9 research outputs found

    Pembangunan jembatan baja ringan lantai komposit beton bertulang dengan perkuatan eksternal stressing di kelurahan Harapan jaya

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    Infrastructure development is important in supporting the economic growth of the community, which can be seen from the development of the accessibility of resource production. The people of Bulak Rata Village, RT 002 RW 007, Pondok Rajek Village, Cibinong, are separated by a small river 6 meters wide from Kramat Village, Harapan Jaya Village, Cibinong. Therefore, it is necessary to build a strong bridge so that people can cross safely and comfortably. The contribution that will be made to the Community Service program is to build a Light Steel Bridge with Reinforced Floors with external stressing reinforcement. It is hoped that the construction of this lightweight steel bridge with external stressing can be used for the mobility of local residents. The dimensions of the bridge made are 6m x 1m in size. In the initial stage, namely the manufacture of a light steel bridge frame which is assembled outside the site, after everything is finished and the field conditions have been casting abutments, the light steel bridge frame is mobilized to be placed on top of the abutments. Then proceed with casting the floor plate, where the concrete is made on site using a concrete mixer. When all the work has been completed, all the concrete is cured up to the design age, and after that, the loading test is carried out and continued with the acceptance of the bridge to the surrounding community

    Evaluasi Kapasitas Tiang Pancang Miring pada Pilar Jembatan Tipe Pile Cap

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    In the implementation of the construction of the Main Bridge on the X Toll Road project, there was a change in the shape of the structure in the form of a slope of the P2 pile that did not match the DED by 3°. So that with the change in the shape of the structure, it is necessary to evaluate the capacity of the P2 pile and the influence on other structures must be considered. This research discusses how the capacity of the pile after experiencing a slope and how to handle it properly if the pile capacity is inadequate. Pile capacity evaluation is done by checking the dimensional capacity, reinforcement capacity, foundation bearing capacity, and deflection of the P1-P2 superstructure using the help of software SAP2000 in analyzing. The results showed that the pile capacity at P2 was inadequate, indicated by the lack of reinforcement on the piles as much as 6-D10,7 mm and column P2 as much as 9-D10,7 mm. As a result of inadequate pile capacity, the P1-P2 connection lacks top reinforcement. Therefore, structural strengthening is needed to make the P1-P2 structure more rigid by making bracing concrete with a length of 18,78 meters, a width of 33,92 meters, and a thickness of 0,8 meters with the need for longitudinal reinforcement and transverse reinforcement D32-250. After the structural strengthening is done, the required area of reinforcement for columns P2, piles P2, and connections P1-P2 are all fulfilled with those already installed in the side.Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan Jembatan Utama pada proyek Jalan Tol X mengalami perubahan bentuk struktur berupa terjadinya kemiringan pada tiang pancang P2 yang tidak sesuai DED sebesar 3°. Sehingga dengan adanya perubahan bentuk struktur tersebut dibutuhkan evaluasi terhadap kapasitas tiang P2 serta harus diperhatikan pengaruh terhadap struktur lainnya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana kapasitas tiang pancang setelah mengalami kemiringan serta bagaimana penanganan yang tepat apabila kapasitas tiang tidak memadai. Evaluasi kapasitas tiang dilakukan dengan cara pengecekan terhadap kapasitas dimensi, kapasitas tulangan, kapasitas daya dukung pondasi, serta lendutan pada struktur atas P1-P2 dengan menggunakan bantuan software SAP2000. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kapasitas tiang pancang pada P2 tidak memadai, ditandai dengan kurangnya tulangan pada tiang pancang sebanyak 6-D10,7 mm dan kolom P2 sebanyak 9-D10,7 mm. Akibat dari kapasitas tiang pancang yang tidak memadai, menyebabkan koneksi P1-P2 kekurangan tulangan arah memanjang (top). Maka dari itu diperlukan perkuatan dengan tujuan untuk membuat struktur P1-P2 lebih kaku yaitu dengan cara membuat bracing beton dengan panjang 18,78 meter, lebar 33,92 meter dan tebal 0,8 meter serta kebutuhan tulangan memanjang dan tulangan melintang D32-250. Setelah dilakukan perkuatan, kebutuhan luas tulangan perlu untuk kolom P2, tiang pancang P2, dan koneksi P1-P2 semuanya terpenuhi dengan yang sudah terpasang di lapangan

