495 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of assimilation for the terms "Proximity Management" and "Proximity Manager", both in the specialized literature and in practice. The study has two parts: the theoretical research of the two terms, and an evaluation of the use of Proximity management in 32 companies in Gorj, Romania. The object of the evaluation resides in 27 companies with less than 50 employees and 5 companies with more than 50 employees.proximity management, proximity manager, leadership, leader

    Responsiveness of Health Systems: a Barometer of the Quality of Health Services

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    In the health field, quality is a complex and multidimensional variable. The complexity is shown by different levels of quality, which provide a global picture of the performance of a health system: compliance with mandatory rules, compliance with professional recommendations/references, action of steady improvement aiming at resolving health problems, risk management or excellence seeking, etc. The multidimensional character is provided by various dimensions to be covered by evaluation indicators of the performance of a health system: acceptability in what points the health system meets our expectations; accessibility knowing whether we can receive the services where and when we need them; adequacy knowing whether the care meets our needs and is based on established rules; competence knowing whether knowledge and skills of health services providers are consistent with the care they provide; continuity matching services – coordination, integration, easy access; effectiveness concerning the services in operation and in what point they influence our health; efficiency achieving best results at the lowest cost; security minimizing possible risks in a health area or service. Out of these dimensions – which, from a synergetic perspective, define the overall performance of a health system – we retain for a detailed analysis only those concerning acceptability, adequacy and competence, which determine the responsiveness to the patients’ expectations. Moreover, for working out a methodology for assessing the quality of health services, it is necessary to analyse various standard procedures for assessing the performance of health services initiated and rendered by international organisations and promoted, first of all, by the World Health Organisation. Our paper also deals with actions already taken worldwide, which now are undergoing structural improvements as well as with opportunities for making market surveys (opinion polls) among the beneficiaries of a health system: the citizens.health system; health system responsiveness; health system performance; health condition; determinants of health condition

    Commercial Facilities and Urban Regeneration

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    The paper deals with a model for assessing disparities in the development of commercial facilities. The term “commercial facilities” helps one perceive distribution not only as an economic activity in itself but also as an urban infrastructure and as a component of an urban area that forms a town, area which should be designed in accordance with the new concepts promoted by the European Union: integrated town planning, and urban regeneration. The paper consists of three parts: the first part briefly presents the importance of town development from the perspective of the theory of urban area modelling; the second part deals with the functional integration of commercial facilities into urban regeneration projects; the third part suggests a model for assessing regional disparities in the development of commercial facilities, which – using the “point method” – can be applied so that it meets the requirement of quantifying the equipment levels reached and make space comparisons. This model is based on ten indicators relevant to the studied field, as taken from Statistical Yearbook of Romania. For Romania, it is all the more necessary to define programmes for the territorial development of commercial facilities as, at present, major disparities have been caused by the disequilibrium resulted from the uncontrolled expansion of the great multinational distribution chains, which equally hindered the small independent trade and the network of shops specific to the main/historical centres of towns. The outcome of our research confirms the need that local communities should think and act consistently with the new policy of sustainable development of towns, promoted within the European Union, aimed at observing the basic principles of the territory planning policy: restructuring and strengthening the structurally deficient areas.integrated town planning, urban regeneration, commercial town planning, regional disparities, point method, sustainable development

    Smart education for smart textiles

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    The aim of this paper is to present the main objectives and achievements of the Skills4Smartex project, according to its declared goals. The Erasmus+ project "Smart textiles for STEM training" is funded with support from the European Commission and it is a Strategic partnership - KA2 / Vocational Education and Training (VET), in the field of transfer of innovation from research providers towards textile enterprises & VET schools. The students within technical education acquire basic disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, technical drawing, chemistry, biology, mechanics, but the horizon of the end applications and usefulness of such basic disciplines is often not touchable. In correlation with these facts, the Skills4Smartex project is centred on improving knowledge, skills and employability of VET students in the STEM related fields, by providing the adequate training instruments to understand multidisciplinary working

    Information Systems in University Learning

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    The authors of this article are going to bring into light the significance, the place and the role of information systems in the university education process. At the same time they define the objectives and the target group of the subject named Economic Information Systems and state the competence gained by students by studying this subject. Special attention is given to the curriculum to be taught to students and to a suggestive enumeration of a series of economic applications that can be themes for laboratory practice and for students’ dissertation (graduation thesis).Information System, Academic Partnership, Curriculum, General Competence, Specific Competence, Open Systems


