78 research outputs found
Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun artikkelivĂ€itöskirjat 2003â2020
Since 2003 officers and civilians has been able to defend their doctorate in military sciences from the Finnish National Defense University. This article analyses the PhD thesis from 2003 to 2020. During this period, 55 Doctors of Military Sciences have graduated. The monograph format has been used 45 times and the article-compilation format 10 times. Vast majority of dissertations are written in Finnish. This article also takes look and analyses the references of dissertations and quality of the published articles in article-compilation PhD thesis. Finally, the article presents several development suggestions that could improve the internationality, effectiveness, and quality of PhD dissertations in Finnish National Defence Universit
HenkiloÌstoÌn suorituskyvyn mittaaminen turvallisuussektorilla
This research focuses on the employeeâs performance measurement systems in the Finnish Defense Forces, the Finnish Police Forces and the Finnish Border Guard. It identifies what performance measuring means in the Finnish security organizations, how it is measured, how it is reflecting on theory and how it should be improved according to theory and lessons learned from other security organisations.
e main objective is to identify the theory behind employeeâs performance systems used by the Finnish security organisations. e main research questions are: 1) What is individual performance? 2) How to measure individual performance? 3) What kind of individual performance measurement systems used by the Finnish security organisations? 4) What are the diferences in individual performance measurement systems used by the Finnish security organisations
is research follows both a theoretical and empirical approach. e rst part outlines an overview of the literature concerning the organizational and individual measurement systems of performance. e second part presents the ndings of the empirical research based on organisational documents of qualified performance measuring systems. is study uses data source triangulation and follows a systematic review analysis.
The performance measuring systems used by the Finnish security organisations are shaped by the basic idea of unifying the elements of measurement and leadership. All performance measurement systems are quite similar to each other. e most important variations exist between the di erent guidelines used by the organizations. e Police Forces were only one using two di erent scorecards for evaluating their o cers. e Defence Forces and the Border Guard were using the same scorecard for every o cer. e Defence Forces is not measuring its o cerâs leadership skills. e Police Forces is doing that for the leader level o cers and the Border Guard for all o cers who have subordinates
Artikkeli jakaantuu kahteen osaan. EnsimmÀisessÀ osassa kÀsitellÀÀn tykistön ja kranaatinheittimistön ampumatarvikkeiden kehittymistÀ 1800-luvun lopulta aina nykypÀivÀÀn asti. Painopiste kÀsittelyssÀ on nykyaikaisissa erikoisampumatarvikkeissa. Artikkelin toisessa osassa verrataan tykistön ja kranaatinheittimistön tuliyksiköiden tulentehon eroa perinteinen sirpalekranaatti vs. lentorataa korjaava erikoisammus. TykistöllÀ tuliyksikköinÀ simulaatiossa on patteristo, patteri, tulijaos ja yksittÀinen tykki (18,6,3 ja 1 tykkiÀ). KranaatinheittimistöllÀ komppania, joukkue ja yksittÀinen heitin (9,3 ja 1 kranaatinheitintÀ). Tulentehoa simuloidaan vihollisen moottoroitua jalkavÀkijoukkuetta vastaan. Joukkue on varustettu kolmella rynnÀkkövaunulla ja jalkavÀen vahvuus on 24 miestÀ.
Simulaatioiden perusteella kranaatinheittimistön 15 lentorataa korjaavaa erikoisammusta tuottaa saman tulentehon kuin 45 sirpalekranaattia. Joissakin simuloiduissa tapauksissa jopa viisi kranaatinheittimistön erikoisammusta pystyy aiheuttamaan vihollisen moottoroidulle jalkavÀkijoukkueelle lamauttavat tappiot. Tykistön simulaatioissa 15 lentorataa korjaavaa erikoisammusta tuotti saman tulentehon kuin 30 sirpalekranaattia. Simulaatioiden tulokset osoittivat, ettÀ kÀytettÀessÀ lentorataa korjaavia erikoisammuksia voidaan ammuttavaa ampumatarvikemÀÀrÀÀ pienentÀÀ.
