13 research outputs found

    PrĂ©valence hospitaliĂšre et Ă©tiologie de l’infertilitĂ© fĂ©minine dans la ville de Ouagadougou

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    Notre objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence hospitaliĂšre et les Ă©tiologies de l’infertilitĂ© du couple dans la ville de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). C’était une Ă©tude descriptive et transversale avec collecte rĂ©trospective des donnĂ©es dans 15 formations sanitaires de la ville de Ouagadougou. Etaient incluses les femmes ĂągĂ©es de 18-49 ans dont l’époux a entre 18-60 ans et consultant en gynĂ©cologie. Les cas de stĂ©rilitĂ© artificielle Ă©taient exclus. Au total 6 642 dossiers ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 29,69 (IC95 % : 29.51 ; 29.87) ans. Elles Ă©taient 75 % de mariĂ©es, 74 % sous le rĂ©gime de la monogamie. La durĂ©e moyenne de vie en couple Ă©tait de 64.52 (IC 95% : 57.22; 71.81) mois. Le dĂ©sir d’enfant Ă©tait le second motif de consultation (26,55 % ; IC95 % : 25.33 ; 27.80) aprĂšs les problĂšmes mammaires. Le taux de prĂ©valence hospitaliĂšre globale de l’infertilitĂ© Ă©tait de 17.76 % (IC95 % : 16.81 ; 18.75) dont 8,57 % (IC95 % : 7.90 ; 9.31) d’infertilitĂ© primaire. L’infertilitĂ© Ă©tait concentrĂ©e parmi les femmes ĂągĂ©es de 25-35 ans. Les taux de prĂ©valence de l’infertilitĂ© sont restĂ©s stables sur les 10 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Une transition Ă©tiologique semble s’opĂ©rer des causes d’origine infectieuse aux causes anatomiques.Mots-clĂ©s : prĂ©valence, infertilitĂ© fĂ©minine, Burkina Faso, Afrique Sub-saharienne

    Apport de l’imagerie en coupes dans le diagnostic du diverticule urĂ©tral de la femme : Ă  propos d’un cas rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par une rĂ©tention aiguĂ« d’urine

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    Encore appelĂ© poche sous urĂ©trale, le diverticule de l'urĂštre est une pathologie de la femme jeune. Ilse dĂ©finit comme une hernie de la muqueuse urĂ©trale Ă  travers les fibres musculaires, crĂ©ant une cavitĂ© nĂ©oformĂ©e Ă  partir de la paroi urĂ©trale et qui communique avec la lumiĂšre urĂ©trale par un orifice de diamĂštre variable. Il peut ĂȘtre acquis ou congĂ©nital. LessymptĂŽmessontsouvent non spĂ©cifiques, dominĂ©s par lessignes d’infection urinaire ou encore d’une instabilitĂ© vĂ©sicale idiopathique. C'est une pathologie rare avec une prĂ©valence de  0,5 Ă  6% selon les sĂ©ries Cependant, cette prĂ©valence ne reflĂšte pas la frĂ©quence rĂ©elle de cette pathologie. Sa mĂ©connaissance dansla plupart du temps expose Ă  des  difficultĂ©sthĂ©rapeutiques, voire Ă  des complications (cancĂ©risation). La mise au point de techniques d’imagerie performantes telles que la TDM et l’IRM aident Ă  confirmer le diagnostic et Ă  localiser la lĂ©sion en vue d’une prise en charge prĂ©coce et adĂ©quate. Nousrapportons un cas de diverticule urĂ©tralsurvenu chez une jeune femme de 40 ansrĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par une rĂ©tention aiguĂ« d’urine dans le but de dĂ©crire le rĂŽle clĂ© de l’imagerie en coupes dans le diagnostic prĂ©coce de cette affection. Mots-clĂ©s : Diverticule urĂ©tral, IRM pelvis, rĂ©tention d’urine

    Determinants of Plasmodium falciparum multiplicity of infection and genetic diversity in Burkina Faso.

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    Investigating malaria transmission dynamics is essential to inform policy decision making. Whether multiplicity of infection (MOI) dynamic from individual infections could be a reliable malaria metric in high transmission settings with marked variation in seasons of malaria transmission has been poorly assessed. This study aimed at investigating factors driving Plasmodium falciparum MOI and genetic diversity in a hyperendemic area of Burkina Faso.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage in symptomatic patients shows significant association with genetically diverse infections, anaemia, and asexual stage density

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    International audienceAbstract Background Multi-genotype malaria infections are frequent in endemic area, and people commonly harbour several genetically distinct Plasmodium falciparum variants. The influence of genetic multiplicity and whether some specific genetic variants are more or less likely to invest into gametocyte production is not clearly understood. This study explored host and parasite-related risk factors for gametocyte carriage, and the extent to which some specific P. falciparum genetic variants are associated with gametocyte carriage. Methods Gametocytes and asexual forms were detected by light microscopy on thick smears collected between 2010 and 2012 in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Merozoite surface protein 1 and 2 were genotyped by nested PCR on clinical samples. Associations between gametocyte carriage and factors, including multiplicity of infection, parasite density, patient age, gender, haemoglobin (Hb) level, and body temperature were assessed. The relationship between the presence of a particular msp1 and msp2 genetic variants and gametocyte carriage was also explored. Results Of the 724 samples positive to P. falciparum and successfully genotyped, gametocytes were found in 48 samples (6.63%). There was no effect of patient gender, age and body temperature on gametocyte carriage. However, the probability of gametocyte carriage significantly increased with increasing values of multiplicity of infection (MOI). Furthermore, there was a negative association between parasite density and gametocyte carriage. MOI decreased with parasite density in gametocyte-negative patients, but increased in gametocyte carriers. The probability of gametocyte carriage decreased with Hb level. Finally, the genetic composition of the infection influenced gametocyte carriage. In particular, the presence of RO33 increased the odds of developing gametocytes by 2 while the other allelic families K1, MAD20, FC27, and 3D7 had no significant impact on the occurrence of gametocytes in infected patients. Conclusion This study provides insight into potential factors influencing gametocyte production in symptomatic patients. The findings contribute to enhance understanding of risk factors associated with gametocyte carriage in humans. Trial registration NCT01232530