    Perbandingan Kapasitas Struktur Cermaton yang Diubah Menjadi Pile Slab Terhadap Beban Rencana

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    One of the bridges on the Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road section 1a project with the longest span is the Cisadane Bridge, which will employ a PCI Girder superstructure with a length of 50.8 meters. The approach road structure for the Cisadane Bridge was originally intended to employ Cermaton with a soil pile that was 6–8 m high. However, during construction, the design of the approach road changed from Cermaton to pile slab. In order to determine which structure is the most suitable for use, it is required to assess its performance. The SAP2000 program was used to check the bearing capacity of the foundation, the settlement that took place, and the structural capacity against seismic loads as part of the evaluation that was done as a result of changes in the structural design. The study results for structural design change demonstrated that the Cermaton was not superior to the pile slab since the Cermaton's decrease, which was 11.3 mm as opposed to 1.06 mm for the pile slab, was substantially greater. For an analysis of earthquake loads using SAP2000 software, it was found that Cermaton is not strong enough to withstand earthquake loads, while the pile slab is strong enough to withstand earthquake loads because the capacity of the pile slab is still adequate.Jembatan Cisadane merupakan salah satu jembatan dengan bentang terpanjang pada proyek Jalan Tol Serpong – Balaraja seksi 1a yang direncanakan menggunakan Struktur atas PCI Girder dengan panjang 50,8 meter. Pada Sta 2+500 – 2+564 direncanakan Struktur jalan pendekat jembatan menggunakan Cermaton dengan timbunan tanah setinggi 6 – 8 m, namun ditengah pelaksanaan berlangsung terdapat perubahan desain pada struktur jalan pendekat Jembatan Cisadane dari cermaton menjadi pile slab. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja struktur tersebut untuk mengetahui struktur mana yang lebih tepat digunakan. Evaluasi yang dilakukan kerena perubahan desain struktur dilakukan dengan cara pengecekan terhadap kapisitas daya dukung pondasi, penurunan yang terjadi serta kapasitas struktur terhadap beban gempa yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan bantuan software SAP2000. Hasil penelitian untuk perubahan desain struktur menunjukan bahwa cermaton tidak lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pile slab dikarenakan penurunan yang terjadi pada cermaton jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pile slab yaitu sebesar 11.3 mm, sedangkan pile slab 1,06 mm. untuk analisis terhadap beban gempa dengan menggunakan software SAP2000  didapatkan hasil bahwa cermaton tidak kuat menahan beban gempa sedangkan pile slab kuat menahan beban gempa karena kapasitas pile slab masih memadai

    Evaluasi Kapasitas Kepala Jembatan Akibat Perubahan Beban Gempa Rencana Sesuai SNI 2833:2016

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    Pelaksanaan kepala jembatan X dilakukan di tahun 2015 yang direcanakan pada tahun 2013 masih menggunakan peraturan yang terdahulu yaitu SNI 2833:2008. Sehubungan dengan dikeluarkanya peraturan baru yaitu SNI 2833:2016 maka terdapat perubahan beban gempa rencana dari peraturan lama ke baru sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kapasitas kepala jembatan terhadap beban gempa rencana sesuai SNI 2833:2016 dan dilakukan justifikasi perkuatan apabila kepala jembatan tidak layan menerima beban yang bekerja . Evaluasi kapasitas kepala jembatan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengecekan terhadap kapasitas dimensi, kapasitas tulangan, kapasitas daya dukung pada  pondasi dan lendutan menggunakan software SAP2000 untuk menganalisisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas pada dimensi kebutuhan tulangan didalam dimensi kepala jembatan masih memadai di semua bagian, kapasitas tulangan yang terpasang disetiap bagian kepala jembatan lebih besar dari hasil analisis sehingga masih kuat menahan beban yang bekerja, kapasitas daya dukung pondasi yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan daya dukung izin dan lendutan yang terjadi dibawah yang diizinkan, maka kepala jembatan masih kuat menerima beban yang bekerja sehingga tidak dilakukan justifikasi perkuatan


