53 research outputs found

    Competitiveness and Development of National Economy

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    This paper examines the relation between the two, may be the most pressing, phenomena of the world economy: competitiveness and development. Of course both can be interpreted in several ways, but the most operative way is to consider competitivenes by the methodology of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index, and the development by the gross of domestic product per population. The intent is to determine what is the conection between these two indicators in general, and to pass the question in such a way, and to establish a methodology for further analysis of individual groups of countries considered in the report of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness in the world. Therefore, we use correlation analysis between the observed indicators for the economy after 2005, since the above-mentioned study and implement competitiveness, with an accent on the last mid-term because of current events. The answer to the question: what is the relationship between these indicators in the timeline for all countries concerned is excpected. It is also important for the countries of the former Yugoslavia as a guide in the efforts to retrieve the position in the world economy

    The role of preventive maintenance of fleets powered by conventional and alternative fuels in road transport of dangerous goods

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    The paper surveys two companies that have homogeneous fleets for the transport of dangerous goods. The observed companies use fleets of various propulsion, conventional diesel fuel and compressed natural gas to carry out the transport process, and strive to ensure greater reliability and availability of vehicles at the lowest possible cost of preventive maintenance. In that sense, the role of preventive maintenance of fleets with different propulsion, diesel and compressed natural gas is analysed, and differences in terms of construction and operational characteristics of vehicles, procedures and costs of preventive maintenance are presented. Fleet managers must take into account environmental impacts, requirements and regulations defined in the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Good by Road when managing the operation and maintenance of vehicle fleet in the road transport of dangerous goods. The conducted research shows that vehicles with compressed natural gas drive achieve certain advantages in terms of preventive maintenance in relation to conventional diesel vehicles and can be successfully used in road transport of dangerous goods

    Prediction of Fuel and Exhaust Emission Costs of Heavy-Duty Vehicles Intended for Gas Transportation

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    This research focuses on heavy-duty vehicles intended to transport compressed natural gases, i.e., class-2 dangerous goods. The analysis includes heavy-duty vehicles powered by diesel and compressed natural gas and trailers with two body types. The body types used in the research are battery bodies and multiple-element gas containers, with pressure vessels made of composite materials (Type-4) and steel (Type-1). The paper presents the methodological procedure for predicting fuel and exhaust gas emission costs as a function of fuel consumption and transported gas quantities. The effects of different types of bodies and different types of fuel on the transported quantities of gas, vehicle mass utilization, fuel consumption, and exhaust gas emissions are shown. The obtained results show that bodies with Type-4 pressure vessels transport 44% more gas than bodies with Type-1 pressure vessels for one turn. The most cost-effective solution for emission costs is diesel-powered, newer-technology vehicles and Type-4 vessels, requiring EUR 2.82 per ton of gas. Similarly, the most economical choice for fuel costs is compressed natural-gas-powered vehicles with Type-4 bodies and a cost of EUR 19.77 per ton of gas. The research resultsā€™ practical application pertains to the selection procedures of vehicles and bodies intended for the transport of gases; they should be considered in the decision-making process, with the aim of attaining a sustainable transport sector with lower costs and less impact on the environment

    A leadersā€™s influence on the definition and implementation of strategy in organizations

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    In modern business conditions, the success of an organization is connected to the leader skills and abilities. Leadership becomes more important every day due to the requests of a turbulent and variable environment which can be satisfied only by organizations led by leaders able to harmonize the leading of the organization with the real situation within it. Thus leaders, through their behavior and skills influence, define and implement organization strategy to a large extent

    Osteogenesis imperfecta - multi-systemic and life-long disease that affects whole family [Osteogenesis imperfecta - viŔe-sustavna, doživotna bolest i njen utjecaj na obitelj]

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disease, a heritable disorder of connective tissue, is the most common of the inherited disorders primarily affecting bone. There are approximately 400 individuals with OI in Croatia alone. It is estimated that twice that number is present, represented by individuals with mild OI in whom the diagnosis has not been made. Due to the relatively low number of patients in the general population, treating physicians have limited experience with this disease, either with children or adults. The basis of this disease in European populations is mostly the result of defects in the structure or processing of collagen type I, an important protein of the extracellular matrix of many tissues. Presently, molecular defects in 16 different genes have been discovered to result in at least one type of OI of which 14 are not COL1 mutation loci. Although fractures occurring with no injury or minor injury are the hallmark of OI, other non-mineralized tissues can be affected as well and the pathological changes can be present in skin, tendons, eyes, teeth and blood vessels. Clinical manifestations are very heterogeneous and numerous signs and symptoms such as blue sclera, deafness, abnormal teeth development, joint hypermobility, increased risk of hernias, capillary fragility, aneurysms etc. Although there is no cure for this disease, there are specific therapies that can reduce the pain and complications associated with OI. The purpose of this review is to provide a brief overview of the molecular basis of this disease, describe clinical presentations, as well as to present orthopaedic therapeutic modalities for the patients with OI

