19 research outputs found

    The Comparison of Anthropometrical Parameters of the Four-Year-Old Children in the Urban and Rural Slavonia, Croatia, 1985 and 2005

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    The aim of the study is to identify the secular trends in the anthropometrical parameters of the 4-year-old children in Slavonski Brod, Slavonia, Croatia, and the nearby rural area by comparing data of height, weight, and mid-arm circumferences from 2005 with the historical control data published in 1985. The cross-sectional study of 342 children, aged 4 years, from Slavonski Brod and the nearby villages was taken in 2005. The Body height, weight, and mid-arm circumferences were measured and compared with the historical control data from the study performed in 1985 in the same area using the same methods. The data were compared according to sex and the place of residence. Results show that there were no significant differences in the body height, weight, mid-arm circumference and body mass index (BMI) between the urban and rural children in 2005. The Children in 2005 were significantly shorter (103.7 ± 8.3 cm vs. 108.3 cm in 1985, P<0.001, one-sample T test) and had lower weight (17.4 ± 2.7 kg vs. 17.9 kg, P=0.001, one-sample T test) compared with their counterparts in 1985. In 2005 there was no significant difference in the body mass index (kg/m2) between girls and boys in total (15.9 ± 2.12, vs. 16.1 ± 1.8, p=0.262, Independent samples t-test). Differences between the urban and rural parameters have disappeared over the last 20 years, which could be assigned to life-style changes in the rural areas

    The Comparison of Anthropometrical Parameters of the Four-Year-Old Children in the Urban and Rural Slavonia, Croatia, 1985 and 2005

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    The aim of the study is to identify the secular trends in the anthropometrical parameters of the 4-year-old children in Slavonski Brod, Slavonia, Croatia, and the nearby rural area by comparing data of height, weight, and mid-arm circumferences from 2005 with the historical control data published in 1985. The cross-sectional study of 342 children, aged 4 years, from Slavonski Brod and the nearby villages was taken in 2005. The Body height, weight, and mid-arm circumferences were measured and compared with the historical control data from the study performed in 1985 in the same area using the same methods. The data were compared according to sex and the place of residence. Results show that there were no significant differences in the body height, weight, mid-arm circumference and body mass index (BMI) between the urban and rural children in 2005. The Children in 2005 were significantly shorter (103.7 ± 8.3 cm vs. 108.3 cm in 1985, P<0.001, one-sample T test) and had lower weight (17.4 ± 2.7 kg vs. 17.9 kg, P=0.001, one-sample T test) compared with their counterparts in 1985. In 2005 there was no significant difference in the body mass index (kg/m2) between girls and boys in total (15.9 ± 2.12, vs. 16.1 ± 1.8, p=0.262, Independent samples t-test). Differences between the urban and rural parameters have disappeared over the last 20 years, which could be assigned to life-style changes in the rural areas

    Obuzeto-prisilni poremećaj

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    U radu su prikazane najnovije spoznaje o epidemiologiji, dijagnostici i liječenje obuzeto-prisilnog poremećaja (OPP). Prikazani rezultati pokazuju da je OPP znatno češći no što se ranije mislilo, a dijagnostika je obogaćena nizom novih neuroslikovnih istraživanja što pobuđuju nadu u bolje poznavanje etiologije poremećaja. Dat je pregled genetskih istraživanja, kao i načini liječenja poremećaja, kako psihofarmakološki, psihoterapijski tako i transkranijskom magnetskom stimulacijom, dubokom stimulacijom mozga i neurokirurškim metodama

    Less Work, Less Respect: Authors' Perceived Importance of Research Contributions and Their Declared Contributions to Research Articles

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    BACKGROUND: Attitudes towards authorship are connected with authors' research experience and with knowledge of authorship criteria of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The objective of this study was to assess association between authors' perceived importance of contributions for authorship qualification and their participation in manuscripts submitted to a journal. METHODS: Authors (n = 1181) of 265 manuscripts submitted to the Croatian Medical Journal were asked to identify and rate their contribution in the preparation of the submitted manuscript (0-none to 4-full for 11 listed contributions) and the importance of these contributions as authorship qualifications (0-none to 4-full). They were randomly allocated into 3 groups: the first (n = 90 manuscripts, n = 404 authors) first received the contribution disclosure form and then contribution importance-rating questionnaire; the second (n = 88 manuscripts, n = 382 authors) first received the rating questionnaire and then the contribution disclosure form, and the third group (n = 87 manuscripts, n = 395 authors) received both questionnaires at the same time. We compared authors' perception of importance of contribution categories. RESULTS: 1014 (85.9%) authors of 235 manuscripts responded. Authors who declared contribution to a specific category rated it as more important for authorship than those authors who did not contribute to the same category (P>0.005 for all contribution categories, Mann-Withney test). Authors qualifying for ICMJE authorship rated all contribution categories higher than non-qualifying authors. For all contributions, associations between perceived importance of contribution and actual author's contribution were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Authorship seems to be not a normative issue subjective to categorization into criteria, but also a very personal view of the importance and value of one's contributions

    Translating Multimodal Literature

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    This thesis deals with a translation of two literary texts from English to Croatian and three texts from Croatian to English, each of which is multimodal in character. The translations are preceded by a theoretical section discussing multimodality in general and the methodology for analysing the translations, and followed by the analysis section, which deals with concrete issues that arose during the translation process. The findings show that nearly none of the multimodal elements made translating more difficult, but rather helped in the process, as the problems arose in the text and the visual elements were present to clarify the situation

    Portrayal of Women in Deoffrey Chaucer's the Canterbury Tales

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    This thesis addresses the question of the representation of women in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in the frame of medieval society. With an introductory section on 14th-century society and the treatment of women therein, the thesis examines Chaucer’s female characters, both pilgrims and characters in tales, in terms of their personalities, motivations and relationships with other characters. Seeing how the majority of characters deviates from their roles and expected behaviours, the final section explores satirization as a means of calling attention to societal flaws

    Portrayal of Women in Deoffrey Chaucer's the Canterbury Tales

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    This thesis addresses the question of the representation of women in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in the frame of medieval society. With an introductory section on 14th-century society and the treatment of women therein, the thesis examines Chaucer’s female characters, both pilgrims and characters in tales, in terms of their personalities, motivations and relationships with other characters. Seeing how the majority of characters deviates from their roles and expected behaviours, the final section explores satirization as a means of calling attention to societal flaws

    Translating Multimodal Literature

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    This thesis deals with a translation of two literary texts from English to Croatian and three texts from Croatian to English, each of which is multimodal in character. The translations are preceded by a theoretical section discussing multimodality in general and the methodology for analysing the translations, and followed by the analysis section, which deals with concrete issues that arose during the translation process. The findings show that nearly none of the multimodal elements made translating more difficult, but rather helped in the process, as the problems arose in the text and the visual elements were present to clarify the situation