Simulaation tulokset antavat ideoita epÀsuorantulen jÀrjestelyistÀ nykyaikaisella taistelukentÀllÀ. Artikkeli on myös esimerkki teknisen ja taktisen nÀkökulman yhdistÀmisest
Significant effects of Pgi genotype and body reserves on lifespan in the Glanville fritillary butterfly
Individuals with a particular variant of the gene phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi ) have been shown to have superior dispersal capacity and fecundity in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia), raising questions about the mechanisms that maintain polymorphism in this gene in the field. Here, we investigate how variation in the Pgi genotype affects female and male life history under controlled conditions. The most striking effect is the longer lifespan of genotypes with high dispersal capacity, especially in nonreproducing females. Butterflies use body reserves for somatic maintenance and reproduction, but different resources (in thorax versus abdomen) are used under dissimilar conditions, with some interactions with the Pgi genotype. These results indicate life-history trade-offs that involve resource allocation and genotype!environment interactions, and these trade-offs are likely to contribute to the maintenance of Pgi polymorphism in the natural populations.Non Peer reviewe
Tykistön ja kranaatinheittimistön erikoisampumatarvikkeet
Johdannon mukaan "TÀssÀ artikkelissa tarkastellaan kranaatinheittimistön ja tykistön erikoisampumatarvikkeita ja niiden ominaisuuksia ja kehitysnÀkymiÀ. Yksinkertaisella simuloinnilla havainnollistetaan myös ampumatarvikkeiden tulentehoa. LisÀksi pyritÀÀn herÀttÀmÀÀn ajatuksia, jotka voivat johtaa taistelutekniikan ja taktiikan kehittÀmiseen." Kirjoittajien mukaan epÀsuoran tulen jÀrjestelmiÀ ovat kranaatinheittimistö, tykistö, raketinheittimistö ja tykistöraketit. LisÀksi todetaan, ettÀ maavoimien iskukykytutkimuksessa todettiin tykistön erikoisampumatarvikkeiden olevan kustannustehokkaita. TÀmÀn johdosta artikkelissa kÀsitellÀÀn "jotakin sellaisia kranaatinheittimistön ja tykistön erikoisampumatarvikkeita, jotka antavat jalkavÀelle yhÀ paremmat mahdollisuudet suoriutua tehtÀvistÀÀn". AsejÀrjestelmien esittelyn jÀlkeen seuraavissa luvuissa tarkastellaan kranaatinheittimistön ja tykistön kehittymistÀ, niiden erikoisampumatarvikkeita sekÀ pyrkimyksiÀ tarkkuuden parantamiseen kantaman kasvattamiseen. Viides luku kÀsittelee kuorma-ammusten vaikutusta jalkavÀkijoukkueeseen. Luvussa tarkastellaan kranaatinheittimistön ja tykistön kuorma-ammuksia ominaisuuksia. Vaikutusta konkretisoidaan hyödyntÀmÀllÀ simulaatio-ohjelmaa. Yhteenvedossa muun muassa todetaan, ettÀ " Esimerkiksi kuorma-ammusten kÀyttö mahdollistaa sekÀ tykistön ettÀ kranaatinheittimistön kÀyttöperiaatteiden uudelleen pohtimisen."At the end of the book is a summary of the article in English
Yhteishankinnat ja hankintatoimen kehittaÌminen suomen turvallisuusorganisaatioissa
The security budgets in general have been declining and the recent era of austerity together with the Ukraine and migration crises has not yet changed this trend. Security organizations are facing situations where purchasing cooperation might be the solution for getting more performance out of decreasing budgets. In the literature review the motives and enablers for successful cooperation are reviewed, such as reduction of transaction costs and increased professionalism. The different organizational roles for cooperation are discussed following Schotanus and Telgen (2007).
Empirical data is collected from the organizations engaging in purchasing cooperation through twelve interviews from Defence Forces, Police and Frontier Guard. The main benefits were found to include shared responsibilities in purchasing process that saves individual organization resources, interoperability between organizations and cost savings. The main organizational roles that were identified: âhitchhikingâ, âbus ridesâ, âcarpoolingâ, âF1-teamâ and âpolitical F1-teamâ. Cooperation opportunities need to be identified early on and for this purpose, ministry of the interior has a committee where Police and Border Guard were discussing material projects and purchasing cooperation. At the end of the article ways to enhance cooperation are suggested
Life-history of the Glanville fritillary butterfly in fragmented versus continuous landscapes
Habitat loss and fragmentation threaten the long-term viability of innumerable species of plants and animals. At the same time, habitat fragmentation may impose strong natural selection and lead to evolution of life histories with possibleconsequences for demographic dynamics. The Baltic populations of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) inhabit regions with highly fragmented habitat (networks of small dry meadows) as well as regions with extensive continuous habitat (calcareous alvar grasslands). Here, we report the results of common garden studies on butterflies originating from two highly fragmented landscapes (FL) in Finland and Sweden and from two continuous landscapes (CL) in Sweden andEstonia, conducted in a large outdoor cage (32 by 26 m) and in the laboratory. We investigated a comprehensive set of 51 life-history traits, including measures of larval growth and development, flight performance, and adult reproductive behavior. Seventeen of the 51 traits showed a significant difference between fragmented versus CL. Most notably, the growth rate of postdiapause larvae and several measures of flight capacity, including flight metabolic rate, were higher in butterflies from fragmented than CL. Females from CL had shorter intervals between consecutive egg clutches and somewhat higher life-time egg production,but shorter longevity, than females from FL. These results are likely to reflect theconstant opportunities for oviposition in females living in continuous habitats, while the more dispersive females from FL allocate more resources to dispersal capacity at the cost of egg maturation rate. This study supports theoretical predictions about small population sizes and high rate of population turnover in fragmented habitats selecting for increased rate of dispersal, but the results also indicate that many other life-history traits apart from dispersal are affected by the degree of habitat fragmentation.Peer reviewe
