16 research outputs found

    Calidad panadera de harinas de trigo entero mediante pruebas convencionales y una prueba no convencional

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    Whole grain wheat flour (WGWF) is a source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, phytochemicals and nutrients and could supply the growing demand of the bakery industry for wheats with high quality. The objective of the study was to evaluate the baking quality of HGET of the varieties Cal Blanco F2011 (HCB); Mattchet F2011 (HM) and RSM-Norman F2008 (HN) grown in Mexico in autumn-winter 2014 to 2016, by means of conventional tests and an unconventional one (it consists of measuring the fermentation volume of each flour sample). Bromatological, rheological, bakery quality determinations were made in triplicate. An ANDEVA, DMS test (p<0.05) and a correlation analysis were performed. HCB has a higher protein (14.33%) than controls. All flours have favorable kneading times for a good volume of bread, with good fermentation and extensibility. Therefore, the three experimental WGWFs were found to be competitive to commercial flours, but HCB was superior in almost all tests. HM and HN are similar to HI in VOP, VOE and HAL making them comparable in bakery quality. The pHf of HM and HCB is the same, but in baking the last has better quality, making it superior to the evaluated integral flours. It is recommended to further study the fermentation test due to the correlation with important factors in the various quality tests, this in order to identify whether or not its use is feasible when evaluating the quality of the flours.Las harinas de grano entero de trigo (HGET) son fuente de fibra, antioxidantes, vitaminas, fitoqu铆micos y nutrientes y podr铆an suplir la creciente demanda de la industria panadera de trigos con alta calidad. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la calidad panadera de HGET de las variedades Cal Blanco F2011 (HCB); Mattchet F2011 (HM) y RSM-Norman F2008 (HN) cultivadas en M茅xico en oto帽o-inverno 2014 a 2016, mediante pruebas convencionales y una no convencional (consiste en la medici贸n del volumen de fermentaci贸n de cada muestra de harina). Se realizaron determinaciones bromatol贸gicas, reol贸gicas, de calidad panadera por triplicado. Se realiz贸 un ANDEVA, prueba por DMS (p<0,05) y un an谩lisis de correlaci贸n. La HCB tiene mayor prote铆na (14,33%) que las testigos. Todas las harinas tienen tiempos de amasado favorables para buen volumen de pan, con buena fermentaci贸n y extensibilidad. Por lo anterior, las tres HGET experimentales resultaron ser competitivas a las harinas comerciales, pero HCB fue superior en casi todas las pruebas. La HM y HN, son similares a la HI en VOP, VOE y HAL volvi茅ndolas comparables en calidad panadera. El pHf de HM y HCB es igual, pero en panificaci贸n la 煤ltima es de mejor calidad haci茅ndola superior a las harinas integrales evaluadas. Se recomienda estudiar m谩s la prueba de fermentaci贸n por la correlaci贸n con factores importantes en la diversas pruebas de calidad, esto con el fin de identificar si es factible o no su uso al evaluar la calidad de las harinas

    Whole grain wheat flour bakery quality through conventional tests and a non conventional test

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    Las harinas de grano entero de trigo (HGET) son fuente de fibra, antioxidantes, vitaminas, fitoqu铆micos y nutrientes y podr铆an suplir la creciente demanda de la industria panadera de trigos con alta calidad. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la calidad panadera de HGET de las variedades Cal Blanco F2011 (HCB); Mattchet F2011 (HM) y RSM-Norman F2008 (HN) cultivadas en M茅xico en oto帽o-inverno 2014 a 2016, mediante pruebas convencionales y una no convencional (consiste en la medici贸n del volumen de fermentaci贸n de cada muestra de harina). Se realizaron determinaciones bromatol贸gicas, reol贸gicas, de calidad panadera por triplicado. Se realiz贸 un ANDEVA, prueba por DMS (p<0,05) y un an谩lisis de correlaci贸n. La HCB tiene mayor prote铆na (14,33%) que las testigos. Todas las harinas tienen tiempos de amasado favorables para buen volumen de pan, con buena fermentaci贸n y extensibilidad. Por lo anterior, las tres HGET experimentales resultaron ser competitivas a las harinas comerciales, pero HCB fue superior en casi todas las pruebas. La HM y HN, son similares a la HI en VOP, VOE y HAL volvi茅ndolas comparables en calidad panadera. El pHf de HM y HCB es igual, pero en panificaci贸n la 煤ltima es de mejor calidad haci茅ndola superior a las harinas integrales evaluadas. Se recomienda estudiar m谩s la prueba de fermentaci贸n por la correlaci贸n con factores importantes en la diversas pruebas de calidad, esto con el fin de identificar si es factible o no su uso al evaluar la calidad de las harinas.Whole grain wheat flour (WGWF) is a source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, phytochemicals and nutrients and could supply the growing demand of the bakery industry for wheats with high quality. The objective of the study was to evaluate the baking quality of HGET of the varieties Cal Blanco F2011 (HCB); Mattchet F2011 (HM) and RSM-Norman F2008 (HN) grown in Mexico in autumn-winter 2014 to 2016, by means of conventional tests and an unconventional one (it consists of measuring the fermentation volume of each flour sample). Bromatological, rheological, bakery quality determinations were made in triplicate. An ANDEVA, DMS test (p&lt;0.05) and a correlation analysis were performed. HCB has a higher protein (14.33%) than controls. All flours have favorable kneading times for a good volume of bread, with good fermentation and extensibility. Therefore, the three experimental WGWFs were found to be competitive to commercial flours, but HCB was superior in almost all tests. HM and HN are similar to HI in VOP, VOE and HAL making them comparable in bakery quality. The pHf of HM and HCB is the same, but in baking the last has better quality, making it superior to the evaluated integral flours. It is recommended to further study the fermentation test due to the correlation with important factors in the various quality tests, this in order to identify whether or not its use is feasible when evaluating the quality of the flours.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Use of heat treated sorghum flour as an alternative in the substitution of wheat flour in bread-making

