334 research outputs found

    Clinical implications of nutritional interventions reducing calories, a systematic scoping review

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    Background &amp; aims: Caloric restriction (CR) constitutes a dietary approach of (temporarily) reducing calorie intake thereby inducing resilience and resistance mechanisms and promoting health. While CR's feasibility and safety have been proven in human trials, its full benefits and translation to different study populations warrants further exploration. Methods: We here conducted a systematic scoping review adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Results: Our search resulted in 3745 individual records, of which 40 were included. We showed that all studies consistently demonstrated the feasibility and safety of CR-like interventions. The specific effects of nutritional preconditioning vary, further underscoring the need for carefully crafted strategies, according to the intended effect, patient population, and logistical limitations. Conclusions: CR-like interventions (long-term CR or short-term fasting) are feasible in a broad range of patient populations. Whether it has clinical benefit, f.i. reducing treatment-induced side effects and enhancing therapy efficacy, has to be investigated further.</p

    Right posterior segment graft for living donor liver transplantation: A systematic review

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    The clinical significance of the right posterior segment (RPS) graft in living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is unknown because of its limited use and technical concerns. This study aimed to review published studies investigating outcomes of RPS grafts. The systematic literature search was conducted to retrieve data from Embase, Medline Ovid, Web of Science, Cochrane CENTRAL, and Google Scholar. Among the 388 articles, six retrospective studies from Asian countries were included. The overall incidences of major and minor complications after RPS graft procurement were 5.6% and 34.6%, respectively and no donor deaths were reported. RPS graft recipients had the following postoperative complications: overall mortality rate, 14.5%; bile leakage, 8.7%, biliary stenosis, 18.8%, hepatic artery thrombosis, 8.7%, and liver re-transplantation, 2.9%. The RPS graft can be considered as an option for a living liver graft respecting donor safety under strict selection criteria and surgical strategy. The precise evaluation and understanding of anatomical variations and volumetric a

    Mannan-binding lectin is involved in the protection against renal ischemia/ reperfusion injury by dietary restriction

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    Preoperative fasting and dietary restriction offer robust protection against renal ischemia/ reperfusion injury (I/RI) in mice.We recently showed that Mannan-binding lectin (MBL), the initiator of the lectin pathway of complement activation, plays a pivotal role in renal I/RI. Based on these findings, we investigated the effect of short-term DR (30% reduction of total food intake) or three days of water only fasting on MBL in 10-12 weeks old male C57/Bl6 mice. Both dietary regimens significantly reduce the circulating levels of MBL as well as its mRNA expression in liver, the sole production site of MBL. Reconstitution of MBL abolished the protection afforded by dietary restriction, whereas in the fasting group the protection persisted. These data show that modulation of MBL is involved in the protection against renal I/RI induced by dietary restriction, and suggest that the mechanisms of protection induced by dietary restriction and fasting may be different. Copyright

    Single-shot, high-dose rabbit ATG for rejection prophylaxis after kidney transplantation

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    We studied the effects of a single intravenous injection of rabbit ATG (RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands) in a dose of 8 mg/kg body weight administered 6 h after kidney transplantation on graft survival, rejection incidence, T-cell subsets, and cost-effectiveness. A total of 58 (37 male/21 female) consecutive renal allograft recipients were entered in this trial. Treatment results were compared with 56 patients treated with intravenous cyclosporin (CyA). In all patients concomitant medication consisted of steroids and azathioprine, followed by oral CyA. Following rabbit ATG, T cells (WT31) quickly disappeared from the peripheral blood and a return to greater than 100/mm3 was observed at a median of 7 (range 3–21) days. Graft survival was the same in both groups, as was the incidence of primary nonfunction. The rate of acute rejection was significantly lower in the rabbit ATG-treated patients (12 % vs 50%). We conclude that a single shot of rabbit ATG is an attractive, easy, and cost-effective induction scheme with a low incidence of delayed graft function and acute rejection episodes. A relatively high incidence of vascular thrombosis of the graft, however, warrants further study before this treatment regimen can be generally applied