    Antiaritmički efekti novosintetisanih derivata propafenona

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    It is well known that the presence of different chemical groups in drug molecules influences their pharmacological properties. The aim of our study is to investigate whether newly synthesized derivatives of propafenone, with changes in benzyl moiety, have a different effect upon arrhythmia, compared to propafenone. 5OCl-PF and 5OF-PF are derivatives of propafenone with-Cl or ā€“F substituent on the ortho position of the benzyl moiety. For verification of their antiarrhythmic effect, we used an in vivo rat model of aconitine-induced arrhythmia. 5OCl-PF speeded the appearance of supraventricular premature beats (SVPB) and death more than aconitine. All animals treated with 5OCl-PF developed ventricular premature beats in salvos (VPBS), bigeminies (VPBB) and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (PVT). 5OF-PF had a negative chronotropic effect and potentiated atrial excitability (more SVPB). It had a positive effect on the occurrence and onset time of supraventricular tachycardia, VPBS, and PVT. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that newly synthesized propafenone derivatives have no better antiarrhythmic effect than the parent compound. In the future, our research will be focused on the synthesis of different derivatives and examining their antiarrhythmic effects.Dobro je poznato da prisustvo različitih hemijskih grupa u molekulima leka utiče na njegova farmakoloÅ”ka svojstva. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je ispitati da li novosintetisani derivati propafenona, s promenama u benzilnoj grupi, imaju drugačiji efekat na aritmiju u odnosu na propafenon. 5OCl-PF i 5OF-PF su derivati propafenona sa -Cl ili ā€“F supstituentom na orto položaju benzilnog dela. Za proveru njihovog antiaritmičnog efekta koristili smo in vivo model na pacovima sa aritmijom izazvanom akonitinom. 5OCl-PF je ubrzao pojavu supraventrikularnih prevremenih otkucaja (SVPB) i smrt viÅ”e nego akonitin. Sve životinje lečene sa 5OCl-PF razvile su ventrikularne prevremene otkucaje (VPBS i VPBB) i paroksizmalnu ventrikularnu tahikardiju (PVT). 5OF-PF je imao negativan hronotropni efekat i potencirao atrijalnu ekscitabilnost (viÅ”e SVPB). Pozitivno je uticao na pojavu i vreme početka supraventrikularne tahikardije, VPBS i PVT. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da novosintetisani derivati propafenona nemaju bolji antiaritmijski efekat od polaznog jedinjenja. U budućnosti, istraživanje će biti usmereno ka sintezi hemijski drugačijih derivata i ispitivanju njihovog antiaritmijskog efekta

    Analysis of external costs of CO2 emissions for CNG buses in intercity bus service

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    Within the transport sector, road transport is the largest source of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. Greater use of vehicles that run on clean alternative fuels can contribute to reduce CO2 emissions. This paper gives special attention to the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses and their comparison with conventional diesel buses, which in countries such as Serbia have a dominant share. Justification of using CNG buses in order to mitigate climate changes is measured by realised annual and average external costs of CO2 emissions. These external costs provide a basis for future use of economic instruments by which negative impacts of transport on the environment can be limited. Research of CO2 emissions and external costs of CO2 emissions in intercity bus service was conducted for three technical-technological concepts of CNG buses in comparison to the two types of conventional diesel buses. Analysis was carried out according to four various scenarios that define different operating conditions on the road network of the Serbia. Obtained results show that CNG buses reduce annual external costs of CO2 emissions by 2ā€¦24% compared to conventional diesel buses. Obtained average external costs of CO2 emissions per 100 bus-kms show to what extent their changes are a result of changes of external costs of CO2 emissions and to what extent they are due to changes of operating conditions on the road network

    Female Entrepreneurship in Serbia and Opportunities for its Development

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    Today, entrepreneurship is a key element in the development of the economic potential of each country. Recently, one of the possible directions of development of entrepreneurship that stands out is female entrepreneurship, and the number of companies and businesses whose owners are women is increasing. Problems that exist and need to be solved in order for this sector to develop properly are, in the first place, to provide adequate financial assistance to women who want to step into the world of entrepreneurship. Improving of the environment for the development of female entrepreneurship through the introduction of tax incentives, easier access to finance, women support through monitoring, advisory services, are just some of the possibilities to develop female entrepreneurship in the right way. This paper presents the current state of female entrepreneurship in Serbia

    The Development of Female Entrepreneurship in the Function of Overcoming Unemployment of Women in Serbia

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    Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic development of each country. The above facts indicate that entrepreneurship should be given special attention and it should constantly be developed. As one of the possible directions of development of entrepreneurship in recent decades, the development of women entrepreneurship stands out. Although in most countries of the world it is believed that women are less capable for entrepreneurship than men, and despite the fact that the majority of large enterprises are managed by men, a rise of women entrepreneurs in the world has been noticed, especially in developing countries. And in recent years in Serbia the number of companies headed by women has increased, so it is now about 25%, which means that women control or manage every fourth company in Serbia. As reasons for this increase we could cite the change of consciousness among women and that they can be just as successful in leading the company as men, but also the fact that starting their own business can supplement their income and improve themselves through selfemployment, increase their independence and be more respected in society. Although women are forced to fight in today's world to be recognized not only as womenmothers but also as successful women-entrepreneurs, their determination, perseverance, willingness to take risks and all the problems which entrepreneurship brings, show that the time of women's entrepreneurship is yet to come
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