188 research outputs found

    On systems with finite ergodic degree

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    In this paper we study the ergodic theory of a class of symbolic dynamical systems (\O, T, \mu) where T:{\O}\to \O the left shift transformation on \O=\prod_0^\infty\{0,1\} and μ\mu is a \s-finite TT-invariant measure having the property that one can find a real number dd so that μ(τd)=∞\mu(\tau^d)=\infty but μ(τd−ϵ)0\mu(\tau^{d-\epsilon})0, where τ\tau is the first passage time function in the reference state 1. In particular we shall consider invariant measures μ\mu arising from a potential VV which is uniformly continuous but not of summable variation. If d>0d>0 then μ\mu can be normalized to give the unique non-atomic equilibrium probability measure of VV for which we compute the (asymptotically) exact mixing rate, of order n−dn^{-d}. We also establish the weak-Bernoulli property and a polynomial cluster property (decay of correlations) for observables of polynomial variation. If instead d≤0d\leq 0 then μ\mu is an infinite measure with scaling rate of order ndn^d. Moreover, the analytic properties of the weighted dynamical zeta function and those of the Fourier transform of correlation functions are shown to be related to one another via the spectral properties of an operator-valued power series which naturally arises from a standard inducing procedure. A detailed control of the singular behaviour of these functions in the vicinity of their non-polar singularity at z=1z=1 is achieved through an approximation scheme which uses generating functions of a suitable renewal process. In the perspective of differentiable dynamics, these are statements about the unique absolutely continuous invariant measure of a class of piecewise smooth interval maps with an indifferent fixed point.Comment: 42 page

    On the rate of convergence to equilibrium for countable ergodic Markov chains

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    Using elementary methods, we prove that for a countable Markov chain PP of ergodic degree d>0d > 0 the rate of convergence towards the stationary distribution is subgeometric of order n−dn^{-d}, provided the initial distribution satisfies certain conditions of asymptotic decay. An example, modelling a renewal process and providing a markovian approximation scheme in dynamical system theory, is worked out in detail, illustrating the relationships between convergence behaviour, analytic properties of the generating functions associated to transition probabilities and spectral properties of the Markov operator PP on the Banach space ℓ1\ell_1. Explicit conditions allowing to obtain the actual asymptotics for the rate of convergence are also discussed.Comment: 31 pages. to appear in Markov Processes and Related Field

    On a set of numbers arising in the dynamics of unimodal maps

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    In this paper we initiate the study of the arithmetical properties of a set numbers which encode the dynamics of unimodal maps in a universal way along with that of the corresponding topological zeta function. Here we are concerned in particular with the Feigenbaum bifurcation.Comment: 12 page

    On the generic triangle group

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    We introduce the concept of a generic Euclidean triangle Ï„\tau and study the group GÏ„G_\tau generated by the reflection across the edges of Ï„\tau. In particular, we prove that the subgroup TÏ„T_\tau of all translations in GÏ„G_\tau is free abelian of infinite rank, while the index 2 subgroup HÏ„H_\tau of all orientation preserving transformations in GÏ„G_\tau is free metabelian of rank 2, with TÏ„T_\tau as the commutator subgroup. As a consequence, the group GÏ„G_\tau cannot be finitely presented and we provide explicit minimal infinite presentations of both HÏ„H_\tau and GÏ„G_\tau. This answers in the affirmative the problem of the existence of a minimal presentation for the free metabelian group of rank 2. Moreover, we discuss some examples of non-trivial relations in TÏ„T_\tau holding for given non-generic triangles Ï„\tau.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    A renormalization approach to irrational rotations

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    We introduce a renormalization procedure which allows us to study in a unified and concise way different properties of the irrational rotations on the unit circle β↦{ α+β }\beta \mapsto \set{\alpha+\beta}, \alpha \in \R\setminus \Q. In particular we obtain sharp results for the diffusion of the walk on Z\Z generated by the location of points of the sequence {nα+β}\{n\alpha +\beta\} on a binary partition of the unit interval. Finally we give some applications of our method.Comment: 27 page

    Series expansions for Maass forms on the full modular group from the Farey transfer operators

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    We deepen the study of the relations previously established by Mayer, Lewis and Zagier, and the authors, among the eigenfunctions of the transfer operators of the Gauss and the Farey maps, the solutions of the Lewis-Zagier three-term functional equation and the Maass forms on the modular surface PSL(2,\Z)\backslash \HH. In particular we introduce an "inverse" of the integral transform studied by Lewis and Zagier, and use it to obtain new series expansions for the Maass cusp forms and the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series restricted to the imaginary axis. As corollaries we obtain further information on the Fourier coefficients of the forms, including a new series expansion for the divisor function.Comment: 35 page

    Spectral analysis of transfer operators associated to Farey fractions

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    The spectrum of a one-parameter family of signed transfer operators associated to the Farey map is studied in detail. We show that when acting on a suitable Hilbert space of analytic functions they are self-adjoint and exhibit absolutely continuous spectrum and no non-zero point spectrum. Polynomial eigenfunctions when the parameter is a negative half-integer are also discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Mean field behaviour of spin systems with orthogonal interaction matrix

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    For the long-range deterministic spin models with glassy behaviour of Marinari, Parisi and Ritort we prove weighted factorization properties of the correlation functions which represent the natural generalization of the factorization rules valid for the Curie-Weiss case.Comment: Improved exposition, few typos and a combinatorial mistake corrected. (To appear in Journal of Statistical Physics
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