, за критерієм енергоефективності. Параметричний метод нормування заснований на ієрархії цілей і завдань та є більш прогресивним. Метою статті є обґрунтування впливу інженерно-конструкторських рішень на енергоефективність житлових будинків за методом кореляційно-регресійного аналізу.З використанням методів кореляційного (стохастичного) аналізу та відповідного програмного продукту середовища MS Excel була створена регресивна модель (рівняння) залежності рівня енергоефективності житлового будинку (У) від сукупності інженерно-технічних проектних рішень. Як вихідні данні були розглянуті  показники питомої енергопотреби (ЕР) по 27 проектах 4–9 поверхових житлових будинків. Варіанти проектних рішень по кожному проекту розглядались за такими напрямами: конструкції зовнішніх стін та дверей, горищних перекриттів, світлопрозорих огороджувальних конструкцій. Коефіцієнт детермінації отриманого рівняння, який дорівнює 0,884, показує, що вплив інших факторів на рівень енергоефективності (У), які залишились поза увагою наведеного рівняння, становить лише 11,6%, розраховано коефіцієнти еластичності по кожному фактору. Отримане рівняння регресії та похідні від нього коефіцієнти регресії та еластичності можуть прислужитися у параметричному нормуванні та у параметричному ціноутворенні. Знаючи кількісний вплив кожного окремого фактору Х та їх сукупності на результатний показник – рівень енерговитрат У, можна цілеспрямовано зосередитись на тому чи іншому факторі. Тобто мати ієрархічний, параметричний ряд впливу різних проектно-конструкторських рішень на показник енергоефективності будівлі

    Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development: the Changing Mission of the Higher School

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    Purpose: of the article is to study the basic principles of higher education and their impact on the formation of a socially active position of universities and their involvement in achieving sustainable development goals on the scale of global humanity.Methods: is based on the application of systemic and institutional approaches to the study of the role of higher education in solving the problems of society, as well as a group of methods of scientifc cognition: dialectical and retrospective, induction and deduction, comparative analysis, the method of rating assessment and others.Results: the essence of the fundamental principles of higher education – academic freedom and academic responsibility, which form the value basis of classical education in its historical period of development, is revealed. In modern conditions, these principles are increasingly reflected in the activities of universities related to their key role in solving economic, social and environmental problems. More and more often universities declare their social responsibility and prove it by the example of their decisions in the conditions of social crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic isconsidered one of the crisis situations, and the measures taken by the university leadership to support the teaching staff and its student audience are a kind of indicator of social responsibility. The range of tasks in which the higher school is involved is quite wide. It covers problems of a global nature, one of which is the search for ways of sustainable development of mankind: universities take responsibility for achieving the selected Sustainable Development Goals and report to society for the effectiveness of this area of their activities.Conclusions and Relevance: the implementation by universities of socially responsible behavior towards their internal stakeholders (teachers, students, employees), integration into solving vital problems of society, as well as involvement in achieving Sustainable Development Goals clearly demonstrate the transformation of their mission. Universities enter into an active dialogue with society to solve problems at different levels of economic systems, making efforts to combine the spheres of knowledge production, scientifc research expected by society, the transformation of knowledge and scientifc results into practice through the initiation of new directions and activities, technological transformation of the scientifc and educational space, diversifcation of channels of interaction with societ

    The work of Charles Cameron and his contribution to classical architecture in Russia