    An international multicentre evaluation of treatment strategies for combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Management of combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma (cHCC-CCA) is not well-defined. Therefore, we evaluated the management of cHCC-CCA using an online hospital-wide multicentre survey sent to expert centres. METHODS: A survey was sent to members of the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA) and the International Cholangiocarcinoma Research Network (ICRN), in July 2021. To capture the respondents\u27 contemporary decision-making process, a hypothetical case study with different tumour size and number combinations was embedded. RESULTS: Of 155 surveys obtained, 87 (56%) were completed in full and included for analysis. Respondents represented Europe (68%), North America (20%), Asia (11%), and South America (1%) and included surgeons (46%), oncologists (29%), and hepatologists/gastroenterologists (25%). Two-thirds of the respondents included at least one new patient with cHCC-CCA per year. Liver resection was reported as the most likely treatment for a single cHCC-CCA lesion of 2.0-6.0 cm (range: 73-93%) and for two lesions, one up to 6 cm and a second well-defined lesion of 2.0 cm (range: 60-66%). Nonetheless, marked interdisciplinary differences were noted. Surgeons mainly adhered to resection if technically feasible, whereas up to half of the hepatologists/gastroenterologists and oncologists switched to alternative treatment options with increasing tumour burden. Fifty-one (59%) clinicians considered liver transplantation as an option for patients with cHCC-CCA, with the Milan criteria defining the upper limit of inclusion. Overall, well-defined cHCC-CCA treatment policies were lacking and management was most often dependent on local expertise. CONCLUSIONS: Liver resection is considered the first-line treatment of cHCC-CCA, with many clinicians supporting liver transplantation within limits. Marked interdisciplinary differences were reported, depending on local expertise. These findings stress the need for a well-defined multicentre prospective trial comparing treatments, including liver transplantation, to optimise the therapeutic management of cHCC-CCA. IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS: Because the treatment of combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma (cHCC-CCA), a rare form of liver cancer, is currently not well-defined, we evaluated the contemporary treatment of this rare tumour type through an online survey sent to expert centres around the world. Based on the responses from 87 clinicians (46% surgeons, 29% oncologists, 25% hepatologists/gastroenterologists), representing four continents and 25 different countries, we found that liver resection is considered the first-line treatment of cHCC-CCA, with many clinicians supporting liver transplantation within limits. Nonetheless, marked differences in treatment decisions were reported among the different specialties (surgeo

    De Behoefte aan Psychosociale Steun bij Deelnemers aan het Nederlandse Cross-over Transplantatie Programma

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    Final technical report of the project.The Dutch kidney exchange donation program started in January 2004. A literature review has shown that several factors of the exchange program could influence the psychological well being of participants, such as the loss of the possibility of a “medical excuse” for unwilling donors and the issue of anonymity. However, these factors have not been the subject of empirical study yet. We therefore studied these factors to determine whether additional psychosocial support is necessary for donors and recipients in the Dutch kidney exchange program. We used structured interviews for all 48 donors and recipients that had undergone exchange donation/ transplantation in 2004. A psychologist interviewed the participants before and 3 months after transplantation. We included a comparison group of 48 donors and recipients participating in the regular living kidney donation program. Donors did not experience additional pressure to donate due to the exchange donation. Most participants preferred anonymity between the couples. We found few needs for additional emotional support. In this respect the exchange group did not differ from the comparison group. We conclude that the psychosocial support offered to exchange couples can be comparable to the support normally offered to participants in the regular living kidney donation program

