10 research outputs found

    Influence of the Partial Denture on the Articulation of Dental and Postalveolar Sounds

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    Dental prosthesis is a foreign body in oral cavity and thus necessarily interferes with speech articulation. The purpose of this study was to examine influence of partial denture on speech quality and to show eventual differences in pronunciation of dental sounds c, z, s and postalveolar sounds č, ž and š. We have examined differences in pronunciation between subjects with removable partial dentures, the same group without partial dentures and a control group. The study was performed on 30 subjects with removable partial dentures and 30 subjects with complete dental arch. All subjects were recorded while reading six Croatian words containing the examined sounds. Recordings were analyzed with Multispeech Program (Kay Elemetrics Inc.). Acoustic analysis – LPC (linear prediction coding) provided formant peaks (Hz) for each examined sound, its intensity (dB) and formant bandwidths (Hz). Results showed that subjects with partial dentures had 50% less distorted variables and that prostheses did not completely restore articulation of postalveolar sounds. Groups with and without prostheses had lower formant peaks intensities and wider formant bandwidths in comparison to the control group. Partial dentures have not significantly interfered with resonance frequency. At the same time, pronunciation of the examined sounds was significantly improved. However, precision of the articulation movements has deteriorated


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    Enterococcus faecalis bakterija je kojoj se nedavno počela pridavati pažnja zbog sve učestalijih što hospitalnih što drugih infekcija. Prirodno se nalaze u crijevima čovjeka i životinja. No kada dospiju na mjesto gdje nisu dio prirodne flore mogu izazavati upale. Najčešće govorimo o mokraćnom sustavu gdje kao posljedicu rasta i razmnožavanja uzrokuju urinoinfekt. u ovom smo radu ispitali čimbenike virulencije te osjetljivost na antibiotike enterokoka izoliranih iz urina. Od čimbenika virulencije ispitivani su enzimi proteaza, lipaza, želatinaza, katalaza; ispitivana je hidroliza eskulina, hemoliza, rezistencija na lizozim, pokretljivost, izvanstanična sluz i biofilm, te agregacija i osjetljivost na antibiotike. Nakon provedenog istraživanja dokazano je da su svi sojevi katalaza negativni, dok su svi eskulin pozitivni. U više od 80% izolata dokazana je γ-hemoliza. Od ostalih enzima proteazu producira 59% izolata, lipazu 95% i želatinazu 70%. Tendenciju stvaranja biofilma i izvanstanične sluzi posjeduje 73% bakterija. Na koncentraciju od 60 mg/ml lizozima osjetljivo je 35% bakterija, dok su na niže koncentracije lizozima (20, 40 mg/ml lizozima) svi izolati rezistentni. Za agregaciju možemo reći da 31% bakterija agregira u postotku većem od 90%. Od antibiotika važno je izdvojiti gentamicin za kojeg postoji rezistencija kod 23% izolata te na norfloksacin 20% izolata. E. faecalis posjeduju više čimbenika virulencije, između kojih bi istaknula produkciju izvanstanične sluzi i biofilma, te njihovu sposobnost razgradnje kolagena u tijelu pomoću enzima želatinazeEnterococcus faecalis bacterium has recently begun to pay attention due to the more frequent hospital infection and other infections. They are naturally found in the intestinal flora of man and animal. But when they reach a place where they are not part of a natural flora can cause inflammation. Most commonly, we are talking about urinary system, which as a result of growth and reproduction cause urine infestation. In this paper, we investigated virulence factors and sensitivity to the antibiotics of enterococci isolated from urine. Virulence factors who were investigated are protease enzymes, lipases, gelatinases, catalases; hemolysis, lysozyme resistance, mobility, extracellular mucus and biofilm, aggregation and sensitivity to antibiotics. After the study has been shown, all catalase strains are negative, while they are all esculin positive. In more than 80% of isolates, γ-hemolysis has been proven. Of the other enzymes protease is produced by 