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the phenomenon of English Palladianism on the Catherine's the Great court, which is mainly associated with the architect Charles Cameron. Based on Charles Cameron's most significant works, it is to study the connection between The English period of architecture and Russian classical architecture.Práce se věnuje fenoménu anglického palladianismu na dvoře Kateřiny II. Veliké, který je spojen především s osobností Charlese Camerona. Na základě analýzy jeho nejvyznamnějsích staveb bude prozkoumáno propojení tradiční anglické dobové architektury s ruskou klasicistní tvorbou.Institute of Art HistoryÚstav pro dějiny uměníFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Sustainable Development as a New Component of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Purpose is to study the essential basis of the concept of sustainable development as a new component of corporate social responsibility.Methods: the research is based on a systematic approach to the understanding of corporate social responsibility. The analysis of the state and trends of sustainable development was carried out using the retrospective method, comparative and economic-statistical analysis, as well as the method of data visualization, which allowed us to form a holistic view of the essence and receptivity of Russian business to the ideas of sustainable development.Results: the article substantiates the importance of socially responsible business practices in terms of the concept of corporate social responsibility. Today, it is considered as an umbrella concept, the central place in which is given to sustainable development. A historical retrospective of the formation of the term "sustainable development" is carried out. The content of ESG factors used to assess the contribution of companies to achieving the triune outcome of sustainable development is revealed. The identified indicators of commitment of board members to sustainable development issues allowed us to state that most companies are taking measures to integrate sustainable development issues into the overall strategy of companies and issue non-financial statements. This has which generally positively affects the interest of the investment community in such companies. The special requirements for the content of non-financial reports are described, and the priority of the sustainable Development Goals for Russian companies is analyzed. The author draws a conclusion about the reasons for the weak involvement of Russian business in the selection and achievement of sustainable development goals and suggests solutions to promote the concept of sustainable development in the Russian business community.Conclusions and Relevance: the close attention paid to the sustainable development agenda by the world community and business proves the relevance of solving a whole range of environmental and social problems. The integration of sustainable development issues into the overall strategy of companies, covering an increasing number of companies, allows for strategic initiatives in the ideology of sustainable development with a tendency to expand the planning horizon. Taking into account the increased attention of the investment community to business projects based on the principles of sustainable development, the management of companies realized the need to issue non-financial statements with the inclusion of data that meet special requirements for the disclosure of ESG topics. In addition, the company's requirements for transparency of companies' activities and for their accountability on the results of their impact on the environmental and social situation are supplemented by new requirements in the field of disclosure of the quality of corporate governance. In these circumstances, the role of the top management of companies in promoting the ideology of sustainable development is undeniable. At the same time, the majority of Russian companies do not yet demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the connection of global environmental and social problems with their business, which is clearly reflected in the choice of sustainable development goals

    Implementation of ESG strategies of Russian companies under sanctions restrictions

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    Purpose: of the study is to analyze and determine the prospects for the implementation of ESG strategies of Russian companies in the context of escalating anti-Russian sanctions restrictions.Methods: the study is based on the application of the concept of sustainable development, evolving from the "umbrella" concept of corporate social responsibility. The application of the concept of a systematic approach and the theory of decision-making to the management of the organization allowed us to consider the possibilities of incorporating ESG principles into the development strategy of companies.Results: an assessment of the state of non-financial reporting in Russia is given, showing a significant gap between Russian companies and foreign ones in the number of published reports. The impact of Western sanctions on the disclosure of financial statements has been determined, and the relevant draft law is expected to be approved regarding the regulation of the issuance of non-financial statements, the development of which takes into account the experience of anti-Russian sanctions restrictions. It is established that in conditions of high uncertainty of the geopolitical and economic situation, Russian companies confirm their commitment to the course of sustainable development, recognizing the possibility of revising the Sustainable Development Goals, updating the ESG strategy and the portfolio of ESG projects. The prospects and tasks for the development of the ESG agenda, as well as the directions of the evolution of non-financial reporting, are determined.Conclusions and Relevance: in the face of unprecedented sanctions restrictions, Russian companies continue to follow previously adopted ESG strategies. Building business processes based on ESG principles gives undeniable advantages at different levels of the economic system: at the macro level – improving the environmental situation on a planetary scale; at the national level – progressive socio-economic development; at the micro level – increasing loyalty to the company of all its stakeholders with all the ensuing advantages. Recognizing the positive adherence of Russian companies to the global trend of issuing non-financial reports informing the public about the results of the implementation of their ESG strategies, Russian business needs to improve the quality of this activity: organize the process of preparing reports taking into account current challenges, trends, requests of the state, investors and society, objectively reflect the results in the field of ESG transformation

    Evaluating the effect of asphalt binder modification on the low-temperature cracking resistance of hot mix asphalt

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    This study focused primarily on the effects of various polymer modifications on the low-temperature cracking performance of asphalt binders and resultant mixtures. Two air-blown bitumens were blended with four polymers with or without the addition of polyphosphoric acid (PPA). The low-temperature properties of the neat bitumens and the modified binders were characterized using bending beam rheometer (BBR). The prismatic samples of dense graded asphalt mixtures with the same content of different binders of 4.7% by weight were tested on direct tension at constant strain rate. The low-temperature cracking of the mixtures was also evaluated by tensile stress restrained specimen test (TSRST). The results indicated that the low-temperature parameters were dependent on base bitumen and on polymer modification. For all tested binders, the Superpave criterion E0.30. Polymer modification showed significant benefits as compared to the corresponding base bitumen for direct tensile strength of asphalt mix at low temperatures. Addition of PPA reduced the strength at −30°C while raised at −20°C and −10°C. The BBR limiting binder stiffness temperature was close to the TSRST critical asphalt mix cracking temperature. Keywords: Asphalt pavement, Polymer modification, Thermal stress, Low-temperature cracking, Tensile strength, Critical temperatur

    The two sides of Tat

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    Российские компании в условиях интеллектуальной экономики: проблемы становления, оценки и развития

