191 research outputs found

    Étude comparative sur le solde fiscal provincial quĂ©bĂ©cois en rĂ©gion administrative

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    Rapport de recherche présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obention du grade de Maßtrise en sciences économiques

    Le manuscrit original du "Rakoczy" de Berlioz

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    Glukosinolater i Lepidium campestre : metodutveckling och analysering

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    Field cress (Lepidium campestre) is today not a domesticated crop for public consumption. Lepidium campestre is a relative to rapeseed (Brassica napus) and both are producing oil. Lepidium campestre contain glucosinolates which makes it unattractive for food and feed, however, it has some other properties that makes it attractive in a plant culture point of view. Field cress has a better cold tolerance than rapeseed which means that it can be grown further north. Moreover, Lepidium campestre is a perennial crop that can help minimise tillage and therefore help to minimise nitrogen leaching. Glucosinolates is a b-thioglucoside-N-hydroxysulfates that exist in the whole plant but, it is most concentrated in the seeds. Today we know about 130 glucosinolates that are categorised by both structure and the amino acids. Glucosinolates are by itself not toxic, however if the plant is damaged and glucosinolates reacts with the enzyme myrosinase then several products are produced which could be toxic, some studies have shown toxicity in mice and rats. In this study, a method based on an earlier method was modified to be able to analyse glucosinolates in Lepidium campestre in a cheaper and faster way. This was done by trial and error testing using the results from the tests and modifying the method after that. Two important steps for making the analysis successful was to use a sinigrin calibration curve and a purified sulfatase. The results from the Lepidium campestre analysis showed that one glucosinolate was the dominant one in all the samples which is most likely sinalbin. Twenty-two different Lepidium campestre seed samples from three different countries were analysed for the glucosinolate content. The result showed that the content of glucosinolates varied between 180 and 360 ”mol/g in all samples except one from Sweden which had a content of almost 600 ”mol/g. The mean value for the samples from Sweden was 289 ”mol/g, from Germany 273 ”mol/g and from USA 292 ”mol/g. There was no significant different in glucosinolate content between samples from different countries.FĂ€ltkrassing (Lepidium campestre) Ă€r idag en vildgröda som inte finns för allmĂ€nhetens konsumtion. Lepidium campestre Ă€r en familjemedlem till raps (Brassica napus) och bĂ„da producerar olja, men Lepidium campestre har vissa egenskaper som gör den oattraktiv som mat och foder men samtidigt har den vissa egenskaper som gör den attraktiv ur en vĂ€xtodlings synvinkel. L. campestre har bĂ€ttre köldtolerans Ă€n raps, vilket innebĂ€r att det kan odlas lĂ€ngre norrut. Dessutom Ă€r Lepidium campestre en flerĂ„rig gröda som kan bidra till minskad jordbearbetning och dĂ€rför bidra till att minimera kvĂ€veutlakningen. Glukosinolat Ă€r en b-tioglukosid-N-hydroxysulfat som finns i hela vĂ€xten men det Ă€r mest koncentrerad i fröerna. Idag kĂ€nner vi till cirka 130 glukosinolater som kategoriseras utifrĂ„n bĂ„de struktur och aminosyror. Glukosinolater Ă€r i sig inte giftiga, men om vĂ€xten Ă€r skadad och glukosinolater reagerar med enzymet myrosinas, produceras flera produkter som kan vara giftiga, vissa studier har visat toxicitet hos möss och rĂ„ttor. I denna studie modifierades en metod som baserades pĂ„ en tidigare metod för att kunna analysera glukosinolater i Lepidium campestre pĂ„ ett snabbare och billigare sĂ€tt. Detta lades upp sĂ„ att man testade metoden för att sedan modifiera metoden efter resultatet. TvĂ„ viktiga punkter för en lyckad analys var att anvĂ€nda sig av en sinigrin kalibrerings kurva och sulfatas som hade blivit renat. Resultaten frĂ„n analysen visade att en glukosinolat var den dominerande i alla prover som troligen Ă€r sinalbin. TjugotvĂ„ olika Lepidium campestre fröprover frĂ„n tre olika lĂ€nder analyserades pĂ„ glukosinolat innehĂ„llet. Resultatet visade att innehĂ„llet av glukosinolater varierade mellan 180 och 360 ÎŒmol/g i alla prov förutom ett prov frĂ„n Sverige som hade en halt av nĂ€stan 600 ÎŒmol/g, medelvĂ€rdet för proven frĂ„n Sverige var 289 ÎŒmol/g, frĂ„n Tyskland 273 ÎŒmol/g och frĂ„n USA 292 ÎŒmol/g. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad i glukosinolat halt mellan prover frĂ„n olika lĂ€nder

