12 research outputs found

    Sintesis Katalitik 2,2-diisopropoksipropan dari Isopropanol untuk Meningkatkan Angka Oktan Bahan Bakar Terbarukan

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    Research has been carried out 2,2-diisopropoksipropan catalytic synthesis of isopropanol to increase the octane number of renewable fuels. Catalytic Synthesis using Cu catalyst that falls on activated carbon (Cu / AC) for use as a process of dehydration of isopropanol to 2.2-diisopropoksipropan. This study also aims to obtain the optimum time and temperature for the dehydration of isopropanol. Preparation of carbon carried by softening coconut shell charcoal to 60-80 mesh size, then heated at a temperature of 800 ° C, washed, dried, impregnated with CuCl2 and reduced at 400 ° C with flowing hydrogen gas. The amount of metal content of Fe, Ca, and K in the carbon after the process of washing / soaking determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Activated carbon and catalyst acidity was determined by adsorption of ammonia, isopropanol dehydration process with catalyst Cu / activated carbon (Cu / AC) carried out in an electric furnace with temperature variation: 250; 300; 350; 400; and 450 ° C and the variation in the amount of catalyst amount: 6; 8; and 10 grams, with N₂ flowed at a rate of 20 mL / min as the carrier gas, and no water vapor. Dehydration results in vapor cooled condenser and then collected for analysis by gas liquid chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of the analysis using AAS showed that the presence of washing, soaking using 3 M HCl, the metal Fe, Ca, and K in the activated carbon is significantly reduced. The results of ammonia adsorption analysis showed that activated carbon and Cu / AC has acidity, respectively for 2.962 and 4.911 mmol / g. Catalytic activity of Cu / AC highest achieved at a temperature of 450 ° C with a catalytic amount of 10 grams of 2,2-diisopropoksipropan produce as much as 61.82%


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pemahaman wawasan nusantara dengan dengan sikap nasionalisme siswa SMAS Assaadah Bungah Gresik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Populasimya adalah siswa kelas XI dan XII SMAS Assaadah Bungah Gresik T.A. 2017/2018 yang berjumlah 489 orang. Sampel diambil dengan Probability Sampling dengan cara stratified random sampling dan ditetapkan sebesar 10% yang berjumlah 83 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes soal pilihan ganda dan angket. Uji validitas menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment, sedangkan uji reliabilitasnya menggunakan rumus Spearman-Brown. Uji prasyarat analisis menggunakan uji kecenderungan, uji normalitas dengan menggunakan rumus Liliefors dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan korelasi product moment Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) kecenderungan pemahaman wawasan nusantara siswa secara umum berada pada tingkat sedang yakni 46,99%, (2) kecenderungan sikap nasionalisme siswa secara umum juga berada pada tingkat sedang yakni 51,88%, dan (3) pemahaman wawasan nusantara dengan sikap nasionalisme memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan rhitung sebesar 0,96116. Kata Kunci : Pemahaman, wawasan nusantara, sikap nasionalisme, siswa Abstrack This study aims to determine wheter there is a correlation between the comprehention of insight archipelago and nationalism attitude of students in Assaadah Bungah Gresik  High School. The method used is a quantitative method with a correlational approach. Population is class XI and XII studends of Assaadah Bungah Gresik High School F.Y. 2017/2018 which amounted to 489 people. Samples were taken by Probalility Sampling which used stratified random sampling) and is set at 10% which numbered 83 students. Data collection techniques in research using multiple choice test question and questionnaires. The validity test using product moment correlation formula, while the reliability test using Spearman-Brown formula. The prerequisite analysis test using trend analysis, normality test that used Liliefors formula and hypothesis test using Pearson product moment correlation.The results showed: (1) The tendency of students comprehension of the general conception of insight archipelago is at medium level which is 46,99%, (2) the tendency of nationalism attitude students in general are also at medium level which is 51,81%, and (3) the student’s comprehension of insight archipelago has a strong correlation with nationalism attitude, namely count r of 0,96116. Keyword : Comprehension, insight archepilago, nationalism attitude, studen