59% isolates, 95% lipase and 70% gelatinase. The tendency to create biofilm and extracellular mucus has 73% bacteria. At concentrations of 60 mg / ml lysozyme, 35% bacteria are susceptible, while all isolates with lysozyme lower concetration (20, 40 mg/ml lysozyme) are resistant. For aggregation we can say that 31% of bacteria aggregate in percentage more than 90%. Of the antibiotics it is important to distinguish gentamicin with resistance to 23% of isolates and norfloxacin with 20% isolates. E. faecalis possesses several virulence factors, among which the most important are extracellular mucus production and biofilms production, and their ability to degrade collagen in the body by the gelatin enzym


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    Enterococcus faecalis bakterija je kojoj se nedavno počela pridavati pažnja zbog sve učestalijih što hospitalnih što drugih infekcija. Prirodno se nalaze u crijevima čovjeka i životinja. No kada dospiju na mjesto gdje nisu dio prirodne flore mogu izazavati upale. Najčešće govorimo o mokraćnom sustavu gdje kao posljedicu rasta i razmnožavanja uzrokuju urinoinfekt. u ovom smo radu ispitali čimbenike virulencije te osjetljivost na antibiotike enterokoka izoliranih iz urina. Od čimbenika virulencije ispitivani su enzimi proteaza, lipaza, želatinaza, katalaza; ispitivana je hidroliza eskulina, hemoliza, rezistencija na lizozim, pokretljivost, izvanstanična sluz i biofilm, te agregacija i osjetljivost na antibiotike. Nakon provedenog istraživanja dokazano je da su svi sojevi katalaza negativni, dok su svi eskulin pozitivni. U više od 80% izolata dokazana je γ-hemoliza. Od ostalih enzima proteazu producira 59% izolata, lipazu 95% i želatinazu 70%. Tendenciju stvaranja biofilma i izvanstanične sluzi posjeduje 73% bakterija. Na koncentraciju od 60 mg/ml lizozima osjetljivo je 35% bakterija, dok su na niže koncentracije lizozima (20, 40 mg/ml lizozima) svi izolati rezistentni. Za agregaciju možemo reći da 31% bakterija agregira u postotku većem od 90%. Od antibiotika važno je izdvojiti gentamicin za kojeg postoji rezistencija kod 23% izolata te na norfloksacin 20% izolata. E. faecalis posjeduju više čimbenika virulencije, između kojih bi istaknula produkciju izvanstanične sluzi i biofilma, te njihovu sposobnost razgradnje kolagena u tijelu pomoću enzima želatinazeEnterococcus faecalis bacterium has recently begun to pay attention due to the more frequent hospital infection and other infections. They are naturally found in the intestinal flora of man and animal. But when they reach a place where they are not part of a natural flora can cause inflammation. Most commonly, we are talking about urinary system, which as a result of growth and reproduction cause urine infestation. In this paper, we investigated virulence factors and sensitivity to the antibiotics of enterococci isolated from urine. Virulence factors who were investigated are protease enzymes, lipases, gelatinases, catalases; hemolysis, lysozyme resistance, mobility, extracellular mucus and biofilm, aggregation and sensitivity to antibiotics. After the study has been shown, all catalase strains are negative, while they are all esculin positive. In more than 80% of isolates, γ-hemolysis has been proven. Of the other enzymes protease is produced by 59% isolates, 95% lipase and 70% gelatinase. The tendency to create biofilm and extracellular mucus has 73% bacteria. At concentrations of 60 mg / ml lysozyme, 35% bacteria are susceptible, while all isolates with lysozyme lower concetration (20, 40 mg/ml lysozyme) are resistant. For aggregation we can say that 31% of bacteria aggregate in percentage more than 90%. Of the antibiotics it is important to distinguish gentamicin with resistance to 23% of isolates and norfloxacin with 20% isolates. E. faecalis possesses several virulence factors, among which the most important are extracellular mucus production and biofilms production, and their ability to degrade collagen in the body by the gelatin enzym


