17 research outputs found

    Assessment of Food Security Determinants Among Rice Farming Households in Bali Province

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    This study aimed to investigate food security at household level and to identify the socio-economic factors that affect the levels of food security among households of lowland rice farmers. Research was conducted in three district centers of rice production in the province of Bali, i.e. Buleleng, Gianyar and Tabanan. Samples were taken by multistage sampling of 216 respondents consisting of 122 farmers ICM program and 94 farmers non-ICM program. The data for the study were obtained with the aid of a structured questionnaire survey randomly administered to rural farming households in the districts. Household food security was measured by cross classification of the share of expenditure on food and consumption of energy. The socio-economic factors that affected household food security levels were estimated using ordered logistic regression. The result showed that in the aggregate 49.07% of the households were categorized as secure, 37.9% as vulnerable, 8.79% as insufficient, and 4.17% as insecure. The analysis showed that housewives education, incomes and household food reserves had a significant positive effect on the level of food security whereas family size, the prices of rice and instant noodles had a significant negative effect. The food security level of the ICM-program farmers was higher than that of the non-ICM program farmers Keywords : food security; households; lowland rice; integrated crop management (ICM


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    Perumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tingkat penerapan teknologi dan pengaruhnya terhadap efisiensi teknis jagung di Desa Tualene Kecamatan Biboki Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat penerapan teknologi terhadap peningkatan efisiensi teknis jagung di Desa Tualene Kecamatan Biboki Utara Kabupaten Timor tengah Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Tualene secara purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama tiga bulan dengan mengambil 80 petani sebagai responden. Data yang diambil adalah data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode wawancara dan angket kuesioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan adopsi teknologi petani di Desa Tualene seperti pengolahan lahan, penyiangan, panen, penyimpanan benih, dan kualitas benih memiliki indikator yang sangat baik. Pasca panen, penggunaan benih bersertifikat, pengaturan jarak tanam, dan modal berada pada kondisi baik, frekuensi penyuluhan dalam kondisi netral, sedangkan partisipasi kelompok terletak pada kondisi rendah

    Sustainable Agricultural Bioindustry Development: Integration of Cassava Cultivation with Beef Cattle Husbandry in North Sulawesi Province

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    This paper reviews the potential sustainable agricultural bioindustry development based on animal feed and organic fertilizer through an integration between crops cultivation with livestock production. This bio-industrial development could be carried out successfully in Indonesia, including in the region of North Sulawesi Province. Cattle feed bioindustry could be developed from biomass of cassava plantation, such as the cassava leaves, tubers and cassava peelers. Whereas, the solid and liquid organic fertilizers bioindustry could be developed from cattle feces and urine. Agricultural bioindustry can be carried out in all areas of North Sulawesi Province, because almost in every district has beef cattle and cassava plants. The largest cassava production in North Sulawesi Province are in the regencies of Bolaang Mongondow, Sangihe Island and Talaud Island. Whereas the highest population of beef cattle are in the regencies of Bolaang Mongondow, North Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa, North Minahasa and South Minahasa. Therefore, this type of bioindustry will be well implemented in the three regencies of Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa and North Minahasa, as there are large cassava plants and with a high livestock population in these three areas. Although numbers of beef cattle population are also higher in some other regencies, but the production of cassava in those areas are still very small


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    Situ Babakan telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di wilayah Propinsi DKI Jakartakarena berada ditengah-tengah lokasi pengembangan Perkampungan Budaya Betawi di Kotamadya JakartaSelatan. Sebuah pengkajian telah dilakukan dalam upaya membantu pemerintah untuk mengembangkan danau inisebagai wilayah agrowisata. Tujuan dari pengkajian ini adalah untuk a) mempelajari kualitas air dari danautersebut dan b) mengetahui persepsi tentang pengembangan danau sebagai wilayah agrowisata dari masyarakatyang tinggal di sekitar danau dan dari tamu yang mengunjungi danau. Dari pengkajian ini diperoleh hasil bahwaa) danau Situ Babakan mempunyai potensi yang baik untuk dikembangkan sebagai wilayah agrowisata yangdiperlihatkan oleh kualitas air danau yang cukup baik; b) baik penduduk yang tinggal di sekitar danau maupuntamu yang mengunjungi danau sangat mengharapkan agar danau ini dikembangkan secara profesional danberkelanjutan sebagai wilayah agroturisme. Saran kebijakan untuk pengembangan situ Babakan adalah : a) perlupenataan tata ruang di wilayah sekitar situ, b) perlu melibatkan masyarakat setempat dalam pengembangan situBabakan, c) sumber-sumber pencemar perairan situ Babakan perlu dikendalikan dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehinggakualitas perairan situ dapat dipertahankan, d) penataan KJA (Keramba Jaring Apung) perlu dilakukan agarkeindahan dan kelestarian situ dapat dipertahankan.Kata Kunci : pengkajian lingkungan, pengembangan agro wisata, danau Situ Babakan Situ Babakan Lake is determined as one of tourism areas in DKI Jakarta province due to its strategiclocation in the center of Betawi Cultural Village development in South Jakarta municipality. This assessment wasaimed at assisting the local government in developing the lake as an agro-tourism area. Specifically, objectives ofthe study were (a) to study water quality of the lake, and (b) to know perceptions of surrounding community andvisiting tourists regarding the development of the lake as an agro-tourism area. The results showed that (a) SituBabakan showed its potential for an agro-tourism area due to its good water quality, (b) local community andvisiting tourists expected that the local government should promote the lake as sustainable and professionallydeveloped agro-tourism area.. Policy recommendations of the study are: (a) local government has to properlydesign the surrounding area of the lake, (b) involving local community in developing the lake as an agro-tourismarea, (c) controlling sources of pollution to sustain water quality of the lake, and (d) existing floating nets are to bemaintained for its best scenic views of the area.Key words: environmental assessment, agro-tourism development, Situ Babakan lak