    Living Kidney Donation: Psychological and Ethical Aspects

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    DOELSTELLING Nierdonatie bij leven levert medisch en maatschappelijk gezien veel voordelen op, maar toch willen of kunnen niet alle nierpatiënten op de wachtlijst en/of hun naasten zich opgeven voor het nierdonatie bij leven programma. De doelstelling van het project ‘Nierdonatie bij leven: psychologische en ethische aspecten’ is het verkrijgen van meer inzicht in de kennis en acceptatie van nierdonatie bij leven. Het gaat hierbij om kennis en acceptatie onder proefpersonen die daadwerkelijk in aanmerking komen voor nierdonatie/ transplantatie bij leven, dat wil zeggen (1) patiënten met eindfase nierfalen op de wachtlijst voor een niertransplantatie en (2) de mensen uit hun omgeving; de potentiële donoren. Het benaderen van deze groepen is de strategie om uit te vinden of, en onder welke voorwaarden, uitbreiding van het nierdonatie bij leven programma praktisch haalbaar en ethisch verdedigbaar is. VRAAGSTELLINGEN Het project omvat twee vraagstellingen. De eerste vraagstelling is: wat zijn de psychologische barrières voor nierdonatie bij leven voor patiënten op de wachtlijst, en de mensen uit hun omgeving? De tweede vraagstelling luidt: wat zijn de morele argumenten om de patiënt en de mensen uit de omgeving van de patiënt (de potentiële donoren) al dan niet actief te benaderen over nierdonatie bij leven? In andere woorden; in hoeverre zijn interventies ethisch verdedigbaar? OPZET PATIËNTEN EN (POTENTIËLE) DONOREN Wij hebben allereerst de groep patiënten die op de wachtlijst voor niertransplantatie staat benaderd (regio Erasmus MC). Aan de patiënt vragen wij toestemming om ook de potentiële donoren uit zijn of haar omgeving te benaderen. Indien beiden hiermee instemmen, vindt het interview met deze potentiële donor plaats. Voor deze studie hebben we tevens een controlegroep benaderd. In de controlegroep zitten patiënten en donoren die nog geen familietransplantatie hebben ondergaan, maar die wel al hebben besloten door te gaan met de donatie bij leven procedure en dit met hun artsen hebben overlegd. INTERVIEW Alle deelnemers aan ons onderzoek zijn geïnterviewd middels een semi-gestructureerd interview. Voorafgaand onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat een aantal factoren een rol kan spelen bij het niet kunnen of willen ondergaan van nierdonatie bij leven. Deze factoren komen terug in de interviews: · Demografische en medische variabelen · Kennis en informatie · Standpunten en argumenten ten aanzien van nierdonatie bij leven, · Communicatie met de arts en de omgeving · Risicoperceptie · Verwachtingen ten aanzien van de gevolgen voor de persoonlijke relatie tussen donor en ontvanger. ETHISCHE ANALYSE De resultaten van de empirische gedeelte van deze studie dienen als basis voor de ethische analyse. Argumenten zoals gevonden in het empirische gedeelte van de studie worden getoetst op houdbaarheid met behulp van ethische theorieën over de structuur van argumenten.,Wij hebben met name gebruik gemaakt van de theorien zoals die geformuleerd zijn door Toulmin, Rawls en Nagel. BEREIKTE RESULTATEN/NIEUWE INZICHTEN De bereidheid om een nier van iemand in de naaste omgeving te accepteren is zeer hoog voor de patiënten in de onderzoeksgroep: slecht 19% is negatief over donatie bij leven. Het is dus niet zo dat de patiënt in het algemeen niet zou willen. Voor een aantal variabelen vonden we verschillen tussen de onderzoeksgroep en de controlegroep. Een opvallende uitkomst is dat in vrijwel àlle gevallen in de controle groep de communicatie over de donatie gestart wordt vanuit de donor: het al dan niet aangeboden krijgen van een nier lijkt bepalend voor het doorgaan van de (levende donor) transplantatie. Patiënten vinden het erg moeilijk om uit zichzelf over het onderwerp te beginnen. Ethische analyse laat zien dat de argumenten en bezwaren tegen nierdonatie bij leven zoals gevonden in de onderzoeksgroep weerlegbaar zijn. Dit gegeven draagt bij aan de rechtvaardiging van interventies in de situatie van paPURPOSE Living kidney donation offers many advantages, both from a medical and societal point of view. However, there is a group of patients that cannot or will not make use of the living kidney donation program. The purpose of the study ‘Living Kidney donation: psychological and ethical aspects’ is to gain insight into the knowledge and acceptance of this form of kidney transplantation. The group we investigate is the group that actually is eligible for living kidney donation / transplantation, namely (1) patients with end stage renal disease on the transplantation waiting list and (2) the persons in their close environment, the potential donors. Investigating these groups is the strategy to find out if, and under what circumstances, expansion of the living kidney donation program is feasible and ethically acceptable. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The project comprises two research questions. The first research question is: what are the psychological barriers for living kidney donation for the patients and the people in their close environment? The second research question is: what are the moral arguments to deal or actively or passively with the persons in the close environment of the patients who are the potential donors? In other words, to what extent are interventions morally acceptable? DESIGN PATIENTS We have approached the group of patients on the waiting list for a kidney transplant (region of the Erasmus University Medical Center). We asked the patients for permission to approach individuals in their personal environment, the potential donors. If both (patient and relative of patient) agreed on this, we interviewed these potential donors as well. We also included a control group in our study. This group consists of patients and their actual donors who have planned to undergo living kidney donation/transplantation in the near future and had already made arrangements together with their clinicians. INTERVIEW All participants in our study were interviewed by means of a semi-structured interview. Former research has shown various variables that influence willingness to undergo living kidney donation / transplantation. These variables are included in the interview: · Sociodemographic and medical variables · Knowledge and information · Acceptance of, and argument about of living kidney donation · Communication with the specialist and the personal environment · Risk perception · Expectations regarding the personal relationship between patient and donor. ETHICAL ANALYSIS Ethical analysis is based on the results of the empirical part of the study. Reasoning as found in the empirical part of the study is tested for ethical justification, using ethical theory on the structure of argumentation especially the theories as formulated by Toulmin, Rawls and Nagel. BEREIKTE RESULTATEN/NIEUWE INZICHTEN The willingness to accept the offer of a living kidney donor is very high for patients in the group of interest: only 19% has a negative attitude towards ling donation. Thus, it is not a matter of unwillingness of the patients to accept a living kidney donor. We found a number of differences between the group of interest and the control group. A notable finding is that the communication about kidney donation in the control group is almost always initiated by the donor : being offered a kidney (or not) seems to be decisive for either or not pursuing living kidney donation. Patients find it very difficult to bring up the topic them selves. Ethical analysis shows that the arguments or objections against living kidney donation as raised by the group of interest can be refuted. This adds to the moral acceptability of interventions in the situation of patients on the waiting list for transplantation who do not enter the living kidney donation program initially