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    Stafilokoki su gram pozitivne bakterije,dio fiziološke flore čovjeka, posebno kože i sluznica, te izazivaju infekciju kod bolesnika sa oslabljenim imunitetom. Medicinski najznačajnije vrste su Staphylococcus aureus i Staphylococcus epidermidis. Stafilokoki često pokazuju otpornost na najčešće korištene antibiotike što predstavlja veliki problem u borbi protiv stafilokoknih infekcija. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati antibakterijski učinak šest različitih eteričnih ulja (borovice, kadulje, lavandina, smilja jesen, smilja proljeće, tuje) na dvije vrste stafilokoka S. aureus i S. epidermidis. Kako bi se ispitali da li i rezistentni sojevi ispitivanih vrsta pokazuju osjetljivost na djelovanje eteričnih ulja korišteni su meticilin rezistentni S. aureus i meticilin rezistentni S. epidermidis. U radu su korištene tri metode ispitivanja antibakterijskog učinka eteričnih ulja: difuzijska, dilucijska te ispitivanje učinka hlapivih komponenti ulja. Rezultati pokazuju antibakterijsko djelovanje eteričnog ulja lavandina na rezistentne sojeve MRSA i MRSE, te eteričnog ulja smilje jesen na S. aureus bez obzira na rezistenciju. Ova studija pokazuje potencijal upotrebe eteričnih ulja kao antibakterijskih sredstava u liječenju stafilokoknih infekcije uključujući infekcije uzrokovane meticilin rezistentnim sojevima.Staphylococci are gram pozitiv bacteria, they are usually part of the normal flora, especially skin and mucose membrans, so they cause infection only by a weakened immune system. Most medically important are Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. These bacteria show resistance to the most common antibiotics so they are a major problem in treatment od staphylococcal infection. Therfore in this work antibacterial effect of six essential oils (juniper, sage, lavander, immortellje autumn and spring, thuja) on two difrent spicies of Staphylococcus, S. aureus and S. epidermidis was tested. To examine whether the resistant strains of tested species show sensitivity to the herb essential oils, methicillin resistant S. aureus and methicillin resistant S. epidermidis were used. In the research of antimicrobial activity three methods were used: diffusion , dilution and test the effect of the volatile components of the herb essential oils. Results show anitmicrobial activity of lavander essential oil on resistant strains MRSA and MRSE, and immortelle autumn essential oil on S. aureus regardless of the resistance. This study demonstrates the potential use of essential oils as antibacterial agents for the treatment of staphylococcal infections, including infections caused by methicillin resistant strains


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    Siromaštvo i socijalna isključenost predstavljaju pošast modernoga svijeta koja je duboko ukorijenjena u sve pore društvenoga života. Koncept siromaštva koji je dobro poznat već duži niz godina, osim nedostatka temeljnih sredstava potrebnih za život, predstavlja i nijekanje svih ljudskih prava. Siromasi diljem svijeta ne samo da su uskraćeni po pitanju financijskih sredstava već su lišeni i temeljnih sposobnosti. Socijalna isključenost noviji je koncept koji se često poistovjećuje sa siromaštvom, ali za razliku od siromaštva ona predstavlja širi, multidimenzionalni koncept koji se umjesto na dohotku temelji na participaciji, odnosno na sudjelovanju u društvenome životu. Siromašni i socijalno isključeni ljudi osuđeni su na težak i nesretan život koji ih često izlaže opasnostima koje ugrožavaju život. Za rješavanje ovoga problema potrebno je uložiti mnogo truda, a kao jedno od potencijalnih rješenja nameće se socijalno poduzetništvo koje predstavlja koncept koji je već duži niz godina prisutan u teoriji i praksi. O socijalnom poduzetništvu intenzivnije se raspravlja unazad nekoliko desetljeća, iako je socijalno djelovanje ljudi moguće vidjeti od ranijih razdoblja. Naime, ljudi su oduvijek nastojali pronaći rješenja koja bi omogućila rješavanje socijalnih, ali i ekonomskih problema s kojima su se suočavale njihove zajednice, a to su prije svega siromaštvo i socijalna isključenost.Poverty and social exclusion represent the danger of a modern world that is deeply rooted in all the pores of social life. The concept of poverty has been well-known for many years, and apart from the lack of