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    Purpose: the main goal of the work is to study conceptual approaches to the essential basis, architectonics and conditions for the formation of intelligent companies, as well as to identify criteria for assessing the maturity of intelligent systems at micro and macro levels.Methods: the study is based on a systematic approach to the understanding of intellectual capital, which defines it as a complete structured system, which is the basis of an intellectual company. The concept of intellectual organization was considered in logical connection with the concept of learning organization, which, in turn, was the result of the evolutionary development of the theories of human and intellectual capital, organizational culture, the theory of network organization.Results: the analysis of conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the basic categories of research – "intellectual capital" and "intellectual company". The conceptual scheme is presented and the structural and functional analysis of intellectual organization is carried out. Conditions of formation of the intellectual company are revealed, the contour of application of intellectual systems in a number of spheres of economic activity is outlined. Examples of foreign and Russian companies positioning themselves as intellectual are given. A review of methodological approaches to assessing the maturity level of intellectual systems of companies with the possibility of building national and global ratings of intellectual companies. The assessment of a real situation on indicators of intellectual assets of the Russian companies at the national and global levels is given. The measures aimed at Russia becoming one of the leaders of intellectual progress are proposed.Conclusions and Relevance: in the context of the growing intellectual trend of the global economy, Russia has no other way than the way of intellectualization of the national economy, the key resource of which is the human intellect. The increase in the number of companies implementing the latest technological solutions in their business processes, expanding the scope of application of intelligent systems in their production activities, creating and maintaining an intellectual culture of work focused on meeting the needs of modern society, including innovative products, is certainly the measure that can bring the country into the mainstream of technological progress.At the same time, the analysis of Rospatent data shows an ambiguous situation: in 2018, the marked increase in patent activity occurred at the expense of Russian applicants only in respect of industrial designs, in respect of utility models and patents for inventions – a significant backlog from foreign applicants. In the globalaspect, the gap in Russia's patent activity from foreign countries is even more threatening. All this makes urgent measures to stimulate the activity of Russian companies to increase their intellectual assets and increase their competitive power in the intellectual property market.Цель: Основная цель работы заключается в исследовании концептуальных подходов к сущностной основе, архитектонике и условиям становления интеллектуальных компаний, а также в выявлении критериев оценки зрелости интеллектуальных систем на микрои макроуровнях.Методология проведения работы: Исследование основано на системном подходе к пониманию интеллектуального капитала, определяющего его как целостную структурированную систему, которая является базисом интеллектуальной компании. Концепция интеллектуальной организации рассматривалась в логической связи с концепцией обучающейся организации, которая, в свою очередь, явилась результатом эволюционного развития теорий человеческого и интеллектуального капитала, организационной культуры, теории сетевой организации.Результаты работы: Проведен анализ концептуальных подходов к трактовке базовых категорий исследования – «интеллектуального капитала» и «интеллектуальной компании». Представлена концептуальная схема и проведен структурно-функциональный анализ интеллектуальной организации. Выявлены условия становления интеллектуальной компании, очерчен контур применения интеллектуальных систем в ряде сфер экономической деятельности. Приведены примеры зарубежных и российских компаний, позиционирующих себя как интеллектуальные. Проведен обзор методологических подходов к оценке уровня зрелости интеллектуальных систем компаний с возможностью построения национального и глобального рейтингов интеллектуальных компаний. Дана оценка реальной ситуации по показателям интеллектуальных активов российских компаний на национальном и глобальном уровнях. Предложены мероприятия, направленные на вхождение России в число лидеров интеллектуального прогресса.Выводы: В условиях набирающего силу интеллектуального тренда развития глобальной экономики у России не существует иного пути кроме интеллектуализации национальной экономики, ключевым ресурсом которой выступает интеллект человека. Увеличение числа компаний, внедряющих в свои бизнес-процессы новейшие технологические решения, расширяющих в своей производственной деятельности сферы применения интеллектуальных систем, создающих и поддерживающих интеллектуальную культуру труда, ориентированных на удовлетворение потребностей современного общества, в том числе в инновационных продуктах, безусловно, является той мерой, которая способна вывести страну в мейнстрим технологического прогресса.Вместе с тем, анализ данных Роспатента показывает неоднозначную ситуацию: в 2018 году отмеченный рост патентной активности за счет российских заявителей произошел только в отношении промышленных образцов, а в отношении полезных моделей и патентов на изобретения выявлено значительное отставание от иностранных заявителей. В глобальном аспекте разрыв в патентной активности между Россией и зарубежными странами еще более угрожающий. Это подчеркивает безотлагательность мер для стимулирования активности российских компаний по наращиванию своих интеллектуальных активов и повышению конкурентной силы на рынке интеллектуальной собственности

    Состояние и Перспективы Инновационного и Научно-Технологического Развития Региональной Промышленности России