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of assimilation for the terms "Proximity Management" and "Proximity Manager", both in the specialized literature and in practice. The study has two parts: the theoretical research of the two terms, and an evaluation of the use of Proximity management in 32 companies in Gorj, Romania. The object of the evaluation resides in 27 companies with less than 50 employees and 5 companies with more than 50 employees


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În geriatrie termenul „vulnerabilitate” sau “pre-fragilitate” implică un aspect multidimensional, printre care, multimorbiditatea, incapacitatea funcțională, problemele cognitive și socio-economice la vârstnici. Scopul. Evaluarea prevalenței vulnerabilității la vârstnicii instituționalizați în contextul fragilității pentru identificarea indicilor informaționali de valoare. Material și metode. Studiul epidemiologic a inclus 301 vârstnici instituționalizați (72,95 ± 0,36 ani), sindromul de fragilitate(SF) determinat conform criteriilor screening Fried, Indice Groningen, vulnerabilitatea VES-13, respondenții au fost examinați conform evaluării geriatrice complexe (EGC) – Katz, Lawton, Tinetti, MMSE, Hamilton, statutul nutrițional MNA. Rezultatele au fost analizate în programul software Statistics 7. Rezultate. Din cei 301 de vârstnici implicați în studiu conform criteriilor screening Fried-vârstnici robuști – 87 (28,90%), pre-fragili (vulnerabili) – 86 (28,57%), fragili–128 (42,52%). Vârstnicii pre-fragili au prezentat valoarea medie a scorului VES-13 – 5,46 ± 0,32; conform EGC: autonomia–scorul Katz (11,16 ± 0,13), Lawton (13,65 ± 0,29), mersul și echilibrul Tinetti (22,08 ± 0,50), statutul cognitiv MMSE (25,51 ± 0,28), depresia Hamilton (5,01 ± 0,39), statutul nutrițional MNA (24,83 ± 0,35), performanța fizică SPPB (8,44 ± 0,31), Groningen (5,48 ± 0,26).Valorile medii ale scorurilor Lawton și Tinetti au avut corelații directe cu reducerea vitezei mersului – Rr = -0,42; p < 0,05, respectiv – Rr = 0,55; p < 0,05. Concluzie. Rezultatele studiului relevă statutul fizic și emoțional cele mai afectate pe fundal de vulnerabilitate, ceea ce reprezintă un risc foarte crescut de deteriorare a sănătății pe parcursul procesului de îmbătrânire.Background. In geriatrics, the term „vulnerability” or „pre-fragility” implies a multidimensional aspect, among which, multimorbidity, functional incapacity, cognitive and socio-economic problems in the elderly. Objective of the study. Assessment of the prevalence of vulnerability in institutionalized elderly in the context of fragility to identify valuable information indices. Material and Methods. The epidemiological study included 301 institutionalized elderly (72.95 ± 0.36 years), fragility syndrome (FS) determined according to the screening Fried criteria, Groningen Index, vulnerability VES-13, respondents were examined according to Complex Geriatric Assessment (CGA) – Katz, Lawton, Tinetti, MMSE, Hamilton, MNA nutritional status. The results were analyzed in the Statistics 7 software program. Results. Of the 301 elderlies involved in the study according to the screening Fried criteria-robust elderly-87 (28.90%), pre-fragile (vulnerable)-86(28.57%), fragile – 128 (42.52%). Pre-fragile showed the mean value of VES13 – 5.46 ± 0.32; according to CGA: autonomy– Katz score (11.16 ± 0.13), Lawton (13.65 ± 0.29), gait and balance Tinetti (22.08 ± 0.50), cognitive status MMSE (25.51 ± 0.28), Hamilton depression (5.01 ± 0.39), MNA nutritional status (24.83 ± 0.35), SPPB physical performance (8.44 ± 0.31), Groningen (5.48 ± 0.26). The average values of Lawton and Tinetti scores had direct correlations with the reduction of walking speed – Rr = -0.42; p < 0.05, respectively – Rr = 0.55; p < 0.05. Conclusion. The results of the study reveal the most affected physical and emotional status due to vulnerability, which represents a high risk for health deteriorating during the aging process

