2,133 research outputs found

    Resolving Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and CP Degeneracy by Two Identical Detectors with Different Baselines

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    We explore the possibility of simultaneous determination of neutrino mass hierarchy and the CP violating phase by using two identical detectors placed at different baseline distances. We focus on a possible experimental setup using neutrino beam from J-PARC facility in Japan with beam power of 4MW and megaton (Mton)-class water Cherenkov detectors, one placed in Kamioka and the other at somewhere in Korea. We demonstrate, under reasonable assumptions of systematic uncertainties, that the two-detector complex with each fiducial volume of 0.27 Mton has potential of resolving neutrino mass hierarchy up to sin^2 2theta_{13} > 0.03 (0.055) at 2\sigma (3\sigma) CL for any values of delta and at the same time has the sensitivity to CP violation by 4 + 4 years running of nu_e and nu_e-bar appearance measurement. The significantly enhanced sensitivity is due to clean detection of modulation of neutrino energy spectrum, which is enabled by cancellation of systematic uncertainties between two identical detectors which receive the neutrino beam with the same energy spectrum in the absence of oscillations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, version published in PR

    The Waveform Digitiser of the Double Chooz Experiment: Performance and Quantisation Effects on PhotoMultiplier Tube Signals

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    We present the waveform digitiser used in the Double Chooz experiment. We describe the hardware and the custom-built firmware specifically developed for the experiment. The performance of the device is tested with regards to digitising low light level signals from photomultiplier tubes and measuring pulse charge. This highlights the role of quantisation effects and leads to some general recommendations on the design and use of waveform digitisers.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in JINS

    Optimal Testing Intervals in the Squatting Test to Determine Baroreflex Sensitivity

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    The recently introduced “squatting test” (ST) utilizes a simple postural change to perturb the blood pressure and to assess baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). In our study, we estimated the reproducibility of and the optimal testing interval between the STs in healthy volunteers. Thirty-four subjects free of cardiovascular disorders and taking no medication were instructed to perform the repeated ST at 30-sec, 1-min, and 3-min intervals in duplicate in a random sequence, while the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse intervals were measured. Baroreflex sensitivity was estimated by plotting reflex increases and decreases in the SBP and succeeding pulse intervals during stand-to-squat and squat-to-stand maneuvers, respectively. Correlations between duplicate BRS data at each testing interval were analyzed by the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, while agreements were assessed by Bland-Altman plots. Two measurements of BRS during stand-to-squat and squat-to-stand maneuvers demonstrated significant correlations at both 1-min and 3-min intervals, while at 30-sec intervals correlation was poor. Correlation coefficients became considerably greater in each maneuver as the measurement interval was increased from 30 sec to 3 min. Our results suggest that the testing interval in the ST should be at least 1 min long, but ideally it should be longer than or equal to 3 min, to assess the baroreflex adequately.У нещодавно запропонованому «тесті присідання» (ТП) використовується проста зміна пози для індукції зрушення кров’яного тиску, що дозволяє визначити барорефлекторну чутливість (БРЧ). Ми оцінювали ступінь відтворюваності та оптимальні інтервали між ТП, що реалізовувалися здоровими випробуваними. Групу з 34 тестованих, які не мали будь-яких серцево-судинних розладів та не приймали якихось ліків, інструктували виконувати повторні подвійні ТП у випадковій послідовності з інтервалами 30 с, 1 та 3 хв; при цьому вимірювали систолічний кров’яний тиск (СКТ) та кардіоінтервали. Рефлекторні підвищення та зниження СКТ і послідовні кардіоінтервали під час рухів присідання та повернення у вертикальну позу представляли графічно. Залежність між повторними визначеннями БРЧ при кожному інтервалі між тестами аналізували, встановлюючи коефіцієнти кореляції Пірсона. Виміри БРЧ під час рухів присідання та підйому демонстрували істотну кореляцію при інтервалах 1 та 3 хв, а при інтервалах 30 с кореляція була слабшою. Коефіцієнти кореляції ставали помітно значнішими з кожним рухом і збільшенням інтервалів між вимірами від 30 с до 3 хв. Наші результати вказують на те, що адекватна оцінка барорефлексу може бути забезпечена при інтервалах між ТП не менше 1 хв (бажано 3 хв або більше)

    Global analysis of neutrino masses, mixings and phases: entering the era of leptonic CP violation searches

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    We perform a global analysis of neutrino oscillation data, including high-precision measurements of the neutrino mixing angle theta_13 at reactor experiments, which have confirmed previous indications in favor of theta_13>0. Recent data presented at the Neutrino 2012 Conference are also included. We focus on the correlations between theta_13 and the mixing angle theta_23, as well as between theta_13 and the neutrino CP-violation phase delta. We find interesting indications for theta_23< pi/4 and possible hints for delta ~ pi, with no significant difference between normal and inverted mass hierarchy.Comment: Updated version, including recent data released at the Neutrino 2012 Conference. Some references adde

    The 3-D kinematics of water masers around the semiregular variable RT Virginis

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    We report observations of water masers around the semiregular variable RT Virginis (RT Vir), which have been made with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) at five epochs, each separated by three weeks of time. We detected about 60 maser features at each epoch. Overall, 61 features, detected at least twice, were tracked by their radial velocities and proper motions. The 3-D maser kinematics exhibited a circumstellar envelope that is expanding roughly spherically with a velocity of about 8 km/s. Asymmetries in both the spatial and velocity distributions of the maser features were found in the envelope, but less significant than that found in other semiregular variables. Systematic radial-velocity drifts of individual maser features were found with amplitudes of <= 2 km/s/yr. For one maser feature, we found a quadratic position shift with time along a straight line on the sky. This apparent motion indicates an acceleration with an amplitude of 33 km/s/yr, implying the passage of a shock wave driven by the stellar pulsation of RT Vir. The acceleration motion is likely seen only on the sky plane because of a large velocity gradient formed in the accelerating maser region. We estimated the distance to RT Vir to be about 220 pc on the basis of both the statistical parallax and model-fitting methods for the maser kinematics.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Measurement of the mechanical loss of a cooled reflective coating for gravitational wave detection

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    We have measured the mechanical loss of a dielectric multilayer reflective coating (ion-beam sputtered SiO2_2 and Ta2_2O5_5) in cooled mirrors. The loss was nearly independent of the temperature (4 K \sim 300 K), frequency, optical loss, and stress caused by the coating, and the details of the manufacturing processes. The loss angle was (46)×104(4 \sim 6) \times 10^{-4}. The temperature independence of this loss implies that the amplitude of the coating thermal noise, which is a severe limit in any precise measurement, is proportional to the square root of the temperature. Sapphire mirrors at 20 K satisfy the requirement concerning the thermal noise of even future interferometric gravitational wave detector projects on the ground, for example, LCGT.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables : accepted version (by Physical Review D