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    [ES] El tratamiento t茅rmico en harinas es un proceso que se ha venido utilizando para generar modificaciones en sus componentes principales, como lo son las prote铆nas y almid贸n. Estos cambios pueden ser la desnaturalizaci贸n de prote铆nas y gelatinizaci贸n del almid贸n que pueden afectar las propiedades funcionales de las harinas, por lo anterior, se llev贸 a cabo la sustituci贸n de harina de trigo (HT) con harina de sorgo (HS) en los porcentajes de 10, 20 o 30 % (peso-peso), para determinar el efecto de esta sustituci贸n en las propiedades reol贸gicas, texturales y de panificaci贸n. Adem谩s, la HS se someti贸 a tratamientos t茅rmicos de 100 o 130 掳C por 30 min, la cual fue utilizada en los mismos niveles de sustituci贸n para determinar la incidencia de estos tratamientos t茅rmicos en su capacidad panificadora y sus efectos reol贸gicos. Los resultados mostraron cambios importantes en el volumen espec铆fico del pan, aunque no se observaron diferencias significativas cuando la sustituci贸n fue del 10 % con harina tratada a 100 o 130 掳C (4.66 y 4.57 cm3 /g) con respecto a HT (4.53 cm3 /g), sin embargo, si se observaron diferencias con respecto a los panes obtenidos cuando se utiliz贸 HS sin tratar t茅rmicamente. El perfil de textura no mostr贸 diferencias significativas en la firmeza del pan cuando fue obtenido de HT (9.92 N), con respecto al elaborado de la sustituci贸n del 10 % de HT con HS tratada t茅rmicamente a 100 o 130 掳C (12.75 y 11.97 N), respectivamente. Sin embargo, al incrementar el porcentaje de sustituci贸n de HT a 30 % (35.01 N) con HS sin tratar t茅rmicamente, este par谩metro aument贸 considerablemente con respecto a este mismo nivel de sustituci贸n al obtenido de HS tratada a 100 o 130 掳C (28.17 y 30.29 N)[EN] Heat treatment in flours is a process that has been used to generate changes in their main components, such as proteins and starch. 驴ese changes may be protein denaturation and starch gelatinization that may affect the functional properties of the flours, therefore, the substitution of wheat flour (HT) with sorghum flour (HS) in the percentages of 10, 20 or 30 % (weightweight) was carried out to determine the effect of this substitution on the rheological and textural properties, and bread-making. In addition, the HS was subjected to heat treatments of 100 or 130 掳C for 30 min, which was used at the same substitution levels to determine the incidence of these thermal treatments on their bread-making capacity and their rheological effects. 驴e results showed important changes in the specific volume of the bread, although no significant differences were observed when the substitution was 10 % with flour treated at 100 or 130 掳C (4.66 and 4.57 cm3 /g) with respect to HT (4.53 cm3 /g), however, the loaves prepared with HS without heat treatment showed differences. 驴e texture profile showed no significant differences in the firmness of the breads obtained from HT (9.92 N) and those substituted with 10% thermally treated HS at 100 or 130 掳C (12.75 and 11.97 N). However, when increasing the percentage of substitution to 30 % of HT (35.01 N) with HS without heat treatment, this parameter increased considerably with respect to the same level of substitution with HS treated at 100 or 130 掳C (28.17 and 30.29 N)Vasquez-Lara, F.; Soto Padilla, D.; Cordero Fern谩ndez, DL.; Granados Nev谩rez, MDC.; Islas Rubio, AR.; Verd煤 Amat, S.; Grau Mel贸, R.... (2018). Utilizaci贸n de harina de sorgo tratada t茅rmicamente como una alternativa en la sustituci贸n de harina de trigo en panificaci贸n. Revista iberoamericana de tecnolog铆a postcosecha. 19(2):267-280. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/124224S26728019