    Pengembangan Modul Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa Berbasis Pembelajaran Kontekstual pada Materi Jurnal Penyesuaian dan Jurnal Koreksi Kelas X Akuntansi Smk Negeri di Surabaya

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    This study aims to determine the development process, the appropriateness, and the students' responses towards contextual based learning module of service company accounting within the materials of adjusting journal entry and correcting journal entry of the tenth grade of Accounting in State Vocational Schools in Surabaya. This is a research and development study which uses 4D developing model proposed by Thiagarajan. However, this study was managed to the developing stage only. The try-out was administered towards 18 students of tenth grade of accounting class from SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya, SMK Negeri 4 Surabaya, and SMK Negeri 10 Surabaya. The data collection technique used study sheets, validation sheets, and questionnaires of students' responses. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively with percentage technique. The result of this study shows that the content appropriateness is 86.47% with the criteria of very appropriate, the presentation is 85% with the criteria of very appropriate, the language is 87.14% with the criteria of very appropriate, and the graphics is 96% with the criteria of very appropriate. The average of those components is 88.65% with the criteria of very appropriate. The average percentage of students' responses is 95.83% with the criteria of very good

    Pengembangan Paket Pembelajaran Fisika Berupa Video Interaktif Dengan Pengendali Jarak Jauh

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    The result of observation data in SMP 1 Mutiara Natar, showed that teachers were still difficult to explain abstract materials of Solar System subject, it is because unavailability of video learning media. This research used a modification method from Sadiman as the reference. Final product from this research was an interactive video media of physic learning package with remote control containing modified materials from Education TV broadcast, problems for exercise, problems for learning groups, and material for mastering test to find out students’ response. The results of media expert analysis showed that the media was in accordance with theories and proper to use for a learning package. One-on-one test results showed that students were able to learn the media properly. The field test (in small groups) showed that the media was very attractive, easy to use, useful, and effective as the solar system learning package.Berdasarkan data hasil observasi di SMP 1 Mutiara Natar, untuk materi tata surya guru masih merasa kesulitan menjelaskan materi yang abstrak karena belum tersedianya media pembelajaran berupa video. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini memodifikasi dari Sadiman sebagai acuan. Produk akhir yang dihasilkan adalah paket pembelajaran fisika berupa video interaktif dengan pengendali jarak jauh, berisi materi yang dimodifikasi dari siaran TV Edukasi, soal latihan, soal kelompok serta uji penguasaan materi untuk mengetahui respon siswa. Dari hasil uji ahli media yang dikembangkan telah sesuai dengan teori dan layak digunakan sebagai paket pembelajaran. Hasil uji satu lawan satu memperlihatkan bahwa siswa dapat mempelajari media dengan baik. Hasil uji lapangan (kelompok kecil) menunjukkan kualitas media sangat menarik, mudah digunakan, dan bermanfaat, sebagai paket pembelajaran tata surya

    The Effectiveness of Remediation Learning Strategy in Reducing Misconceptions on Chemistry: A Systematic Review

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    Misconceptions are defined as wrong ideas or views of a person's concept different from the scientific concepts formulated by experts in their field. It must be reduced immediately so as not to hinder the process of understanding the next interconnected matter. Reducing students' misconceptions can be done through remedial learning. This study aimed to describe the phase in processing information that causes students' misconceptions based on learning theory, describe the implementation of an effective remedial learning strategy to reduce misconceptions in chemistry, and describe learning media that can be integrated into remedial learning in chemistry. The method used in this study was the systematic literature review (SLR) by searching articles on the electronics journal database. The database used in this study was ERIC, Google Scholar, and Sinta from 2011 to 2021. Seventeen articles were found in 14 indexed journals (Scopus and Sinta). The data was analyzed by collecting the related articles, reducing them based on the research focus, displaying the data, and concluding. The result showed that students build their understanding through assimilation and accommodation. The disequilibrium between both of these aspects causes a misconception. It must be reduced immediately through remedial learning. Six remedial learning strategies can reduce misconceptions in chemistry effectively, i.e., POE, Guided Inquiry, MRCD, Ember, Conceptual Learning, and ECIRR. This effectiveness is due to the phase of creating cognitive conflict. Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) interactive media in implementing remedial learning strategies has a positive impact because interactive media can visualize abstract concepts. Hence, the cognitive accommodation phase is more effective

