31 research outputs found

    M & L Jaargang 19/5

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    Anna Bergmans De Sint-Martinusbasiliek van Halle. Reiniging en onderzoek van het interieur. [The Saint Martins basilica in Halle Cleaning and study of the interior.]Karel Breda De restauratieve reiniging van het kerkinterieur (1998-1999). [The cleaning of the church interior.]Hugo VandenBorre De polychromie van het kerkinterieur: inventaris, reiniging en consolidatie. [A church interior and its polychromy: Inventory, cleaning and preservation.]Ingrid Geelen en Wivine Wailliez Enkele beschouwingen over de apostelen: de plaats van de kleur. [A dissertation on the Apostles: the role of colour.]Christian Bodiaux - De gebeeldhouwde zwikken in het koor. Enkele iconografische themas en stijlkenmerken. [The sculptured ensembles in the choir. Iconographical themes and style features.]Summar

    M & L Jaargang 18/2

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    E. Ignace De Wilde Boerenkrijgmonumenten van 1898. [Memorials to the Peasantsrevolt of 1898.]Antoon Fauconnier en Patrick Roose Een van Peteghem-orgel uit Diest in de kerk van de Landcommanderij Alden Biesen. [A Van Peteghem organ from Diest in the land&nbspcommandery Alden Biesen.]Anne-Sophie Augustyniak, Ingrid Geelen en Myriam Serck-Dewaide Het laatgotisch Sint-Annaretabel (1533) van de Sint-Salvatorskathedraal te Brugge. [The late gothic Saint Annas retable in Bruges St. Salvators cathedral.]Summar

    BASALISC: Programmable Hardware Accelerator for BGV Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) allows for secure computation on encrypted data. Unfortunately, huge memory size, computational cost and bandwidth requirements limit its practicality. We present BASALISC, an architecture family of hardware accelerators that aims to substantially accelerate FHE computations in the cloud. BASALISC is the first to implement the BGV scheme with fully-packed bootstrapping – the noise removal capability necessary for arbitrary-depth computation. It supports a customized version of bootstrapping that can be instantiated with hardware multipliers optimized for area and power. BASALISC is a three-abstraction-layer RISC architecture, designed for a 1 GHz ASIC implementation and underway toward 150mm2 die tape-out in a 12nm GF process. BASALISC\u27s four-layer memory hierarchy includes a two-dimensional conflict-free inner memory layer that enables 32 Tb/s radix-256 NTT computations without pipeline stalls. Its conflict-resolution permutation hardware is generalized and re-used to compute BGV automorphisms without throughput penalty. BASALISC also has a custom multiply-accumulate unit to accelerate BGV key switching. The BASALISC toolchain comprises a custom compiler and a joint performance and correctness simulator. To evaluate BASALISC, we study its physical realizability, emulate and formally verify its core functional units, and we study its performance on a set of benchmarks. Simulation results show a speedup of more than 5,000× over HElib – a popular software FHE library

    Proposta metodológica para exame, registo e representação gráfica dos brocados aplicados

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    La falta de una fórmula común entre los profesionales y estudiosos que trabajan con los brocados aplicados ha llevado al grupo de trabajo europeo de especialistas en escultura policromada a definir un procedimiento para el examen, registro y representación gráfica que permita profundizar en el estudio de esta delicada y frágil técnica a través de una información normalizada. Este trabajo recoge los aspectos del brocado aplicado que han de ser examinados; cómo éstos pueden ser recogidos y registrados atendiendo a las condiciones y estrategias más inocuas para la obra y propone, por último, un procedimiento para su representación gráfica.The lack of a common formula among professionals and scholars for the study of applied brocades has led the European working group of specialists in polychrome sculpture to define a standardized procedure for examination, registration and graphic representation that allows a deeper understanding of this delicate and fragile technique. This work gathers the aspects of the applied brocade that have to be examined; how these can be collected and registered according to the most harmless conditions and strategies and proposes a procedure for their graphic representation.A falta de uma fórmula comum entre os profissionais e estudiosos que trabalham com brocados aplicados levou o grupo de trabalho europeu de especialistas em escultura policromada a definir um procedimento de exame, registo e representação gráfica que permita aprofundar o estudo desta delicada e frágil técnica através de uma informação normalizada. Este trabalho reúne os aspetos do brocado aplicado que devem ser examinados; como estes podem ser recolhidos e registados de acordo com as condições e estratégias mais inócuas para a obra e propõe, por fim, um procedimento para a sua representação gráfica

    Ongekende glorie : beeldhouwkunst in Vlaanderen ten tijde van Van Eyck

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    Modelling Splendour: applied brocade in the Ghent altarpiece

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