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    Technical Guidance (TG) development of horticultural seedlings that took place in Bandung in October 2017 is a series of horticultural seed assistance programs, especially oranges, potatoes and mangosteen. A total of 62 horticultural seed breeders became participants in the TG. This paper aims to determine the effectiveness of TG as measured by the post-test scores, participants' appreciation of the TG implementation and changes in the level of knowledge & skills. For this reason, data is collected which includes the nominal value of the post-test, the score score of the participants' appreciation of the elements of the TG implementation which includes classical technical material, resource capabilities, infrastructure support, services, and field practice. Relevant analysis is carried out on the data collected. To test the significance of changes in test scores carried out at the beginning of the activity (pre-test) and test scores at the end of the activity (post-test), the Wilcoxon Test approach was used, while to determine the participants' appreciation for the TGimplementation using score scores approach to Likert, scale 1-5. Using this analysis, it was concluded that the implementation of TG was considered effective, as indicated by  significance of changes in the positive pre-test-post-test scores, and the aspirations of participants who tended to judge good implementation of the TG. Based on the results of this study, TG can be used as an approach to improve farmers' capability in improving the performance of horticultural seed development in the future.AbstrakBimbingan Teknis (Bimtek) pengembangan perbenihan hortikultura yang berlangsung di Bandung pada Oktober 2017  merupakan rangkaian program bantuan benih hortikultura khususnya  jeruk, kentang dan manggis. Sebanyak 62 orang petani penangkar benih hortikulturamenjadi peserta Bimtek tersebut.Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas Bimtek yang diukur dari nilai post-test, apresiasi peserta terhadap penyelenggaraan Bimtek dan perubahan tingkat pengetahuan & keterampilan. Untuk itu dikumpulkan data yang meliputi nilai nominal post-test, nilai skor apresiasi peserta terhadap unsur-unsur penyelenggaraan Bimtek yang meliputi materi bimtek klasikal, kapabilitas narasumber, dukungan sarana prasarana, pelayanan, dan praktek lapangan. Terhadap data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisis yang relevan. Untuk menguji signifikansi perubahan nilai test yang dilakukan pada awal kegiatan (pre-test) dan nilai test di akhir kegiatan (post-test), dilakukan dengan pendekatan Uji Wilcoxon, untuk mengetahui apresiasi peserta terhadap penyelenggaraan Bimtek menggunakan pendekatan nilai skor mengikuti Likert, pada skala 1–5. Menggunakan analisis tersebut, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penyelenggaraan Bimtek dinilai efektif yang ditunjukkan oleh signifikansi perubahan nilai pre-test –post-test yang positif, dan aspirasi peserta yang cenderung menilai baik terhadap penyelenggaraan Bimtek. Berdasarkan hasil kajian ini, Bimtek dapat dijadikan sebagai pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas petani dalam peningkatan kinerja pengembangan perbenihan hortikultura ke depan.

    Kajian Sifat Inovasi Komponen Teknologi untuk Menentukan Pola Diseminasi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah

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    Assessment on Properties of Innovation Technology Component to Determine Dissemination Pattern of Rice Integrated Crop Management (ICM). ICM Field School is one of the strategic programs of the Ministry of Agriculture aimed at accelerating increased production of major food commodities, included rice. This study aims to determine the variability of quantitative trait ICM technology innovation and determine the pattern of technology innovation dissemination of efficient and effective on site-specific conditions based on quantitative and qualitative variability. The data was collected through interviews with 180 farmers in West Java and Central Java. The analysis revealed that six ICM components technology is quite difficult to be adopted are: (1) application of organic matter, (2) legowo crop establishment, (3) fertilization based on crop needs and soil nutrient status, (4) IPM approach to pest control, (5) intermittent irrigation, and (6) weeding with the hedgehog / gasrok. Therefore, dissemination patterns for each category can not follow a linear pattern of the conventional approach, from source technologies - extension – farmer. An understanding of the processes leading to the adoption of new technologies by small-scale farmers has been important to the planning and implementation of successful dissemination and extension programs

    Kajian Sifat Inovasi Komponen Teknologi untuk Menentukan Pola Diseminasi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah