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    Results of the analysis of innovation-driven, scientific and technological development of Russian regions are provided in the article, which allow to identify regional leaders in this area, estimate their potential for the country's economic growth, and understand possibilities of the regions lagging behind in innovation-driven, scientific and technological development for their establishment as new landmarks of scientific and technological progress. Content of the scientific approach to assessing the level of innovation-driven growth of the Russian economy sectors is described in detail based on characteristics of the four innovative archetypes of sectors: performance, engineering, scientific, and consumer. The unevenness of the sectoral development is shown both within one innovation archetype and in the whole sector, based on the calculation of the relative market share index for the Russian economy sectors. Description of the specifics and success factors of the innovation process for each of the innovative archetypes of sectors is provided. It is emphasized that the criticality ranking for success factors associated with the demand for innovation and the innovation proposals is defined by the archetype of innovations, each requiring a special approach from the state and private business. Results of a comparative analysis of possible scenarios for the innovation-driven growth of the national economy and their forecast results are provided, with due consideration for the leading trends in economic development in the national and global markets. The necessity of the scientific and technological modernization of the Russian economy towards the model of innovation-driven growth is substantiated. Conclusions are made about the inevitability of Russia’s transition to a new technological paradigm, which requires the formation of a new scientific, innovation-driven and industrial policy focused on innovation and technological renewal of the entire economic landscape, making the economy truly innovative.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de la innovación y el desarrollo científico y tecnológico de las regiones rusas, lo que permite identificar líderes regionales en esta área y evaluar su potencial para el crecimiento económico del país, así como para comprender las posibilidades de las regiones que se encuentran rezagadas en materia de innovación, desarrollo científico y tecnológico. Como nuevos puntos de progreso científico y tecnológico. El contenido del enfoque científico para evaluar el nivel de desarrollo innovador de las ramas de la economía rusa se describe en detalle sobre la base de las características de los cuatro arquetipos innovadores de industrias: eficiencia, ingeniería, ciencia y consumo. Sobre la base del cálculo del índice de la cuota de mercado relativa de los sectores de la economía rusa, la desigualdad del desarrollo sectorial se muestra dentro de los límites de un arquetipo de innovación y en toda la industria. Se proporciona la descripción de los aspectos específicos y los factores de éxito del proceso de innovación para cada uno de los arquetipos innovadores de las industrias. Se enfatiza que el grado de criticidad de los factores de éxito asociados con la demanda de innovación y con la propuesta de innovaciones está determinado por el arquetipo de innovaciones, cada uno de los cuales requiere un enfoque especial por parte de las empresas estatales y privadas. Se presentan los resultados de un análisis comparativo de posibles escenarios para el desarrollo innovador de la economía nacional y sus resultados de previsión, teniendo en cuenta las principales tendencias del desarrollo económico en los mercados nacional y mundial. Se justifica la necesidad de la modernización científica y tecnológica de la economía rusa en el camino hacia el modelo de desarrollo innovador. Se concluye sobre la inevitabilidad de la transición de Rusia a un nuevo orden tecnológico, que requiere la formación de una nueva política científica, innovadora e industrial, centrada en la innovación y la renovación tecnológica de todo el panorama económico, dando a la economía un carácter verdaderamente innovador.В статье приводятся результаты анализа инновационного и научно-технологического развития российских регионов, дающего возможность выявить в этой сфере региональных лидеров и оценить их потенциал для экономического роста страны, а также осмыслить возможности отстающих в инновационно-научно-технологическом развитии регионов в становлении их в качестве новых точек научно-технического прогресса. Обстоятельно раскрывается содержание научного подхода к оценке уровня инновационного развития отраслей российской экономики на основе характеристик четырех инновационных архетипов отраслей – эффективности, инженерного, научного, потребительского. На основе расчета индекса относительной рыночной доли отраслей российской экономики показана неравномерность отраслевого развития как в границах одного инновационного архетипа, так и в целом по отраслям. Приводится описание специфики и факторов успеха инновационного процесса для каждого из инновационных архетипов отраслей. Подчеркивается, что степень критичности факторов успеха, связанных со спросом на инновации и с предложением инноваций, определяется архетипом инноваций, для каждого из которых требуется особый подход со стороны государства и частного бизнеса. Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа возможных сценариев инновационного развития национальной экономики и их прогнозных результатов с учетом ведущих трендов экономического развития на национальном и глобальном рынках. Обосновывается необходимость научно-технологической модернизации российской экономики на пути к модели инновационного развития. Делается вывод о неизбежности перехода России к новому технологическому укладу, требующему формирования новой научной, инновационной и промышленной политики, ориентированной на инновационно-технологическое обновление всего хозяйственного ландшафта, придающего экономике действительно инновационный характер