    Polymorphisme de Plasmodium falciparum et mutations des gÚnes de résistance Pfcrt et Pfmdr1 dans la zone de Nanoro, Burkina Faso

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    International audienceIntroduction: from a genetic point of view P. falciparum is extremely polymorphic. There is a variety of parasite strains infesting individuals living in malaria endemic areas. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasites and Pfcrt and Pfmdr1 gene mutations in Nanoro area, Burkina Faso.Methods: blood samples from plasmodium carriers residing in the Nanoro Health District were genotyped using nested PCR. Parasite gene mutations associated with resistance to antimalarial drugs were detected by PCR-RFLP.Results: samples of 672 patients were successfully genotyped. No msp1 and msp2 allelic families exhibited an increase in developing mutations in resistance genes. However, mutant strains of these genes were present at greater levels in monoclonal infections than in multi-clonal infections.Conclusion: this study provides an overview of the relationship between polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasites and mutations in resistance genes. These data will undoubtedly contribute to improving knowledge of the parasiteÂŽs biology and its mechanisms of resistance to antimalarial drugs.Introduction: sur le plan gĂ©nĂ©tique, Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) est une espĂšce extrĂȘmement polymorphe. Il existe une diversitĂ© de souches parasitaires qui infestent les individus vivant en zone dÂŽendĂ©mie palustre. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©tudier la relation entre le polymorphisme de P. falciparum et les mutations au niveau des gĂšnes Pfcrt et Pfmdr1 dans la zone de Nanoro au Burkina Faso.MĂ©thodes: les Ă©chantillons sanguins de porteurs de plasmodiums rĂ©sidant dans le district sanitaire de Nanoro ont fait lÂŽobjet dÂŽun gĂ©notypage par PCR nichĂ©e. Les mutations au niveau des gĂšnes de rĂ©sistance du parasite aux antipaludiques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©es par la technique PCR-RFLP.RĂ©sultats: les Ă©chantillons de 672 patients ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©notypĂ©s avec succĂšs. Aucune famille allĂ©lique des gĂšnes msp1 et msp2 nÂŽavaient une susceptibilitĂ© accrue Ă  dĂ©velopper des mutations au niveau des gĂšnes de rĂ©sistance. Par contre, les souches mutantes de ces gĂšnes Ă©taient significativement plus importantes dans les infections monoclonales que dans les infections multi clonales.Conclusion: cette Ă©tude fournit un aperçu global de la relation entre le polymorphisme de P. falciparum et les mutations au niveau des gĂšnes de rĂ©sistance. Ces donnĂ©es contribueront sans doute Ă  amĂ©liorer les connaissances sur la biologie du parasite et de ses mĂ©canismes de rĂ©sistance aux antipaludique

    Baseline malarial and nutritional profile of children under seasonal malaria chemoprevention coverage in the health district of Nanoro, Burkina Faso

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    Seasonal Malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is one of the large-scale life-saving malaria interventions initially recommended for the Sahel subregion, including Burkina Faso and recently extended to other parts of Africa. Initially, SMC was restricted to children 3 to 59 months old, but an extension to older children in some locations was recently recommended. Further characterization of SMC population profile beyond age criterion is necessary for understanding factors that could negatively impact the effectiveness of the intervention and to define complementary measures that could enhance its impact. Children were assessed through a cross-sectional survey during the first month of the 2020 SMC campaign (July-August 2020) as part of the SMC-NUT project in the health district of Nanoro. Parameters such as body temperature, weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) were assessed. In addition, blood sample was collected for malaria diagnosis by rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) and microscopy, and for haemoglobin measurement. A total of 1059 children were enrolled. RDT positivity rate (RPR) was 22.2%, while microscopy positivity rate (MPR) was 10.4%, with parasitaemia levels ranging from 40 to 70480/ÎŒL. RPR and MPR increased as patient age increased. Wasting was observed in 7.25% of children under SMC coverage while the prevalence of stunting and underweight was 48.79% and 23.38%, respectively. As the age of the children increased, an improvement in their nutritional status was observed. Finally, undernourished children had higher parasite densities than children with adequate nutritional status. In the health district of Nanoro, children who received Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) were mostly undernourished during the period of SMC delivery, suggesting the need for combining the SMC with synergistic interventions against malnutrition to achieve best impact

    Molecular Epidemiology of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Burkina Faso

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the distribution of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) genotypes in childbearing age women, teenage girls, HIV-infected women, women with high-grade precancerous lesions and cervical cancer, sex workers, men, and otolaryngology tumor cases in Burkina Faso. This descriptive cross-sectional study with several target groups, consisted of 2386 samples from Burkina Faso. HR-HPV genotypes were characterized using real-time multiplex PCR. The prevalence of HR-HPV ranged from 15.63 to 72.31% depending on the target population and the nature of the samples. The most predominant genotypes in descending order were HPV-56, HPV-52, HPV-39, HPV-59, HPV-51, HPV-35, HPV-31, HPV-18, HPV-68, HPV-16, HPV-66, HPV-58, HPV-45, and HPV-33. The results of the present study show a wide variation in the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes in Burkina Faso. Genotypes 16 and 18 covered by HPV vaccines only accounted for 32.23% of HR-HPV cases