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    ABSTRACT Assessment on Properties of Innovation Technology Component to Determine Dissemination Pattern of Rice Integrated Crop Management (ICM). ICM Field School is one of the strategic programs of the Ministry of Agriculture aimed at accelerating increased production of major food commodities, included rice. This study aims to determine the variability of quantitative trait ICM technology innovation and determine the pattern of technology innovation dissemination of efficient and effective on site-specific conditions based on quantitative and qualitative variability. The data was collected through interviews with 180 farmers in West Java and Central Java. The analysis revealed that six ICM components technology is quite difficult to be adopted are: (1) application of organic matter, (2) legowo crop establishment, (3) fertilization based on crop needs and soil nutrient status, (4) IPM approach to pest control, (5) intermittent irrigation, and (6) weeding with the hedgehog / gasrok. Therefore, dissemination patterns for each category can not follow a linear pattern of the conventional approach, from source technologies - extension – farmer. An understanding of the processes leading to the adoption of new technologies by small-scale farmers has been important to the planning and implementation of successful dissemination and extension programs. Key words: ICM, nature of innovation, dissemination pattern, rice ABSTRAK Sekolah Lapang Pengeloaan Tanaman Terpadu merupakan salah satu program strategis Kementerian Pertanian bertujuan mempercepat peningkatan produksi komoditas pangan utama, termasuk padi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan sifat inovasi komponen teknologi PTT padi sawah dan menentukan pola diseminasi inovasi teknologi yang efisien dan efektif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap 180 petani di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan enam komponen teknologi PTT tergolong sulit diadopsi oleh petani yaitu : (1) pemberian bahan organik, (2) sistem tanam legowo, (3) pemupukan berdasarkan kebutuhan tanaman dan status hara tanah, (4) pengendalian OPT dengan pendekatan pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT), (5) irigasi berselang, dan (6) penyiangan dengan landak/gasrok. Oleh karena itu, pola diseminasi untuk setiap kategori tidak bisa mengikuti pola pendekatan konvensional secara linear yaitu dari sumber teknologi ke penyuluh, kemudian ke petani. Pemahaman tentang proses menuju adopsi teknologi baru oleh petani skala kecil di setiap lokasi menjadi penting untuk perencanaan dan pelaksanaan diseminasi dan program penyuluhan inovasi baru spesifik lokasi. Kata kunci: PTT,  sifat inovasi, pola diseminasi, padi sawa


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    Tuban is one of primary areas of beef cattle development in East Java, Indonesia. However, poor food quality and cement as well as lack of good breeding result in slow development of livestock population in the regency. Moreover, the attempt to support beef self-sufficiency in Tuban was less than expected. The implementation of cattle development policies caused this to happen. This research used analysis of dynamic system which including the following phases: (1) developing causal loop diagram, (2) identifying and collecting quantitative data, (3) generating stock and creating flowchart in Powersim, (4) validating data, and (5) conducting simulation. The purpose of this research was to establish the policy and programme of beef cattle commodity development in Tuban. The research results show the mportant aspect of the development program which are: (a) Maintaining Tuban reputation as one of primary cattle product supplier across East Java and nationally (expected until 2021 with downward trend); (b) Increasing cattle population target up to 50 %, improving ineffective feed and production patterns; (c) Achieving beef production surplus up to 2012. From these results, some policy suggestions are: (1) maintaining/ boosting cattle population, (2) suspending beef/ cattle product imports, (3) developing value and benefits of derivative products such as bio-industry or otherwise waste utilization used to improve activities in agricultural sector

    Valuation of costs and change in returns of seedling technology and shallot planting distance: A case study in Grobogan Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

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    The increasing rate of shallot production of Central Java Province for the last ten years was lower than the national rate, indicated the need for new technology development. The study aims to determine the economic feasibility of the newly seedling planting technique in three planting distances (10 x 10 cm, 10 x 15 cm, and 15 x 15 cm). In that case, farmers use seed bulbs. The research was carried out in Padang Village, Tanggungharjo Subdistrict, Grobogan Regency, from August to October 2018. Financial analysis, consisting of BCR, MBCR, break-even point of both production and price, and competitive advantage of the techniques were analyzed. The results showed that the newly seedling technologies and planting distance were able to increase the productivity of shallots ranging from 12,685 to 21,088 kg. At the price of shallot bulbs at IDR 10,000 per kg, 10x10 cm planting distance resulted in the highest profit (IDR 180,790,100/ha). It was much higher compared to the farmers' technology (IDR 9,299,000/ha). Based on break-even point analysis, seedling planting technology has a tolerance limit of production and prices decreasing between 67.24% to 71.44% compared to existing technology (16.03%). Seedling planting technology has a competitive advantage with a net profit ratio of 13.76 to 19.44 and a minimum selling price of IDR 3,239 to IDR 3,622 to obtain the same profit as existing technology. Thus, the technology of planting shallot seedlings at a spacing of 10 x 10 cm is recommended to increase the production and profits of shallot farming