    Pale-Green Kohlrabi, a Versatile Brassica Vegetable

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    This chapter describes recent research studies about kohlrabi, a versatile vegetable with important health benefits (e.g. reduces risk of breast and prostate cancer, improves body metabolism, helps in weight loss diets, etc.). The investigations are focused on pale-green kohlrabi giving an accurate and precise description, from a qualitative point of view, of the bioactive compounds found in different parts of the pale-green kohlrabi: core, peel, leaves and equal combinations between these parts. All the active principles from pale-green kohlrabi are extracted following a well-established method, in an aqueous medium at a constant temperature of 4°C for 24 h. The qualitative screening of phytochemicals gives details regarding the presence or absence of chemical compounds using different colour reactions

    Investigation of human C12orf65 and mtRF1, members of the mitochondria translation release factor family

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    PhD ThesisMitochondria contain their own DNA (mtDNA) and protein synthesis machinery. Human mtDNA encodes for two rRNAs, 22 tRNAs and 13 polypeptides. Those polypeptides are subunits of complexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation and their translation is driven by the mitoribosome. Translation consists of four phases - initiation, elongation, termination and mitoribosome recycling- with translation factors required at each step. My work focused on termination, which requires the action of release factors. In human mitochondria, there are four proteins in the release factor family: mRF1a, ICT1, mtRF1 and C12orf65. Termination occurs once a release factor recognises a stop codon (UAA or UAG) in the A site of the mitoribosome. This changes the mitoribosome conformation, inducing the polypeptide’s release. Only mtRF1a recognizes stop codons and terminates translation for all the 13 mtDNA-encoded polypeptides. However, all four members contain the GGQ motif involved in peptide release. ICT1 is a component of the mitoribosome large subunit. My research focused on the functions of mtRF1 and C12orf65 which are yet unknown, although it was observed that patients with C12orf65 pathogenic variants show impaired mitochondria translation. My research hypothesis was that C12orf65 and mtRF1 initiate termination in mitoribosomes that stall during translation. Stalling has multiple causes including mRNA pseudoknot structures, defective tRNA or insufficient amino acids. Release factors would recognise mRNA targets to the same effect as stop codons. To test this, I aimed to identify mRNA targets specific to mtRF1. I also aimed to detect proteins C12orf65 interacted with to confirm whether it was involved in termination. I used cross-linking and immunoprecipitation of the mitoribosome, BioID2 and CRISPR-Cas9 techniques. Thus, I obtained and characterized two BioID2 cell lines that helped locate C12orf65 interactors involved in translation. Moreover, I established a C12orf65 knockout cell line that presents a growth defect, further demonstrating C12orf65’s involvement in cell viability.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm

    O comportamento do shlagmetal aplicado a diferentes tipos de mordentes

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    The schlagmetal (Dutch Gold), obtained from an alloy of copper and zinc is a cheap alternative for gold leaf, but its colour changes due to oxidations which appear as a result of incorrect manipulations or of exposure to environmental factors (temperature, humidity). This paper presents the influence of shellac based protection film and of two mixtion binders (water and oil based size) on the schlagmetal applied on a gessoed wooden support. To evaluate the behaviour of the metal sheet in the structures presented in this study, the samples were exposed to artificial ageing, and the occurred changes were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM), SEM-EDX and colorimetry in CIE L*a*b* system.El schlagmetal (Oro holandés) , obtenido a partir de una aleación de cobre y zinc es una alternativa barata a la hoja de oro , pero su color cambia debido a la oxidación que aparece a consecuencia de una manipulación incorrecta o de la exposición a factores ambientales (temperatura, humedad). En este artículo se estudia la influencia de la película de protección a base de goma laca y de dos aglutinantes (a base de agua y aceite) en el schlagmetal, aplicada sobre un soporte de madera con preparación de yeso. Para evaluar el comportamiento de la hoja metálica en las estructuras que se presentan en este estudio, se expusieron las muestras a un envejecimiento artificial y los cambios registrados se analizaron por microscopía óptica (MO), SEM-EDX, por y colorimetría en sistema CIE L*a*b*.O schlagmetal (ouro holandês), obtido a partir de uma liga de cobre e zinco é uma alternativa barata à folha de ouro, mas sua cor muda devido a oxidações que aparecem como resultado de manipulações incorrectas ou de exposição a fatores ambientais (temperatura, umidade). Este artigo apresenta a influência da película de proteção à base de goma-laca e de dois aglutinantes (à base de óleo e água) no schlagmetal. aplicado sobre um suporte de madeira com preparação de gesso. Para avaliar o comportamento da folha de metal nas estruturas apresentadas no presente estudo, as amostras foram expostas a envelhecimento artificial e as alterações registadas foram analisadas por microscopia óptica (MO), SEM-EDX e colorimetria em sistema CIE L*a*b*