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    The Serpong-Balaraja Section 1A toll road construction project\u27s Foresta bridge structure had a modification in span length from 40 meters to 41,386 meters without changing the girder\u27s specifications. The structural system switches from partial bridges to integrated beams to reduce the number of field moments caused by span changes. With the change in the structural system, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the bridge structure with an integral system by checking the cross-sectional capacity, comparing the negative moment resisting reinforcement from the analysis with the existing conditions, and determining the reinforcement that can be used if the integral bridge is inadequate. With the help of software, evaluation is carried out by checking the ability of the cross section to withstand moments and checking its deflection and shear forces. Based on the results of the analysis, the moment capacity of the middle section is 18198.38 kN.m., and the moment of the load capacity is 7829.824 kN.m. This indicates that the middle capacity has been in service. With a load moment capacity of 11335.04 kNm and an end cross-sectional capacity of 9401.26 kN.m, the performance of the cross section is not serviceable. In addition, the bridge deflection meets the allowable deflection limit of 51.73 mm after the bridge is integrated because previously the partial bridge deflection was 79.83 mm, and after being integrated, it became 23.28 m. Furthermore, the shear forces of the partial bridge (1599,162 kN) and the integral bridge (1585,009 kN) are less than the maximum shear force that can be carried, which is 6934,12 kN. Based on the analysis results, D32-100 negative moment resisting reinforcement is needed, while the existing condition reinforcement uses D32-150. This indicates that the structure requires reinforcement. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) was chosen as reinforcement in reference to 022/BM/2011 because it is superior in several ways

    Evaluasi Kapasitas Kepala Jembatan Akibat Perubahan Bentang Struktur Atas

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    Pada proyek pembangunan Jalan Tol X, terdapat jembatan Flyover Y yang direncanakan dengan panjang 66,5 meter terbagi menjadi 2 bentang. Struktur atas jembatan direncanakan menggunakan Precast Concrete – I Girder (PCI Girder) dengan panjang 40,6 meter. Posisi Pilar 1 jembatan direncanakan berada di tengah bantaran sungai. Dengan adanya larangan pembangunan pilar ditengah bantaran sungai mengakibatkan adanya perubahan perencanaan awal bentang jembatan yaitu dari kepala jembatan A1  – pilar (P1) dan Pilar 1 (P1) – pilar 2 (P2) menjadi satu bentang dari kepala jembatan A1 – pilar 2 (P2). Perubahan juga dilakukan terhadap desain struktur atas dari rencana awal menggunakan PCI Girder dengan bentang 40,6 meter diubah menjadi Steel Tub Girder dengan bentang 66,5 meter. Jadi, perubahan pembebanan dari struktur atas akan berpengaruh pada kapasitas kepala jembatan. Untuk mengevaluasi kapasitas abutment A1, dilakukan analisa struktur menggunakan bantuan software. Hasil evaluasi kapasitas struktur abutment didapatkan bahwa tulangan yang terpasang pada bagian backwall, wall, pilecap, dan borepile  yang terpasang masih memadai. Dikarnenakan abutment A1 masih dalam kondisi layan dimana tulangan yang terpasang lebih besar dari tulangan hasil analisa, maka tidak diperlukan perkuatan.Kata kunci: Abutment; Jembatan; Perkuatan