Minor Changes in the Hemagglutinin of Influenza A(H1N1)2009 Virus Alter Its Antigenic Properties
BACKGROUND: The influenza A(H1N1)2009 virus has been the dominant type of influenza A virus in Finland during the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 epidemic seasons. We analyzed the antigenic characteristics of several influenza A(H1N1)2009 viruses isolated during the two influenza seasons by analyzing the amino acid sequences of the hemagglutinin (HA), modeling the amino acid changes in the HA structure and measuring antibody responses induced by natural infection or influenza vaccination. METHODS/RESULTS: Based on the HA sequences of influenza A(H1N1)2009 viruses we selected 13 different strains for antigenic characterization. The analysis included the vaccine virus, A/California/07/2009 and multiple California-like isolates from 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 epidemic seasons. These viruses had two to five amino acid changes in their HA1 molecule. The mutation(s) were located in antigenic sites Sa, Ca1, Ca2 and Cb region. Analysis of the antibody levels by hemagglutination inhibition test (HI) indicated that vaccinated individuals and people who had experienced a natural influenza A(H1N1)2009 virus infection showed good immune responses against the vaccine virus and most of the wild-type viruses. However, one to two amino acid changes in the antigenic site Sa dramatically affected the ability of antibodies to recognize these viruses. In contrast, the tested viruses were indistinguishable in regard to antibody recognition by the sera from elderly individuals who had been exposed to the Spanish influenza or its descendant viruses during the early 20(th) century. CONCLUSIONS: According to our results, one to two amino acid changes (N125D and/or N156K) in the major antigenic sites of the hemagglutinin of influenza A(H1N1)2009 virus may lead to significant reduction in the ability of patient and vaccine sera to recognize A(H1N1)2009 viruses
Epidemiology of laboratory-confirmed influenza among kidney transplant recipients compared to the general population-A nationwide cohort study
Seasonal influenza causes morbidity and mortality after organ transplantation. We quantified the detection of laboratory-confirmed influenza among kidney transplant recipients compared to the general population in a nationwide cohort. All laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza and hospitalizations due to influenza among all kidney transplant recipients in our country between 1995 and 2017 were captured with database linkage from statutory national registries. Data from the general population of Finland, population 5.5 million, were used for comparisons. Annual incidences of influenza and hospitalizations due to influenza, and standardized incidence ratios (SIR) were calculated. Altogether 3904 kidney transplant recipients with a total follow-up of 37 175 patient-years were included. Incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza was 9.0 per 1000 patient years in 2003-2019, and 18.0 per 1000 patient years during 2015-2019. The risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza was significantly higher among kidney transplant recipients compared to the general population (SIR 5.1, 95% CI 4.5-5.7). SIR for hospitalization due to influenza was 4.4 (95% CI 3.4-4.7). Mortality of the hospitalized patients was 9%, and 5% of the patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza. Detection of laboratory-confirmed influenza is increased fivefold and risk of hospitalization due to influenza more than fourfold among kidney transplant recipients compared to the general population.Peer reviewe
Long-lasting heterologous antibody responses after sequential vaccination with A/Indonesia/5/2005 and A/Vietnam/1203/2004 pre-pandemic influenza A(H5N1) virus vaccines
Background: Avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses have caused sporadic infections in humans and thus they pose a significant global health threat. Among symptomatic patients the case fatality rate has been ca. 50%. H5N1 viruses exist in multiple clades and subclades and several candidate vaccines have been developed to prevent A(H5N1) infection as a principal measure for preventing the disease.Methods: Serum antibodies against various influenza A(H5N1) Glade viruses were measured in adults by ELISA-based microneutralization and haemagglutination inhibition tests before and after vaccination with two different A(H5N1) vaccines in 2009 and 2011.Results: Two doses of AS03-adjuvanted A/Indonesia/5/2005 vaccine induced good homologous but poor heterologous neutralizing antibody responses against different Glade viruses. However, non-adjuvanted A/Vietnam/1203/2004 booster vaccination in 2011 induced very strong and long-lasting homologous and heterologous antibody responses while homologous response remained weak in naive subjects.Conclusions: Sequential vaccination with two different A(H5N1) pre-pandemic vaccines induced long-lasting high level cross-Glade immunity against influenza A(H5N1) strains, thus supporting a prime-boost vaccination strategy in pandemic preparedness plans. </div
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