essential resources necessary for life, it also represents the deprivation of all human rights. The poor around the world are deprived not only of financial resources, but they are also facing the problem of the lack of basic capabilities. Social exclusion is a newer concept that is often associated with poverty, but unlike poverty, it is a wider, multi-dimensional concept based on participation in social life rather than income. Poor and socially excluded people are sentenced to a difficult and unhappy life that is often exposed to dangers which can endanger their lives. To solve this problem, a lot of effort has to be done, and as one of the potential solutions, a social entrepreneurship is introduced, a concept that has been present in theory and practice for many years. Social entrepreneurship is being discussed more intensively in the last few decades, although social data can be seen from earlier times. People have always tried to find solutions that would enable them to tackle the social and economic problems faced by their communities primarily poverty and social exclusion


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    Stafilokoki su gram pozitivne bakterije,dio fiziološke flore čovjeka, posebno kože i sluznica, te izazivaju infekciju kod bolesnika sa oslabljenim imunitetom. Medicinski najznačajnije vrste su Staphylococcus aureus i Staphylococcus epidermidis. Stafilokoki često pokazuju otpornost na najčešće korištene antibiotike što predstavlja veliki problem u borbi protiv stafilokoknih infekcija. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati antibakterijski učinak šest različitih eteričnih ulja (borovice, kadulje, lavandina, smilja jesen, smilja proljeće, tuje) na dvije vrste stafilokoka S. aureus i S. epidermidis. Kako bi se ispitali da li i rezistentni sojevi ispitivanih vrsta pokazuju osjetljivost na djelovanje eteričnih ulja korišteni su meticilin rezistentni S. aureus i meticilin rezistentni S. epidermidis. U radu su korištene tri metode ispitivanja antibakterijskog učinka eteričnih ulja: difuzijska, dilucijska te ispitivanje učinka hlapivih komponenti ulja. Rezultati pokazuju antibakterijsko djelovanje eteričnog ulja lavandina na rezistentne sojeve MRSA i MRSE, te eteričnog ulja smilje jesen na S. aureus bez obzira na rezistenciju. Ova studija pokazuje potencijal upotrebe eteričnih ulja kao antibakterijskih sredstava u liječenju stafilokoknih infekcije uključujući infekcije uzrokovane meticilin rezistentnim sojevima.Staphylococci are gram pozitiv bacteria, they are usually part of the normal flora, especially skin and mucose membrans, so they cause infection only by a weakened immune system. Most medically important are Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. These bacteria show resistance to the most common antibiotics so they are a major problem in treatment od staphylococcal infection. Therfore in this work antibacterial effect of six essential oils (juniper, sage, lavander, immortellje autumn and spring, thuja) on two difrent spicies of Staphylococcus, S. aureus and S. epidermidis was tested. To examine whether the resistant strains of tested species show sensitivity to the herb essential oils, methicillin resistant S. aureus and methicillin resistant S. epidermidis were used. In the research of antimicrobial activity three methods were used: diffusion , dilution and test the effect of the volatile components of the herb essential oils. Results show anitmicrobial activity of lavander essential oil on resistant strains MRSA and MRSE, and immortelle autumn essential oil on S. aureus regardless of the resistance. This study demonstrates the potential use of essential oils as antibacterial agents for the treatment of staphylococcal infections, including infections caused by methicillin resistant strains