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    This research a study transverse cracking that occurred on the floor structure of the pile slab type bridge located at JORR W1 Kebon Jeruk toll road. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of the bridge floor structure that had damaged by cracks and weather its remains are in a safe condition or not. The research method is carried out by analyzing the calculation of loading that occurred in an actual condition that had cracked by modeling on structural analysis program with standard SNI 1725:2016 and actual loads that acted on the structure, then evaluating the moment capacity of the structure based on installed reinforcement and evaluating deflection from inspection results based permissible deflection. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the structure experienced a moment failure due to the actual load with a load magnitude of 18,07 tons, the moment due to the actual load on the negative moment region was 34,47 tons.m and the positive moment region was 37,46 tons.m, compared to the moment capacity of structure successively which was 25,52 tons.m and 29,16 tons.m. However, for the results of the analysis of the standard load of 11,25 tons, the moment capacity of the structure was able to withstand the ultimate moment due to the reactor load successively being 22,82 tons.m and 24,37 tons.m, whereas for the deflection test results of 0,46 mm remained in a safe condition without exceeding the L/800 permit deflection of 4,76 mm. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the structure is overloaded and in the future, the structural ability must be improved and it is necessary to strengthen the bridge floor structure to be able to increase the capacity of the structure so that it can withstand the working load


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    Abstract Problems related to road damage are currently growing. Damages that occur are often caused by waterlogging. One of the efforts that can be done is by applying the use of porous concrete. Porous concrete can reduce water runoff and increase infiltration in the soil because it has a high porosity. As a substitute material, steel slag can be an alternative in replacing coarse aggregate. Steel slag is an abundant waste from steel production industrial companies. Currently, steel slag is widely used in high-strength concrete mixes. This study of porous concrete generally refers to ACI 522R 10. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of steel slag substitution on the tensile strength and permeability of porous concrete. This experimental study used two variations of the w/c (0.25 and 0.30) with two variations of crushed stone aggregate and steel slag with a diameter of 10 mm-20 mm. The tensile strength and permeability specimen of porous concrete is in the form of a concrete cylinder (15 cm diameter, 30 cm height) with 3 samples of each variation. The tests were carried out at the age of 28 days. Based on the experimental results on porous concrete with steel slag or crushed stone, the value of the tensile strength of concrete with w/c 0.30 is higher than w/c 0.25. Meanwhile, the permeability value of porous concrete in both the mixed variant of steel slag and crushed stone with w/c 0.25 is higher than w/c 0.30. So that the relationship of the tensile strength of concrete is inversely proportional to the value of the permeability of the concrete in the conditions of the two w/c (0.25 and 0.30). Keywords : porous concrete, tensile strength, permeabilityAbstrak Permasalahan terkait kerusakan jalan saat ini semakin berkembang. Kerusakan-kerusakan yang terjadi seringkali diakibatkan karena genangan air. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan yakni dengan menerapkan penggunaan beton porous (pervious concrete). Beton porous dapat mengurangi limpasan air dan menambah infiltrasi dalam tanah karena memiliki nilai porositas yang tinggi. Sebagai bahan subtitusi, slag baja bisa menjadi alternatif dalam menggantikan agregat kasar (coarse agregate). Slag baja merupakan limbah melimpah dari perusahaan industri produksi baja. Saat ini slag baja banyak digunakan dalam campuran beton mutu tinggi (high strength concrete). Penelitian beton porous ini secara umum mengacu pada ACI 522R 10. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh substitusi slag baja terhadap kuat tarik dan permeabilitas beton porous. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan dua variasi faktor air-semen (w/c 0,25 dan w/c 0,30) dengan dua variasi agregat batu pecah dan steel slag yang berdiameter 10 mm-20 mm. Benda uji kuat tarik belah dan permeabilitas beton porous berupa silinder beton (diameter 15 cm, tinggi 30 cm) yang masing-masing variasi berjumlah 3 sampel. Pengujian-pengujian tersebut dilakukan pada umur 28 hari. Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen pada beton porous dengan slag baja atau batu pecah, nilai kuat tarik belah beton dengan fas 0,30 lebih tinggi dari pada fas 0,25. Sementara nilai permeabilitas beton porous baik pada varian campuran slag baja maupun batu pecah beton dengan fas 0,25 lebih tinggi dari pada fas 0,30. Sehingga hubungan kuat tarik belah beton berbanding terbalik dengan nilai permeabilitas beton pada kondisi kedua fas tersebut (0,25 dan 0,30). Kata kunci : beton porous, kuat tarik, permeabilita