    Penyuluhan Masyarakat dalam Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Melestarikan Tradisi Sabellesen di Desa Cok-Pocok Daleman Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan

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    Sabellesen  merupakan sebuah  istilah yang diaplikasikan sebagai nama sebuah tradisi di kampung Cok-Pocok Daleman Galis. Tradisi ini biasanya direalisasikan pada setiap tanggal 11 bulan Hijriyah (bulen Madureh) yang esensinya berupa amalan bersalawat kepada Nabi, berzikir terhadap Allah, sadaqah yang dapat mempererat hubungan tali silaturahmi antar masyarakat. Terlepas dari itu, tradisi Sabellesen juga sebagai wadah bagi masyarakat, khususnya kampung Cok-Pocok Daleman sebagai kegiatan pencerahan agama serta meningkatkan solidaritas masyarakat kampung Cok-Pocok sendiri. Tradisi Sabellesen mempunyai beberapa orientasi urgen atau hikmah. Secara fungsional, Sabellesen diaplikasikan selain untuk bersadaqah, membaca salawat kepada Nabi dan membaca ayat suci al-Qur'an serta momen mempererat tali silaturahmi antar masyarakat, juga ada Kenyakinan bahwa, tradisi Sabellesen dapat menolak balak dan memperlancar rizki. Penelitian ini berdasarkan penelitian lapangan hadir untuk mengkontribusikan serta meningkatkan pendidikan dan keagamaan masyarakat kampung Cok-Pocok Desa Daleman Galis Bangkalan.  &nbsp

    Hubungan Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat Anti Epilepsi terhadap Kejadian Kejang Pasien Epilepsi Menggunakan Kuesioner ARMS (Adherence Refill Medication Scale)

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    Epilepsi termasuk penyakit kronis otak yang dikarakterisasi dengan kejang berulang (2 kali atau lebih), dimana terjadi gerakan involunter yang melibatkan sebagian tubuh (partial) atau seluruh tubuh (generale), dan seringkali disertai dengan hilangnya kesadaran dan kontrol fungsi saluran cerna atau saluran kemih. Pengobatan epeilepsi sering menggunakan OAE (Obat AntiEpilpsi). Diketahui 70% anak-anak dan dewasa dengan epilepsi berhasil diterapi dengan obat antiepilepsi. Salah satu ukuran manajemen terapi obat pada penyakit epilepsi adalah menurun atau hilangnya kejang, sehingga adanya kejadian kejang menjadi salah satu ukuran pencapaian end outcome. Kejadian kejang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya ada tidaknya faktor pemicu kejang dan kepatuhan konsumsi obat antiepilepsi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional cross sectional yang dilakukan di poli neurologi Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD dr. Soetomo dan Instalasi rawat Jalan RS Universitas Airlangga. Selama penelitian diperoleh 52 pasien epilepsi yang menggunakan obat antiepilepsi. Padapenelitian ini diamati hubungan kepatuhan terhadap adanya kejang pasien epilepsi dalam penggunaan obat anti epilepsi. Pada penelitian ini diketahui nilai koefisien korelasi/ nilai rho (r) sebesar -0,348 dengan nilai p= 0,011 (p<0,05) atau signifikan secara statistik. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kategori kepatuhan (menggunakan kuesioner ARMS) dengan kejadian kejang, dimana semakin tinggi skor ARMS (dianggap semakin tidak patuh) berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan kejang

    Optimization Cultivating Character Values That Become Integrity Nation

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    Rapid technological advances, whether we realize it or not, are slowly making people begin to ignore cultural values and traditions that have been handed down by their ancestors. In a basic paradigm, there are character values that should be imitated such as values, politeness, courtesy, togetherness, independence, and religiosity. The neglect of cultural values gives birth to an individualistic, materialistic, and hedonistic culture. As for the cultivation of a value foundation that has character in each individual, it should be instilled from an early age, which of course requires cooperation from various elements and support from the environment such as family, school and even the community. And the government has a role to build and instill a national character through the cultivation of character education which is applied to character educatio