    Measurement and modeling thermal conductivity of baked products

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references.Not availabl

    Evaluation of the quality of sorghum malts

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    Vita.Dorado, Malisor 84-7, Tortillero, ATx623*SC103-12E, and ATx630*R3338 sorghums were cleaned, steeped in tap water for 20h, immersed in a 2% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min, rinsed with distilled water 5 times, drained, germinated from 0 to 6 days at 28掳C and 95% RH, and dried for 48 h at 50掳C. Commercially available colorimetric assays and standard methods for determining barley malt quality characteristics were adapted to characterize these sorghum malts. The rapid visco-analyzer (RVA) was adapted to determine 伪-amylase activity by measuring changes in peak and final viscosity of a malt extract-corn starch slurry heated to 95掳C for 3 min. Viscosity changes were significantly correlated with malt 伪-amylase activities determined by a specific colorimetric assay for 伪-amylase. The RVA method needs confirmation but appears to be simple, quick and reliable. The colorimetric assay to determine 尾-amylase showed significant differences in the levels of 尾-amylase activity among sorghum varieties. The colorimetric assay is a simple, direct, accurate, reproducible, fast assay which requires only a small sample (0.1 g, d.b.) and costs $0.40/sample for substrate and reagents. Dry matter loss (DML) increased and density decreased with germination time. The level of 伪- and 尾-amylase activity varied among sorghum varieties. The optimum germination time for malting sorghum under the conditions used in this study was 4 days. Significant correlations between malting quality parameters of 5-day germinated grain and physical measurements on raw and malted grains were found. Confirmation of these correlations with larger number of samples might indicate the usefulness of these measurements in selecting for malting potential. Dorado had malting properties most closely resembling those of barley malt. The proportion of 尾- to a-amylase activity (0.4) in Dorado malt was the same as that of barley malt although the extract was 70% compared to 80% or higher expected for barley malt. The Kolbach index and the free 伪-amino nitrogen of sorghum malt were similar to barley malt (30-40%, >150mg/L, respectively). ATx630*R3338, the waxy cultivar, had the lowest 伪-amylase activity; its diastatic power was only 33% of Dorado malt. Sorghums with soft or intermediate endosperm texture had the best malting properties in this study, which confirms observations made in South Africa and India

    Efecto de la sustituci贸n de harina de trigo con harina de avena, ma铆z y sorgo sobre las propiedades reol贸gicas de la masa, texturales y sensoriales del pan

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    The effect of substitution of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% of wheat flour (HT) with oat flour (HA), corn (HM) and sorghum (HS) on the rheological properties of the dough, textural and sensorial bread properties was evaluated. The water holding capacity (CRA), pasting temperature, peak viscosity and final viscosity in flour was determined. In dough, force (F) and volume within an hour of fermentation was measured. A sensory analysis of bread to determine the preferences of the panelists and a texture profile analysis (TPA) were also carried out. The results showed significant differences (p 藗 0.05) among measurements. The volume of the dough using HA at the four levels did not show significant differences compared with HT (136.32 cm3 卤 4.62). Sensory analysis of bread showed no difference (p 藘 0.05) between the bread made with 10% HA or HM and the HT only bread.Se evalu贸 el efecto de la sustituci贸n del 2.5, 5, 7.5 y 10% de harina de trigo (HT) con harina de avena (HA), de ma铆z (HM) y de sorgo (HS) sobre las propiedades reol贸gicas de la masa, texturales y sensoriales del pan. Se determin贸 la capacidad de retenci贸n de agua (CRA), temperatura de empaste, viscosidad pico y viscosidad final en harinas. En masa, se determin贸 fuerza (F) y volumen a 1 h de fermentaci贸n. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis sensorial en pan para determinar las preferencias de los panelistas, as铆 como el an谩lisis del perfil de textura (TPA). Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en las mediciones realizadas. El volumen de la masa obtenido al utilizar HA en los cuatro diferentes niveles no mostr贸 diferencias con HT (136.32 cm3 卤 4.62). El an谩lisis sensorial no mostr贸 diferencias cuando el pan se elabor贸 con HA o HM a 10% y el obtenido s贸lo de HT