    FörstÄ den svenska bonden

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    Uppsatsen handlar om att öka förstÄelsen om svenska jordbrukare. Bland de faktorerna som undersöktes var varför de startade företaget, vad de hade för mÄl och drivkrafter dÄ och hur de har Àndrats under Ären fram till dagslÀget. Personerna i undersökningen bedömdes Àven om de var lyckliga över sina beslut i och utanför företaget. Det som undersökningen anvÀnde som hjÀlpmedel var intervjuer och svaren som kom in bedömdes individuellt mellan personerna. Det resultat uppsatsen kommer fram till Àr att det inte Àr sÄ stor skillnad mellan dem som har Àrvt sitt företag och dem som har startat frÄn grunden nÀr de börjar. Skillnaderna kommer senare i livet. Tydligast Àr att de personer som hade startat sitt företag frÄn grunden tÀnker mindre pÄ slutresultatet Àn de som hade Àrvt. I och med att det ofta Àr en ganska lÄng process med arvskifte i jordbruksbranschen, kan det vara ett problem att man börjar för sent med planeringen av arvskiftet. Förutom detta sÄ Àr alla företagare som svarade lyckliga bÄde över besluten som har tagits över tiden och att de startat företaget inom den agrara nÀringen. Företagarna ser sÀmre beslut de har tagit som en lÀrdom och inte som ett dÄligt beslut som kan leda till Änger. Företagarna som Àrvde gÄrden hade större planer att lyckas och tjÀna pengar snabbare, i förhÄllande till dem som startade sjÀlva, vilka hade mÄlet att klara sig ekonomiskt. Detta avspeglar sig ocksÄ i drivkrafterna nÀr de startade. De som Àrvde hade drivet att utveckla gÄrden och tjÀna pengar, medan de som hade startat sjÀlva drevs av tanken att vara egenföretagare mer Àn av rena ekonomiska mÄl. Vad personerna drivs av nu Àr dock annorlunda. Det som Àr huvudtemat nu för dem som har Àrvt Àr fortfarande ekonomiskt men med tanken att göra sig och gÄrden skuldfria till arvskiftet, medan de som startade sjÀlva fortfarande har tanken pÄ utveckling och diversifieringen av gÄrden som huvudtema. Den sista delen i uppsatsen var att frÄga om framtidstron i agrara nÀringen. Svaret var att företagarna trodde pÄ en uppÄtgÄende marknad. Detta beror dock pÄ hur politikerna hanterar ojÀmnheten i reglerna inom EU: Marknaden mÄste vara pÄ samma villkor sÄ att Sverige ska vara konkurrenskraftigt.The essay focuses on better understanding about Swedish farmers. Among the factors examined were why they started the company, what their goals were, and motivations, and how they have changed up till the present situation. The answers that came in also assessed if the respondents were happy over their decisions both within and outside the company. The survey used as tools contained interviews and the responses that were received were assessed individually between subjects. The essay results conclude that there is not so much difference between those who have inherited their company and those who have started from scratch. The differences come later in life and are clear. What is obvious is that the people who had started their business from scratch think less about the future than those who had inherited. It is normally quite a long process of distribution of estate in the agricultural industry, it can be a problem to start too late in the planning of the inheritance. Besides this, all entrepreneurs who responded were both happy about the decisions that have been taken over time and that they started the company in the agrarian sector. Why this may be is that they look at a bad decision as a lesson and not a bad decision that can lead to regret. The essay implies that the people who inherited the estate had bigger plans to succeed and make money fast, relative to those who started themselves; they had the objective to cope financially. This is also reflected in the drivers when they started; those who had inherited wanted to develop the farm and earn money, while those who had started themselves were driven by the idea of being self-employed rather than by pure economic goals. What people are driven by now, however, is different. The main drivers for those who have inherited are still financial but with the idea to make themselves and the farm free of debt to the next inheritance, while those who started themselves still have the idea of development and diversification of the farm. The final thing that the paper had as an objective was to ask about the future of the agrarian sector and the reply was that the entrepreneurs believed in a rising market. This was however, dependent on how politicians deal with the inequality of the regulations in the EU; the market should be on the same terms for Sweden and the EU to be competitive