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    Siromaštvo i socijalna isključenost predstavljaju pošast modernoga svijeta koja je duboko ukorijenjena u sve pore društvenoga života. Koncept siromaštva koji je dobro poznat već duži niz godina, osim nedostatka temeljnih sredstava potrebnih za život, predstavlja i nijekanje svih ljudskih prava. Siromasi diljem svijeta ne samo da su uskraćeni po pitanju financijskih sredstava već su lišeni i temeljnih sposobnosti. Socijalna isključenost noviji je koncept koji se često poistovjećuje sa siromaštvom, ali za razliku od siromaštva ona predstavlja širi, multidimenzionalni koncept koji se umjesto na dohotku temelji na participaciji, odnosno na sudjelovanju u društvenome životu. Siromašni i socijalno isključeni ljudi osuđeni su na težak i nesretan život koji ih često izlaže opasnostima koje ugrožavaju život. Za rješavanje ovoga problema potrebno je uložiti mnogo truda, a kao jedno od potencijalnih rješenja nameće se socijalno poduzetništvo koje predstavlja koncept koji je već duži niz godina prisutan u teoriji i praksi. O socijalnom poduzetništvu intenzivnije se raspravlja unazad nekoliko desetljeća, iako je socijalno djelovanje ljudi moguće vidjeti od ranijih razdoblja. Naime, ljudi su oduvijek nastojali pronaći rješenja koja bi omogućila rješavanje socijalnih, ali i ekonomskih problema s kojima su se suočavale njihove zajednice, a to su prije svega siromaštvo i socijalna isključenost.Poverty and social exclusion represent the danger of a modern world that is deeply rooted in all the pores of social life. The concept of poverty has been well-known for many years, and apart from the lack of essential resources necessary for life, it also represents the deprivation of all human rights. The poor around the world are deprived not only of financial resources, but they are also facing the problem of the lack of basic capabilities. Social exclusion is a newer concept that is often associated with poverty, but unlike poverty, it is a wider, multi-dimensional concept based on participation in social life rather than income. Poor and socially excluded people are sentenced to a difficult and unhappy life that is often exposed to dangers which can endanger their lives. To solve this problem, a lot of effort has to be done, and as one of the potential solutions, a social entrepreneurship is introduced, a concept that has been present in theory and practice for many years. Social entrepreneurship is being discussed more intensively in the last few decades, although social data can be seen from earlier times. People have always tried to find solutions that would enable them to tackle the social and economic problems faced by their communities primarily poverty and social exclusion


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    Stafilokoki su gram pozitivne bakterije,dio fiziološke flore čovjeka, posebno kože i sluznica, te izazivaju infekciju kod bolesnika sa oslabljenim imunitetom. Medicinski najznačajnije vrste su Staphylococcus aureus i Staphylococcus epidermidis. Stafilokoki često pokazuju otpornost na najčešće korištene antibiotike što predstavlja veliki problem u borbi protiv stafilokoknih infekcija. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati antibakterijski učinak šest različitih eteričnih ulja (borovice, kadulje, lavandina, smilja jesen, smilja proljeće, tuje) na dvije vrste stafilokoka S. aureus i S. epidermidis. Kako bi se ispitali da li i rezistentni sojevi ispitivanih vrsta pokazuju osjetljivost na djelovanje eteričnih ulja korišteni su meticilin rezistentni S. aureus i meticilin rezistentni S. epidermidis. U radu su korištene tri metode ispitivanja antibakterijskog učinka eteričnih ulja: difuzijska, dilucijska te ispitivanje učinka hlapivih komponenti ulja. Rezultati pokazuju antibakterijsko djelovanje eteričnog ulja lavandina na rezistentne sojeve MRSA i MRSE, te eteričnog ulja smilje jesen na S. aureus bez obzira na rezistenciju. Ova studija pokazuje potencijal upotrebe eteričnih ulja kao antibakterijskih sredstava u liječenju stafilokoknih infekcije uključujući infekcije uzrokovane meticilin rezistentnim sojevima.Staphylococci are gram pozitiv bacteria, they are usually part of the normal flora, especially skin and mucose membrans, so they cause infection only by a weakened immune system. Most medically important are Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. These bacteria show resistance to the most common antibiotics so they are a major problem in treatment od staphylococcal infection. Therfore in this work antibacterial