    Cell-free microRNAs as early predictors of graft viability during ex vivo normothermic machine perfusion of human donor livers

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    Background Cell-free microRNAs (miRs) have emerged as early and sensitive biomarkers for tissue injury and function. This study aimed to investigate whether the release of hepatocyte-derived microRNAs (HDmiRs) and cholangiocyte-derived miRs (CDmiRs) correlates with hepato-cholangiocellular injury and function during oxygenated, normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) of human liver grafts. Methods Donor livers (n = 12), declined for transplantation, were subjected to oxygenated NMP (6 hours) after a period of static cold storage (median 544 minutes (IQR 421-674)). Perfusate and bile samples were analyzed by qRT-PCR for HDmiR-122 and CDmiR-222. Spearman correlations were performed between miR levels and currently available indicators and classic markers. Results Both HDmiR-122 and CDmiR-222 levels in perfusate at 30 minutes of NMP strongly correlated with hepatocyte injury (peak perfusate AST) and cholangiocyte injury (peak biliary LDH). In bile, only CDmiR-222 correlated with these injury markers. For hepato-cholangiocellular function, both miRs in perfusate correlated with total bilirubin, while HDmiR-122 (in perfusate) and CDmiR-222 (in bile) correlated with bicarbonate secretion. Both the relative ratio of HDmiR-122/CDmiR-222 and AST in perfusate at 30 minutes significantly correlated with cumulative bile production, but only the relative ratio was predictive of histopathological injury after 6 hours NMP. Conclusion Early levels of HDmiR-122 and CDmiR-222, in perfusate and/or bile, are predictive of excretory functions and hepato-cholangiocellular injury after 6 hours NMP. These miRs may represent new biomarkers for graft viability and function during machine perfusion

    A comparative study of software programmes for cross-sectional skeletal muscle and adipose tissue measurements on abdominal computed tomography scans of rectal cancer patients

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    __Background:__ The association between body composition (e.g. sarcopenia or visceral obesity) and treatment outcomes, such as survival, using single-slice computed tomography (CT)-based measurements has recently been studied in various patient groups. These studies have been conducted with different software programmes, each with their specific characteristics, of which the inter-observer, intra-observer, and inter-software correlation are unknown. Therefore, a comparative study was performed. __Methods:__ Fifty abdominal CT scans were randomly selected from 50 different patients and independently assessed by two observers. Cross-sectional muscle area (CSMA, i.e. rectus abdominis, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, paraspinal muscles, and the psoas muscle), visceral adipose tissue area (VAT), and subcutaneous adipose tissue area (SAT) were segmented by using standard Hounsfield unit ranges and computed for regions of interest. The inter-software, intra-observer, and inter-observer agreement for CSMA, VAT, and SAT measurements using FatSeg, OsiriX, ImageJ, and sliceOmatic were calculated using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Bland-Altman analyses. Cohen's κ was calculated for the agreement of sarcopenia and visceral obesity assessment. The Jaccard similarity coefficient was used to compare the similarity and diversity of measurements. __Results:__ Bland-Altman analyses and ICC indicated that the CSMA, VAT, and SAT measurements between the different software programmes were highly comparable (ICC 0.979-1.000, P<0.001). All programmes adequately distinguished between the presence or absence of sarcopenia (κ=0.88-0.96 for one observer and all κ=1.00 for all comparisons of the other observer) and visceral obesity (all κ=1.00). Furthermore, excellent intra-observer (ICC 0.999-1.000, P<0.001) and inter-observer (ICC 0.998-0.999, P< 0.001) agreement for all software programmes were found. Accordingly, excellent Jaccard similarity coefficients were found for all comparisons (mean≥0.964). __Conclusions:__ FatSeg, OsiriX, ImageJ, and sliceOmatic showed an excellent agreement for CSMA, VAT, and SAT measurements on abdominal CT scans. Furthermore, excellent inter-observer and intra-observer agreement were achieved. Therefore, results of studies using these different software programmes can reliably be compared