826 research outputs found

    Modified Braid Equations for SO_q (3) and noncommutative spaces

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    General solutions of the R^TT\hat{R}TT equation with a maximal number of free parameters in the specrtal decomposition of vector SOq(3)SO_q (3) R^\hat{R} matrices are implemented to construct modified braid equations (MBE). These matrices conserve the given, standard, group relations of the nine elements of T, but are not constrained to satisfy the standard braid equation (BE). Apart from q and a normalisation factor our R^\hat{R} contains two free parameters, instead of only one such parameter for deformed unitary algebras studied in a previous paper [1] where the nonzero right hand side of the MBEMBE had a linear term proprotional to (R^(12)R^(23))(\hat{R}_{(12)} - \hat{R}_{(23)}). In the present case the r.h.s. is, in general, nonliear. Several particular solutions are given (Sec.2) and the general structure is analysed (App.A). Our formulation of the problem in terms of projectors yield also two new solutions of standard (nonmodified) braid equation (Sec.2) which are further discussed (App.B). The noncommutative 3-spaces obtained by implementing such generalized R^\hat{R} matrices are studied (Sec.3). The role of coboundary R^\hat{R} matrices (not satisfying the standard BE) is explored. The MBE and Baxterization are presented as complementary facets of the same basic construction, namely, the general solution of R^TT\hat{R}TT equation (Sec.4). A new solution is presented in this context. As a simple but remarkable particular case a nontrivial solution of BE is obtained (App.B) for q=1. This solution has no free parameter and is not obtainable by twisting the identity matrix. In the concluding remarks (Sec.5), among other points, generalisation of our results to SOq(N)SO_{q}(N) is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Perspective Methods of Transferring Information via Optical Communication Channels

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    Perspective methods of information transfer in optical communication channels based on the latest achievements of quantum physics are considered. In the near future, these methods can solve both the problem of creating an optical channel conducting with physically unlimited bandwidth, and the problem of secretly transferring information in a fiber-optic information channel. The results of the latest experiments related to the quantum properties of photons are described. The use of solitons as carriers of an information signal is considered. The technologies of using the ‘temporal cloak’ and noise of optical amplifiers for data transmission in fiber-optic communication lines are presented.     Keywords: optical steganography, soliton, optical fibe

    Operator approach to analytical evaluation of Feynman diagrams

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    The operator approach to analytical evaluation of multi-loop Feynman diagrams is proposed. We show that the known analytical methods of evaluation of massless Feynman integrals, such as the integration by parts method and the method of "uniqueness" (which is based on the star-triangle relation), can be drastically simplified by using this operator approach. To demonstrate the advantages of the operator method of analytical evaluation of multi-loop Feynman diagrams, we calculate ladder diagrams for the massless ϕ3\phi^3 theory (analytical results for these diagrams are expressed in terms of multiple polylogarithms). It is shown how operator formalism can be applied to calculation of certain massive Feynman diagrams and investigation of Lipatov integrable chain model.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in "Physics of Atomic Nuclei" (Proceedings of SYMPHYS-XII, Yerevan, Armenia, July 03-08, 2006

    Current issues on digitalisation of controls in the financial and budgetary sphere

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    Digitalization of control activities is a prerequisite for quality implementation of state financial control in the Russian Federation and effective interaction between all control bodies in order to prevent and combat violations in the financial and budgetary sphere. The article is devoted to the idea of introducing a new “digital control”. This solution is based on transferring the processes of interaction between control bodies and objects to a digital environment, which will allow to conduct a digital dialogue. The possible results of the departmental project in terms of the Federal Treasury control unit are considered. Current actions of government authorities in control (supervision) and oversight in the financial and budgetary sphere, as well as measures taken by the Federal Treasury in this area were analysed. It is concluded that digital transformation has in fact become a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of control in the financial and budgetary sphere

    The Utilization of Modern Technologies of Wireless Sensor Networks in Medicine

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    Currently, wireless sensor networks (WSN) are used in many areas of medicine, especially where there is a need for constant monitoring of the patient’s condition. However, in many cases, the lack of technical resources for processing information does not allow monitoring the patients’ condition in the necessary way. Also, there are difficulties in monitoring the status of patients on outpatient treatment everywhere. Keywords: Big Data, Body Area Networks, Cloud technologies, Wireless Sensor Networks