effect of six essential oils (juniper, sage, lavander, immortellje autumn and spring, thuja) on two difrent spicies of Staphylococcus, S. aureus and S. epidermidis was tested. To examine whether the resistant strains of tested species show sensitivity to the herb essential oils, methicillin resistant S. aureus and methicillin resistant S. epidermidis were used. In the research of antimicrobial activity three methods were used: diffusion , dilution and test the effect of the volatile components of the herb essential oils. Results show anitmicrobial activity of lavander essential oil on resistant strains MRSA and MRSE, and immortelle autumn essential oil on S. aureus regardless of the resistance. This study demonstrates the potential use of essential oils as antibacterial agents for the treatment of staphylococcal infections, including infections caused by methicillin resistant strains


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    Enterococcus faecalis bakterija je kojoj se nedavno počela pridavati pažnja zbog sve učestalijih što hospitalnih što drugih infekcija. Prirodno se nalaze u crijevima čovjeka i životinja. No kada dospiju na mjesto gdje nisu dio prirodne flore mogu izazavati upale. Najčešće govorimo o mokraćnom sustavu gdje kao posljedicu rasta i razmnožavanja uzrokuju urinoinfekt. u ovom smo radu ispitali čimbenike virulencije te osjetljivost na antibiotike enterokoka izoliranih iz urina. Od čimbenika virulencije ispitivani su enzimi proteaza, lipaza, želatinaza, katalaza; ispitivana je hidroliza eskulina, hemoliza, rezistencija na lizozim, pokretljivost, izvanstanična sluz i biofilm, te agregacija i osjetljivost na antibiotike. Nakon provedenog istraživanja dokazano je da su svi sojevi katalaza negativni, dok su svi eskulin pozitivni. U više od 80% izolata dokazana je γ-hemoliza. Od ostalih enzima proteazu producira 59% izolata, lipazu 95% i želatinazu 70%. Tendenciju stvaranja biofilma i izvanstanične sluzi posjeduje 73% bakterija. Na koncentraciju od 60 mg/ml lizozima osjetljivo je 35% bakterija, dok su na niže koncentracije lizozima (20, 40 mg/ml lizozima) svi izolati rezistentni. Za agregaciju možemo reći da 31% bakterija agregira u postotku većem od 90%. Od antibiotika važno je izdvojiti gentamicin za kojeg postoji rezistencija kod 23% izolata te na norfloksacin 20% izolata. E. faecalis posjeduju više čimbenika virulencije, između kojih bi istaknula produkciju izvanstanične sluzi i biofilma, te njihovu sposobnost razgradnje kolagena u tijelu pomoću enzima želatinazeEnterococcus faecalis bacterium has recently begun to pay attention due to the more frequent hospital infection and other infections. They are naturally found in the intestinal flora of man and animal. But when they reach a place where they are not part of a natural flora can cause inflammation. Most commonly, we are talking about urinary system, which as a result of growth and reproduction cause urine infestation. In this paper, we investigated virulence factors and sensitivity to the antibiotics of enterococci isolated from urine. Virulence factors who were investigated are protease enzymes, lipases, gelatinases, catalases; hemolysis, lysozyme resistance, mobility, extracellular mucus and biofilm, aggregation and sensitivity to antibiotics. After the study has been shown, all catalase strains are negative, while they are all esculin positive. In more than 80% of isolates, γ-hemolysis has been proven. Of the other enzymes protease is produced by 59% isolates, 95% lipase and 70% gelatinase. The tendency to create biofilm and extracellular mucus has 73% bacteria. At concentrations of 60 mg / ml lysozyme, 35% bacteria are susceptible, while all isolates with lysozyme lower concetration (20, 40 mg/ml lysozyme) are resistant. For aggregation we can say that 31% of bacteria aggregate in percentage more than 90%. Of the antibiotics it is important to distinguish gentamicin with resistance to 23% of isolates and norfloxacin with 20% isolates. E. faecalis possesses several virulence factors, among which the most important are extracellular mucus production and biofilms production, and their ability to degrade collagen in the body by the gelatin enzym