20 research outputs found

    Sequential Evaluation of Pancreato-Biliary Findings in a Case with IgG4-Associated Cholangiopathy and Autoimmune Pancreatitis during Corticosteroid Treatment

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    Background: Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-associated diseases mostly involve the pancreatico-biliary tree and pancreatic parenchyma. This disease complex is characterized by marked response to corticosteroid therapy and response to steroids is incorporated in the diagnostic algorithm of IgG4 associated diseases. However, there is much unknown about the sequences and duration of healing during the corticosteroid therapy in the literature. Case Report: In this case report, we report a young male patient with IgG4 associated extrahepatic biliary stricture and autoimmune pancreatitis successfully treated with corticosteroids. Recovery in the laboratory and radiological radiological findings seemed to correlate well with the decrease in serum IgG4 levels in this patient. We also discussed sequences and the duration of healing in the pancreaticobiliary tree and pancreatic parenchymal manifestations in this case report. Conclusion: There is a gap in our knowledge about the evaluation of response criteria after steroid trial with regard to the duration and sequences of healing in the pancreaticobiliary involvement in diagnosing IgG4-related biliary and pancreatic disease

    Clips migration to duodenum as a rare complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Laparoskopik kolesistektomi sonrası, ameliyatta kullanılan metal kliplerin duedonum duvarına hareketle çıkıntı oluşturmaları nadir görülen bir komplikasyondur. Genellikle kanamalı ülsere neden olurlar. Kliniğimize karın ağrısı, hazımsızlık ve mide ekşimesi şikayetiyle başvuran 65 yaşında bayan hastaya yapılan üst gastrointestinal endoskopide duedonum bulbus tabanında yerleşik metal klip izlendi. Yapılan skopide üst üste binmiş iki klip olduğu görüldü. Metal klipler endoskopik olarak çıkarıldı. Olgunun öyküsünde 15 ay önce semptomatik kolelitiazis nedeniyle laparoskopik kolesistektomi yapıldığı öğrenildi. Bu olgu sunumunda laparoskopik kliplerlerin nadir olarak duedonum duvarına çıkıntı oluşturmasına yönelik yaklaşım ile ilgili bilgi verildiEndoclip migration into the duodenum is an extremely rare complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patients usually present with bleeding ulcer. Here we report a 65-year-old female patient with a complaint of abdominal pain and dyspepsia due to clip migration into the duodenum after laparoscopic cholecystectomy secondary to symptomatic cholelithiasis 15 months previously. Ultrasonography and liver function tests were normal. Endoscopy showed metal clips in the second part of duodenum. The clips were removed endoscopically. No active bleeding was noted. In this case report, we present diagnosis and management of clips migration into wall of duodenum as a complication of laparoscopic cholecystectom

    Clips migration to duodenum as a rare complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    WOS: 000404541200016Endoclip migration into the duodenum is an extremely rare complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patients usually present with bleeding ulcer. Here we report a 65-year-old female patient with a complaint of abdominal pain and dyspepsia due to clip migration into the duodenum after laparoscopic cholecystectomy secondary to symptomatic cholelithiasis 15 months previously. Ultrasonography and liver function tests were normal. Endoscopy showed metal clips in the second part of duodenum. The clips were removed endoscopically. No active bleeding was noted. In this case report, we present diagnosis and management of clips migration into wall of duodenum as a complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Sequential Evaluation of Pancreato-Biliary Findings in a Case with IgG4-Associated Cholangiopathy and Autoimmune Pancreatitis during Corticosteroid Treatment

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    Background: Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-associated dis-eases mostly involve the pancreatico-biliary tree and pan-creatic parenchyma. This disease complex is characterized by marked response to corticosteroid therapy and response to steroids is incorporated in the diagnostic algorithm of IgG4 associated diseases. However, there is much unknown about the sequences and duration of healing during the cor-ticosteroid therapy in the literature.Case Report: In this case report, we report a young male patient with IgG4 associated extrahepatic biliary stricture and autoimmune pancreatitis successfully treated with corticosteroids. Recovery in the laboratory and radiologi-cal findings seemed to correlate well with the decrease in serum IgG4 levels in this patient. We also discussed se-quences and the duration of healing in the pancreaticobili-ary tree and pancreatic parenchymal manifestations in this case report.Conclusion: There is a gap in our knowledge about the evaluation of response criteria after steroid trial with regard to the duration and sequences of healing in the pancreatico-biliary involvement in diagnosing IgG4-related biliary and pancreatic diseasesBackground: Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-associated dis-eases mostly involve the pancreatico-biliary tree and pan-creatic parenchyma. This disease complex is characterized by marked response to corticosteroid therapy and response to steroids is incorporated in the diagnostic algorithm of IgG4 associated diseases. However, there is much unknown about the sequences and duration of healing during the cor-ticosteroid therapy in the literature.Case Report: In this case report, we report a young male patient with IgG4 associated extrahepatic biliary stricture and autoimmune pancreatitis successfully treated with corticosteroids. Recovery in the laboratory and radiologi-cal findings seemed to correlate well with the decrease in serum IgG4 levels in this patient. We also discussed se-quences and the duration of healing in the pancreaticobili-ary tree and pancreatic parenchymal manifestations in this case report.Conclusion: There is a gap in our knowledge about the evaluation of response criteria after steroid trial with regard to the duration and sequences of healing in the pancreatico-biliary involvement in diagnosing IgG4-related biliary and pancreatic disease

    Acute cholestatic hepatitis and jaundice associated with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis: Case report

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    Otoimmün hepatit kronik hepatitlerin sık görülmeyen nedenlerindendir, siroz ve karaciğer yetmezliğine ilerleyebilen hepatosellüler nekroz, inflamasyon ve fibrozise neden olabilmektedir. Tip 1 otoimmun hepatit belirgin hipergammaglobulinemi, anti-nükleer antikor ve HLA DR3 veya HLA DR4 pozitifliği ile iliflkili genç kadınlarda görülen klasik formudur. Bu olgularda nadir olarak hepatosellüler hasar ile karakterize akut hepatit fleklinde klinik prezentasyon söz konusudur. Çoğunlukla ise otoimmun hepatitli olgularda hafif aminotransferaz yüksekliği vardır ve çoğunlukla bilirubin ve alkalen fosfataz düzeyleri normaldir. Ciddi hiperbilirubinemi nadirdir. Burada akut kolestatik hepatit, hiperbilirubinemi tablosu ile baflvuran ve klinik takibinde en önde gelen bulgusu ciddi hiperbilirubinemi olan, tip 1 otoimmun hepatit olgusunu sunuyoruz. Genç-orta yafllı bir bayan olguda akut ağrısız ikter tablosu ile karflılaflıldığında, otoimmun hepatit tanısı ayırıcı tanıda akılda tutulmalıdırAutoimmune hepatitis is an uncommon cause of chronic hepatitis, which is characterized by continuing hepatocellular necrosis and inflammation usually with fibrosis in the liver, which can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis is the classic form occurring in young women associated with marked hyperglobulinemia, circulating anti-nuclear antibodies and HLA DR3 or HLA DR4. Many patients with autoimmune hepatitis have normal serum bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase with only minimal aminotransferase elevations. Severe hyperbilirubinemia is rare. Here, we report an unusual case with severe hyperbilirubinemia as the initial and predominant presentation of autoimmune hepatitis type 1