    MÀltningens pÄverkan pÄ sekundÀrmetaboliter

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    Havre och vete Ă€r tvĂ„ av mĂ€nniskans mest förĂ€dlade spannmĂ„l och anvĂ€nds vĂ€rlden över. Nya produkter kommer ut pĂ„ marknaden hela tiden tack vare nya tekniker i livsmedelsindustrin. MĂ€ltningsprocessen har lĂ€nge anvĂ€nds inom öl tillverkningen men har utvecklats mer och mer för att fĂ„ ut nya produkter. MĂ€ltningsprocessen Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att öka spannmĂ„lens nĂ€ringsvĂ€rden vilket gör den mer eftertraktad pĂ„ marknaden. Processen bestĂ„r av tre steg: stöpning, groddning och kölning vilka alla har sin del i hur slutprodukten kommer att bli. Groddning kan förbĂ€ttra nĂ€rings kvaliteten pĂ„ ett spannmĂ„l, stöpningen bidrar till kornets slutliga smak och kölningen torkar och vĂ€rmebehandlar fröet för att bland annat minska risken för mögel och bakteriell utveckling samt ge kornet sin slutgiltiga smak. De naturliga antioxidanterna i fröet skyddar mot oxidation av fettet. Vid oxidation förlorar man t ex. Arom och smak. Antioxidanter, sĂ„ som askorbinsyra, kan ej produceras av mĂ€nniskans kropp utan mĂ„ste intas via kosten. Även om mycket av askorbinsyran ej klarar av mĂ€ltningsprocessen sĂ€rskilt bra har havre och vete höga nivĂ„er naturligt frĂ„n första början. Aminosyrorna gynnas av mĂ€ltningsprocessen och ökar under processen, detta Ă€r önskvĂ€rt i utvecklingen av nya produkter. Att Ă€ta spannmĂ„l sĂ„ helt som möjligt Ă€r gynnsamt för tarmen. MĂ€ltningen gör det mer attraktivt att Ă€ta hela eller delvist hela frön.Oats and wheat are two of man's most refined grains and is used around the world. New products enters the market all the time thanks to new technologies in the food industry. Malting has long been used in beer production but is becoming more developed to bring forward new products. Malting is a way to increase grain nutritional values, making it more sought after on the market. The process consists of three steps: steeping, germination and kilning, which all have their part in how the final product will turn out. Germination can improve the nutritional quality of the grain, steeping gives the grain some of its taste and the kilning dries the seed but is also a heat treatment that plays a big role in the final taste and is a way to reduce the risk of fungal and bacterial development. The natural antioxidants in the seed protects against oxidation of the fat. At oxidation the grain loses aroma and taste. Antioxidants such as ascorbic acid can not be produced by the human body and must be consumed through the diet. Although much of the ascorbic acid survive the malting process, for example oats and wheat which both have high levels naturally. Amino acids benefit of the malting process and increases during malting, this is desirable in the development of new products. To eat cereal as intact as possible is beneficial for the gut and the malting process makes it more attractive to eat whole or partially whole seeds

    Regulation of B family DNA polymerase fidelity by a conserved active site residue: characterization of M644W, M644L and M644F mutants of yeast DNA polymerase Δ

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    To better understand the functions and fidelity of DNA polymerase Δ (Pol Δ), we report here on the fidelity of yeast Pol Δ mutants with leucine, tryptophan or phenylalanine replacing Met644. The Met644 side chain interacts with an invariant tyrosine that contacts the sugar of the incoming dNTP. M644W and M644L Pol Δ synthesize DNA with high fidelity, but M644F Pol Δ has reduced fidelity resulting from strongly increased misinsertion rates. When Msh6-dependent repair of replication errors is defective, the mutation rate of a pol2-M644F strain is 16-fold higher than that of a strain with wild-type Pol Δ. In conjunction with earlier studies of low-fidelity mutants with replacements for the homologous amino acid in yeast Pol α (L868M/F) and Pol Ύ (L612M), these data indicate that the active site location occupied by Met644 in Pol Δ is a key determinant of replication fidelity by all three B family replicative polymerases. Interestingly, error specificity of M644F Pol Δ is distinct from that of L868M/F Pol α or L612M Pol Ύ, implying that each polymerase has different active site geometry, and suggesting that these polymerase alleles may generate distinctive mutational signatures for probing functions in vivo

    The eukaryotic leading and lagging strand DNA polymerases are loaded onto primer-ends via separate mechanisms but have comparable processivity in the presence of PCNA

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase Ύ (Pol Ύ) and DNA polymerase Δ (Pol Δ) are replicative DNA polymerases at the replication fork. Both enzymes are stimulated by PCNA, although to different levels. To understand why and to explore the interaction with PCNA, we compared Pol Ύ and Pol Δ in physical interactions with PCNA and nucleic acids (with or without RPA), and in functional assays measuring activity and processivity. Using surface plasmon resonance technique, we show that Pol Δ has a high affinity for DNA, but a low affinity for PCNA. In contrast, Pol Ύ has a low affinity for DNA and a high affinity for PCNA. The true processivity of Pol Ύ and Pol Δ was measured for the first time in the presence of RPA, PCNA and RFC on single-stranded DNA. Remarkably, in the presence of PCNA, the processivity of Pol Ύ and Pol Δ on RPA-coated DNA is comparable. Finally, more PCNA molecules were found on the template after it was replicated by Pol Δ when compared to Pol Ύ. We conclude that Pol Δ and Pol Ύ exhibit comparable processivity, but are loaded on the primer-end via different mechanisms
